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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 97
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Chapter 97


Willow fell into Dark’s trap because of me! My heart sank with this dreadful

realization. She sensed my wolf disappearing and on the brink of death. If I had

resisted the effects of the silver and wolfsbane earlier, she wouldn’t have panick

ed. Clearly, if Ceri had also

vanished, I would have been triggered as well. The most triggering thing for her

must have been the imperial decree for my execution. She must have gone som

ewhere to prove my innocence, but where? Palace or Wade


I clenched my fist in anger, my claws emerging as I grabbed Black’s hair while he

coughed and rolled on the ground for air.

“WHERE HAS SHE GONE?” I yelled at

his fiushed face and wet eyes. He had just returned from the gates of Hell, his w

hole b*dy was shivering, his throat burned like crazy. “TELLQUICKLY YOU F**

KER, WHERE HAS SHE BEEN LURED TO?!” I gritted my teeth, nearly ripping his hai

r out.


gasped out in pain as he glared into my eyes for a moment before an evil smile

crept onto his lips. “My dear cousin, you always were everyone’s favorite, the po

werful Alpha Reuben that the entire world is afraid of, wantsto reveal where

his soulmate is?” he taunted, relishing in my panic.

As he said that, my hand gripping his hair shook in anger. Black was a few mont

hs older thanand the only son of the Alpha King. We grew up in the

palace together, but Black and I were like Earth and Moon. He believed that he w

as the best at everything, studies, sports, fighting, even when it cto proper

etiquette. He was the perfect Prince, a gem to the Kingdom and its future.

On the contrary, I was the rebellious carefree Prince who disregarded rules and r

egulations, never took anything seriously, and believed in living in the present.

The future didn’t concern me; I simply studied, fought, and engaged in activities

to pass the toccasionally to avoid my father’s nagging. Simply put I was tem

peramental and loathed being constrained by laws and regulations.

However, when we turned sixteen the Alpha King selectedas the Crown Princ

e instead of his own

son. I bechis primary choice to ascend to the throne in the future. Naturally

, Black, who had meticulously groomed himself into the very image of a fiawless

King since childhood in order to inherit his father’s position, couldn’t bear the f

act that his father didn’t deem him worthy of wearing the crown.

Since that day, things between Black and I had becstrange. He distanced hi

mself fromwithout a word. I was not blind to his actions or the cause behin

d them. I detested when power and money disrupt relationships. Therefore, I pe

rsonally informed

my father of my decision to abdicate the throne. I had never aspired to the thro

ne. Naturally, my father was enraged. He desired nothing more than forto be

cKing and govern the realm. As always, we engaged

in a heated argument that concluded with his inquiry: why had I refused the cro

wn? At that moment, I lacked an answer to his question. However, a few days lat

er, when I encountered Willow, I discovered my answer. She gave purpose to my

life, loving a person who could not love himself. She embraced the real me, fiaw

s and all.

I yearned to live a life filled with love alongside my soulmate, where no one wou

ld dictate our fate. Therefore, I informed the King that I refused to accept the cr

own. While he expressed disappointment in my decision, I cared little as being

with Willow was my sole desire. In order to be relieved of my claim to the crown,

I had to accept a term of service to the royal family of five years, that consisted

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of wars and fights. Following my rejection, the King had no other option but to c

rown Black. From that day forth, I visited the palace sparingly, ensuring that the

chances of encountering Black were slim to none. I simply couldn’t bear the sigh

t of him, as it served as a constant reminder of how he showed his colors becau

se of the crown during that time. In essence, I

unofficially severed ties with him that day.

Over time, I moved on from what happened, but Black remained trapped in the

past. Unable to cto terms with being his father’s second choice, he clung to

the crown I had discarded.

“You….” I seized his throat, locking eyes with him. “How dare you involve my inn

ocent soulmate in your pathetic vendetta? Trading your dignity as a person and

a royal to Dark just to spite me?” My eyes burned with fury, my claws poised to t

ear into his throat.

“Did you misunderstand

something?” he chuckled, causingto pause, “I can’t deny that I

wanted revenge against you and used your

beloved mate’s betrayal, but I desire something greater. Something far superior.

Something only attainable through the deal I struck with Dark,” he looked proud


“YOU F**KING MUTT!!” I lost my mind and started punching him

continuously. “WHAT KIND OF DEAL

DID YOU MAKE USING MY MATE?!” I roared, nearly ruining

his face, never giving him a chance to defend or attack.


His eyes fiashed with pain and fear. He realized that after a few more

hits he was going to die. There was no way he could

from the hold I had on him. That’s when Black did what could save

his life. He used his royal powers that we could use once in our life to escape. W

ith his energy, I was thrown away from his b*dy. Ignoring the pain and my bleedi

ng head, I looked over only to find him gone.

“F**KKKK…” I roared in anger, punching on the ground. What kind of deal had he

made with Dark?! It was obviously related to Willow. “AAAARRGGHH…” I punched

the ground again and again before I got up and blankly looked up to the sky.

I murmured to myself, “This world… can really not stand to see Willow and I toge


That’s when my sanity finally snapped.


In my life, my fear had a face and a name. I didn’t know if it was a blessing or a c

urse, but I had the uncanny ability to recognize the real him.

“Welchome, Rose,” Dark smiled at me.

“You…” My eyes widened, and my voice stuck in my throat. How could he be in th

e Wade Moon Pack? Where was Alpha Benjamin, and

why was the whole pack deserted as if everyone was dead? My limbs were paral

yzed under his mismatched gaze,

all I could feel was terror rising in my heart.

I was not hallucinating this time. He truly was standing in front of me. His preda

tory mismatched eyes, aggressive aura, and superior evil presence all indicated

that my living breathing nightmare was standing before me.

But if Dark was in front ofthen Black…

Suddenly, my heart pounded in my chest as fear gripped me, I realized that I ha

d fallen into a trap. Black with his imperial decree and the abduction of Reuben,

had assisted in orchestrating all of this to trap me.

“I love the look of surprise and fear in your eyes, Rose,” he walked closer to me,

each step increasing my heartbeat to the point where I wondered if it would fail.

“You… framed Reuben…” my voice was barely audible.

His expression immediately turned ugly, “Did you just say another man’s ni

n front of me?” his eyes turned red. “How dare you disrespect me, Rose?” The lo

ok in his eyes was akin to a predator that was ready to pounce on its prey.

I clenched my dress at my side, “I saw you in my dreams.” His expression immed

iately changed to surprise, but I continued. “You have not aged at all. You call m

e Rose and…”

“And what?” his eyes shone in excitement at hearing the desired word.

“And you are not my soulmate,” I remarked.

As soon as he heard me, his excitement vanished and fury

took over. “Rose, you…” just as he began to charge at me, I stepped back at light

ning speed, but then something fell between us

causingto fiinch. I looked down only to find the Crown Prince Black lying on

the ground.

I gasped at the sight

of his almost lifeless state. His face was hardly recognizable. How was he sudde

nly able to

appear in the Wade Moon packhouse? And if he was here, then where was my Re

uben? And the execution…

“D… Dark…” he crawled on the ground towards Dark’s feet.

Dark remained unmoving, his emotionless gaze fixed on Black. “I completed my

part of the deal,” Black wheezed out with great difficulty, giving a hard cough as

he looked up to Dark, I separated Willow and Reuben and lured

Willow to Wade Moon. Now… makeyour heir…” a thick layer of greed fiashed

in Black’s eyes.

Heir? He made a deal to becDark’s heir? I looked at them in a confused pan


“Makeyour…” just before Black could continue, Dark grabbed

his n*ck and dug all his claws into it.

“Want to be my heir?” he whispered, causing Black’s eyes to roll back as a large

amount of blood gushed out of his mouth, he could no longer struggle.

I recoiled in horror, placing a hand over my mouth as I witnessed Black gasping f

or his last breath. Then, in a swift motion Dark snapped Black’s n*ck with a fiick

of his wrist. “Try again in your next life,” he remarked coldly as he discarded Bla

ck’s lifeless b*dy.

I nearly screamed as I watched Black’s b*dy be impaled on a sharp animal show


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He could not even make a noise or struggle before he died. My entire b*dy trem

bled at the sight of his broken n*ck and torn abdomen. Slowly, I shifted my gaze

back to Dark, who stared atwith the intensity of a deranged beast.

“Chere, Mate…” he ordered, his voice heavy and eyes emotionless.

I took a step back in fear, looking at him with wide eyes. He had once again calle

d me… mate. My whole b*dy turned cold as the memory of him trying to violate

He sawtaking a few steps back and his eyes turned red.

“F**KING CHERE!” he roared.

“NO!” Screaming in fear, I immediately turned around and ran to the door. Those

five steps to the door frseemed miles away when I was desperate to get aw

ay. However, just as I was a step away, the door shut itself. I paused fiinching onl

y to feel a violet grip on my hair from behind.


turnedaround and barked on my


“Letgo!” I screamed, placing my hands on my hair to make him loosen his bl

oody grip as I stared at him with fearful


“Are you not going to call your soulmate for help like you did last time?” he snee


“Let’s call him together,” he remarked, clenching my hair tighter.

“REUBEN!” he yelled, looking at me. “That is how you call him, right?

“REUBEN, CAND SAVE ME!” he yelled again, but his red eyes never turned aw

ay from mine.

I witnessed a different level of insanity in his eyes. It was as if he wantedto

call Reuben.





he in my face.

My whole b*dy shivered in horror as I realized one thing, that if Reuben cth


Before I could think more the door of the packhouse was broken down. Dark gla

nced at the door and the corner of his lips raised lightly, “He came.”