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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 2
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Chapter 2


“Congratulations, you’re pregnant with twins,” the female doctor smiled at me.

“Twins?” Lying on the hospital bed, I looked at the doctor in shock. Was I

hearing things? How could I be pregnant with twins?

After leaving the Emerald Bright Pack’s territory, I had started feeling sick. I had

vomited on the side of the road and felt increasingly dizzy. My emotional

turmoil had taken a toll on my health, and my wolf refused to communicate

with me. I had cto the doctor for a check-up, but I never expected to

receive the biggest surprise of my life.

“Yes, twins,” she affirmed, pointing at the monitor to showthe two innocent

lives. growing healthily in my belly. Tears welled up in my eyes. They were really


The doctor prescribed smedicine, and I left the hospital feeling dazed.

Subconsciously, I placed my hands over my belly and whispered, “Don’t worry,

my babies. Even if daddy doesn’t want you, mommy loves you very much. I will

raise the two of you with everything I have,” I sniffied.

With my luggage in hand, I headed to the bus station, but I didn’t know where to

go. The Emerald Bright Pack had been my only home, and I had no family or

relatives to rely on. I was alone in this vast world. Once again, thoughts of

Reuben crossed my mind, causing my heart to ache, and tears gathered in my

eyes. Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a car crashed into a nearby tree with a

deafening impact on the deserted


Startled, I looked at the accident in front ofwith wide eyes and raced closer

to the car to check. The car’s front end was badly crushed, and there was only a

middle-aged man in the driver’s seat, his head bleeding profusely.

“Oh, my goddess!” I gasped, pulling out my phone to call an ambulance. But

before I could do anything, a man crawled out of the car on his own and

collapsed at my feet. I quickly tried to grab and support him, asking, “Sir, are

you okay?” I helped him lean against the car. His strong aura and scent

confirmed that he was a werewolf, an Alpha.

“Wait, I’ll call an ambulance, I began dialing the number, but he grabbed my


“You’re Willow Rathbone, right?” he asked, his voice heavy with shock.

“How… how do you know?” My eyes widened at him mentioning my last name, a

nthat had always been hidden from the world.

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Chapter 2

Six years later, Britain.

The coffee on the table remained untouched and eventually turned cold once

again. I carefully pinned a lace dress on a mannequin, ensuring it draped

perfectly over its form, accentuating the curves and contours of the gown. It was

the finishing touch to my creation. I finally removed the curtain parting my room

into two.

“Wow…” Lola, who had just entered the room, gasped while standing at the door.

She stared at the long red gown with wide eyes and an open mouth. “So this is

the masterpiece you created in just two sleepless nights, she marveled,

stepping into the room slowly. “You are really blessed!” she exclaimed.

I was the most famous fashion designer in the country. My designs graced the

bodies of models, celebrities, and adorned the runways of countless fashion

shows. With my extraordinary ability to understand people’s desires when it

cto clothing, I had becthe youngest fashion designer to claim the top

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spot in the industry, amas sing awards and accolades in my name..

“I wish I could wear it. I’m so jealous of your talent!” Lola exclaimed.

I chuckled in response. Lola was a human and my helper.

“Did you chere for something?” I asked as I walked over to the basin to

wash my face. After staying up the entire night, my back was sore, and my eyes

felt heavy. All I wanted was to shut them for a while.

“Oh yes! I almost forgot about it. The kindergarten teacher just called!” she

informed. impatiently.

I stopped in my tracks, my fatigue momentarily forgotten. “Don’t tellWyatt

and Lori did something in kindergarten again.”

Lola gavea nervous smile. “You should see for yourself. They’ve already

returned. from kindergarten.”

I pinched my forehead wearily. They had returned after only one hour? What

had my little devils done this time?

Six years ago, the moon goddess blessedwith twins, a son and a daughter,

Wyatt and Lori. With them in my life, I had found my whole world. To raise them

and provide them with a bright future, I began working and decided to pursue

my dream. With a three-month belly, I left America and cto Britain, where I

continued my studies and worked towards my dream of fashion designing.

During these years, I had been living among humans, with no contact with the

werewolf world. I blended in seamlessly with the human population and

focused on raising my children. However, my children were werewolves, and not

just any


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Chapter 2

werewolves they were Alphas, which posed its own unique set of challenges.


Taking a deep breath, I left my room to find my two children sitting at the dining

table, enjoying cupcakes. Seeing them like that melted my heart.

“Mommy!” As soon as they spotted me, they both jumped down from their

chairs and raced to hug my legs. “Are you done with your work finally?” They

chirped in their cute, childish voices.

“Yes, and now I’m free until this weekend,” I knelt down in front of them, k*ssing

their cheeks.

“Yay!” Lori huggedtightly. “Mommy, you had promised that we would be

good until you finished your work and then you’d take us for ice cream, right?”

She remindedwith excitement.

“Yes, but…” I paused and narrowed my eyes at them. It was only one hour since

you two went to the kindergarten and you cback? I couldn’t pick up your

teacher’s call earlier. So you tell me, what trouble have you two caused this

time?” I crossed my arm over my ch*st and looked at Wyatt suspiciously


“I did nothing. Wyatt pouted. “Teacher just gave us this note to give you and

told us to go home. We followed her instructions.” he explained, and Lori

nodded in agreement.

Frowning, I took the letter from Wyatt’s hand, stood up, and looked suspiciously

between the two of them while opening the letter. Their cuteness and innocent

eyes might have fooled others, but I knew their mischievousness could

challenge anyone. Shaking my head slightly, I began to read the letter.

“Miss Willow, this is a letter to inform you that you do not need to send Wyatt

and Lori to the kindergarten. In the past five days since they started attending,

three teachers. have resigned from their positions. I’m afraid we are not

equipped to handle your children.

Teachers left their jobs?” I gasped and looked at Wyatt and Lori. “What exactly

happened? Lori you did not pull pranks on teachers right?” I inquired.

“Mommy, my brother and I really didn’t do anything this time,” Lori blinked her

big. innocent blue eyes. “It’s just that the teacher was stu pid!”

Stu pid?

I was speechless,

Lori explained the whole incident to me. “Today, sboys in the class were

challenging my brother to a race. Brother didn’t want to participate in those

childish things and wanted to read a book. But then the gym teacher, who

clearly favored some


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students, provoked brother by saying that he was afraid of the race because he

knew he couldn’t win. Brother didn’t rise to his provocation, remembering your

words about not causing trouble, but the gym teacher took brother’s silence as

a challenge to his ego. He forced brother to participate in the race. The gym

teacher had also said sugly things about

bullying, brother challenged the gym teacher to a race, with a condition that if

the teacher lost, he would have to apologize to brother and mommy. In the end,

not only did the gym teacher lose the race to brother, but he also lost his

dignity in front of the entire school and the other teachers. He beca

laughingstock and resigned from his job in humiliation.”

bullying, brother chly, which provoked my brother. Finally fed up with the

I listened to Lori’s explanation with a mix of pride and concern, my children’s

boldness and resourcefulness leavingboth impressed and worried.

I sighed deeply. It was the third kindergarten I had to change in the last five

months due to similar incidents happening each time.

In reality. Wyatt and Lori had inherited g Alpha bloodline from Reuben, which

set them apart from normal children their age. Lori’s intellect was far sharper

than that of typical kids her age, which had created tension and insecurity

among their previous kindergarten teachers. Usually, werewolf children begin

developing their abilities. around the ages of eight to ten, but in the case of my

twins, they had started. manifesting their gifts much earlier, at around four to

five years old. They were stronger and more astute than other children their age,

or even sadults. In the race, Wyatt had outpaced the gym teacher, even

though he was only five and had yet to get his wolf.

“Mommy, are you angry with us?” Lori asked and bit her l*ps lightly as she

looked like a little snowy bunny.

“No, mommy can never be angry with her babies,” I reassured them, offering a

loving smile and rubbing both of their heads. It wasn’t their fault that they were

different from others; in fact, it was a blessing, a gift from the goddess. “We’ll

find a new kindergarten. for both of you. But for now, let’s go get sice

cream!” I grinned, trying to brighten their spirits.

“Yay!” Wyatt and Lori jumped up and down in excitement. I couldn’t help but

chuckle at my babies’ smiling faces. Wyatt began tellingwhat fiavor he

wanted, and I nodded, listening to his cute, childish voice. He had forest green

eyes just like Reuben, inheriting his father’s handsomeness and sharp features.

He was like a miniature version of Rueben.

“Mommy, I want chocolate and vanilla, both,” Lori tugged at my sleeves, drawing

my attention Thankfully, my baby girl hadn’t inherited everything from her

father. She had sea-blue eyes and radiated cuteness. I couldn’t resist pulling

both of them into a warm hug.

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“Mommy is so happy today, so you two can eat whatever you want.” I smiled,

and their eyes shone with excitement as they eagerly nodded.

Just as we were talking. Lola cin and said, “Willow, there’s someone looking



I turned to her, slightly puzzled. I couldn’t recall having any appointments with

anyone. “Who is it?”

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“It’s me, a deep male voice echoed through the dining room, along with the

sound of approaching footsteps.

“Grandpa!” Wyatt and Lori exclaimed in unison and rushed over to the man. I

turned to see the elderly wolf hugging and k*ssing my two little ones.

“We missed you so much, grandpa.” Lori chimed in.

“I missed you two too.” he picked them up in his arms. “Lori, my princess, how

did you beceven more beautiful and cute? What if sprince appears

and steals you. away from me?” He looked genuinely concerned.

“Grandpa, don’t worry. Lori will always be grandpa’s princess,” Lori reassured

him. hugging him tightly and planting a k*ss on his cheek.

“Yes, Lori is only grandpa’s princess,” he laughed and added. “My little angels

have grown taller and stronger!” He exaggerated his words for dramatic effect.

Wyatt nodded seriously and said, “Yes, grandpa. By getting stronger, I can

protect mommy from any bad guys who try to becmy daddy.”

“That’s my boy!” he remarked seriously.

“Alpha Benjamin, please don’t encourage them in this matter,” I scolded with my

arms. crossed over my chest, displeased. Ever since Wyatt and Lori had started

understanding the complexities of adult relationships and had noticed the

attention from a few male models on me, they had been quite overzealous in

their attempts to protectfrom potential suitors.

“We just don’t want sevil man to be our daddy, mommy,” Wyatt stated, and

Lori nodded in agreement. I rolled my eyes and turned to face them,

accustomed to their protective nature.

too,” Alpha Benjamin stated.

Alpha Benjamin was the Alpha I had saved in a car accident six years ago. On

that fateful day, he recognized me, even though I had no memory of him. It

turned out he father’s best friend. In gratitude for saving his life, he had asked

was my


Chapter 2

pack, explaining that my father had once saved his life when Alpha Benjamin

was at young Alpha. To repay my father’s kindness, he tookin as his

daughter. He was so kind that I accepted to be his daughter.

During my tin his pack, he had providedwith a hand fatherly love.

With his help. I was able to leave the country and cto Britain to pursue my

successful career. Alpha Benjamin was like a father to me, and I held a deep

respect for him. He had raised my twins as his own grandkids and loved them

over his life.

“Willow, how are you doing, my girl?” Alpha Benjamin walked closer toand

envelopedin a warm hug.

I’m fine, Alpha” I replied with a smile, hugging him back. We hadn’t seen each

other in half a year. “What brings you here today?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Whenever he paid a visit, he always brought skind of surprise, and I was

curious to see what it was this time.

“Willow, it’s tfor you to return to America, my girl,” he said with a smile.

“America? Why?” My smile faded. I hadn’t been back there in six years.

Alpha Benjamin took my hand and placed an invitation in it. “You’re going to

attend an Alpha ball on my behalf.”




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