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Forgive Us, My Dear Sister (The Miraculous Simone Gray)

Chapter 334
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Chapter 334 Do You Dare?

Aaron couldn’t help but chuckle at Banny’s audacious words. He gave Banny a once-over, his eyes

filled with contempt. Then, he said disdainfully, “You’re unappealing, shameless, and sleazy. Is that why

you’re aiming for someone out of your league?” Simone is a remarkable woman, A lowlife like Banny

isn’t even worthy of shining her shoes. Yet, he has the gail to atter such disgraceful words?! How


“Even if we were to break up, it wouldn’t be your turn. Besides, you claimed you wouldn’t dare to steal

my girlfriend. But I have to ask, do you even stand a chance? With your looks, Simone wouldn’t even

spare you a glance. Leon retorted

It’s not that I despise Banny. It’s just that he’s genuinely worthless. Even if Simone were visually

impaired, she wouldn’t be interested in such a pitiful cacur for a man.

Banny, who had always been self-assured, was rendered speechless. These two have crossed the

line! Flow could they say such hurtful things? One of them is even my own cousin. No wonder Aunt

Melinda despises Leon. Well, I hate him too,

He responded awkwardly. Even if she doesn’t reciprocate my feelings, that shouldn’t stop me from

liking her, right! Fine! Ladmit my mistake. I apologize to Miss Simone and everyone else. These two

were merely messing around earlier and didn’t cause any harm to Miss Simone. I’ll make them

apologize to her. So. Leon, please let them go.”

Realizing that Leon and Aaron were blindly loyal to Simone, Banny knew he couldn’t reason with them.

Regardless, he had taken full responsibility and removed Melinda from the equation. He didn’t care if

others believed him or not. Now, all that was left was to take his two lackeys and leave.

To his dismay. Leon sneered. Do you think a simple apology can absolve you of your wrongdoings? Do

you take the law for a joke? Moreover, these two have committed crimes, one of them even a murder. If

we let them go, wouldn’t we be accomplices?”

He was utterly disgusted by Banny and his lackeys. Moreover, he wanted to impress Simone and make

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it clear that he had no association with these people.

Banny was left speechless. This cousin of mine is a real nuisance! Not only does he not support me,

but he also betrays me like this!

Melinda, who was watching the livestream, was also livid. Has Leon lost his mind?! Does he take

pleasure in Banny’s downfall?! Simone hasn’t even spoken yel, and he’s already intervening What an

idiot! He’s just holding them back entirely. She felt an overwhelming urge to reach through the screen

and slap Leon

On the other hand, Leon was oblivious to his mother’s thoughts. He continued addressing Banny.

“They have already committed a crime, so we should wait for the police to arrive before deciding

whether to let them go.

At this point, Banny was so furious’ that he wanted to pummel Leon. Feeling helpless, he said, “Leon,

this physiognomy fortune-telling thing is pure nonsense. Miss Simone probably knew they were here to

cause trouble. That’s why she said that

Supone interjected. You want to defend them and take them away? No chance. She glanced at Banny

face and continued. “You’ve also committed numerous illegal acts. You’ve drugged innocent girls and

bulled them. You’ve committed hit and run. You’ve forcefully pursued a girl and injured her boyfriend

hand after learing she has a lanyfriend You’re even involved in human trafficking and illegal business

11 38 Mon, 18 Dec E Go

Chapter 334 Do You Dare?

You can’t even clear your own name, but you want to save them? Dream on.”

When Banny heard Simone’s words, he was taken aback. Damn! This woman really knows how to

read faces. Indeed, he had committed these acts before. However, the Steward Family often settled

them with money. If money couldn’t solvent, Banny would turn to Melinda for help. She always found a

way to handle it for him. That’s why he continued to be so brazen. Now that he was exposed in public,

he felt a rare sense of panic

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was wrong to think of pursuing someone out of my league. He

denied firmly once again. “But you can’t just slander and accuse me without evidence, can you?”

Simone couldn’t be bothered to argue with him. “It I’my slandering you, we’ll find out when the police.

arrive and conduct a proper investigation Stay and wait for the police to investigate if you’re innocent. If

I have falsely accused you I will not only apologize to you on this livestreams, but I will also

compensate you for any mental damages Looking straight at him, she challenged. “Do you dare

Mrs. Foster wants to clear her van, huh! Dream

If he has Bunny committed so many crimes but never been

caught Why is he still so arrogant and continues to commit illegal acts: It’s all because he has an aunt

who is the madam of a wealthy family. She helped him settle everything How are of Mrs. Foster to think

she could make Banny take all the blame and get away with it after provoking me I won’t let her

succeed. I want to send Banny to prison to Jace the appropriate charges and punishment,

Banny is the most favored grandson in the Steward Family. He is the apple of Old Mr. Steward and Old

Mrs. Steward’s eyes. If they find out Banny has gone to prison because he has helped Mrs. Foster,

they will definitely confront Mrs. Foster. Ill let them fight among themselves first. Moreover, Mrs. Foster

cares about her image the most. So. I want to make her the subject of internet-wide criticism.

Banny was at a loss for words, for he truly didn’t dare. Pretending to be innocent, he said. “I can’t

defend myself further now that you’ve put it that way. Since I have other matters to attend to, I won’t

waste my time with you guys. After saying that, he turned around and attempted to leave. There’s no

way I’m sticking around! Once the police arrive, there’s no way I can escape. If the police take us away

and expose our hetuous acts to the livestream viewers. I will still face severe consequences, even with

Aunt Melinda backing me. I’m no fool.

But now that Banny had walked right into the trap, there was no way Simone would let him escape.

This time, even without her saying anything, the onlookers blocked Banny’s path. “If you’re innocent,

why are you running away?”

“Exactly! If you’re brave, stay here and wait for the police.”

At this point, everyone already believed Simone’s words.

Otherwise, Banny, who didn’t seem like a good guy at first glance, wouldn’t have tried to escape out of


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If they hadn’t engaged in immoral activities and were indeed falsely accused, they would have already

stepped forward and confronted Simone.

Their current attempt to flee only indicated their guilt.

As for Banny, he grew anxious after seeing his path blocked.

He glared at the crowd and retorted. “What’s your problem: Back off! I didn’t commut those crimes, but i

won’t stick around either

11:38 Mon, 18 Dec

Chapter 334 Do You Dare?

Fle tried to break free, but there were skilled individuals in the crowd who immediately restrained him.

Just then, local police officers arrived.

After gathering information, they turned their attention to the three suspects.

The trio denied the accusations and instead pointed fingers at Simone, claiming she had framed them.

Sure enough, the police couldn’t rely solely on Simone’s testimony and promptly arrested the three


Then, they asked her. “Do you have any evidence?”

As Simone had dared to report to the police, she naturally had evidence

She nodded and stated. I deduced that they had engaged in numerous immoral activities in Cubilis.

Currently, an innocent girl is still being held captive in the courtyard of a house they purchased outside

the city.

Then, she pointed at the man on the ground and added. Furthermore, he committed murder and buried

the body in that yard. If you investigate the yard now, you will find out whether my accusations are false



As soon as these words left her mouth. Banny and the other two trembled with fear. They even broke

our in a cold sweat.

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