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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 303
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S3| 46. Daddy Comes Home

“Mommy, what time is it? Why isn’t Daddy home yet?” the boy who was lying on the sofa

grumbled. His head was left dangling, while his legs were lifted onto the backrest.

Emily’s lips immediately pursed. “Be patient, Louis. Soon, Daddy will be home. I’m sure he

will successfully complete the mission.”

With a sluggish expression, Louis reached for the tablet on his right side. “I told you, I

should have come along. If I had helped, the mission would have been completed more

quickly. I have often trained as a secret agent or spy.”

Kara chuckled at the mumble. Susan, who was knitting, smiled too.

“What can you do?” the grandmother asked, amused.

“I can sneak into Grandma Melanie’s room and help Ava sedate Gerald. It’s easy.”

“Do you know where Grandma Melanie is being held?” Emily raised

her eyebrows.

Louis blinked twice. “I can look for it!”

“Then, if you get caught? Sophia will be angry because she knows Daddy didn’t come


Louis’ eyelids dropped halfway. “Uncle Jeremy is a lot bigger than me, but he can sneak

around. Why not me? I won’t get caught.”

“Stop bluffing, Louis. You better help me massage Mommy. Doctor Wela said, pregnant

women need a massage.”

“Why don’t you just borrow Grandma’s massage chair? That’s more practical. Grandma

will definitely allow it. Right, Grandma?”


Emily let out a long chuckle. “You don’t know how to be filial, do you?”

Hearing that sarcasm, Louis’ cheeks puffed up. “Okay, I’ll help, but after I check this out.”

Louis rolled over, sitting cross-legged. “There’s no news about

Sophia’s arrest yet. Is Daddy having difficulty carrying out his mission?”

Kara sighed with a smile. “Even though Daddy has succeeded, you won’t find news like

that on the internet. Daddy asked the police to keep it a secret.”

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The twins widened their eyes. Even Susan looked up from her thread. ” Why?”

“He just wanted to give Sophia a warning. After she spends one night in the cell, he will

drop the charges. Hopefully, Sophia will learn her lesson.”

“But one night is too short to reflect, Mommy. It took Grandpa Rowan a long time to admit

his mistakes. Grandma Melanie too,” Louis said with a serious expression.

Emily also hardened her face. “Louis is right, Mommy. Even Au Barbara who was the

quickest took several days. Why didn’t Da keep Sophia locked up longer?”

The curve of Kara’s lips turned stiff. Her eyes flickered to sort out th


“All actions have consequences, Little Angels. For example, when you found out that

Sophia was the one who framed Grandma Melanie, you were angry, right?”

Louis lowered his eyebrows. “Yes, and Mommy just told us today. If we had known from the

start, we wouldn’t have wanted to be friends. with Sophia.”


Emily nodded cutely. “Yeah, she’s evil. Louis and I shouldn’t be around her.”

“Then what is the impact of Daddy’s mission tonight, Mommy? Will anyone else be angry

if Sophia is in prison?”

Kara smiled wryly. “Yes, if we keep Sophia longer, her family will definitely not be happy.

That’s why just one day is enough.”

“But Sophia is guilty, Mommy. She deserves punishment. And she locked Grandma

Melanie in a rehabilitation center for far longer than a day. Even though she knew that

Grandma Melanie wasn’t sick.” Louis’ cheeks blushed with anger.

Meanwhile, Emily’s eyebrows arched in worry. “What will happen if her family gets angry,

Mommy? Is it dangerous?”

While Kara exchanged glances with Susan, Louis was nimbly typing into a search engine.

As soon as the results appeared, he moved

closer to Kara.

“Look! There’s a lot of news about them.”

When Kara checked, her tension was relieved by amusement. Louis’ search term was “Is

Sophia Moore’s family good”.

“What’s coming up?” Kara asked.

Louis knitted his eyebrows as if he was thinking hard.

“This one is about donations for children. This is humanitarian donations. This is donations

for the environment. It’s all about donations. Is someone’s goodness only measured by

how much they


Emily let out a quick sigh. “Your search terms must not be quite right, Louis.” She moved

next to him and took over his tablet. Quickly, she replaced the word “good” with the word



However, before they had time to observe the results, the sound of a

car was heard from outside. In an instant, the twins’ extended their necks. Their eyes


“Is that Daddy?”

Kara nodded. “That must be Daddy. Let’s welcome him.”

Laughing, Louis and Emily ran to the front door. Behind them, Kara followed with a

relieved smile.

“Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home!” Louis and Emily jumped up and down waiting for Frank to

get out of the car. As soon as the father was seen, their laughter became even louder.

“Daddy!” Their hands were raised, waiting for a hug.

After a brief jog, Frank lowered his knees to the porch floor. The twins immediately

wrapped their tiny arms around his body.

“We are happy that Daddy has come home. Daddy’s mission must go smoothly.”

Frank chuckled and kissed the twins’ head. A moment later, he stood up, carrying the two

of them in his arms.

“You’re right. My mission went smoothly.”

“Does it mean Sophia has been arrested, Daddy?” Louis’ eyes wide

Frank nodded. “She’s already at the police station.”

“Oh, what a pity,” Emily muttered as she twisted her fingers. “Sophia must be scared.”

“That’s the consequence she has to bear, Emily. Let’s just pray she can come to her

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The little girl nodded firmly, imitating her brother. A second later, she looked back at their


“Since everyone already knows that Mommy is innocent and Sophial is the criminal, can

we feel relieved, Daddy? Mommy doesn’t have to face people’s bad words anymore, does


Kara stroked Emily’s back. The curve of her lips widened. “Yeah,

there’s nothing we need to worry about anymore, Little Angel. People don’t misunderstand


In an instant, Louis’ hands clenched into the air. “Woohoo! All the

problems are resolved now. We can have a lively New Year’s party

tomorrow night!”

Emily’s eyes reflected more light. “Yeah! We’re going to party. Let’s invite everyone!

Grandma Melanie, Uncle Jeremy, Grandma Vivian, and Nurse Ava. Doctor Wela and Rony

can’t be left behind either. It’s going to be a very lively party.”

“How about we invite Grandma Diana and Abigail too?” Louis

suggested enthusiastically. “Can we send someone to pick them up, Daddy?”

Frank and Kara suddenly exchanged glances. Smiling, the two

nodded. “Yeah, let’s send someone to pick them up.”

The twins cheered again. When Kara hugged them, happiness felt even more complete.

However, when they looked towards the ga their laughter faded. A car had moved in. It

wasn’t a truck or the bodyguards’ car.

“Who’s coming, Daddy? Is it Sean?” Emily tilted her head back so she could see without

Kara blocking her sight. However, her hands refused to leave her parents’ necks.

“No way, Emily. Sean is still on his way to Garcia Hospital. Why is he here? He has to look

after Ava’s mother,” Louis explained with a high arch of his eyebrows.


Emily pursed her in Thats right it was Sean he would have


been with the ambulance So who

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!