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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 93
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Chapter 93


Standing behind the kitchen counter, I stole a glance at the Crown Prince seated

at the dining table as I prepared a fresh pot of coffee.

With his striking pair of green eyes, broad face, defined jawline, and prominent

nose, the man on the other side of the kitchen doorway bore a striking

resemblance to Reuben. Even their heights seemed to match! I pondered whether

it was due to the fact that Alpha Louis and Alpha King Zion were identical twins,

resulting in Reuben and Black sharing such similar facial features.

To my surprise, he caughtstaring at him as though he were aware of my

scrutiny. My heart began to suddenly race, pounding frantically in my chest. I

hastily averted my gaze and focused on pouring coffee into the mugs, but my

hands shook uncontrollably. His piercing stare… it unnervedfor some

inexplicable reason, especially when our eyes met and locked.

The coffee spilled from the cup due to my trembling hands. Suddenly, a hand

reached from behind and gently held mine, helpingto properly pour it.

“Are you alright?” Reuben asked softly, his presence and touch instantly calming


“Yes,” I replied with a smile, glancing up at him. I hadn’t expected him to follow me


with his cousin. the kitchen instead of conversing

He k*ssed my cheek. “Alright, let’s go,” he said, taking the coffee tray and placing

his hand on my back as we walked out. However, as the Omegas cooking on the

other side of the kitchen caught sight of their Alpha holding the tray for me, they

secretly admired Reuben. The men from Alpha family were never seen in the

kitchen let alone carrying

a tray.

I smiled secretly, halting him before he could enter the dining room. Raising my

toes, I pulled him lightly down, and gave him a quick k*ss. Reuben blinked in

surprise which madeshy. Without a word I swiftly stepped out of the kitchen.

Reuben chuckled and followedto the dining table where Crown Prince Black


“How did you suddenly end up here?” Reuben questioned Black.

Black lifted his gaze to meet Reuben’s. “I’m sure you know the reason,” he

replied, his voice deep and grave and too similar to Reuben for my comfort. His

eyes briefly flickered toas he listed off, “Defying the Alpha King, eliminating

one of the King’s advisors without justification, disregarding the royal Elders,

treating a royal decree with


Chapter 93

disdain, and…

“Coffee?” Reuben interjected, placing a cup in front of Black before he could

continue. Black paused, glancing at the coffee then back at Reuben. I was slightly

taken aback by Reuben’s gesture. “I thought you did not like getting involved in

other people’s shit,” Reuben commented to Black before turning to pull out a chair

for me.

“I still hate it until that sh it splashes on my title then I get called out to deal with it,”

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Black murmured as he lazily leaned back in his chair. I suddenly realized where

this conversation was going.

Reuben nodded and sat down as he introduced them, “Willow, this is my cousin,

Alpha Black Emerald, the Crown Prince.”

“Hello,” I greeted, turning to face the Crown Prince, who continued to stare at me.

I couldn’t tell if it was my imagination or if he had indeed been staring atsince

he entered the packhouse.

“And this is my soulmate, Willow,” Reuben added.

After the introductions, the dining room fell into a tense silence. I felt a bit

uncomfortable under his gaze. His stare wasn’t quite welcoming nor was it hostile,

instead it was rather mysterious. I just tried not to look at him but into my coffee.

Black gracefully picked his coffee mug up from the dining table, then finally

opened his mouth to speak. “Just Willow?” he asked, his voice deep and weighty,

strikingly similar to Reuben’s. His meaningful question immediately captured

Reuben’s attention.

As I had suspected, he was here because of me. “Mind tellyour full name?”

The look in his eyes was intense.

“It’s Willow Rathbone,” I honestly replied. There was no point in hiding any longer,

especially when the Alpha King himself had already discovered my surname. He

turned his gaze to meet Reuben’s.

“You’re harboring quite the scandal, aren’t you?” Black chuckled, taking another

sip of his coffee.

“A scandal, perhaps, but she’s mine,” Reuben countered, crossing his legs.

“Is that your final answer?” Black inquired.

“Obviously, I won’t give up on my soulmate just because sold fools in the

palace are making a fuss to the King and Crown Prince over her surnamə”n


Chapter 93

The two cousins exchanged loaded glances for a few moments before Black took

a deep breath. “It’s unbelievable that you’re willing to feud with your own family

over a Rathbone,” he remarked, a hint of amusement in his eyes. It was evident

that the cousins knew each other quite well. “A Rathbone that is a bad call, even

for you…” he shifted his gaze to me.

I obviously did not like being referred to as a bad call but I kept my facial

expression neutral.

“The way you’ve mentioned the Rathbones, it almost sounds like you know

something about them,” Reuben raised an eyebrow.

“Hmmm… well, I do,” Black grumbled.

Upon hearing this, my ears perked up, and I immediately glanced at the Crown

Prince. Unable to contain my curiosity, I asked him, “You do?” A sudden surge of

panic and excitement coursed through my veins. “Can you tellwhat you know

about Rathbones?”

Reuben looked back and forth between Black and I. The other day, he had

mentioned that he had only heard of the Rathbone when they were mysteriously

wiped out years ago. Other than that, Reuben had no knowledge about them.

However, judging by the King’s reaction when he asked Reuben about my

background and other information, it was clear that the Crown Prince must have

knowledge about them as well.

Unexpectedly Black replied to me. “There was a pack of Omegas that had the

surnRathbone,” he revealed.

“A pack of Omegas all with the ssurnRathbone?” My mouth slightly

gaped with the unexpected discovery. I could not help but look at Reuben.

“I never heard about a pack of Omegas,” Reuben stated.

“Well, it is obvious you did not hear about it because they existed eleven to twelve

years ago when

you were around fifteen or sixteen. Dad and uncle did not let us get involved in

those kinds of scandalous packs matters. Of course, when I was crowned as the

next in line to be Alpha King, I read the royal records of the packs and that’s when

I found out that a pack ruled by Omegas had existed. The Alpha and Luna of that

pack had also been Omega blood,” Black explained then glanced at me, “Seeing

her surnis Rathbone, it is clear she belongs to that pack and is the lone

survivor,” he added.

I fidgeted with my fingers under the table with a mix of emotions in my heart. I

finally learned which pack I belonged to but becoming a lone survivor seemed like

a needle poking in my chest.


Then what was the pack nand why were they wiped out?” Reuben

questioned as we both looked at him.

Black was silent for a few moments before he replied while looking at me, “The

records do not say the pack’s name. But they were wiped out by an unknown fire

that took place eleven years ago. It is said that every pack member mysteriously

disappeared and the pack burned down with fire.”

“What my eyes widened and I could not believe my ears.

I slowly turned to look at Reuben who was just as stunned. It turned out the first

pack that had fallen victim to Dark was none other than the pack that I cfrom.

Reuben slid a hand under the table and gave a soft squeeze to my hand, while

sending a calm down’ mind-link.

I controlled my emotions and gave him a slight nod before I turned to face Black,

“If the pack nis unknown and is lost to history then tellwhy people panic

over my surname? Why does the royal family want to removefrom Reuben’s

life? Why do they…

“Is it not obvious because you don’t belong to Reuben?” he suddenly cutoff,

his tone changing from e a l i e r.

“What do you f**king mean. Black?” Reuben growled at his cousin. “Willow is my

soulmate, making her mine and mine alone.”

“It’s a pity really, she was never yours to begin with. Reuben,” an evil smile took

over his lips as he dropped the coffee mug on the ground, causing it to crash on

the floor. “And it is tfor her to return to her proper place,” his voice echoed in

my ears like blades cutting my skin as my face turn e d t h i s words.

“How dare you say that you fucker?!” Reuben roared as he grabbed the dining

table then flipped it as he tossed it a w a y in a rage. I screamed and got up from

my seat. “Who do you

think you are saying this shit to my mate in my pack?!” Reuben charged at Black

grabbing him by the n*ck.

Black remained calmly in his seat. Just as Reuben was a few inches away from

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crushing his head into the floor, a bunch of wolves broke into the house from

different directions only to swing silver chains in the air before they threw them

around Reuben’s n*ck, arms, and legs from every direction, bringing him to his

knees. The silver immediately subdued Reuben’s wolf, making him scream in


WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I screamed at Black.



Chapter Dá

Me?” He got up from his chair and walked closer over to me, his eyes darkening,

“Playing a gthat you started, Rose.”

Rose? Did he call me… I took a few steps back in terror, looking at the man in

front ofwith wide eyes.

“Who. who are you?” I stammered, sweat forming on my brow as his aura felt very

farmiliar to me.

“Me?” he smiled, taking a step c l o s r to me.

“GET AWAY FROM HER, YOU FUCKER!” Reuben yelled, getting up to grab

Black’s n*ck once again but the wolves tightened the chains wrapped around his

b*dy. Reuben did not make a sound of pain no matter how much the silver burned


Black paused and glanced in Reuben’s direction. No matter how many ropes of

silver chains were tying him down, he was still growling and glaring at Black. One

mistake from wolves that were holding those chains and he could rip Black’s head

from his n*ck in a blink of an eye. But for sreason, I had a feeling that there

was nothing ordinary about those silver chains. They had… powers that had

separated Reuben from his wolf! If it continued then Dex could die!

“LET HIM GO!” I d e m d e d of Black, walking closer to him. When my soulmate

was in danger I did not give shit about any fear welling up insideand stood

face to face with him, “Or I will go to the Alpha King and tell him everything you

are doing!” I yelled.

An evil smirk spread across his lips as if he was seduced by my yell or something.

“What a pity. If I had any idea that you were planning to take a tour of the palace, I

would not have brought an imperial degree along with me,” he pulled a scroll out

from his back.

“Imperial decree for what?” my voice shook as a very bád feeling rose in my heart.

“For Alpha Reuben’s execution,” he whispered, dropping the scroll on the ground.

“What?” my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. In shock, I glanced at the open

scroll on the floor where Reuben’s execution had been ordered with a royal seal.

“It can not be true,” I shook my head, kicking away the decree furiously, “I WON’T


NOTHING WRONG!” I growled.

“Oh…did I forget to explain the reason,” he took a step closer to me, his eyes



16:31 nu, API

Chapter 93

darker before flashing with a hidden rage, “Alpha Benjamin who survived the fire

set by Alpha Reuben bears witness that Alpha Reuben is guilty of wiping out

werewolves packs in realm and burning them.”

“What? Alpha Benjamin?” my mind went blank.