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Feng Yin Tian Xia

Chapter 70 Part1
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This release is brought to you by the lovely readers: Sambau T and Fizreena H.

Sorry for the late sponsored release, as an apology this release is twice as long from the usual! Enjoy!

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Standing at the bow of the ship, Hua Zhu Yu felt the breeze against her cheeks as she immersed herself in the fresh air. She relished in the caress of the wind fluttering her robes, evoking a sense of freedom while waning the chaos set in her heart. Gazing far across the horizon, in addition to the green mountains and blue seas, she saw the clouds drifting about. The saying, ’Traveling across the jade sea is the ship, within the painting is the person1’ accurately depicted the magnificent scenery. Every so often they would pa.s.s by rippling streams where clear droplets of water would splash up, bringing to mind the phrase, ’Against the sh.o.r.e beats the raging waves, swirling like a thousand year snowfall."

Besides admiring the scenery, it was quite boring aboard the ship. On the first day, Huangfu Wu Shuang was excited but on the following day he began to feel somewhat exhausted. At this place, besides water there wasn’t much of anything else. There was nothing worth watching so he would call upon the eunuchs to play a game of cards to pa.s.s the time. action

Hua Zhu Yu was not familiar with these palace games. After being forced to play a few rounds, she had lost terribly. Fortunately, the Summer Palace was not far. On the third day near noon they were already approaching the Palace.

Behind the Summer Palace Qing Jiang was a towering mountain while the palace itself was facing the river. The design of the Summer Palace was not as magnificent nor as splendid as the Imperial Palace but it was rather refined and beautiful. The buildings were veiled behind the verdant canopies of trees, sometimes exposed, other times concealed. Within the Summer Palace were vast centuries-old trees with immense canopies, completely obscuring one’s sight of the sky. Just entering the palace, one could feel the slight breeze and with the coolness provided from the shade it was very comfortable, worthy of being a summer resort.

The Royal Family led quite the comfortable lifestyle. In the summer heat they can go to the Summer Palace to rest while in the wintry cold they had rooms equipped with furnaces. On the other hand, those stationed near the border couldn’t afford such luxuries. Not only did sweat spill, but even their blood and tears. The enemy could ambush them at any moment so whether it was scorching hot, or whether there was an intense snow storm, they still had to adorn their armors and go out to guard against the enemy.

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Come to mention it, if she hadn’t worn a mask year round, she reckoned this face of hers would’ve long turned dark from basking in the sun.

But the most unfair thing was, if someone felt slightly dissatisfied, all their heads would be sliced to the ground, so how could they not feel hatred ah!

Hua Zhu Yu followed Huangfu Wu Shuang through a series of winding walkways before finally arriving at Qing Yuan situated in the west. This was the summer residence of Huangfu Wu Shuang. Inside this residence the design was also quite different. The eaves curved upward like a bird taking flight. In the courtyards there were also all kinds of precious flowers, emitting a fragrant scent, mesmerizing people’s hearts.

Having sat two days aboard the ship, everyone was inevitable tired so they all took a rest. The Summer Palace became exceptionally quiet, the slight chirpings of birds were conspicuously loud. It was only after two hours did the Summer Palace began to lit up.

It was heard that the Emperor was in a good mood so he ordered the guards, servants, and ministers to have a round of Cuju for fun.