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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 90
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Chapter 90


“This Alpha Prince is kidnapping his princess.”

The sound of him callingprincess caused my heart to skip a beat. His

possessive grip on my hand and the love–filled playfulness in his eyes, which

never strayed from me, captured my heart once more, makingfall in love

with him all over again as if it were the first time.

I truly felt like a princess, ready to soar through the highest clouds in the skies

with him.

Stlater, we reached a part of the forest that was dense and cooler than

other areas. We paused

our brisk pace and walked hand in hand, savoring the melodic chirping of birds

and the breathtaking

beauty of nature surrounding us. However, the man besideseemed more

enthralled by admiring my face than anything else.

My cheeks fiushed under his continuous gaze. “Stop it,” I shyly rebuked.

“If I only knew how,” he murmured, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my

ear, which matched the hue of my reddened cheeks.

His playful fiirtation made my heart fiutter, I bashfully averted my gaze only to

realize that our surroundings appeared eerily familiar. For a brief moment, as

we continued our walk, I attempted to recall our destination but found myself at

a loss.

“Where are we headed?” I inquired, looking up at him with curiosity.

The corner of his li*ps curved into a slight smile. “You’ll soon find out,” he


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His response only fueled my curiosity and excitement. When we finally arrived

at our destination, I was taken aback.

Beforelay a dead end, yet the breathtaking sight of the sun setting behind

the distant mountains unfolded before us.

Chapter 90

“This is…” I uttered, gazing up at Reuben in surprise and disbelief.


“The sunset point where we used to meet every evening,” he smiled, leading me

to the edge where we had always sat together. My heart began to race with each

step I took.

It felt as though I had been transported back to the past, to the twhen

Reuben had first introducedto this spot, which had gradually becour

secret rendezvous point. It held a myriad of cherished. memories from my life

that were etched into my heart.

“It’s absolutely stunning,” I murmured, leaning against his shoulder as we

admired the sunset and the birds returning to their nests.

“Ever since you returned, I’ve been wanting to bring you to this place,” Reuben

said, glancing down at my face with happiness evident in his beautiful green

eyes, which seemed to shine even more brightly under the evening sky. “Do you

like it?”

“I love it,” I confessed.

“I love it too,” he replied, planting a gentle k*iss on the top of my head. I closed

my eyes, reveling in his warmth. It all felt like a dream to me.

We sat there for quite a while, reminiscing about the delightful moments we

had shared in that spot in the past. Laughter filled the air as we recalled the

twhen I had panicked, convinced that someone had found us in our secret

meeting place, only to discover it was just a mischievous raccoon. Reuben had

teasedendlessly about that particular incident, and now, once again, he

chuckled at the memory.

“Don’t laugh,” I pouted. He laughed harder, pinching my cheek. I narrowed my

eyes at him, prepared for retaliation.

I recounted the instance when he had practically sprinted to the sunset point

with a murderous intent, suspecting someone was making advances toward me,

only to findconversing and giggling with a rabbit. I had laughed my ass off

when he had appeared half shifted. He had been embarrassed at that moment.

To my surprise, he had even gotten jealous with the little rabbit sitting on my

lap. He chased the rabbit away with a warning that if he dared to make a move

towardsor returned then he would eat it!


Reuben’s laughter faded as I playfully pointed out those moments from our

shared past.

“No need to laugh so much. It’s not that amusing,” he pouted.

“Ohh… did I upset the Alpha Prince again?” I grinned from ear to ear, playfully

pinching his cheek just as

he had done toearlier.

I intended to tease him, but instead of getting irritated, he seemed to enjoy it.

As his li*ps formed into a charming smile, I paused, feeling my cheeks grow

warm. Slowly, I released his cheek, intending to pull

away, but he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulledinto his lap.

“Why did you stop?” he murmured, capturing my li*ps. “Keep teasing me,

Willow” he urged, trailing gentle ki*sses along my skin, teasingwith each

touch. “Teaseto death.”

Smiling shyly, I closed my eyes and returned his ki*ss. He immediately

deepened it into a passionate


For the first time, we were alone in this place without any fear of being

discovered. Now, we were more than just lovers. We were soulmates.

“Willow,” Reuben gently broke the kis*s.

I slowly opened my eyes to meet him, our li*ps merely an inch away from each


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“Hmmm?” Smiling, I asked.

“I am sorry,” he suddenly apologized, his eyes filled with regret.

“For what?” confused, I touched his cheek.

“For hurting you six years ago,” he started speaking. I froze when he suddenly

mentioned that day, “Instead of telling you how happy I was to beca father,

I blamed you and said hurtful things that I don’t even believe. Instead of

accepting our child and the happiness that I shared with you, I pushed you

away. I left you with no other choice but to run away fromyet I blamed you

for escaping,” he admitted.

V eyes u

at his words. “Unintentionally or not, I committed an unforgivable crand I


Chapter 90

spend the rest of my life towards redemption and still cup short. But

Willow…” he paused and rar

his finger through a tear under my eye. “Please allowto be with you for the

rest of your life as I pay

for my crimes,” he begged, his eyes filled with guilt and hurt. “Letlove you

until the end of my life.

Never leave me…


Crying, I nodded and hugged him. “Willow can never leave Reuben. Even if one

can’t see it, it is still
