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Her Precious Baby

Chapter 243
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Chapter 243

Angeline reckoned he must be furious right now that he probably could not be consoled over a phone call—not that

she had the courage to do tliat.

Angeline felt conflicted, as she was still caught in a dilemma about whether to make the call, yet, at the same time,

she did not expect Evander's call.

Just like that, it felt as if their relationship was strained.

She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window in a daze, feeling as though the sweet moments she experienced

with Evander were but a dream.

Fortunately for her, she had things to keep herself busy, as Sebastian's child custody trial would soon begin. During

the day, she would deliver food to Floretta at the hospital, and at night, she would be with her lawyer to discuss the

preparations for the trial.

The night before the trial, Angeline had trouble falling asleep, so, clad in a trench coat, she sat in front of the

window, staring blankly at the view outside.

Truth be told, she was not concerned about whether the case would go smoothly; she just found something amiss

regarding Sebastian's background.

All of a sudden, Angeline remembered that when she went to take the paternity test, Nancy had told her that she

seemed to have seen Olivine.

It might not be tine, but how could it be so coincidental?

Then there was Floretta. She was similar to Angeline in many ways tliat one could see they were related at first

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As tliat thought crossed her mind, Angeline caught a glimpse of Sebastian playing with toy blocks in the living room

through the glass, which prompted her to shake off the thought in an instant.

Sebastian was a poor kid.

No matter what, she had to prepare everything so she could win the trial. There was no way she would allow

Sebastian to fall into his alcoholic father's hands again.

Meanwhile, after- the turmoil dragged on for a week at Sorelle Group, Joseline never showed up even once. The

people from the court personally drove out the employees before shutting the entire company down.

The police would constantly be on patrol around the company.

Joseline, dressed in black, would only dare leave the hotel late at night to take a peek at Sorelle Group's current


Shutdown notice had been plastered on the company's glass doors, and the walls were covered with messages

written with paint.

Some read: Repay your debts!

Another- read: What a shitty company! I hope you will go bankrupt soon!

Upon seeing those obscene words, Joseline felt as if a sharp blade had pierced her heart. Her whole being


To repay the employees, all properties under the Sorelle family had been sold off. Even so, it was not enough to

cover the total debt.

On top of all the debts on her back with no company nor assets, Hanson wanted to divorce her as well, which made

her life a living hell, as she was now wandering on the streets like a walking corpse.

Joseline shed tears tliat covered her pale and haggard face. Her eyes were filled with utter desolation.

Shortly afterward, she stretched out her hands and tore all the notice plastered on the building.

“Liars! You're all liars! Go to hell, Angeline!”

Her voice echoed across the once lively Sorelle Group, which was now dark and vacant, much like an abandoned


Why did I end up like this while Angeline remains on top of the world? Why does she have Golding Group's support

and even have them speak up for her when thousands of people are criticizing me? Just what is wrong with me?

Hatred painted Joseline's eyes as she clenched her fists. Her heart was set ablaze with her fighting spirit.

I will destroy you, Angeline. Just like how you've taken everything from me. I'll snatch everything from you even if it

means giving my all.

When the trial day came, it was compulsory for Angeline to attend, but she feared triggering Sebastian, so she

decided against bringing him along to bear witness.

Fortunately, Nancy happened to have the day off. She could look after Sebastian for half a day.

Early in the morning, Nancy had called Angeline, asking the latter to bring Sebastian to the amusement park

earlier, as she had purchased four tickets. Angeline wondered who Nancy would bring along.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the amusement park, they spotted two familiar faces—Roger and Floretta.

Floretta, dressed in a pink princess dress, hair tied into two cute ponytails, and with a checkered balloon in her

hand, stared at them with widened eyes.

Sebastian reacted faster as his eyes lit up. Breaking free from Angeline's hand, he ran toward Floretta.

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Floretta pulled away as well, hugging Sebastian with a huge smile.

The kids stared at each other with sheepish smiles, which created a joyous atmosphere.

The initially nervous Angeline was bubbling with elation at tliat sight.

Walking toward them, Angeline gave Nancy and Roger a meaningful look with a teasing smile on her face.

“When did you two foes get together-? I really didn't see this coming.”

Blushing, Nancy immediately clarified, “That's nonsense. We're purely friends. I posted about coming here on

Instagram, and he insisted on joining us with Floretta.”

"Oh? Is that so?”

Angeline stared at them ambiguously, her mood uplifted.

“Yeah. I only agreed because Floretta's discharged, and her injuries are almost completely healed. Besides, it won't

do her good if all she does is stay at the hospital,” Nancy uttered, reaching out to poke Roger's waist.

Her explanation did not make any sense, though.

Scratching the back of his head, Roger stared at Nancy lovingly.

“Yeah, whatever she said,” he said, Iris voice filled with affection.

Nancy's face turned red once again, while Angeline could not help but burst out laughing.

She had been in a relationship before, so how could she not miss the peculiar ambient between Nancy and Roger?

Even so, since the two refused to reveal their relationship, she did not see the need to say anything about it.

“All right. I'll count on you both to take care of the kids, then.” Angeline's smile gradually disappeared as she stared

at Nancy seriously. “Sebastian has a heart problem. Don't let him get too excited.”

“Don't worry. I got it.”

Looking at Nancy's solemn expression, Angeline relaxed and handed Sebastian's stuff to them.