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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 100
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Chapter 100


Clad in a sleek black dress, I ventured into an underworld filled with drugs, s*x,

and danger, known as the Werewolf Underworld. It served as a refuge for

criminal wolves, although swealthy and powerful Alphas frequented the

place. However, no other shifters or humans were allowed entry.

As I scanned the scene before me, I immediately regretted it. Never in my life

had I stepped into such a disturbing environment. Wolves were openly engaging

in s**ual acts, akin to rabbits in heat. Most of the she–wolves appeared to be

experiencing a forced heat, they resembled something close to s*x slaves but

appeared to be loving it.

I wasn’t sure where to direct my gaze as the scenes unfolded in nearly every

corner. The discomfort and embarrassment weighed heavily on me, especially

since I wasn’t alone but accompanied by a man who had always made me


“Act natural, unless you want us to attract attention from those wolves,” Walter

whispered, a charming smile playing on his lips as he wrapped his arm around

my waist. I held my breath, unsure if it was due to embarrassment or his touch.

However, he appeared unfazed by the sights around us.

“Are you certain this is the right address?” I questioned, forcing a small smile to

mask my nervousness.

“Why? Are you afraid I’ll sell you off here?” He raised an eyebrow.

The smile faded from my lips as I glanced away, focusing on the people ahead.

He frowned and inquired, “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? Aren’t you going

to argue?” my silence bothered him.

“What’s there to argue?” I smiled sadly. “Perhaps I could win an argument with

you, but not with destiny. This place harbors many familiar faces seeking the

Opal Moon,” I continued, gesturing subtly.

Following my gaze, Walter spotted a group of intoxicated Alphas mingling with

she–wolves. “Whether you sellor not, I am already in a place that I can’t

escape. Once they see me…”

“You talk too much,” Walter interrupted, turningto face him. He placed a

mask that covered half of my face, similar to those worn by the other serving

she–wolves around us. I touched it in surprise and then looked up at him, as he

secured the mask properly in place.


“Don’t take it off,” he instructed lightly, glancing at me.

My heart skipped a beat. “Why are you doing this?” I asked, my voice trembling


He paused abruptly, meeting my gaze for a fieeting moment before averting his

eyes. “Let’s go,” he said, taking my hand and leadinginside.

As we made our way through the crowd, I couldn’t help but steal glances at him.

Did he truly avoid my question? And if so, why?

We soon entered the VIP area, where our true mission was set to begin. My gaze

shifted to the stairs leading upward, but before we could ascend, a tall man

blocked our path. “May I help you?”

We both halted. I offered a smile and stepped forward. “I’ve booked a VIP

room,” I stated.

“May I see your card?” he requested.

I handed over my card, bearing my identity as an Alpha and my pack name.

These individuals had keen eyes for

such details. In reality it had been Walter that had booked the room with his

connections but he could not enter

this place without a woman. That’s why he broughtalong with him. After

confirming its authenticity, he

returned the card to me.

“Now, can we proceed?” I inquired, glancing at the man who seemed to indicate

that we were cleared to go. As Walter and I began to move forward, the man

suddenly blocked Walter’s path.

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“Who are you?” he asked, suspiciously eyeing Walter.

My heart clenched with nervousness. Walter couldn’t show a card like I had

when he was not a werewolf. He simply stared back at the man, seemingly

unconcerned about his suspicion. Yet, if he were caught, he would have to

confront the entire underground scene, which was no easy feat–that was

another reason why he had broughtalong with him.

“He’s with me,” I interjected, inserting myself between them, causing the man to

step back. Walter glanced atas I pressed my back against his chest, masking

him with my scent to conceal his human presence before he could be detected.

“He still needs to show ID,” the man insisted.

My heart raced as his companions began to converge around us, their suspicion

palpable. With my heightened


wolf hearing, I could detect the subtle movement of Walter’s hand slipping into

his jacket. I clenched my fists, realizing I needed to act quickly before it was too



slave!” I boldly declared, causing the men around us to fall instantly silent as

Walter’s eyes snapped my

towards me.

“So he’s your gigolo?” they inquired, their gaze burning into Walter’s skin. Yet he

remained silent, as I had instructed him to before we entered.

“Yes, I found him on the street to use just for tonight,” I asserted casually,

ignoring the heat in Walter’s eyes. I knew my words were nonsensical–no gigolo

would be dressed in such high–end attire and accessories. “Now, get out of my

way!” I arrogantly pushed past the man, grabbed Walter’s hand, and ascended

the stairs, successfully avoiding their suspicion while maintaining my spoiled

princess demeanor.

Once we were in the lobby, I swiftly released Walter’s hand, only to find myself

pinned against the nearby wall by him. “I’m your slave? A gigolo you picked up

off the street?” he questioned, his brows furrowed in clear offense at the


Unable to suppress a nervous smile, I replied, “It was a necessity of the

situation. Nothing personal.” I attempted to push him back, resting my hand on

his chest, but he pressed his entire b*dy against mine so gently that I found

myself frozen under his captivating gaze.

“Once spoken, it cannot be taken back,” he whispered, his lips dangerously

close to mine.

“What do you mean?” I swallowed hard, feeling my heart pound faster with our


He bit his lower lip and murmured, “Thank you for saving me, master.”

My eyes widened and cheeks fiushed red with embarrassment. Ma… master?

Why did it sound so erotic and dirty coming from his mouth? A smirk played on

his lips as he observed my reaction, adding to my embarrassment.

Without another word, I pushed him away and walked off, refusing to look back.

“We have to go in here,” he called after me. I paused, gritting my teeth in

embarrassment, then spun around quickly heading in the opposite direction.

Soon, we stopped in front of room 101. “The person Reuben wants is inside,”

Walter said in a low tone.


How was this possible?


“Sorry, I am breaking my promise. I love you…”

“Willow!” I shouted her name, my eyes snapping open. The ceiling of my

bedroom cinto view, my entire b*dy was drenched in sweat. I… I heard her

words, her cries, her heartbreak, and… her goodbye.

“Reuben!” Oran’s panicked voice reachedfrom a chair next to bed on the

side where I had been lying. “You’re finally awake!”

I sat up in bed in a fiash. “Where’s Willow?” I murmured, scanning the room


Oran’s face paled at my words, “Reuben…”

I threw off the blanket and climbed out of bed, ignoring the bandages covering

my chest. “Willow!”

“Reuben, you shouldn’t get out of bed right away!” Oran exclaimed, trying to

grab my arm, but I pushed him


“Willow!” I called out, searching every corner of the bedroom while Oran trailed

behind me, attempting to stop

fi. me.

“Reuben, please, stop!” he pleaded.

“WILLOW!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, desperately when I couldn’t find

her scent anywhere.

“REUBEN!” Oran blocked my path with a shout. “WILLOW ISN’T HERE!”

“She’s not here?” My mind went blank. “Where is she?” I angrily grabbed his

collar. “Where the hell is she?!” I yelled.

A profound sadness overtook Oran’s eyes. “Willow is gone,” he whispered.

“Gone?” My heart nearly stopped beating, still grappling with the echo of her

goodbye in my mind, hoping it was


all a terrible dream. “Where did she go?” My breath grew labored as my wolf lost


Oran looked athelplessly, his face filled with sadness, guilt, and regret.

“When we arrived at the Wade Moon Pack, everything was engulfed in fiames.

We found you, other than that Alpha Benjamin was half burnt but Willow was

gone. Dark took her away with him,” he revealed.

My grip on his collar tightened in shock. “He took her? That’s impossible…” I

violently shook my head. “Willow can’t leave me. I will go and find her…” I

declared, striding past Oran.

“You can’t find her, Reuben,” Oran intervened once again.

“What the hell are you saying!” I growled, my breath heavy and furious. “I will

bring her back!” With that I stormed out of my bedroom, only to halt when Oran

spoke again. “You cannot find her because it has already been three days.“–

My entire b*dy froze in shock. Three days? Oran stepped in front ofand

continued, “It took you three days to wake up, Reuben,” his voice filled with

sadness as he looked into my anguished eyes.

I collapsed to my knees, my entire world crumbling before my eyes. My

soulmate, my Willow, had been gone for three days? While I had been sleeping?

“I love you…” Her last confession reverberated in my mind, each word piercing

my heart and bringing tears to my eyes. She had gone with Dark to save me. She

sacrificed herself for me.

She entrusted our children to me.

She savedand destroyed herself in the process…

“WILLOW!!!” I screamed with all the agony of my wolf, my heart shattering into a

million pieces.

A single tear traced down my cheek, but I felt numb. Her cries, her shattered

heart, her pain–all of it merged with mine, crushing my soul under the weight of

our shared sorrow.

“Reuben,” Oran’s hand rested on my shoulder as he knelt before me. “Stay

strong for your children, who you could lose too,” his voice was soft, filled with


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My face drained of all color, “What happened to my children?” I demanded, my

heart pounding with fear. Oran could only offer a helpless stare in response.


tinged with panic.

“Reuben,” Bix, who was checking on them, called out.

“What’s wrong with them? Why are they sleeping at this time?” I questioned.

Bix’s eyes brimmed with sadness. “They have been in a coma for three days and

nights,” he revealed.

“What?” My mouth fell open in shock. “How is that even…”

“It appears to be the work of Dark,” Bix interrupted, his voice heavy with

concern. “Neither doctors nor my powers have any effect on the children. The

day that they briefiy woke up–it wasn’t a miracle, it was a deception. Dark has

done something to them, I suspect Mia played a part in bringing them to this

state before that bitch died in the fire at Wade Moon,” he explained, his tone


My eyes turned red in anger, “that f**ker, he not only stole my Willow but hurt

“Yes, he left nothing untouched or behind,” Oran entered the room.

I closed my eyes, clenching my fists, “Is that old wolf still alive?”



Oran and Bix exchanged a look, “Alpha Benjamin sustained burns to half of his

b*dy, he is being treated in the pack’s hospital,” Oran replied.

“Drag that mutt in here,” I opened my emotionless eyes. “He is the key to all of

this shit. I will make even a dead

b*dy speak.”

They nodded. I took both of my children’s little hands and k*ssed them. I

recalled Willow’s request ‘tell them mommy is gone but she loves them‘

I caressed both of their heads and promised, “Mommy will return soon to us.”

Oran and Bix stood to the side, silently watchinguntil Oran noticed,

“Reuben, what’s in your hand?”

“Yes, something is shining!” He and Bix both dashed over toas I opened my

fist to find a small packet.

“It’s two small golden pills and a note?” Bix curiously took it from my hand.



Oran read the note, ‘The pills have to be given to the children at midnight. The

next and last dose will be sent


Bix exclaimed, “Someone has sent the cure for the children’s coma!” Both of

their hopeful eyes focused on me.

However my eyes were stuck on the handwriting. My heart pondered in my

chest, “It was Willow,” I whispered.

Oran exclaimed, “Willow? Does that mean she obtained a cure for the twin’s

coma from Dark? Why would Dark give it to her so easily?” They both looked at

the paper that was all that remind of her promise, ‘Even if you can’t see me, I

will always be there with you.’

I tightly closed my eyes, clutching the note to my chest. Now what did she

sacrifice for our babies and me?