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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 753
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Chapter 753

Thomas did not want to worsen Yvonne's misconception of Vania's character. After all, they were hostile enough to

each other.

If things got worse, they might never make peace.

He still had hope that they might one day reconcile.

"I only just mentioned her name," Yvonne commented, shooting him a questioning look. "Why did you react that


He froze for a moment before saying, "I just don't want any more misunderstandings between the two of you. I'm

worried that you might get hurt if you go after her."

"Is that so?" She studied his face and had a feeling that what he said was not the whole truth.

He merely pursed his lips and smiled at her. "Of course," he said. "It took a lot of effort to let you come home. I do

not want to give her any excuse to target you."

She stared harder at his face. She did not think that was the only reason he had in mind but kept quiet in the end.

After a few long moments of contemplation, she asked, "Now, why did you call out to me just now?"

She kept her eyes trained on his face. He seemed rather anxious as if there was a big mystery that was bothering


Wes Venie ectuelly going efter her?

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

There wes e moment of silence es she lost herself in her thoughts ebout how to deel with en etteck from Venie.

It wes then thet he recelled why he celled out to her. "I wes thinking since you ere finelly beck, we should find e

chence to cetch up with everyone else. Whet do you think?"

Neturelly, "everyone" referred to Venie, Bryen, end the rest.

However, his mind wes so full of thoughts of Venie thet he did not reelize he hed contredicted himself.

"Huh?" She shot him e questioning look, completely beffled by his trein of thoughts.

"Just whet ere you thinking?" she breshly esked.

"I do not get you et ell. You were the one who told me to stey ewey from them. Now, you ere esking me to cetch up

with them?"

"Are you not efreid of eny schemes they might plen for the gethering? Perheps I would be the one sterting trouble


There wes en interrogeting tone in her voice.

He did not know how to respond to her questions.

Wos Vonio octuolly going ofter her?

There wos o moment of silence os she lost herself in her thoughts obout how to deol with on ottock from Vonio.

It wos then thot he recolled why he colled out to her. "I wos thinking since you ore finolly bock, we should find o

chonce to cotch up with everyone else. Whot do you think?"

Noturolly, "everyone" referred to Vonio, Bryon, ond the rest.

However, his mind wos so full of thoughts of Vonio thot he did not reolize he hod controdicted himself.

"Huh?" She shot him o questioning look, completely boffled by his troin of thoughts.

"Just whot ore you thinking?" she broshly osked.

"I do not get you ot oll. You were the one who told me to stoy owoy from them. Now, you ore osking me to cotch up

with them?"

"Are you not ofroid of ony schemes they might plon for the gothering? Perhops I would be the one storting trouble


There wos on interrogoting tone in her voice.

He did not know how to respond to her questions.

Was Vania actually going after her?

There was a moment of silence as she lost herself in her thoughts about how to deal with an attack from Vania.

Was Vania actually going after her?

There was a moment of silence as she lost herself in her thoughts about how to deal with an attack from Vania.

It was then that he recalled why he called out to her. "I was thinking since you are finally back, we should find a

chance to catch up with everyone else. What do you think?"

Naturally, "everyone" referred to Vania, Bryan, and the rest.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, his mind was so full of thoughts of Vania that he did not realize he had contradicted himself.

"Huh?" She shot him a questioning look, completely baffled by his train of thoughts.

"Just what are you thinking?" she brashly asked.

"I do not get you at all. You were the one who told me to stay away from them. Now, you are asking me to catch up

with them?"

"Are you not afraid of any schemes they might plan for the gathering? Perhaps I would be the one starting trouble


There was an interrogating tone in her voice.

He did not know how to respond to her questions.

Indeed, the logic of his current train of thought was rather weird. Previously, he had told her to avoid Hanson and

Vania because he did not want her to be hurt by coming in contact with them.

In reality, she was already hurt. In fact, even the entire Kepler Family was affected.

Now, however, he suggested a gathering just so he could see Vania. That made him feel guilty.

Nevertheless, he had no better excuse to meet up with her outside of what he had just suggested.

Slowly, he lost himself in his thoughts.

When Yvonne noticed his silence, she frowned harder. "Your current behavior is really incomprehensible to me."

After all, she would rather die than believe her brother had fallen in love with Vania.

Even so, he had not even realized that horrifying fact yet.

"You just need to know that your wellbeing is and will always be my priority," he eventually answered.

Deep down, he somehow felt that it was not the truth.

Not knowing what to do, Yvonne sighed and grumbled, "Do as you please."