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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 247
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S21 77. I Don’t Deserve to be Here

After a blink, Louis was running again, following the others. “Mommy, Emily!”

It wasn’t just those two’people, Frank, who was standing closest to the door, turned

around. “What’s wrong, Louis?”

“Auntie plans to leave. She is preparing her suitcase!”

Emily’s jaw dropped. Panic, she shouted at the door. “Auntie, are you listening to me?

Please don’t go.”

Louis didn’t want to lose. He slipped between Philip and his parents then stopped beside

Emily. “Auntie, please don’t go! None of this is your fault. You don’t need to feel guilty.”

However, a few moments later, Barbara opened the door with a sad expression. A suitcase

stood by her side.

“Barbara, where are you going?” Kara sighed, worried.

“Sorry, I can no longer stay here. I don’t want people to think bad about you. It should be

Mom and me who bear the consequences. Not you guys.”

Frank hurriedly held her arm. “Can you ignore them? Those people are just jealous of you.

They don’t like it when you are happy. They forget that I am your brother. My house is also


“And your leaving won’t change things either, Barbara,” Kara continued.

However, Barbara shook her head. “But they are right. I should have been by Mom’s side. I

should focus on taking care of her, not leaving

her alone.”


“Mom is in the right care,” Frank emphasized.

“Still… I shouldn’t be happy while she suffers. I don’t deserve to live in your house. I don’t

deserve to feel the luxury and comfort here, especially for free. I’m ashamed to be a

parasite in your family.”

Frank exhaled heavily. His jaw throbbed in annoyance. “Stop

comparing yourself to a parasite, okay? You are not a parasite. You are my sister.”

“A sister who came because she was after your wealth. That was the original purpose of

my arrival.”

“Mom’s purpose, not yours. Everyone can see that.”

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Barbara shook her head weakly. “Don’t rate me too highly. I’m not that good. I supported

her plan.”

“But then you changed. That’s the key word. The situation then and now is different.

People need to know who you are now. So stay.” Frank raised an eyebrow, hopeful.

“Yes, Auntie. Don’t go. We can definitely solve this problem together,” Louis persuaded.

“If Auntie leaves, things will only get more complicated. We will all be very sad, especially


Emily led the others, looking at the assistant. The man looked cold. His eyes had never

been that dim.

“Can’t you stay?” His voice shook Barbara’s guts.

“Sorry, Philip. Please don’t get in my way. I don’t want to fight with you. My decision is

final. I don’t belong here.”

Philip stuffed his lungs with patience. Once they’re full, he

approached Barbara. Everyone stepped aside, making way for him.


“I don’t want to hinder you. I just want to remind you. There are better ways than running


Barbara looked away. She didn’t want to hear more. “Can’t you guys respect my


Barbara’s breath hitched, her words strangled. Tears fell harder.

“Recently, I have been very tired. Today is the peak. I want to take a break for a moment.

I’m not leaving to leave you. I’ll definitely be back later, continuing the project with Emily.

But for now, please ….”

She glanced around at everyone. “I need to make peace with everything. With myself,

with circumstances, with people. For just a moment, I want to hide from the world.”

“But where are you going? You cannot possibly return to your house. It’s already late.”

Philip shook his lover’s arm, trying to revive her


“I could rent a hotel,” Barbara said, unwavering.

“That’s not a wise choice, Barbara,” Frank shook his head briskly. “If paparazzi found out,

it could be a big problem. And everyone here will not be at peace thinking about your

safety. Moreover, your wound has not completely healed.”

“But I want to get out of here, Brother,” Barbara’s voice finally b Every corner of this

house reminds me of Mom, of her disastrous ambitions. I really can’t stand the memory.”

Everyone fell silent. No one dared to detain Barbara anymore a knowing the real reason.

“Now, please let me go. I can take care of myself.”

Barbara grabbed the suitcase and started dragging it. However, before she could take a

step, Philip grabbed her good shoulder.


“Okay, if that’s what you want. Let’s go.”

Barbara’s eyebrows knitted together. “I can go alone,” she repeated in a confused tone.

“Not without me.” Philip looked straight at her. After a blink, he turned to Frank, Kara, and

the twins. “Do you guys mind if I take some time


The four people shrugged their shoulders together. “No. Of course


While Barbara was stunned, Philip raised the corners of his lips. ” Then let’s go to my


Barbara pondered for a moment. Her eyes trembled, recording the sincerity that clearly

radiated in front of her.

“Wait. You must have misunderstood. I go not only to be alone, but also to prove that I can

live independently, without relying on someone else.”

“I’m not someone else, Barbara. I am your boyfriend, your lover, your future husband. It’s

natural that I protect you. And my way is to offer a place to stay.”


Suddenly, Kara stroked Barbara’s hair, just like a sister comforted her younger sibling. “If

you insist on leaving here, go with Philip. He can take care of you and people won’t be

able to bother you. Only then can we calm down.”.

“Yes, Auntie. Go with Philip. That way, I can sleep tonight,” Emily nodded with her hands

clasped under her chin.

Louis imitated his younger sister’s movements. “Yes, Auntie. Go with him!”


A faint sigh escaped Barbara’s lips. Her lungs were too full of emotion. However, before

she had time to make a decision, Frank wiped her tears.

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“Take good care of yourself, hmm? If you’re having trouble, don’t hesitate to tell Philip.

He’ll definitely help.”


“Go,” Frank interrupted as he stepped back. “It’s already late and you need rest. But you

have to remember, everyone deserves to be happy. You… deserve to be happy too.”

Barbara folded her lips inward. However, the pressure in her chest was too big to hold

back. When she let out a cry, she slipped into Frank’s arms.

“Thank you, Brother. Sorry for bothering you all this time.”

Frank’s heart warmed. With a small smile, he patted Barbara on the back. “Then you

should start avoiding trouble. Don’t be careless, hmm?”

After nodding, Barbara moved into Kara’s arms. “Thank you, Sister-in-


“You’re welcome, Sister-in-Law. If you need a friend, don’t hesitate to call me, hmm? I’ll

answer if I’m not busy.”

The twins couldn’t wait any longer for their turn. While pouting, wrapped Barbara in their

small arms

“Auntie, don’t forget us. If you have time, come visit us.”

Barbara laughed faintly. “Is Philip’s apartment far? You guys make me feel like we’re

moving out of town.”

“It’s not far, but we can no longer see Auntie whenever we want. We’ll miss knocking on

this door,” Emily pointed her finger at the white



board near them.

“And I’ll peek into the back yard less often. There’s nothing fun there. anymore,” Louis

continued with teary eyes. “When you get better, will you come back here?”

While wiping away the tears, Barbara turned to face the twins. “I don’t know. I want to

focus on clearing my head first.”

After a smile, she glanced at Philip. “Shall we leave now?”


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