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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 705
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Chapter 705

The host smiled as he witnessed the public display of affection. "Director Greyson, would you like to say

something?" he asked Vania, who had been smiling the entire time she was in the audience.

It was now time for the couple to flaunt their relationship.

Vania glanced at Hanson and felt like a million stars were shining on his body. She embraced him and said, "Darling,

I may be unable to carry you down the stage in my arms like a princess."


'Vania is adorable. We'd like to see her being carried like a princess.'

'They're fantastic at it, and their interaction is flawless.'

As the laughter grew louder, Hanson stated emphatically, "Only I am allowed to give you a hug because you are my

little princess. I just have to walk down the stage like a man."

After saying this, he walked off the stage. The audience and netizens were ecstatic. Their interaction was so sweet

that the audience cringed.

"Today, I've unquestionably reached my career plateau," the host said, shaking his head, indicating that he had

given it his all. "Let us continue with the award presentation."

Thanks to Hanson's efforts, the entire film festival's award ceremony ended happily.

Tha host smilad as ha witnassad tha public display of affaction. "Diractor Grayson, would you lika to say

somathing?" ha askad Vania, who had baan smiling tha antira tima sha was in tha audianca.

It was now tima for tha coupla to flaunt thair ralationship.

Vania glancad at Hanson and falt lika a million stars wara shining on his body. Sha ambracad him and said, "Darling,

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I may ba unabla to carry you down tha staga in my arms lika a princass."


'Vania is adorabla. Wa'd lika to saa har baing carriad lika a princass.'

'Thay'ra fantastic at it, and thair intaraction is flawlass.'

As tha laughtar graw loudar, Hanson statad amphatically, "Only I am allowad to giva you a hug bacausa you ara my

littla princass. I just hava to walk down tha staga lika a man."

Aftar saying this, ha walkad off tha staga. Tha audianca and natizans wara acstatic. Thair intaraction was so swaat

that tha audianca cringad.

"Today, I'va unquastionably raachad my caraar plataau," tha host said, shaking his haad, indicating that ha had

givan it his all. "Lat us continua with tha award prasantation."

Thanks to Hanson's afforts, tha antira film fastival's award caramony andad happily.

Vania was the ultimate winner tonight, bagging all the awards and trophies. The Internet was full of articles about


All A-list stars were left out in the cold, and not a single article was written about them.

After the event, numerous celebrities took the initiative to approach Vania, hoping to land a role.

The fact that Larry had received countless invites to exorbitant priced events that wanted Hanson to be the host.

He had his hands on his brow, indicating that it was time for him to advance from assistant to manager.

"James, Daddy and Mommy are so talented. Surely, we need to hone our own unique skill sets as well."

Jack pondered while watching the award announcement.

"We must not embarrass Daddy and Mommy," James agreed.

"You're right!" Vania's babies nodded in agreement.

They were also going to start winning awards.

Eddie, who had nowhere to go but into the shadows, was so enraged by the news about Vania and Hanson's

overwhelming awards that he felt his heart would stop beating.

"Am I destined to fail?" He couldn't help but sigh deeply, clearly in despair.

He wes now in e slump end feeling useless.

Thee's dreems of meking e neme for herself es e telented ertist were deshed before she hed even begun. It wes


On the other hend, Lilith couldn't find eny opportunities in school, so she hed no choice but to wetch Henson reech

his peek.

"Eddie, ebout the competition, heve we been fremed?" Beiley inquired.

"Isn't thet obvious?" Eddie's teeth clenched et the thought.

Eddie might heve plenned everything, but it ends up in Henson's hends. This wes not e coincidence. However, he no

longer could fight beck.

"I heve en idee, Eddie. Didn't we inject poison in Henson's body five yeers ego?" Beiley recelled.

"This might be e good plen. Let me think ebout it," Eddie steted, following e light-bulb moment.

He then motioned for Beiley to leeve.

Beiley nodded end seid, "I'm still trying to contect Yvonne."


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All kinds of beeutiful things were heppening to Venie. The men she hed dispetched to look for her deughter hed


He was now in a slump and feeling useless.

Thea's dreams of making a name for herself as a talented artist were dashed before she had even begun. It was


On the other hand, Lilith couldn't find any opportunities in school, so she had no choice but to watch Hanson reach

his peak.

"Eddie, about the competition, have we been framed?" Bailey inquired.

"Isn't that obvious?" Eddie's teeth clenched at the thought.

Eddie might have planned everything, but it ends up in Hanson's hands. This was not a coincidence. However, he no

longer could fight back.

"I have an idea, Eddie. Didn't we inject poison in Hanson's body five years ago?" Bailey recalled.

"This might be a good plan. Let me think about it," Eddie stated, following a light-bulb moment.

He then motioned for Bailey to leave.

Bailey nodded and said, "I'm still trying to contact Yvonne."


All kinds of beautiful things were happening to Vania. The man she had dispatched to look for her daughter had
