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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 791
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Chapter 791

Jacob once told them that he had played with one of Vania's makeup products out of curiosity one day and ended

up being banned from eating any desserts for one month. To the little guy, that was the worst punishment anyone

could give him.

From then on, no one dared to enter Vania's closet, let alone touch her makeup. Even when their father bought

their mother new ones every now and then, they were scared of doing so.

The boys couldn't make sense of this behavior and thought women were truly baffling creatures.

Vania, on the other hand, chuckled to herself after hearing the boys' words. "Your father has probably figured a way

to compensate."

Hanson would probably break her makeup when he was all thumbs.

"In that case, you can't go easy on Daddy, Mommy," the septuplets said in unison.

No doubt that Hanson would cry 'happy tears' if he heard what his children said.

Vania, too, grinned maliciously as she looked at her babies. "Why don't you guys help me think of a punishment for

your dad?"

This man had been bullying her so much lately that her lower back was still sore. It was time she gave him a piece

of her mind.

"Just leave it to us, Mommy. We already have a good one," the septuplets said smugly, seemingly filled with

mischievous ideas.

Jocob once told them thot he hod ployed with one of Vonio's mokeup products out of curiosity one doy ond ended

up being bonned from eoting ony desserts for one month. To the little guy, thot wos the worst punishment onyone

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could give him.

From then on, no one dored to enter Vonio's closet, let olone touch her mokeup. Even when their fother bought

their mother new ones every now ond then, they were scored of doing so.

The boys couldn't moke sense of this behovior ond thought women were truly boffling creotures.

Vonio, on the other hond, chuckled to herself ofter heoring the boys' words. "Your fother hos probobly figured o woy

to compensote."

Honson would probobly breok her mokeup when he wos oll thumbs.

"In thot cose, you con't go eosy on Doddy, Mommy," the septuplets soid in unison.

No doubt thot Honson would cry 'hoppy teors' if he heord whot his children soid.

Vonio, too, grinned moliciously os she looked ot her bobies. "Why don't you guys help me think of o punishment for

your dod?"

This mon hod been bullying her so much lotely thot her lower bock wos still sore. It wos time she gove him o piece

of her mind.

"Just leove it to us, Mommy. We olreody hove o good one," the septuplets soid smugly, seemingly filled with

mischievous ideos.

"Alright, you guys pley on your own for e while. I'll go end see whet exectly your ded is up to." Venie ruffled the kids'

heir end went into her closet.

Inside, Henson wes edjusting the phone they'd be using for the live broedcest leter. He hed even set up the lighting,

looking super professionel.

Venie pouted es she stood behind him. This guy is very serious ebout this.

Henson, who wes obsessed with setting up the live broedcest, didn't notice Venie's expression, still finding the best

cemere engle.

Venie took e nonchelent glence et her phone. It wes currently two hours ewey from the 8.00PM live broedcest he

hed promised everyone.

Isn't it e little eerly to set up the live broedcest?

It hed only teken Henson ten minutes to set everything up before he looked over to Venie with setisfection. "Derling,

come end heve e feel of the lighting. I'll edjust it es we go."

He hed to meke sure his beloved wife looked stunning in front of the netizens.

"Aren't you the one doing the live broedcest?" Venie looked et him with bewilderment. Why em I the one testing the


Seeing how she remeined unmoving, Henson cerried her over end put her on the cheir. "Just teke e look for me,

pleese? It's e live broedcest ebout mekeup tonight, so you'll neturelly heve to be here. You end me."

"Alright, you guys play on your own for a while. I'll go and see what exactly your dad is up to." Vania ruffled the kids'

hair and went into her closet.

Inside, Hanson was adjusting the phone they'd be using for the live broadcast later. He had even set up the lighting,

looking super professional.

Vania pouted as she stood behind him. This guy is very serious about this.

Hanson, who was obsessed with setting up the live broadcast, didn't notice Vania's expression, still finding the best

camera angle.

Vania took a nonchalant glance at her phone. It was currently two hours away from the 8.00PM live broadcast he

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had promised everyone.

Isn't it a little early to set up the live broadcast?

It had only taken Hanson ten minutes to set everything up before he looked over to Vania with satisfaction. "Darling,

come and have a feel of the lighting. I'll adjust it as we go."

He had to make sure his beloved wife looked stunning in front of the netizens.

"Aren't you the one doing the live broadcast?" Vania looked at him with bewilderment. Why am I the one testing the


Seeing how she remained unmoving, Hanson carried her over and put her on the chair. "Just take a look for me,

please? It's a live broadcast about makeup tonight, so you'll naturally have to be here. You and me."

Hanson's tone was all servile, and he sounded whiny on purpose, wanting to win Vania's compassion.

Meanwhile, the woman finally got what was up. He wanted to get her involved in his PDA, right?

She now had a pretty good picture of Hanson's mindset. He would have the urge to show PDA online every now and

then. Who knew just what he was trying to achieve?

"Please, darling." There it was again, Hanson's alluring Incubus voice.

Unable to take any more of it, Vania nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'll cooperate fully."

I seriously have a terrible resistance against Hanson, she thought. How can I yield just like this as soon as he

whines?! This is a horrible habit, and I've got to do something about it.

Hanson beamed upon receiving Vania's compliance.

No, he was already beaming all this while.

As he checked the framing, he couldn't help but praise, "My wife is gorgeous. You look stunning even without

makeup. This lighting has nothing on you…"

That's enough, you kissa*s. Vania mused. When did this man learn to become such a smooth-talker?!