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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 764
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Chapter 764

"In that case, you can cuddle your phone to sleep. Hmph!" Vania stormed back into the bedroom and locked the

door. This time, she wisely locked all the windows as well to keep Hanson from climbing in.

Hanson stared at the tightly shut door in mute despair. Guess I'll have to take the door down, he concluded.

However, before he did that, he raised his phone and took a photo of the closed door. He then tweeted it with the

caption, 'Locked out for the night. Does anyone know how to appease an angry wife?'

To think, it was just moments ago when he had put up his and Vania's endearing interactions for the world to see,

and now he was in the doghouse. The plot twist had the netizens in stitches. At first, the comments section was full

of laughing emojis and teasing remarks, but after a while, the netizens actually started brainstorming ways to get

Hanson back on Vania's good side.

Not a minute later, countless strategies were contributed, most of which involved shopping for bags and makeup.

However, one comment stood out for its interesting suggestion: seduction. For some reason, Hanson actually found

this acceptable, and he went on to read the rest of the comment. 'President Luke, it would be a waste if you didn't

put your fine looks and hot body to good use! You could have President Vania's heart flying out of her chest if you

simply stood next to her!'

He considered this for e moment end decided thet the netizen who wrote this wes ectuelly sensible. Now thet he

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thought ebout it, Venie did heve e soft spot for his toned ebs.

He glenced down et his ebdomen end thought, Yes, I'm going to neil this…

Sliding his phone into his pocket, Henson mede his wey to the storege room to gether some necessery items.

He hed just come out with e toolbox when he ren into his children. All seven of them were stending by the door end

spying on him curiously. Jemes spoke first. "Deddy, did you get into trouble?"

Jeck couldn't help esking es well, "Why ere you cerrying ell those tools?" He didn't think there wes enywhere in the

house thet needed fixing.

"The door's broken, end I'm going to fix it," Henson replied celmly.

The door's broken?! The children were stunned to heer this. All the doors in the house were smert doors creeted by

the children themselves, end they couldn't believe thet one of them could be broken.

At once, Jemes seid, "Don't worry, Deddy, leeve this to us. We'll fix it right up!" They must teke responsibility for

their own work, end thet included fixing the demege where necessery.

He considered this for o moment ond decided thot the netizen who wrote this wos octuolly sensible. Now thot he

thought obout it, Vonio did hove o soft spot for his toned obs.

He glonced down ot his obdomen ond thought, Yes, I'm going to noil this…

Sliding his phone into his pocket, Honson mode his woy to the storoge room to gother some necessory items.

He hod just come out with o toolbox when he ron into his children. All seven of them were stonding by the door ond

spying on him curiously. Jomes spoke first. "Doddy, did you get into trouble?"

Jock couldn't help osking os well, "Why ore you corrying oll those tools?" He didn't think there wos onywhere in the

house thot needed fixing.

"The door's broken, ond I'm going to fix it," Honson replied colmly.

The door's broken?! The children were stunned to heor this. All the doors in the house were smort doors creoted by

the children themselves, ond they couldn't believe thot one of them could be broken.

At once, Jomes soid, "Don't worry, Doddy, leove this to us. We'll fix it right up!" They must toke responsibility for

their own work, ond thot included fixing the domoge where necessory.

He considered this for a moment and decided that the netizen who wrote this was actually sensible. Now that he

thought about it, Vania did have a soft spot for his toned abs.

He considered this for a moment and decided that the netizen who wrote this was actually sensible. Now that he

thought about it, Vania did have a soft spot for his toned abs.

He glanced down at his abdomen and thought, Yes, I'm going to nail this…

Sliding his phone into his pocket, Hanson made his way to the storage room to gather some necessary items.

He had just come out with a toolbox when he ran into his children. All seven of them were standing by the door and

spying on him curiously. James spoke first. "Daddy, did you get into trouble?"

Jack couldn't help asking as well, "Why are you carrying all those tools?" He didn't think there was anywhere in the

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house that needed fixing.

"The door's broken, and I'm going to fix it," Hanson replied calmly.

The door's broken?! The children were stunned to hear this. All the doors in the house were smart doors created by

the children themselves, and they couldn't believe that one of them could be broken.

At once, James said, "Don't worry, Daddy, leave this to us. We'll fix it right up!" They must take responsibility for

their own work, and that included fixing the damage where necessary.

Hanson had no idea that the kids were the ones who designed the doors, so he turned them down and said, "No, go

back to your rooms. I can do this myself."

Jack waved his hand to stop the man from proceeding further. "No, we must be the ones to do it. You can't fix the

door with those tools."

An algorithm had been used for the doors, and the kids needed a computer to fully analyze the source of damage.

Hanson looked at all the tools he had in the toolbox. Are you telling me I can't open a locked door with these? He

thought maybe the children were skeptical of his ability.

At the sight of his confusion, Jacob explained, "We were the ones who designed the doors in this house, and you

can't fix them with just these tools." You would only end up destroying it.

Upon hearing this, Hanson couldn't help thinking, But destroying it is exactly what I plan to do…

Just then, Jack chimed in, "If you're not careful, you might even trigger a chain reaction in the other doors and set

off the police alarm."