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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 92
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Chapter 92


The Next Morning

Standing outside the soundproof window of the torture room alongside Bix, I

watched as Alpha Adam groaned in pain.

“You can’t trust anything he says,” Bix warned, his gaze serious as they rested on

Alpha Adam, even though Adam couldn’t see us. “He’s a hypocrite, a greedy evil

b a s t a r d. He would use and blanyone for his own profit, so we can’t trust

his claim when he says that Alpha Benjamin had anything to do with Dark,” he


I nodded. “That’s why I haven’t disclosed this matter to Willow yet. Her respect

for Alpha Benjamin is beyond anyone’s imagination. That old man really went

out of his way to help my mate when she was pregnant and alone. It’s not like I

trust him at all, but first I need to confirm whether Alpha Adam’s claim is true or

not,” I stated, fiddling with a cigarette packet in my hand as I studied Alpha

Adam’s expression closely. He was full of guilt and sorrow over the loss of his

daughter, and he didn’t seem to have any motivation to live anymore. “In this

condition, Adam doesn’t have any reason to lie, and the sudden mention of

Alpha Benjamin in this matter doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me,” I shared

my thoughts, which Bix agreed with.

“This coincidence is really odd. If Dark’s power was truly used to switch Ella and

would be highly unusual because a man in his late twenties should have been a

toddler or only one or two years old at that time,” he pointed out. “So either

Alpha Adam is lying or Dark is really not in his late twenties.

That’s when I recalled Willow tellingabout her nightmare and the

remembered fragment of her past where she saw Dark. “What if he never aged?”

I stated, gazing at his surprised expression directed towards me.

“That’s insane if that’s really the case! He is turning out to be even more

dangerous than we originally imagined him to be. I bet he’s coming for us!” Bix


“I agree, but I have something even more thrilling than this,” Oran entered

through the door with an ancient book in his hand.

His eyes first locked with Bix, who immediately looked away, but Bix’s ears were

red. I looked between two of them for a moment before I asked, “What did you

find?” I raised an eyebrow.




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to Dark! he exclaimed.

Show me!” I took the book from him and started reading the line that really

explained the inhuman and insane strength, the control over fire, and

controlling the surrounding by sanonymous energies. Everything explained

in that book mirrored Dark’s energy.

“Okay, but what is so thrilling about this?” Bix murmured momentarily,

forgetting about things between him and Oran as he read alongside me.

“Actually the thing is, not everyone can have such powers but only…” Oran

paused and glanced at me.

My eyes got stuck on the book when I read the words, ‘royal family?

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My mind instantly went blank.

“How is this possible?” Bix gasped and looked at me. “Does this mean that this

Dark person is connected to that… royal family?”

Oran and Bix both looked attogether as I nearly crushed the book in his

hand. Willow

“Why are you helping me?” Ella, curled up in the corner of the guest room, asked

“It’s not wise to willingly leap into a well,” I murmured, seated across from her,

my back against the wall. Yesterday when Walter brought her back to the

packhouse, he waited until I returned with Reuben and then he pushed Ella in

my arms and left without looking back. I did not let Ella leave the packhouse. I

talked to Reuben about her stay in our pack and he left the decision up to me.

No matter what our relationship was with Ella now, as a woman I could not let

her be violated by those monsters outside, “Predators await you outside. Don’t

sacrifice your life to punish yourself,” I advised.

She slowly raised her eyes where tears had long gone dry yet her nose and

cheeks were still reddened from crying.” Don’t you hate me?” she murmured.

“I’m simply trying to repay the kindness you showedby becoming my friend

when I was alone at a new school,” I replied softly and the mention of that time

surprised her. “I want to repay you for informing Reuben about Dark when I was

in danger, despite our differences. I want to repay you for revealing everything

that happened six years



Chapter 92

“I went through the ancient books like you had instructed and discovered a

possible explanation for powers that are similar to Dark!” he exclaimed.



“Show me!” I took the book from him and started reading the line that really

explained the inhuman and insane strength, the control over fire, and

controlling the surrounding by sanonymous energies. Everything explained

in that book mirrored Dark’s


“Okay, but what is so thrilling about this?” Bix murmured momentarily,

forgetting about things between him and Oran as he read alongside me.

“Actually the thing is, not everyone can have such powers but only…” Oran

paused and glanced at me.

My eyes got stuck on the book when I read the words, ‘royal family.’

My mind instantly went blank.

“How is this possible?” Bix gasped and looked at me. “Does this mean that this

Dark person is connected to that… royal family?”

Oran and Bix both looked attogether as I nearly crushed the book in his



“Why are you helping me?” Ella, curled up in the corner of the guest room, asked

“It’s not wise to willingly leap into a well,” I murmured, seated across from her,

my back against the wall. Yesterday when Walter brought her back to the

packhouse, he waited until I returned with Reuben and then he pushed Ella in

my arms and left without looking back. I did not let Ella leave the packhouse. I

talked to Reuben about her stay in our pack and he left the decision up to me.

No matter what our relationship was with Ella now, as a woman I could not let

her be violated by those monsters outside, “Predators await you outside. Don’t

sacrifice your life to punish yourself,” I advised.

She slowly raised her eyes where tears had long gone dry yet her nose and

cheeks were still reddened from crying.” Don’t you hate me?” she murmured.

“I’m simply trying to repay the kindness you showedby becoming my friend

when I was alone at a new school,” I replied softly and the mention of that time

surprised her. “I want to repay you for informing Reuben about Dark when I was

in danger, despite our differences. I want to repay you for revealing everything

that happened six years


11:39 Tue, 9 Apr

Chapter 92



ago and being honest withwhen others kept the truth from me,” I explained.

Despite her efforts to hold them back, a tear escaped from her eyes. “But I also

hate you for everything you’ve done,” I added, knowing she expected to hear it.

“That makes sense,” she replied, a sad smile appearing on her lips as she wiped

her tears


She didn’t attempt to defend herself against the accusation, daying that she

had been infiuenced by the spell that had been cast on the marriage contract

that Bix had mentioned earlier. She simply accepted her actions without any


“I hate you for betraying our friendship, for betraying my trust, and for

attempting to steal Reuben away from me,” I continued, my voice tinged with

bitterness. “But above all, I hate you the most and can never forgive you for

lying six years ago about Reuben bringing a fiancée hwith him. Because of

your lie, I…” my voice trailed off, the weight of my unfinished sentence hanging

heavily in the air as Ella interrupted me.

“What are you talking about?” Ella frowned at my last statement. “I never lied to

you about Reuben having a fiancée,” she asserted firmly.

“Why are you lying to my face?” I retorted sharply. “Six years ago, the day I left

the Emerald Bright Pack, it was a full moon. As I was about to approach Reuben,

you interceptedon the way before joining the others in shifting and running.

You explicitly toldthat Reuben had brought an Alpha’s daughter has his

fiancée!” I insisted.

“How would it even be possible forto meet you on a full moon and lie to

you when you know very well that I celebrate every full moon night with the

Opal Moon pack members? Don’t you remember?” Ella pointed out.

I sat there, stunned and speechless. Ella did indeed attend her pack’s

gatherings on every full moon. Why hadn’t I noticed that particular day? “Then

how cyou said the sthing about Reuben’s fiancée at the Thanksgiving

party too?” I demanded.

“Me? I never said any such thing,” she claimed, never looking away from me.

A slight sense of panic rose in my heart in confusion. Could it be that she

unconsciously said those things and never realized? “Then was it not you who

sent the pictures of Reuben and I to Alpha Louis while we were in college to

make us break up? Were you not the one who had been secretly spying on me

since I returned a month ago, givinga creepy feeling?”

“What kind exactly are you accusingof?” Ella’s eyes widened. “I had no

feelings for Reuben prior to signing the marriage contract with him. Now that

the contract is gone, my feelings have nearly faded away and returned to what

they had been in the past. I admit Reuben is handsand every girl’s desire,

but not for me. Moreover, I was into


Chapter 92

Oran back in the day, even though it didn’t work between us. So tell me, why

would I send photos to Alpha Louis to make the two of you break up?” She

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made a reasonable point that I couldn’t deny.

“So it really wasn’t you…” I trailed off, my heart racing as Ella sensed the gravity

of the



“No…” She shook her head slowly, and my mind went blank with the unexpected

revelation. Ella had silently acknowledged all her mistakes, and she was not the

type of person to lie about her actions, especially not now when there was no

reason to do so. However, if it wasn’t Ella that day six years ago? If Ella was not

the one who sent photos to Alpha Louis then who was it?

Suddenly, a sharp knock on the door jolted both Ella and me. “Luna,” cthe

voice of the Omega standing outside, causing our hearts to race even faster.

Startled, we exchanged glances before turning our attention to the Omega.

“Please cwithto the children’s room. I’ve been trying to wake them up

for their evening snack, but they’re not responding,” she requested.

“I understand. I’ll go wake them up. You can go,” I replied, rising from the fioor

to leave the room. As I made my way to the children’s room, my mind was

consumed by confusion. I couldn’t shake the memory of Ella’s smiling face and

cheerful voice from six years ago. Suddenly, my steps halted as realization

dawned on me-someone had used Ella’s likeness to deceivethat day. But

who could it be? And why had they done it to me? A very frightening feeling

raised my heart and I did not know why but Dark’s face cto my mind.

That’s when a knock on the front door of the packhouse scaredto death.

Coincidentally, I was standing in the living room a few meters away from the

door when it happened. Though the knock on the door did not sound like a

knock, rather it felt as if someone was banging on it.

I fiinched at the banging and stared at the door while holding my breath. Who

could be on the other side? As far as I knew Oran and Bix never knocked, they

had keyes.

I knew Oran and

I slowly drew closer to the door but froze before opening it when I was

enveloped by the aura of the person standing on the other side of the door. It

was sharp, cold, and for sreason… scary. No… I had to be hallucinating.

Ceri suddenly faded away from my mind and for sreason I did not want to

open the door. Despite the fact that the longer I took to open the door the

harder the knock became. My b*dy grew colder and I felt a sweat forming on my

forehead before I raised my hand to open the door.


11:39 Tue, 9 Apr

Chapter 92


As soon as I did, a pair of beautiful green eyes that resembled Reuben’s locked

with me. Holding my breath out of fear, I looked at the over six foot tall

imposing figure of the handsyet unknown man looking atso intensely

that I subconsciously took a step back as he stepped forward entering the

house, matchingstep for step. His actions added fuel to my panicked state,

until my back bumped into Reuben’s chest.

“Black?” Reuben’s voice cfrom behindas he looked at the man in front

of him.

The man stopped and glanced at Reuben. However, I stared at him with wide

eyes. The nsounded familiar. It turned out the man was the Crown Prince

Black Emerald!

The man that never ever appeared in public! What was he doing here?