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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 109
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Chapter 109



Her clothes shredded before my eyes as she shifted right in front of me, but

what stunnedwas her snow–white fur adorned with a rich black undercoat

that remindedof a fever coat. She appeared even more beautiful yet

completely unapproachable. With an intense glint of bloodlust in her eyes she

charged at Dark, a sight that alarmedas I could no longer recognize my

Willow within her.

She tore open Dark’s ch*st with her claws, exacerbating the pain of the wound

and catching him off guard. Still reeling from the agony of losing his human

b*dy, he growled in pain and swiftly shifted into his wolf form to defend


His paws scrambled against the fioor purchase when he landed, his eyes locked

onto the large she–wolf standing before him.

“Rose…” he grinned, his eyes completely black. “So you want to killnow, is

that it? I loved you with everythingI have, yet you still betrayed me. I remade

the world as you wished it to be, but you didn’t value any of it. You destroyed a

lifetof hard work and penance just to be with your soulmate, children, and

others, didn’t you?” he quietly muttered, his fury intensifying as his eyes blazed

with madness while he circled her with predatory steps. “Now, you don’t

deserve my love. Though you don’t deserve a merciful death either, now you

will becthe path to my immortality. I will destroy everything you cherish

and kill every person you love! I will start with everything at once!” With a roar,

he lunged at Willow and a bloody fight ensued between them right in front of


Neither of them seemed even remotely sane, my heart raced as I watched

Willow fiercely attack, escape holds, and fend off Dark with equal ferocity, the

room becincreasingly bloody and chaotic.

By mentioning the deaths of Wyatt and Lori, Dark had provoked her even further

emotionally. She had beccompletely consumed by evil, rising again and

again after every hit, attacking with twice the power as if she were made not of

blood and bones, but of cotton. Her gaze was unwavering and the smile on her

lips never faltered, mirroring Dark’s


It felt as if she was not from this world. Her strength was so much scarier that

she could kill the whole pack of wolves in a few minutes. Never in my wild

imagination I realized my always smiling Willow held such dangerous powers.

But the longer I watched Willow, the more I felt like I was losing her.

I couldn’t just stand there and watch as she slipped away, but before I could act,

I received a mind–link from Oran.

“Reuben, our pack is under attack, just as you predicted,” he remarked,

explaining how


Chapter 109

thousands of werewolves were charging into our territory. They were the same

wolves that had disappeared under Dark’s control. When reports indicated that

there was no blood in the soil of the mysteriously burnt packs, I suspected that

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those individuals were still alive and posed a threat. Now, Dark had raised his

army and they were assaulting my pack. However…

“Follow our plan!” I ordered.

“Already on it. Walter, Sky, and I are at the borders with members from the

Emerald Bright Pack, the Opal Moon Pack, and a group of Walter’s brilliant

hunters. Ella is protecting the pack from within alongside Alphas Lewis and

Adam. The pack is fortified by three Alphas as you requested,” he reported

quickly then concluded, “However, there are far too many of them to defeat,

Reuben. On top of that none of them appear to be in their right minds. It’s as if

they’re here to kill or be killed! We can’t hold off an army like this for long!”

Our mind–link abruptly cut off, and my muscles tightened. He was being

attacked from all sides, all at once. As I watched the fight continue between

Willow and Dark, he grinned atfor a split second. He had been controlling

the army!

Anger surged throughwhen I realized his twisted plan. By destroying my

pack, he would cause the deaths of innocent people and our children, which

would undoubtedly lead to the break inside Willow widening further. If she

ended up completely broken, Dark would seize control over her then use her

blood to gain an advantage over us.

I couldn’t let that happen! I immediately shifted into my wolf form and charged

at Dark. He prepared to strike, aiming to put another hole in my chest, but at

the last moment I changed directions when I was a 100 meters away from him

and lunged for Willow.

Dark was momentarily caught off guard as he realized I had taken her with me

into the darkness. He couldn’t handle the shock of losing her and swiftly

dispelled the gloomy darkness that surrounded us.

With everything around us becoming clear once again, I seized the opportunity

to find a way out, searching for the large door through which I had entered.

“BIX!” I urgently mind–linked him and the door immediately transformed into


“Damn it!” Dark gritted his teeth when he realized he had fallen for my trick as

he witnessed a magical portal created by Bix appear on the other side of the

door. The gloomy darkness attempted to chase after Willow, aiming to snatch

her from me. Before it could succeed, I pushed her through the portal blocking

the darkness from reaching her. However, in the midst of the chaos, I suddenly

felt Willow’s strong furious hand grip my wrist and pullinside the portal

along with her. She did not letgo!

My b*dy tumbled to the ground with a jolting force as we emerged in the middle

of the Emerald Bright packhouse and its borders, surrounded by blood, war, and

death. Oran, Ella, Walter, Sky, and everyone else that we had gathered were

fighting and killing. I raised my head to see Dark emerging from the portal as


F*uck! Dark’s infiuence on his army hadn’t diminished, instead it had intensified.

The sky

10:19 Thu, 25 Apr G

Chapter 109


above us grew darker until suddenly the members of Dark’s army began turning

on each other, savagely attacking and–killing one another. Oran, Walter, Sky,

Alpha Luise, and Alpha Adam every one of their wolves ceased fighting. They

were frozen by the horrifying sight of wolves slaughtering their own army or

taking their own lives. One by one, all the wolves dropped to the ground dead,

mirroring the exact sscene that Sky had described taking place in Wade

Moon with when the pack members turned on each other eleven years ago.

“Did you see what you caused, Rose?” Dark grinned wickedly at Willow.

My eyes immediately snapped to Ceri, who stood frozen in place her black eyes

wide with horror as she witnessed the scene unfolding before her. My fists

clenched in realization that Dark was deliberately recreating this scene of

destruction in order to push Willow to the breaking point.

“This is just the beginning!” he roared. Then in the next moment, the entire pack

started to catch fire beginning with the packhouse where our children were.

“NO!” I growled in indignation, shifted into my wolf form, and lunged at Dark

intent on tearing him to pieces while Willow’s condition grew more chilling at

the sight of the packhouse burning.

Dex completely lost his mind, driven by the need to strike at Dark’s heart. I dug

my claws into Dark’s already ripped–open ch*st and tore it further down to his

stomach. He hissed in pain, but to my horror, he began to heal himself. No

matter how much I beat him or broke his bones, he still was able to recover.

“One thing you don’t know about me,” he announced, kickingaway and

rising to his feet in his human form. “Dark can’t be killed by a mere mortal wolf.

The deaths taking place all around us givepower, makinginvincible,” he

laughed darkly, unleashing more of his dark energy, intensifying the inferno

that had engulfed the pack, leaving nowhere for anyone to escape. “I CAN KILL


He laughed menacingly, relishing the fear refiected on everyone’s pale faces as

they stared at the monster that threatened to burn them to death. I stood up

defiantly, glaring at him refusing to back down. “If I can’t kill you, then I’ll take

you to hell with me!” I growled, preparing to charge at him with my last ounce of

strength. Before I could make a move, a shadow loomed over my head.

Confused, I looked up to see a large wolf leaping over me. I gasped, “Willow…”

In a fiash too quick for Dark to anticipate, Willow launched herself at him. She

pounced on him, shattering his spine in one swift motion. Dark screamed in

pain as he crashed to the ground, Willow mercilessly wracked her paws all over

his chest, tearing at his n*ck with a powerful roar, to end his reign of terror once

and for all.

The entire clearing fell into a dead silence as Dark lay half–dead beneath

Willow. She savagely mauled his face with her teeth, ripping his head from his

torso in a final, decisive act of vengeance. The killing ceased on its own, as if the

world itself recognized the end of Dark’s



Chapter 109

reign of terror.


“She killed him!” Sky gasped, stunned by the scene that had unfolded before

him. Unlike the others, who stood in awe, as the fire died out on their own with

Dark’s death.

“He said no one could kill him, but Willow did!” Walter exclaimed, his voice filled

with disbelief.

“Dark’s mark on her n*ck is gone, but her evil blood has completely taken

control of her,” Oran remarked, his words sending a wave of concern through


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“Now she has becanother Dark,” Alpha Louise added gravely.

The group collectively held a breath during the tension, everyone watched as

Willow shifted back into her human form but continued to relentlessly attack

Dark, her actions fueled by an unseen force.

“AAHHHHH!!” Willow screamed, her voice filled with pain as she remained half–

shifted, relentlessly ripping at Dark’s intestines while releasing dark energy that

cursed the surrounding area.

“Willow!!” I yelled, racing over to her. She was no longer herself, consumed by

the darkness that had consumed her. Just as I was about to touch her, her dark

energy began to burn my wolf, forcingaway with a powerful energy field.

“GGRR…” I growled in pain, determined to break through the energy barrier

separating us. If this continued, Willow would end up killing herself. “Willow!!” I

roared at the top of my lungs, summoning all my strength to break through the

energy field until I finally embraced her from behind, desperately hoping to

bring her back to herself.

I lifted her off of Dark’s lifeless b*dy and held her tightly in my arms. “AHHH…”

she continued to scream uncontrollably, her evil energy causing her immense

pain as I refused to let her go. Despite her struggles, I held onto her, refusing to

release her from my grasp.

Dex attempted to connect with Ceri, but she was completely lost to us. I had lost

my Willow.

My heart shattered into countless pieces as I watched her in this agonizing

state. I couldn’t bear to lose her. I couldn’t let her slip away. I refused to give up

on her.

With determination burning in my eyes, I made a decision. I rolled her onto the

ground, pinning her beneath me. She screamed and thrashed, desperate to

break free, but I held her firmly, restraining her legs with my knees and pinning

her hands above her head. Finally, I buried my face in her n*ck, marking her

once again, determined to reclaim the Willow I knew and loved.

She fought fiercely to avoid my mark, but I persisted, forcing her n*ck aside and

sinking my teeth deep and then deeper into her fiesh until she was completely

marked as mine. As our broken bond was slowly restored, her blood mixed with

mine in my mouth, when our wolves finally connected, she ceased screaming

and struggling.


After a moment, I withdrew my canines and gazed down at her. Her head

remained tilted to the side.

eyes and found them still dark, then after a few moments they gradually

transformed back into their beautiful blue Kue just like they were before. She

looked up atwith watery eyes before slowly closing them and fainting in my


“Willow,” I whispered, gently turning her face towards mine. I searched her

I immediately pulled her into my chest. “Willow,” I murmured, biting my lip as I

buried my face in her n*ck. “Willow…”