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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 88
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Chapter 88

Bix felt the weight of everyone’s surprised stares upon him once the truth about

his identity was revealed, but it was Oran’s burning gaze drilling into his face

that proved unbearable. Try as he might, avoiding it was no easy feat.

A tense silence enveloped the yard as Willow glanced between them and

Reuben, whose eyes remained fixed on his two friends with meaningful

intensity. Restlessness hung in the air as she observed the others, including

Ella. However, Walter’s chuckle shattered the silence as he addressed Adam,


babies for your own personal gain, manipulating and using others to shield your

own daughter… I’m not surprised by the evilness in her personality,” he

remarked, his gaze shifting to Ella. To his surprise, she displayed no animosity

toward Walter for the first time, which caught him off guard.

Ella blinked big wet eyelashes, taking a few hesitant steps closer to Walter. “It

sounds like a bitter truth,” she acknowledged, placing her hand over his that

held the silver dagger against Alpha Adam’s chest. “I have to admit that you

were correct when you said that evil can sense evil,” she added, surprising

Walter, his arm obediently lowered until they both rested at his side without his


“What are you saying, Ella?” Alpha Adam panicked, grasping her hands in his

own. “You’re not evil, my dear. I have wronged you with my greed, binding you

with a marriage treaty you never wished to sign. You only agreed to make me

happy. None of this is your fault. It’s dad who’s responsible for everything…”

“I had only one father, and he died years ago. I had an uncle just a few hours

ago, but I’ve lost him too…” Ella slowly withdrew her hand from Adam’s grip,

leaving him in stunned shock. “Ella… don’t say such things,” Adam weakly


Meanwhile, Walter stood there frozen,.his heart quickening at the sight of Ella’s

defeated and broken figure, now oddly silent.

“Yet, I am the one that will have to pay for your sins…” Ella murmured, gathering

her luggage.

“What? No! ELLA! DON’T GO!” Adam yelled frantically, but Ella didn’t halt her

departure. She did not even look back as her tears continued to fiow like a river.

There was no way she would stay in Emerald Bright Pack when she could not

even face Bix. “DON’T LEAVE! PLEASE, JUST DON’T!!!” He collapsed to his knees,

the weight of his loss crushing him. The daughter he had spent his life trying to

protect was


Chapter 88

now lost to him, she did not even care whether she lived or died after his dark


ruined everything with his own hand.


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were exposed. He

Walter snapped out of his daze as Ella began to leave the yard. What did she

mean by paying for Adam’s

sins? Frowning, he recalled the current devastated state of the Opal Moon Pack.

The Opal Moon Pack, once the second strongest after the Emerald Bright Pack,

found itself in turmoil

once Reuben severed ties due to Alpha Adam’s attempted murder of Willow.

With the collapse their

alliance, other packs that had feigned friendship now revealed their true colors.

Bereft of treaties and

protection, the Opal Moon Pack was vulnerable to exploitation. Alphas from

powerful packs set their

sights on their land, territory, business, and dwindling wealth.

With Alpha Adam’s left arm rendered useless by Reuben’s assault, he could no

longer lead, leaving Ella

to assthe role of Alpha. She now faced the daunting task of navigating all

these challenges alone.

Stepping beyond the boundaries of the Emerald Bright territory would expose

Ella to ruthless Alphas,

many of whom she had rejected for their unwelcadvances. Now, she stood

as an unprotected

target, vulnerable to robbery and violence of the beasts waiting outside for her.

Despite the looming dangers ahead, Ella made the decision to depart the

territory, burdened by the

weight of her father’s betrayal and the guilt of unknowingly usurping Bix’s

position since birth.

Walter’s hands shook at his sides when her back began to disappear from view.

She was walking to her doom. He stepped toward her but stopped with a frown.

“I don’t care what happens to her. Children must pay for their parents‘ actions,

she is evil,” he muttered

to himself, climbing into his car to depart from the pack.

However, as he started the engine, his mind conjured images of her being taken

by all those Alphas

“beyond the territory. He envisioned her struggles, her tears, and her broken


“f**k!” he furiously punched the steering wheel before speeding away. However,

he abruptly stopped the car upon spotting Ella walking alone and lost in the

woods with her luggage. Exiting the vehicle, he approached her and grabbed her

arm. “Go back,” he demanded.

“Leavealone,” she murmured, pushing his hand away.

“I said go back!” Walter growled, seizing her arms and pulling her closer to his

chest. “There are wild


dogs waiting for you outside. You’ll be eaten,” he warned.

“Why do you care? Isn’t this what you wanted from the beginning?” she asked,

her voice barely above a whisper. “You hate me. You wanted to expose me. You

wanted to get rid of me. Haven’t you achieved everything you desired?” she


Walter’s hands trembled slightly at the sight of her tears, revealing her true

beauty. The sharp facade she always presented to others had been washed

away by tears, revealing a genuine vulnerability that pierced Walter’s heart. “I

have yet to obtain everything I desire…” he murmured, locking eyes with her

teary gaze. “You haven’t satisfiedyet,” he whispered, his hand gently

caressing her cheek.

Ella’s b*dy instantly shivered at his touch, her skin turning cold as she stared at

him. “What do you mean?” she questioned, her voice trembling.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer until her ch*st bumped

against his. Ella gasped

in panic. “What are you doing?!” she squeaked, attempting to push him away by

placing her hand on his

chest, but her efforts were in vain.

“Do you wantto save you and your pack?” he asked, leaning down closer to

her face.

Ella stared at him, surprised by the unexpected offer. The Opal Moon Pack held

the last memory of her

parents that she had, one that she couldn’t bear to lose no matter the cost.

With the lives of over a

hundred innocent pack members in her hands, she couldn’t afford to let any of

them die. “Can you. really help me?” she whispered.

Walter’s lips curled into a smile, though disgust lurked behind it, unnoticed by

Ella. “Of course, I can

help, but not for free,” he replied.

The slight hope that had risen in Ella’s heart was instantly crushed. “I have

nothing to offer you at this ‘moment. Our business is going bankrupt, and the

pack has nearly lost all wealth due to current attacks. But if you promise to help

my pack, once I regain control over our business, I will make sure to repay


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“I don’t want your money,” Walter interjected. “I have enough to buy you and

your pack a hundred

times over.”

Ella fell silent, sensing the insult behind his words that she reluctantly

swallowed. “Then what do you


Chapter 88

want?” she asked, only to feel his hand sliding down to her rear.

“I have never fucked a shifter before. Lettaste you,” he offered.

Ella’s face paled instantly. “That’s impossible!” she panicked, struggling to free

herself from his grasp.


Walter’s expression darkened. “Why are you acting innocent? You are making it

seem like I’m trying to

rape you?” he released her in disgust.

“I am not a whore who sleeps around for money!” she snapped.

“Though you’re no longer a princess either, and all too soon you’ll find that you

are willing to sell yourself for money too,” Walter retorted.


Ella froze under the weight of the truth in his words. Her eyes welled up again,

she could no longer argue. She had known from the beginning that this moment

would come, but she hadn’t wanted to accept it. Yet, when he had said those

things to her, she could no longer see the fiicker of hope that had been

lingering around the corner. “You’re the worst,” she whispered, wiping her tears

and grabbing her luggage to leave.

Walter stood motionless, watching her pass by. For the first tin his life, he

felt deeply disturbed by a woman’s tears, especially when that woman wasn’t

human but a despicable she–wolf. A werewolf destined for the fate she was

heading toward, so why… why was he so furious over her departure?

Consumed by his own anger and wild thoughts, he charged at Ella. “What are

you doing?!” she screamed as he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder.

“Stay quiet,” he growled, tossing her into the passenger seat. Ella slid back as

he suddenly leaned in, gripping her chin tightly. “Before I change my mind and

punish you for callingthe worst,” he added, staring into her fearful eyes and

full red lips before pulling away and slamming the door shut.
