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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 83
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Chapter 83


She had forgotten me.

She was scared of me. She hated my very existence.

Closing my eyes and spreading my arms out wide, letting my b*dy fall back into

the river behind me. With a splash, my b*dy dropped and was pulled deeper

under the water. As I remembered that day six years ago when I failed her

completely. Could this be my punishment?

Standing in front of Willow’s house, I stared at the wide open door in a daze. No

matter how much I tried I could no longer smell her scent or sense her

presence. She was gone…

My whole b*dy was paralyzed, frozen in place until I realized that the mind-link I

shared with Willow had been

severed too.

My heartbeat had grown slower as if I was close to my death and my mind that

was as blank as a white sheet of paper was consumed by a panic attack when I

realized exactly what Willow had done. She had rejected me…

“No…” I shook his head, my muscles finally easing enough to move as I walked

towards the woods. How could she leave me? I could not imagine the next

second without her.

“Willow…” I had to stop her. I had to get her back. I had to be with her…

She was both my destiny and destination. Without her I was nothing. If she was

not here, where would I go? I had to follow her wherever she was going.

“Willow… takewith you…” mumbling under my breath, I increased my speed

ready to dash into the woods only to be grabbed by two sets of hands and

pinned to the ground.

“Catch him!!”

“No.. letgo… letgo. My Willow… she is leaving… WILLOW!” I roared,

struggling in their hold as all of those hands forcefully twisted my arm behind

my back.

She had forgotten me.

Pho was scared of me.

She hated my very existence.

Closing my eyes and spreading my arms out wide, letting my b*dy fall back into

the river behind me. With a splash, my b*dy dropped and was pulled deeper

under the water. As I remembered that day six years ago when I failed her

completely. Could this be my punishment?

Standing in front of Willow’s house, I stared at the wide open door in a daze. No

matter how much I tried I could no longer smell her scent or sense her

presence. She was gone…

My whole b*dy was paralyzed, frozen in place until I realized that the mind-link I

shared with Willow had been

severed too.

My heartbeat had grown slower as if I was close to my death and my mind that

was as blank as a white sheet of paper was consumed by a panic attack when I

realized exactly what Willow had done. She had rejected me….

“No…” I shook his head, my muscles finally easing enough to move as I walked

towards the woods. How could she leave me? I could not imagine the next

second without her.

“Willow…” I had to stop her. I had to get her back. I had to be with her…

She was both my destiny and destination. Without her I was nothing. If she was

not here, where would I go? I had to follow her wherever she was going.

“Willow… takewith you…” mumbling under my breath, I increased my speed

ready to dash into the woods.

I only to be grabbed by two sets of hands and pinned to the ground.

“Catch him!!”

“No.. letgo… letgo. My Willow… she is leaving… WILLOWI” I roared,

struggling in their hold as all of those hands forcefully twisted my arm behind

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my back.

“Don’t let him escape!” Dad ordered his men as they tied my wrists behind my


“LETGO” I growled, using every bit of my strength, I was close to breaking

free before Dad’s Beta, Vin sent more men to pindown.

“Don’t let him go or he will kill all of us!” Vin ordered them.

“WILLOW!” I yelled again and again staring at the woods hoping to catch a

glimpse of her. I had to go after her. I believed with every fiber of my being that

she could not have gone far. I could catch her. “AHHH….” I shouted, summoning

my all strength ready to shift into my wolf.

The warriors fiinched at the sight ofhalf shifted. They broke into the cold

sweats, looking at Dad for the next


Vin gazed at Dad’s emotionless gaze that was fixed on me, “you want to

abandon your family, your pack, everything for that woman? It is not happening

while I am alive.”

Vin ordered next, “Inject him before he shifts, quick!”

“WILLOW!!” my face turned red as blood from all the screaming as my head was

held down by two sets of hands before the injection made its way into my veins.

“WILLOW!!!” I called her one last tbefore the injection worked its way into

my system and I slowly slipped. into the darkness. Even as my vision blurred I

was still looking at the woods hoping to see her but she never


I had lost her…

“Lock him up in the underground prison on the edge of the territory. He will not

be allowed to cout until he accepts his fate,” dad ordered.

That was the last twe saw each other before the Alpha King cto visit

me, when I made that deal in exchange for the cancellation of the imperial

decree against Willow. At that tcancellation had seemed like an

impossibility, the law refused to let her escape so I accepted a punishment in

her stead, receiving a hundred whips with a silver whip for six consecutive

months. It meant nothing toas long as they did not go after Willow.

I was locked in a dark prison where life and death, day and night, days and

months had no meaning for me, especially without her.

“No matter how much torture we meet out, he does not move a muscle or sign

those papers!!” the warrior tossed the whip aside in anger, “it is already over six

months. The Alpha is losing his patience. If this continues, we will be killed.

Quick go and inform Beta Vin about this.”

Tied and beaten, every second I thought about if I had not left her alone that

day or if I had returned a little earlier, would I have not lost her? If I had wiped

away her tears, embarrassed her and our child instead of acting the opposite of

my emotions and going to meet my father, would we have been together now?

“Don’t overdo the doze. If he dies then the Alpha will kill all of us,” Vin ordered

the warriors, in the wall behind the cell. From the small gape their panicking

eyes cto my half dead state.

“But Beta Vin, what we are doing is unbelievably wrong and a great crime. No

matter how much intoxicated he is given he never lifts the pen or presses his

thumb to the paper even though the drug is supposed to make him forget about

that Omega. He does not even speak, it’s almost as if he is dead. I even doubt

that he had lost his ability to hear. I am afraid that if we continue to keep him in

this condition he will die. If the Alpha finds out about the drugs that have been

given to Alpha Reuben then…”

“Do as I f ucking say!” Vin barked, punching them. “The Alpha just needs his son

back! It has been almost a year yet he is not willing to give up on that woman.

Everything will be fine as soon as he signs the papers, becomes Ella’s fiance and

our pack’s Alpha. No one will find out.”

“I… I understand but what if… he still does not sign…” the warrior stammered.

“Then that Omega bi tch will be killed and that’s how this matter will end. Once

she is removed he will have nothing to be stubborn about,” Vin stated.

As soon as I heard him planning to kill Willow, I opened my eyes. The next day,

Vin cto visitwith papers like the day when I was high on drugs.

“Alpha Reuben, can you see me?” Vin, squatting in front of me, asked carefully. I

just gave him a blank stare.

A slight panic rose in his heart as he moved on to his next question, “Alpha, do

you know who I am?” He desperately looked into my eyes but only got silence in


‘Did he finally forget everything?”

“Is this all coming to an end?”

The other two warriors whispered to each other. Listening to them, a smile came

over Vin’s lips as he pulled a

‘Alpha… sign it! Agree to this marriage and you will becthe Alpha of our

pack. Who would willingly pass up such a golden opportunity?” his eyes shone

when I did not reply this teither. “Open these silver shackles!” Vin loudly

ordered the two warriors in the room. “The Alpha is ready to sign!!”

“Just sign this and you will be free to leave…” he put a gold cast fountain pen in

my hand that belonged to Ella’s uncle, he had been the one to initiate the

marriage proposal between Ella and I. Ella’s uncle had planted the idea in my

father’s brain suggesting that it was the only way to remove Willow from my life


Everyone of them were my enemies, I was going to finish them off beginning

with Vin. I practically stabbed the paper with the pen as I signed the contract to

get my freedom but tied myself to an unwanted marriage contract with another


I could not protect Willow if I was in a cage so I had to get out and signing

papers was the only way to achieve that. As long as Willow was safe I was willing

to tie myself to someone else no matter how suffocating it was for


But… it did not change the fact that I had lost her. Walking out of the dark

prison after a year, I felt no life insidewhen I stared at the Willow’s house

that had been destroyed. The place that I had once called home, where I had

found peace, our small nest where we spent our love life, and my memories

with Willow, all of it had been stolen from me.

I had lost


“Reuben,” dad’s voice entered my ears after a year. The moment that my thumb

was pressed to the papers and the magic was broken, he was immediately

informed. He frowned at the sight ofstaring at the pile of rubble that was all

that was left of the destroyed house in front of me. “Cback hwith me

and take over your Alpha position.”

“I don’t have a home,” I murmured, staring at our broken nest. “She took it with


“You are still thinking about that woman!” he growled, walking closer to me. “A

year has passed. After enduring all that torture you still don’t understand a

thing! That woman is gone,” he paused and put his hand on my shoulder,

“Everything I have done was for your own good. That woman was bad luck for

you. Now focus on your fiance and forget about that woman or her baby. Focus

on giving the pack an Alpha heir.”

“Alpha heir?” I turned to look at him. “So you did all of this for an Alpha blood


He frowned at my question, “Only an Alpha female can give birth to a pure

Alpha child for you…”

“I will kill you,” I remarked, my eyes emotionless.

“What?” He looked atin shock.

“Just now I have killed you in thousands of different ways in my mind. Now I

want to kill you in real life,” I revealed.

“Have you lost your f ucking mind? You want to kill your father over that

woman?!” he growled.

I ignored him and continued what I was saying, “But then I thought about how it

would make a difference? Killing or sparing you will not bring Willow back to

me. I will not get what I have lost…”

Dad’s eyes fiashed with worry as he got closer to me, “Reuben, what are you

talking about? Talk like a sane person! You have not lost anything. You…”

I turned around to leave without listening to him. “Reuben, where are you

going?” he yelled, panicking over my silence. “REUBENI CBACK HERE!” He

chased me, trying to stop me.

I shoved his hand away again and again until I made my way to the clearing

where Oran, Bix, Ella had gathered.

“Reuben!” Oran was shocked to seeafter a year, the sshock was

refiected in Ella’s eyes but Bix remained frozen.

“Bix…” I called to him, stopping in the middle of the clearing. “Do it,” I stated, my

voice barely audible.

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He shook his head, “I can’t.”

will do it,” I

“You are the only one I trust, it will be the first and last thing I will ask of you. If

you are my friend, you remarked, my voice and eyes dead. As soon as I had

exited the prison I had mind-linked him about what I wanted him to do.

The clearing fell into a dead silence as everyone’s eyes cback and forth

between Bix and me. Bix’s eyes got wet and red slightly. He did not move from

where he stood for a long time, hoping I would change my mind but he could no

longer refuse me. He slowly stepped closer to me, his eyes full of guilt.

“Stop me,” he begged.


Witnessing this exchange between Bix and I, dad’s heart nearly failed as he

sensed something extremely dangerous going to happen. “WAIT A MINUTE! WHAT

THE HELL YOU ARE DOING?!” he growled, demanding an explanation.

“DO IT!” I yelled at Bix. He focused back onthen called upon his magic.

“WHAT THE F UCK YOU ARE DOING?! STOP! STOPI SAY!” Dad yelled, racing over to

Alpha to the ground..

Ella and Oran’s panicking faces moved back and forth from Bix’s shining eyes to

my wolf’s eyes.

“What is going on? Why is Bix) aiming at Reuben’s heart…” Ella stammered.

“This will hurt like b itch,” Bix remarked, his eyes filled with tears. “I am sorry!!”

with that Bix aimed his magic at my heart, it felt like someone had stabbed me

with a sword.

“NO… STOPI!” Dad screamed along with Ella, Oran froze in place when they all

recognized what kind of ceremony Bix was performing for me.

I slowly dug my half shifted hand into the middle of my chest, as I declared.”I,

Reuben Emerald…”

“STOP, REUBEN!! DON’T DO IT!!” he shouted like crazy.

None of his screaming or crying was going to stopas I continued, “I, Reuben

Emerald, destroy my fertility from this point forward. In this lifetime, I have had

only one woman who is pregnant with my child, she will be the only woman to

ever carry or give birth to my child. In this lifetshe is the only one that I will

be with, there is no other woman for me. If there comes a tthat I sleep with

another woman that is not her… that will be

the end of me.”

I choose my own death in this life.

The clearing fell into dead silence as dad stopped struggling in horror. The

wolves holding him down moved away in shock.

“What the hell did you…” Dad broke into tears, sitting there miserably on the

ground. “You ruined your own life…”

Vomiting blood, I turned around and left for what remained of Willow’s house. “I

banish Alpha Louis from my life,” I declared, without bothering to look back at


Dad kept sitting in the clearing devastated for hours. He had lost the war even

though he had won the battle. That night he disappeared from the pack and

from my life.

Upon reaching the debris of the house, I dug deeper and deeper into the

rubble. My nails bled as night came. After reaching the ground below the debris,

I slept in the nest I had made, seeing Willow besidelike always…

In reality I was alone. She was never there…

I let my b*dy relax as the river water pulleddown into its depths.


I that my love had given her so much pain. Even now…

I clutched at the torn handkerchief in my hand. I had to disappear but still I

could not let her go, “Willow…”