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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 103
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Chapter 103


“Dark is going to marry Willow…” I stood there stunned as I watched Alpha

Benjamin’s ch*st rise and fall, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. Suddenly, he

stopped breathing altogether and the room fell silent except for the fiat beep of

the machines. Sky fell to his knees, his eyes wide with shock as he saw his

father lying motionless on the hospital bed.

I stared at the scene in front ofwith dead eyes, my wolf wanting to destroy

everything in its path at this point. The only thing that he had been able to tell

sother man.

6e only man who knew about Dark and his whereabouts was dead.

“Alpha Reuben,” Sky called. “Does this Dark have mismatched eyes? One green

and one

black?” he murmured.

I glanced at Sky, who was sitting on the fioor looking disheveled and horrified

for some


“How do you know?” I demanded because Alpha Benjamin had never mentioned

the color of Dark’s

. I had never seen them until three days ago in Wade Moon.

He looked up atwith wide eyes, his whole b*dy sweating profusely. “I

remember him now. The shadow that used to stalk Willow eleven years ago…

Willow was kind from the beginning, but that single act of kindness towards him

cost her everything. She should have ignored the man when he was standing on

the riverbank. She should have walked away when he was ready to throw

himself into the water. She should have never grabbed his hand and saved him.

She should have never crossed paths with…


“Have you lost your mind?” Dark opened his eyes to find a girl with beautiful

blue eyes, resembling those of a little white cat, holding his hand. Her eyes were

filled with concern, completely unaware that he wasn’t committing suicide but

merely wanted to taste what death felt like. However, upon seeing her he

suddenly changed his mind. Her soft hand holding his large one felt cold as it

trembled, as if she were the one on the verge of falling into the river. “You

should never stand on the edge. You could die!” With both hands, she

desperately attempted to pull Dark back to safety, unaware of the look in Dark’s


Dark’s heart quickened uncontrollably at the sight of her indescribable beauty,

and the scent emanating from her made him crazy with need.

Looking at her fiushed rosy cheeks, he tightened his grip on her hand and

pulled her into the river with him. She screamed, thrashing her arms and legs in

the water even though she couldn’t swim. Dark watched as she began to drown

before his eyes. Stretching out his arms, he pulled her closer to his b*dy. She

immediately clung to him as if he were a lifeline. Her wet b*dy pressed against

his completely, until he could feel every curve of her. Her reckless

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Chapter 103

act ignited a fiinside him.



Taking deep breaths and panicking, Willow looked up at Dark, to find him eyeing

her. “Why did you pullin?” she scolded, but all he could see was her small

face, mere inches away from him. Her big, fearful eyes were watery, her small

mouth spewing scolds was juicy, and her voice was just seductive enough to

make him hard. However, her scent… it was indescribably addictive and

mouthwatering to him.

His eyes shone when he realized the scent coming from her was not ordinary.

He couldn’t help but take a bite of her n*ck, tasting her blood. The metallic yet

sweet taste of her mixed in his mouth euphoric as his mind was blown from the

shock. She had evil blood in her, blood capable of attracting other evil, even

rogues, to her.

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He stared at her like a lunatic. The fiower he had been looking for, for years,

was finally in his grasp. Her mother or one of her ancestors must have had evil

blood that she inherited, resulting in her having blood made just for Dark. She

was his…

“Ow… that hurt!” Willow pulled away from Dark and swam to the riverbank with

great difficulty. Once she stepped on the riverbank, she glared at him. “I tried to

save you and you bit me! If you want to die then go die outside my pack. Don’t

dirty the water!” With that, she turned around and quickly left, glancing back at

him once with scared eyes. His mismatched eyes were frightening to her.

What really sent shivers down her spine was the smile forming in his eyes as he

eyed her wet back. She immediately turned around and tried to run, only to

bump into someone. She gasped and looked up, only to find Dark standing in

front of her. Her eyes widened in shock as to how he appeared before her so


“You… how did you…” she trailed off, frozen in fear.

He leaned closer to her face and asked, “What’s your name, Rose?”

“Rose?” Willow blinked at him, still frozen in fear. “Why are you calling me

Rose?” His lips – curled into an evil smile.

“Beautiful yet wild, you are my… Rose,” Dark said.

That day Willow ran away, but before she could tell anyone about the creepy

encounter, she heard rumors of Alpha Benjamin’s nephew having mismatched

eyes and being mentally challenged.

Thinking him crazy like Alpha Benjamin had insinuated, she didn’t pay much

attention to what happened with Dark. However, from that moment on, she

started getting the feeling that someone was stalking her from the shadows. Of

course, whenever she would turn, there was only darkness. She never realized

that it had always been Dark hanging around wherever she was. He had become

addicted to her scent, her beauty, and her, to the point he could not stay away

from her.

“Why are you here again?” Willow frowned upon finding him on the riverbank for

the third

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Chapter 103


consecutive day. She had no idea that he knew the entirety of her schedule by

heart, “Aren’t you Uncle Benjamin’s nephew? Don’t you have a place to stay?”

Dark grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit next to him. “Am I bothering

you that much, Rose? Do you love this river that much?” Whenever he called her

Rose, her heart squeezed in panic for an unknown reason.

Dark looked deep into her eyes, realizing that she had never been touched by a

man before because as soon as their bodies touched, she pulled away as if her

b*dy was on fire. It irritated him to no end. She was never supposed to move

away from him, but he let it go this once, deciding to train her slowly. “I don’t

like water,” she claimed, her eyes shining beautifully under the night sky.

“Then what do you like?” Dark asked, intentionally acting mentally challenged

around her.


“I like fire,” her eyes held a different shine when she talked about fire.

“You like fire?” the corners of Dark’s lips curled into a smile. “How much do you

like it?” he questioned.

She was silent for a couple of seconds before she replied, “So much that I wish

that fiames ignited and caught every part of the pack until the fiames grew to

such heights that they reached the sky,” she giggled at her own crazy words but

her desire was stored in Dark’s mind.

“My Rose loves fire,” he murmured under his breath.

Whenever he stalked her, she could never find him even though she felt him

and slowly she believed she had misunderstood the situation. She was like a

carefree bird, lighthearted even when changing clothes. The the saw her

n*ked, he could not sleep for days. It was as if the was on a drug that made his

cock never get soft as it begged for her tight little He wanted her…

pussy alone.

“Why do you always chere? You’ve been doing it for over a week now. This

is my hiding spot,” she complained.

“Hiding spot? What is so special about it?” he continued his act of being

mentally challenged like usual.

She threw her school bag down and sat on the riverbank a few feet away from

him, “Whenever I am angry or sad, I chere. Whenever I want to get away

from the world, I‘ chere,” she murmured, dipping her hand in the water. He

watched her fingers move in the water, finding it seductive, struggling to control

himself from throwing her to the ground and f**king her right there.

His cock hardened in his pants at the sight of her smooth long legs fueled by

the image of her n*ked figure imprinted in his mind. “Who pissed you off then?”

His voice was grave.

“Everyone! I just hate everyone!” She slapped the water. “I can’t go here or

there! I can’t do


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Chapter 103

this or that!” Her face fiushed as her eyes grew watery. “I just hate the whole

world, even this pack.”

He moved closer to her, lifting her chin with a finger. “Wantto kill them?”

She looked at him in stunned silence for a moment, “What?! No!” Her eyes

widened like an owl’s.

He felt a thirst burning inside him, “Why? Don’t you hate them?” he raised his

brows, inching closer to her lips.

She froze under his touch once again, her eyes full of fear at their close

proximity. “I…” she opened her mouth in panic, watching him getting closer to

her before she pulled away in alarm. “I… hate them but I don’t like blood or

death!” she scrambled back.

“Then what?” he crawled closer this time, not letting her escape.

Her face turned white in fear when he touched her inner thigh as she nearly

shouted out of fear, “I just want them all to disappear!!” With that, she got up

and ran away without looking back.

Watching her retreating figure, Dark lay on the riverbank with an insane smile on

his lips. “Disappear?”

Willow raced all the way back to the packhouse and shut herself in her

bedroom. She had never been touched in the way Dark had. It triggered and

scared her to the point that she started relating it to the dreams that she had

been having for the past few nights. With shaking hands, she pulled out the

camera she had installed in her room for protection at night. When she checked

the footage, her mind was blown at the horror it revealed. Dark was in her room.

The shadow that always seemed to be around her was Dark. He had not just

been in her room, he had also stayed nearly the whole night, watching her and

touching her however he wanted. Terrified, she dropped the camera. The

dreams she had been having that someone was touching her were not actually

dreams but a terrifying reality. Once she raised her eyes to look at the window,

Dark was standing out there in the dark, smiling up at her, and the camera on

the fioor was destroyed.

She was so scared that she went to tell a friend about it, but whoever she tried

to tell about Dark, that person started disappearing right in front of her eyes.

The shock of it was too much for her to handle, combined with the fear of losing

her parents if she told them about Dark crushed her completely. All she could

do was keep her mouth shut and live in fear.

From that day forward, she began sleeping with her mother in her room. She

stopped going to the riverbank and rarely left the packhouse. She would even

hide if she crossed paths in the pack with Dark. Her actions of distancing herself

just messed with Dark’s mind. He was on the verge of bursting into a frustrated

tantrum, when the Full Moon party arrived. That snight he saw Willow with

a male friend. She had a little crush on that boy to begin with, so when they

were together, she forgot about Dark for a short period of tand went for a

walk to the woods with him, unaware that Dark was watching her like an

enraged beast. The moment he saw them holding hands, the little shred of

sanity that he had bee

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Chapter 103


snapped. Her blushing cheeks, her smiling lips were for that boy, not for Dark.

All she had was fear in her eyes when she was with him. She did not even look

at him with those eyes. She ignored him like the plague while having a love

affair with sother random guy.

Just as she closed her eyes to let the boy k*ss her, his pain filled screams

echoed in her ears. She opened her eyes in confusion and was startled when

hot blood splashed on her face. Her eyes met with the boy’s severed head.

“AHHHH….” she screamed in pure shock and fear. Her eyes and mouth grew

wide at the sight of Dark holding the boy’s head. “How dare you let another man

touch you?” He tossed away the boy’s lifeless b*dy aside, clearing his path to

Willow. Seeing such a frightening scene, she was bathed in her own sweat,

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unable to speak anything until he advanced closer to her.

“MOM!” Screaming and crying in fear, she tried to run away but failed.

“CHERE BITCH!” He grabbed her by the hair and pinned her to the ground.

“LETGO!!” she shrieked loudly, unable to struggle and terrified of him

pressing his hardness against her ass.

“If you were that in heat, you should have cto me, your mate,” he growled

at her, lifting her skirt up. “Now I will fuck every bit of heat out of you.”

“NOOO!! DON’T!!” she sobbed uncontrollably. The more she cried, the harder he

got. Just as he was ready to shove his cock inside her…

“Willow!” I arrived. Dark paused and raised his head to glance at me. I was

rooted in place, seeing him pinning Willow to the ground, but what scaredto

death was his mismatched eyes filled with rage. He… he was going to kill me.

Willow took that opportunity to hit Dark with a sharp stone.

“FUCKKK…” Dark groaned in pain when the stone hit too close to his throat.

Once his grip loosened on Willow’s b*dy, she successfully ran away.

When Willow escaped, I also fied the pack in fear. I had snuck back to Wade

Moon to meet with Willow after she had messagedabout a dangerous

stalker with mismatched eyes. She had toldhow she met him and what he

had done to her. Of course, after seeing Dark first hand I returned to my

grandma’s pack right away.

However as it turned out, Willow was not that fortunate. Dark killed her dad and

our pack members in front of her eyes. Her mother tried to help he

escape but Dark caught her in the middle of her escape.

1 of the pack members that he had

He abused her and S*xually assaulted her while among spelled to kill each

other and the pack and surrounding forest caught fire burning to the ground.

She had already been half dead from the abuse at that point, luckily before he



her Luna Elouis cto save Willow.

Her wolf could not even last five seconds against Dark but it was enough time

for Willow to

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Chapter 103


make a run for it. She was half n*ked, bleeding, yet a running Willow watched

her mother die by Dark’s sadistic hands. Despite all that Willow did as she was

told, when her mother kept mind–linking her not to stop. Hide forever and

never reveal her surnto anyone.

With the severity of the assault, all the deaths she witnessed first hand, and the

fire that consumed the only life she had ever known, it’s no wonder that the

trauma forced her to forget everything as a way to cope with the fact that she


Sky was in tears when he ended the story.

All this twhenever I heard about Willow’s suffering, the image of her

wounded and battered b*dy from the last tDark had tried to violate her

crossed my mind.

I turned around and left the hospital feeling pain all over my b*dy and soul.

“Reuben, where are you going?” Oran rushed after me.

“To get Willow,” I murmured emotionlessly.

He was stunned, “You know where Willow is?” Then he shook his head and

changed the question instead, “Do you know who Dark is?”

When he asked, I stopped at the sight of the person Ella and Walter had brought

back with them. Alpha Louis. He was already frozen at the sight of me.

I finally recalled where I had seen Alpha Benjamine in the past…. “I think I know

who Dark is..” I replied.