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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 807
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In the imperial city of the South Kingdom, Catherine was standing on the gate tower of the city. She watched as a person got up
on a horse and left the capital. Her eyes were moist with tears. Within a short time, her father and mother left the South
Kingdom, and now even her sister Diana was leaving. Catherine was the only one left in the vast kingdom. This had been
something that she wanted in the past. But now, after all the misunderstandings were cleared up in their family, she suddenly felt
a little lonely. It was as if she had returned to the time when she lived in the Starry Palace by herself. It was probably the darkest
time of her life. She didn't have anyone at all. After cutting off her family for some time, she didn't think that she could feel this
way about them leaving.
"Diana!" Catherine shouted while she supported herself with both of her hands on the handrail. She was hoping that Diana would
change her mind and stay.
Upon hearing Catherine's voice, Diana stopped the horse and looked back towards the tower. "Catherine, what's the matter?"
"Do you have to leave? Can't you stay? It's only you and I in the family now," Catherine exclaimed, as sadness and a little
desperation were in her voice. She truly felt lonely and the only thing that she could wish was for her sister to stay.
With a smile on her face, Diana said, "Don't worry, Catherine. I'll just be away to learn some medicine skills with my master. After
all, the insect poison of our South Kingdom has severe side-effects. If I can learn something useful from my master, then
everyone in the South Kingdom won't need to use the insect poison for treatment. I promise you I'll come back, sooner or later.
During my absence, you will have to work hard!"
Catherine opened her mouth to try and persuade Diana otherwise but she couldn't find the right words. She knew that the reason
Diana chose to leave was to make her the queen of the South Kingdom in a just and lawful way. If Diana were to stay, ministers
would have different opinions about which of them shall become the queen. But now that Diana was leaving, they didn't have to
make that choice. It was what she had wanted. But now that the crown belonged to her, she just felt so lonely. This loneliness

had haunted her since she started living in the Starry Palace as the Holy Maiden. And now, it even followed her as the queen of.

the South Kingdom. "When will you come back?" she asked again. "I'll come back when I get homesick. I have to go now. My
master left several days ago already. It's time for me to join them. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to catch up to them!" Diana
decisively said while waving her hand. While Catherine watched Diana's receding figure, a drop of tear fell from her eye. She
was left alone in the kingdom. Her father and mother left the country and now her sister was gone as well. She couldn't help but
think that it was probably her punishment
for the terrible things that she had done. She would have to endure this immense loneliness for a long time. Diana traveled all
the way to the Birch Pass in a hurry. She had estimated that Harper and the envoy team would have to stay in the Birch Pass for
two days at least. With her whip, she lashed the side of her horse to make it run faster. She thought that she would be able to
catch up to them when they were about to leave. However, when she arrived at the Birch Pass, she learned that Harper and the
others had already left. Only Carlson was left in there. At that moment, he was lying in his bed, sleeping so comfortably. "Hey!"
Diana exclaimed while poking Carlson with her finger. What she didn't know was that Carlson was very exhausted after training
the soldiers for a consecutive of two nights and one day. He didn't even bother to turn over in bed. He just completely ignored
Diana. Losing her patience, Diana furiously grabbed Carlson's collar and shook his body violently. "Hey, get up! Get up!" she
But Carlson just continued to sleep, head tilted to one side. He was so drowsy that he didn't want to get up, even if the room was
on fire.
When she noticed that the man was still asleep, Diana's eyes widened in surprise. Taking a deep breath, she began to slap him
in the face. After a dozen slaps, Carlson finally opened his eyes. Without saying a single word, he pulled her hand away, turned
over, pushed her to the bed, and pressed her under him.
While rubbing his face, he softly said, "It hurts. You jerk, do you want to die? How dare you slap me like that?"
Diana kept on struggling to free herself beneath him. "Bastard, let go of me, or my master will hit you!" she screamed in a sharp

"Your master will hit me? Try me! You can even call your father, your grandfather, your great grandfather! Call your entire clan!
You bitch! How dare you slap me! I must teach you a lesson today! You should know that I'm not a man to be trifled with!"
Carlson raised his hand. He apparently wanted to fight back by slapping her in the face, just like what she did to him a few
moments ago. Out of fear, Diana covered her face with her hand and screamed, "No! Master! Harper! Come and save me! Help!
Help!" Carlson's hand stopped midair. "Come again. Who's your master?" he asked.
"My master is Harper! Prince Matthew's wife!" Diana ferociously answered.
Upon hearing what she said, Carlson narrowed his eyes and then carefully scrutinized Diana. At that moment, she was wearing
the clothes of the South Kingdom. He asked, "Are you from the South Kingdom? What's your name?"
Slap! After hearing her name, Carlson slapped her in the face without any hesitation. Understandably, Diana was so stunned that
she didn't know how to react for a long time.
"You're a liar. How could Harper accept the daughter of the South Kingdom's king as her apprentice? Why would you lie about
something like that? You didn't even make the effort to come up with a convincing excuse for coming here and disturbing me.
Don't try to fool me. You are way too naive if you think you can do that!"
With her hand, Diana covered her cheek which he had just slapped. She then said, "Are you really a man? How could you hit a
woman like that!"
"What's wrong with hitting somebody when they did something wrong? I might have already hit as many as thirty, if not a
hundred. I don't think there's any difference if I hit one more woman like you!" Carlson exclaimed in a rough voice. He was about
to give her another slap when Diana yelled at him,
"You don't think I can fight you?" She then approached him in an instant and bit his neck. Due to the severe pain, Carlson
immediately stretched out his hand to push the crazy woman away from him.
He didn't know that Diana was tough. If someone ever dared to hurt her, she would always hit that person back as hard as she
could. And if she was slapped, she would become so furious and fight back with everything she got. As a result, the two of them
started hitting each other on the bed.
It was around this time that Joshua came to visit Carlson. After Matthew left, he became responsible for helping Carlson in
leading the army. When he pushed the door open and came in, he saw that Carlson was pressing a woman on the bed. He
immediately noticed that the woman's clothes were torn.