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Facade of Love

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67 Southern City Psychiatric Hospital

I pursed my l*ps and after thinking for a moment said, “Maybe there’s an issue with the

timing of Moore’s pregnancy.”

Sweety paused and then said, “You mean Moore was already pregnant, but then she

sought out Idris, secretly had a relationship with him, and then told him she was


I could not figure out what exactly was going on at the time. When Moore told me she was

pregnant, she said she was already two months along. Indeed, there was not much

difference between a two–month and a three–month pregnancy belly.

It seemed I needed to find an opportunity to look at Moore’s belly to see if there were any


After thinking for a while, I shook my head and said to Sweety, “I’m not clear about what’s

going on right now, but I’mm certain that Noah’s return must mean something. We need

to figure out what he’s planning by suddenly coming back to Lake City,”

Sweety pouted. “It must be because he’s running out of money and has come back to

make more. Otherwise, why would he come back? From their conversation, it seems like

they’re targeting the Youngs. It looks like Idris is not only set to become dad but might

also end up being used as their ATM.”

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After saying this, she snorted and continued, “Idris deserves it, leaving a wife like you for

an extramarital affair. It’s karma. And that Madam Young deserves it too. By taking Moore

in, it won’t be long before she might unknowingly be harmed by her.”

I tapped her head and said helplessly, “My dear journalist, stop brainstorming. You have

more important things to do now.”

“What things?”

I pulled her out of the private room, and as we walked, I said, “We need to inform the

police about Noah’s return. Regardless of how the police handle it, they should at least be

aware of it. But I have other things to do now, so you’ll have to go to the police station


She was puzzled. “Why don’t we go together? What do you have to do later?”

“Handle Scott Corporation’s affairs,” I replied, looking at her. “Scott Corporation’s funds

are being embezzled, and I can’t just let it go. So, you’ll have to go to the police station.”

After thinking for a moment, she nodded and said, “Alright, I’ll go there in a bit. I don’t

have anything else to do anyway.” After watching Sweety leave, I went to the psychiatric

hospital in the Southern City, following the address Uncle Marcus had

sent me.

The hospital was located in a somewhat remote area, with its doors tightly closed and

almost no one around, making it look almost abandoned.

I knocked on the front gate a few times. The door was then opened by an elderly man,

who looked at me with deep frown lines and asked, “Who are you looking for, young


I looked inside and said to the old man, “Gramps, I’ve come to visit a relative who was

admitted here recently due to illness.. wanted to check on her.”

The old man clicked his tongue and said, “Didn’t we notify you people about the specific

visiting hours? You can come over the weekend. We don’t allow visits on weekdays.”

I was taken aback and feigned ignorance, saying, “I’m really sorry, I just found out about

this. Gramps, I’ve already come all this way. Could you let me visit for a bit?”

The elderly man thought for a moment and then said, “I can’t make that decision. I’ll have

to ask the person in charge. You walt here, I’ll go ask ”

After saying this, he closed the door again.

I waited outside for a few minutes before the door opened again. The old man said, “Young

lady, they said no. All of the patients here are in severe condition, and there aren’t many

doctors around today. If a patient has an episode and hurts you,

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Chapter 67 Southern City Psychiatric Hospital

we won’t be able to explain it to the authorities. Please go back and come again on the


With that, he did not wait for me to respond and closed the door.

I frowned. All of them were severely ill patients?

Since I could not enter through the main gate, I would not be able to inquire further. But

having come all this way, I did not want to leave empty–handed.

After some thought, I decided to walk around the perimeter of the hospital. The hospital

was surrounded by high walls, and some areas even had electric fences. It looked more

like a detention center than a hospital.

Seeing the situation, I called Uncle Marcus. When he answered, I asked, “Uncle Marcus,

what’s the deal with this Southern City Psychiatric Hospital? Why are only relatives

allowed to visit on weekends, and why are there electric fences around the hospital?”

After listening to my inquiries, Uncle Marcus replied, “It’s like this, Ms. Scott. That hospital

mostly houses patients with severe violent tendencies or those with high 10s and criminal

inclinations, such as split personalities. Many of the patients have been in labor camps

before and were sent there after their mental issues were discovered. Some are even

death row inmates. That’s why there are special regulations in place, mainly for better
