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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 102
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Chapter 102

Alpha Benjamin

Nothing made sense toas everything beceven more frightening.

Though I knew that it was too late forto do anything, all I could do was


Dark was deeply in love with Willow for reasons unknown to me. I didn’t dare

pry into his obsession with her, especially as I was scheduled to leave the pack

in two days, coinciding with the full moon. George once again showed me

kindness by invitingto join the full moon party before my departure. I was

consumed by frustrated impatience. I hadn’t trusted Dark from the start and

decided to secretly kill George at the party and claim his position. Before I could

take action, Luna Eloise’s furious screams shattered my plans.

At the party, I witnessed a tense and dangerous confrontation between Luna

Eloise and Dark.

“Don’t you dare cnear my daughter!” Eloise’s fury was palpable as she

bravely shoved at Dark’s chest, shielding Willow behind her.

As I observed the scene, it becclear that Eloise had sensed Dark’s

intentions toward Willow. Perhaps there was more to it than I knew, but one

thing was certain: Eloise would not allow Dark to harm her daughter.

“Rose, cto me,” Dark addressed Willow, but she refused to obey him.

Tensions escalated further as George joined Elois used to obey him.

in protecting their daughter, demanding that Dark leave their

pack. Before I could fully grasp the gravity of the situation, Dark took a drastic

step and killed George, who had been shielding Willow.

As chaos erupted around me, I watched in horror as the pack members turned

on each other, driven by some

unseen force controlled by Dark. The realization hitlike a ton of bricks –

Dark was no ordinary wolf. He had the ability to manipulate and control

hundreds of wolves simultaneously.

The situation escalated rapidly as mysterious fiames engulfed the entire pack

territory as Dark’s sinister gaze fixed on Willow. It dawned onthat bringing

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Dark into the pack was a grave error on my part. He cared for no one and was

willing to sacrifice anyone to achieve his own ends, even me.

With the pack consumed by madness and destruction, I knew I had to escape

before Dark turned his attention to

fi. me.


As I fied through the woods, desperation coursing through my veins, I tripped

over Eloise’s lifeless b*dy lying amidst the fiames. The sight of her charred form

sent a shiver down my spine, but there was no tto dwell on the horrors

around me.

Suddenly I realized that I was the lone survivor other than Willow, who had

escaped with help of her mother. Dark had gone so insane over losing her that

he destroyed Eloise’s burning b*dy to the point that she could never be

recovered. Dark’s obsession with Willow had driven him to madness, leaving a

trail of death and devastation in his wake. I realized with a sinking heart that I

had brought nothing but death and despair bringing him into our lives.

Standing amidst the ruins of the once–thriving pack, I braced myself for Dark’s

wrath, expecting him to end my life as he had done with so many others.

However, to my surprise, he spared me, leavingwith a chilling command

that weighed heavily on my conscience.

“Find my Rose,” his words echoed in my mind, the nicknhe had given

Willow sending a shiver down my

spine. His obsession with her escape and his twisted affection for her were all

too apparent.

“Use everything at your disposal to find her. One day I will return to collect her.

Until then protect her as if she were your own daughter. Protect her like a dog

guarding its owner’s food,” that was his last order.

Dark’s final command was not a mere request, it was an executioner’s blade that

hung over my head waiting for the day he returned to claim his beloved. Until

then, I was to protect her with my life, a duty that I dared not fail

to fulfill.

That fateful night marked the fulfillment of Dark’s promise. However, I had also

finally realized who Dark was. Him calling Willow Rose remindedof a friend

that I had made during the years I had survived as a rogue in the woods by

chance. The person was into evil things and we were alike in many things. That

person becmy secret friend, they even helped to swipe babies for Alpha

Adam when I requested. He had the similar light powers as Dark but Dark’s

powers were deadly as if the powers had been enhanced or refined! That secret

friend of mine was actually… Dark!

With George’s demise, the once–peaceful pack of Omegas ceased to exist and I

ascended to the role of Alpha. No one remained alive that had known my secret,

and I seized the opportunity to rebuild Wade Moon according to my own vision.

Assuming the nWade, I claimed that it was all rightfully mine, and my

dreams were finally realized. However there was one strange thing. The whole

pack had burnt but not one of the basement room of the packhouse where

pack’s papers, old photos and other legal records were kept. No matter how

much I tried to destroy it countless tbut, they were always there. It was

actually Dark’s doing. He intentionally left those papers and photos unburnt so

that I could remember my task to find Willow.

The looming threat of Dark’s command weighed heavily upon me. Willow’s

absence cast a dark shadow over my


accomplishments, remindingthat my ultimate duty was to find and protect

her. Until then, the invisible sword Dark had placed over my n*ck would

continue to perilously hang, a constant reminder of the unfinished task that

haunted my every step.

After years of relentless searching, it seemed as though Willow had vanished

into thin air. My hopes were reignited when fate brought us together through a

car accident, but to my surprise she did not recognize me. It was the perfect

opportunity forwhen she did not remember who I really was. However, her

pregnancy posed a significant threat to my plans, as it indicated that she was no

longer a virgin. The thought of Dark discovering this filledwith dread, so I

kept my discovery of Willow to myself, formulating a plan in secret.

Then one day I accidentally looked through Willow’s phone. Upon discovering

Reuben’s photo in Willow’s phone, I was taken aback by the realization that her

soulmate was none other than a dangerous Alpha. To make matters more

complicated, he was also the father of twins. Despite my shock, I remained

silent pretending to be unaware of her connection to Reuben.

My plan was straightforward: I intended to lure Willow back to America and

orchestrate a meeting between her and Reuben. My hope was that Reuben

would claim the twins upon discovering their existence, thus alleviating the

burden from my shoulders. To set my plan in motion, I fabricated a heart

surgery so that I could send Willow to the Alpha Ball in my place, which had

been organized by Reuben himself.

Little did I know that Reuben was deeply obsessed with Willow, harboring

feelings for her that spanned many years. Instead of simply taking the twins and

allowing Willow to return to the Wade Moon Pack as I had anticipated, Reuben

ensnared her in his affections, refusing to let her go. My plan backfired

spectacularly and as events unfolded it becclear that nothing was going

according to my plans.

EverytI failed in my plan, I used to go to that basement to scratch those old

photos to release my stress and anger. It was the only thing I could do.

When I first saw the Shine Moon Pack burning in front of my eyes I had realized

that Dark had returned. Years of fear that I had buried deep in my heart


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In the end everything I had earned with description and greed, burnt in the fire

the sway everything had started. I lost everything, becoming the reason for

so much death.

Plus, now Willow was also in danger…

Everyone standing in the room was stunned as they listened to Benjamin’s

deathbed confession that he had

Chapter 102

used his last breaths to deliver. While Sky was consumed by panic watching his

father’s eyes close for the final time.

“Dad!” he called desperately, trying to wake him up only to be pushed away by a

furious Reuben.

“Don’t you dare die!” Reuben aggressively grabbed Benjamin’s half burnt face

and questioned, “He asked you to inform him about Willow when you found her,

that means you know his address or where he lives! Tellwhere he is?! Tell

Reuben paused when Benjamin slitted his eyes open and spoke in broken

words. “Save… Willow,” he uttered in a low, fragmented voice.

Reuben’s attention sharpened “Why do you say that?! What do you know?!” he


Benjamin met his gaze, guilt evident in his eyes as he confessed, “Dark is

planning to marry Willow in two days,

on the new moon. If that happens, Willow will beconly his.”

Reuben froze in shock. Only his?

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