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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 106
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Chapter 106



“That monster is my brother’s wolf,” Alpha Louis confessed, revealing how he

had witnessed his sibling’s descent into darkness, driven by an insatiable thirst

for power despite already possessing the throne. The Alpha recounted the

tragedy of his brother’s inability to rein in the lupine part of his nature, so he

resorted to transforming it into its own malevolent entity. Alpha Louis

acknowledged his own culpability, admitting that his oversight and

preoccupation with the Emerald Bright Pack, his soulmate, and newborn son,

Reuben, had led to devastating consequences. If only he had diverted his

attention from his immediate concerns to his brother, he could have stopped

and exposed exactly what types of evil deeds he was committing, perhaps the

outcwould have been


“Louis, is this the reason you pushed for Reuben to assthe position of

Alpha King?” inquired Alpha Adam.

Alpha Louis nodded solemnly. “I kept my brother’s secret at the behest of our

father, it was his dying wish. He was aware of every nefarious deed that had

been committed by my brother, but his hands were tied as he lay on his

deathbed. The problem was that he valued our family’s reputation above all

else. If my brother’s transgressions were to cto light, it would besmirch our

royal lineage. I agreed to honor his final request, especially since Dark’s

disappearance meant that he was not an immediate threat. I believed that a

wolfiess King could rule the Kingdom without issue, as long as my brother’s

misdeeds remained hidden. However, I desired Reuben to ascend to the throne

for the Kingdom’s welfare, never anticipating Dark’s eventual return. My brother

had assuredthat he would never cback but now I realize that he lied.

He even hide the fact that Dark, who is originally his wolf, can take his own

human form thanks to the evilness he had gathered over the years. How could a

human be different from his wolf? They both are the same,”

he recounted.



Chapter 106

Upon hearing the backstory, my head spun. I exited the children’s room and

made my

way to the bathroom to splash water on my face, hoping to clear my thoughts.

The deceit and malevolence of the past now threatened to engulf Reuben and

Willow, who remained oblivious to these revelations. Yet, it was Willow that

stood the most to lose in this mess due to her evil blood. She was like a once

sleeping volcano with that evil blood inside her that could erupt at any point!

I clenched my fists, consumed with worry. What if the evil inside of her

manifested itself? With Dark already wreaking havoc, the prospect of Willow

becoming another harbinger of destruction loomed ominously.

I closed my eyes out of frustration, berating myself for being aware of such

crucial information yet powerless to act on it. Moreover, Reuben remained

blissfully unaware of his mate’s lethal powers capabilities.

I drew in a slow deep breath, at that moment memories of my past encounters

with Willow fiooded my mind. Suddenly, I noticed something peculiar. “Damn

it!” My eyes shot open.

I hastily exited the washroom and made my way to Bix’s house. “Bix!” I called

out upon entering the living room. His hresembled a witch’s den, with

every object carefully placed, nothing was to be disturbed or touched

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He emerged from his bedroom, concern etched across his face. “What’s the

matter?” he inquired.

“Mind–link Reuben immediately!” I urged, my tone desperate.

He furrowed his brow. “Regarding what?”

“The dormant evil within Willow’s blood that must never be awakened under

any circumstances!” I stepped closer to him. “Do you recall how Willow

overpoweredin the clearing a few days ago without even shifting into her

wolf form? As a pure Omega



Chapter 106

blood, it’s impossible for her to defeat me. Yet, she did so with ease. Do you

know why?

Because that day, she was consumed with outrage over my ill remarks about

Walter. She

was emotionally provoked and lost control without her being aware of it,” I



“Still, how does that correlate with the awakening of her evil blood?” he raised

an eyebrow skeptically.

“Every tshe’s emotionally provoked, shattered, or loses control, her evil

blood is triggered!” I exclaimed.

“What the…” Bix stared atincredulously. “Are you absolutely certain?”

“I am! At least, that’s what I’ve observed when it comes to Willow. We can’t

gauge the extent of emotional damage she’s endured during the last few days

with Dark. It would be safe to assthat she is teetering on the edge. If she

were to lose her temper, becemotionally provoked, or shift into her wolf

form, then we’re in for something far worse!”


“Alpha King?”

I stared at Dark with wide eyes. His expression remained calm and unchanged

when he locked gazes with me. He did not care to oppose or deny that Dark was

indeed… “Alpha King Alden!”

The corner of his lips curled into a smile, “I am Dark, Alden’s wolf,” he admitted.

“The Alpha King’s wolf?” My jaw dropped, “Does that mean the Kingdom has

been run by a wolfiess King all these years?”

“Yes, Alpha King Alden is just a puppet King without a wolf,” Reuben stated,

walking in. “Due to the fact that the fucked up other half of his nature is

wandering around wreaking



Chapter 106

havoc,” he added, his eyes locked on Dark.

“You are not welchere, boy,” Dark smiled but it was sharp enough to cut

glass, “I am thrilled that you could manage to make it this far alive to get to my

palace. I will be generous and allow you to leave this place with your life still

intact,” his voice was grave and full of pointed threats. Though, what really

surprisedwas the location that Dark had been holdingin. It turned out

the dark maze was none other than the Alpha King’s palace! A place that no one

would have expectedto be but Reuben csearching forhere. My

heart squeezed.

“Obviously, I am going to walk out of here alive…” Reuben crushed the cigarette

with his shoe, “with my soulmate,” he countered, his eyes blazing with

confidence, causing Dark’s smile to instantly drop.

Dark’s aura grew darker and colder as the room around us got darker and

darker. It was a very bad sign. “Your mate bond with my Rose was a mistake.

Now she is mine, I have rightfully claimed her,” he remarked, his voice even

more grave.

Reuben didn’t even glance at the darkness around him, “Nothing belongs to you

motherfucker. Not my soulmate or the world that you dream of ruling,” he

glared veins popping out of his n*ck.

Dark chuckled, “did you just say your soulmate, lover boy? How about you look

at her n*ck, it will help you clear any misunderstandings you may have. So you

can f**king give up as you can see I am in no mood to shed blood on my

wedding day. The New Moon is close and I don’t f**king have tto deal with a

love sick puppy like you?”

Reuben’s eyes moved from my face to my n*ck. I clenched my fists, fearing his

reaction. Was he going to think that I betrayed him? He tore his eyes away from

Dark’s mark on my n*ck and met mine. The blank look in his eyes was the

scariest thing I had ever imagined. “What’s with your crying face?” he chuckled,

“You have only lost my mark, I still bear your mark on my n*ck,” he smiled as he

spread his arms wide, “A mating mark doesn’t define our love, right? Chere,

Willow,” he smiled, making my heart beat intensify. We


Chapter 106

were…. still soulmates.


I bit my lip and nodded, ready to give in to my instinct to run over to him.

“That single wrong decision will not only cost your children’s life but him as

well,” Dark’s voice cfrom behind, freezingon the spot. I found myself

standing in the middle of the room, between Dark and Reuben as Dark’s

mocking voice entered my ears, “Choose wisely, Rose. This decision will bring

another storm of death into your life just like the one you made eleven years


I glanced over my shoulder at him then at Reuben whose heart was rapidly

beating in his ch*st over the matter as it was about our children’s life. My heart

clenched when I recalled the illusion of Wyatt and Lori’s death. I had to choose

between Reuben and children.

“Willow, our children will be safe,” Reuben promised, looking deep into my eyes.

“We will go visit them very soon,” he added, stretching his hand out to me.

I looked at his hand but did not move a muscle. Dark’s victorious smile grew

wider at Reuben’s expression. I took a deep breath then without a second

though, I raced all the way over to Reuben and hugged him tightly. “Reuben…”

My whole b*dy shook with the rollercoaster of emotions of losing him and

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finding him again.

He immediately returned my tight embrace, “It’s alright,” he k*ssed my head, his

heart beating faster in happiness now that I had chosen him over Dark.

Dark frowned bitterly, “Did you just choose him over your children?”

pulled slightly away from Reuben, placed my hand on Reuben’s chest, then

glanced over my shoulder at Dark, “I am choosing to trust my mate,” I


“You still haven’t learned who your real soulmate is, right?” Dark’s eyes turned

red in rage, “You have a great deal of confidence in him, don’t you?” he growled,

the darkness took on a very frightening state around Reuben and me. “Now you

will be responsible for his



Chapter 106

death!!” he roared, then vanished into the darkness. He had smysterious

powers that I was not sure that we could defeat. Moreover the door that we

could exit had disappeared into the ether, leaving both of us alone in the

creepy darkness.

“Where did he go?” I gasped, looking around only to be stunned by the three

large black wolves pouncing on us out of the darkness. “Reuben!!” I yelled,

immediately shielding him with my b*dy, ready to shift into my wolf and fight to

death but a black wolf with mismatched eyes smirked up atas a fourth wolf

cat Reuben from behind. Their target had only ever been Reuben.

“Don’t shift, no matter what happens,” he whispered, suddenly pushing me

away. “I don’t want to loose you again…”

I staggered away. What… what did he just do? Had he pushedaway? He

savedand… facing Dark alone?

my heart dropped in my stomach thinking about his actions as I immediately

looked back to find all four of them closing in to kill Reuben.

“NO! REUBEN!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs but what I saw next stunned

me. Reuben shifted into his wolf but not just one, he also turned into four

wolves that pounced on Dark’s four wolves.

Dark was caught off guard. Reuben ripped off half of his wolf’s face, before he

violently kicked away Dark.

A howl echoed in the room before Dark landed on the ground in his true form, I

stood up with a bloody face. “How did you get powers that were the exact

opposite of mine?!” Dark growled, glaring at Reuben who had also shifted into

his human form.

“Did you think that I would cunprepared?” Reuben’s lips curled into a half

smile, his b*dy held a different grace the exact opposite to Dark. “Get ready to

die, fucker.”


Chapter 106

Dark’s eyes widened when he realized, “You’ve taken on Louis’s royal powers?”