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Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

Chapter 1887 The Arrivals
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Chapter 1887 The Arrivals

Even though the main reason on the surface was because of the high possibility of the involvement with the death of so many civilians in battle, another part is also because of his own selfish desire.

He didn't like this person.

Back then, he ignored Kuang Shen because he felt that it was a hassle to take care of this person. The situation was not right and there were many people around Kuang Shen who protected him. It would be hard to deal with him when he paid a brave visit to him.

Not to mention, he had good relationship with Traveling Doctor Liu because his grandmother is his junior or senior sister. The two of them always bickered about who would be the senior and who would be the junior, so Long Qian Xing was not very sure.

For the sake of Traveling Doctor Liu, he ignored Kuang Shen and only monitor and intervened when it involved Fei Yang Kingdom's interest.

Facts proved that it was harder to watch over someone rather than killing them directly.

When he was too preoccupied with the war against other kingdom, Kuang Shen was silently growing himself. This way, he would not need to worry about being threatened all the time.

But those who didn't like him would only feel that he was getting stronger and more annoying.

Now, he directly threatened Fei Yang Kingdom. Follow current novᴇls on NovᴇlFire(.)nᴇt

So Long Qian Xing would toss away those so called kindness or whatever. When he saw Kuang Shen, he will kill the other party.

As simple as that.

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"Ok." Nan Hua nodded and put away the letter. "Take srest. We'll continue the battle tomorrow."


The two of them went their separate ways with their mind thinking about this matter. If Heavenly General Bao was sent to them, would he also try to harm their family members?

Nan Hua had Old Master Nan, Nan Luo, and many others whom she would never want to see them get hurt.

Long Qian Xing had his grandmother and also friends.

It wouldn't be easy if Heavenly General Bao were to play another dirty trick.

They had to prepare themselves before the arrival of this general.

<Not long distance away, South of Shi Long Kingdom's territory, General Huan's side>


General Huan tossed the helmet to the side, revealing her beautiful face. As a woman, she naturally had her own beauty. But because she had been fighting on the frontline for a long tand had no tto care for her appearance, it has worsened over the years.

At this time, General Huan looked at General Ruan, who was looking into the distance.

"What is it General Ruan?"

"There's an army coming. But from their flags, they didn't seem to be the proper reinforcement." General Ruan was more sensitive to the sound and movements on the battlefield.

With many people disliking him because of his attitude, he had to keep up his vigilance almost all the twhen it was possible.

"Not the proper reinforcement?" General Huan was confused.

General speaking, no idiots would cto the frontline and seek their own death. They hadn't lived long enough, so they wouldn't go and find out whether their luck was better or the pull of fate was stronger.

"There might be others who volunteered to help?" General Ruan asked in hesitant tone.

It was not rare to have other commanders coming to help. But he only received message that Heavenly General Bao would be coming here in the future. They just didn't tell him the exact tyet.

Now, other people had arrived.

He just had to make sure of their proper identities.

"Halt!" The soldiers blocked the way when they saw the incoming soldiers. They couldn't let just anyone to wander into their headquarters without confirming their identities.

Crown Prince Jin was irritated when he saw that he was being blocked. Normally, he wouldn't be treated impolitely. After all, whoever dared to offend the Imperial Family would be thrown to the jail and so on.

"Crown Prince Jin is here!" The soldier at the front yelled.

"Crown Prince Jin?"

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The soldiers were stunned.

The Imperial Family is coming?

Is this battle truly worthy of their attention to the point that the future Emperor cto the frontline by himself? Drap! Drap! Drap!

The generals and commanders didn't dare to delay. After they saw the token showed by the imperial guards, they understood that the one who cwas indeed Crown Prince Jin. It was just that they didn't understand why a person of such stature would cto the frontline.

Countless questions were rampaging inside their heart as they welcomed Crown Prince Jin to the headquarters. Crown Prince Jin felt much better when he saw the treatment of the soldiers afterwards. He hated being treated impolitely, but on the premise that they didn't know his real identity, he chose not to care.

Anyway, he had to maintain his image in front of Luo Qing Wei.


"Cousin, is this the frontline?" Luo Qing Wei asked, her eyes were scanning the surroundings. Even though the generals were stepping to the front and acted proper and polite, she could still feel the depressed mood of these soldiers. Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

After being suppressed by Fei Yang Kingdom, who should have been weaker, it was not strange that their mood was low.

Even the coming of Crown Prince Jin would not lift up their spirit.

Much less when this crown prince didn't pay much attention to them and instead poured his attention to his cousin.

"Yes, this is the frontline. I'll let the generals arranged you and your ann... senior brother to the medical area." Crown Prince Jin nearly spout out his way of calling Kuang Shen on daily basis.

An annoying man.

Kuang Shen passed a look at Crown Prince Jin, but his status was indeed much lower than this young prince. He cupped his fist and saluted in accordance to the etiquette. "Many thanks for your arrangement, Your Highness."

"That's what I should do." Crown Prince Jin looked at Luo Qing Wei closely and smiled. "Let's take a look at the place where we will stay tonight, Cousin-"