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Goodbye, My Love

Chapter 1351
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She offered Marco a comforting smile, then turned an icy, merciless glare on Laura and Marina.

“Despite previous demonstrations of your lack of shame, I'm still astounded by your audacity now. Do | need to

enlighten you on the history of the Bryant Group’s evolution?”

Loraine’s fury mounted as she continued, “Even an outsider likeknows the Bryant Group was saved by

Marco's diligence. Without him, the group may have crumbled long ago, never reaching its current prominence.

Regardless of blood ties, Marco has played an indisputably crucial role in the Bryant Group's success. By treating

him in such a manner, aren't you concerned about alienating all the shareholders?”

Marina was momentarily unnerved, recalling the supportive speeches delivered by Marco's proponents during

the shareholders’ meeting.

Could she be certain... that they would take her side?

Upon hearing Loraine’s warning, Liza cast her a glance, then responded with a derisive sneer, “Oh, don’t

misunderstand. If the Bryant family hadn't entrusted such a substantial enterprise to Marco, what could he have

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achieved as an inexperienced youth? It's the Bryant Group’s robust foundation that has allowed it to flourish.

Even with a different CEO, the Bryant Group would have still reached its present stature!”

Loraine almost Laughed out loud at the audacious claim, but Liza unabashedly continued, “Loraine, you needn't

defend him. We, the Bryant family, have not wronged him. Marina's father passed away unexpectedly without

leaving a will, and we believed that Marco was his son, so we temporarily put Marco in charge of the Bryant



Now, with irrefutable evidence that Marco is not a Bryant, he naturally has no right to inherit the Bryant assets.

I'm merely reclaiming control of the Bryant Group, which is both fair and legal. Conversely, are you aiding him in

unlawfully seizing another's assets?”

Loraine met Liza's assertion with silence. Liza's confident words seemed to assuage Marina's previous


Indeed, she was the only direct descendent of the Bryant family, and the Bryant Group should rightfully be hers.

Even if Liza had reservations, she had no option but to begrudgingly back her!

Marina's arrogance resurfaced, and even the sight of Marco, standing silent and inert, no longer instilled fear in


Marco must have been unnerved by the imminent threat of being expelled from the Bryant family and left

penniless. Why else would he remain silent?

Marina, never one to resist exploiting an opportunity, strode toward

Marco with a self-satisfied grin.

However, before she could close the distance, Loraine intercepted her.

With a stern look, Loraine questioned, “What is it you want?”

Marina scoffed arrogantly, “As the rightful heir of the Bryant family, can’t | express sconcern for the once-

celebrated hero?”

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She didn’t dare advance further and maintained her distance, her voice laden with mockery, “Brother, this will be

the Last t| address you as such. But you know, Loraine has a point. You have indeed made significant

contributions to the company, and we can’t have you living on the streets. So, how about this? Ill grant you


Resting her chin on her hand, Marina feigned contemplation before offering a cunning smile.

“Five million should suffice! For someone like you, an orphan with unknown parentage, this sum should provide a

comfortable existence for the rest of your life, right?”

Loraine had heard enough. Her countenance grew stormy, and she positioned herself protectively in front of

Marco, fixing Marina with an icy stare. She responded in a frosty tone, “Marina, if | recall correctly, haven't you

been so financially strapped lately that you've resorted to sporting counterfeit designer items? Don’t bother with

your generous offer of five million. I'll provide you with ten million.

Let’s see if you can transform a decrepit factory into the thriving

Bryant Group within a few short years! | suspect it won't take more than six months before you're facing

bankruptcy and dissolution!”