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Facade of Love

Chapter 472
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"Hey... Idris, you... Mm!" His kiss hitalmost like a storm, completely silencing the words | was about to say.

In the face of a man's absolute strength, | did not even get a chance to talk.

The air was filled with sounds of heavy breathing and fabric rubbing against each other. It was so intimate that it was almost

suffocating. My mind went blank. | initially wanted to push him away and remind him that we should not be doing this. He had Alice

to consider, and | was no longer his wife.

Nonetheless, in the end, all that remained in my mind was the man's heavy breathing and his familiar scent.

"Ah..." The slight piercing pain brought sclarity back to me. As | looked at the man thrusting on top of me, | felt somewhat


Then, he lay down and huggedtightly with his broad body. He spoke in my ear in a hoarse and restrained voice, "He didn't

touch you, did he?"

| pursed my lips, trying hard not to make a sound, but | had overestimated myself. As | panted, he beceven more frantic,

looking both delighted and relieved.

| lost track of tand could only feel exhaustion overtaking me. | then simply lay in his arms, allowing him to do as he pleased. As

| drifted into a deep sleep, | vaguely heard him whispering my nin my ears, "Yvette, | won't let you go."

My eyelids felt heavy, and | did not respond to him.

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In the middle of the night, | opened my eyes slightly in my drowsy state. The man on top ofseemed tireless. When he saw me

awake, he liftedup and hadsit in his lap. | rested my head on his shoulder and spoke with a hoarse voice. "Idris, are you a


| could hear his low chuckle in my ear. "Hmm. Did you like it?"

| remained silent and bit on his shoulder. He winced in pain and let out a muffled groan, holdingeven tighter.

"Yvette, are you skind of a dog?"

| giggled. "How could | not be when I'm with you?"

Suddenly, he exerted sforce, and | yelped in surprise, trying to stifle my curses. "Idris, you... Mm!"

That entire night seemed endless yet fleeting at the stime. | felt like | had just had a sickly sweet dream. When | woke up and

saw the man lying beside me, | could not tell if it was a dream or reality for a moment.

It had been so long since | had been this close to him. Afraid of waking him up if | moved, | turned my head slightly and gazed

quietly at him. | realized it had been a long tsince we were last intimate.

This moment of tenderness felt like a gift from God. Looking at his handsface, | felt a sense of dizziness. However, guilt and

shsoon surged from deep inside me.

There was clearly no future between us, and he had someone new by his side. | was also just starting on the path | had chosen for

myself. What did this entanglement mean?

Perhaps it was just a brief moment of sweetness born out of human greed.

When Idris opened his eyes, | could not avoid his gaze. Our eyes met, and he saw the tears in my eyes. He paused for a few

seconds, then reached out to wipe them away.

Looking at me, his voice was a little hoarse as he asked, "Why are you crying?"

| turned my head, not looking at him, and replied calmly, "It's nothing."

| tried to get up from the bed, but his large hand pressed down on my waist. "Stay withfor a while."

The sun was out, and he was not the type to stay in bed. | pursed my lips and said, "Idris, when you broughthere last night, did

you think about what Lucas might do?"

He looked atwith deep, dark eyes. "Do you know what he will do?"

| sighed softly and glanced at him. "He's a madman, and getting on his bad side won't do us any good."

He chuckled. "So, you plan to stay with this madman to appease him?"

| furrowed my brow, feeling like he was trying to corner me. It was inevitable that Lucas would go crazy. Anyone would go mad if

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someone they thought was theirs was poached by another person, especially when it cto Lucas. He had broughtto the

auction to upset Idris.

He probably never imagined that Idris would takeaway, and we would...

| could not imagine what would happen if | did not reappear after one night...

With that thought in mind, | gently removed Idris' hand and headed to the bathroom.

As the warm water flowed over me, my mind gradually cleared. When | cout of the bathroom, Idris was already up. He had a

towel wrapped around his lower body, and his muscular upper body was bare. He was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window,


Hearing smovement, he turned to look at me. Meeting his gaze, he said, "Your change of clothes is in the closet."

| nodded and walked toward the closet. | was not sure when he had arranged all this, but the clothes inside were all styles and

brands | liked, and they were all in my size from my head to my toes.

After changing my clothes, | left the bedroom. Idris was no longer there, but | could hear the sound of running water coming from

the bathroom.

He was taking a shower.

Worried that Lucas might resort to extrmeasures to forceto reappear, | dried my hair and prepared to leave.

However, | realized at the entrance that not only did | need a code to enter, but to exit too.