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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 374
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S31 117. Jeremy Being Romantic

Jeremy’s expression suddenly turned tense. “Is it a serious problem?”

Ava nodded. “It hurts my heart not to say it.”

“What is it?” Jeremy sounded impatient.

“I'm sorry if in the past, | thought you were a stiff, cold and heartless man. | even swore and cursed at you. In

fact, you were only doing your duty. | was the one who was at fault at that time.”

Jeremy’s eyebrows pressed against his forehead. “I remember your harsh sentences, but... it turns out that’s

how you judged me?”

Smiling wryly, Ava nodded. “Didn't you think like that abouttoo? A stiff girl who was selfish and heartless?

Don’t pretend you don’t remember. The way you looked atstated it clearly.”

Jeremy snorted a laugh. His heart was relieved to realize that his worries had been excessive. “Okay, | think the

problem is clear now. Are we even?”

Frowning, Ava shook her head. “Not yet. Do you remember the firs moment you faced me? You heldlike


Ava pushed Jeremy until he fell on the bed. Then, she pressed his neck with her left arm and pressed his

shoulder with her right hand.

“When | fought back, you even pressed your knee on my stomach even though you know I'm a woman. Do you

know how panicked | was at that time?”

Instead of feeling guilty, Jeremy smiled slightly. “Your memory isn’t quite right, Ava. If you're in this position, you

can still struggle. See? My hands can still do a lot of things.”


instoked down at what Jeremy's fingers were doing to her. In an

instant, her face froze and her body stiffened.

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“I'm punishing you. You still dare act?”

For the first time, Ava heard Jeremy chuckle out loud. The sound was pleasant.

“Okay, | surrender. Punishwhatever you want.” Jeremy folded his arms under his head. His gaze was gentle

and seductive.

Without hesitation, Ava pressed her knee against Jeremy's stomach. However, feeling the hardness of his

muscles and seeing his relaxed face, her eyes widened.

“Doesn't it hurt?” Ava tapped Jeremy’s stomach like she was examining a rock.

“Maybe you need to think of another way to torture me.”

“It’s not fair. | don’t know how to torture you.”

Ava prodded Jeremy's body with her finger, looking for ticklish spots. As she approached the shoulder area,

Jeremy stopped supporting h head with his arm. Seeing that, Ava’s eyes narrowed.

“Raise your hand again.”

“What for?”

Smiling, Ava forced Jeremy to raise his hand again. When his armpit was exposed, she immediately tickled it. In

an instant, Jeremy writhed while holding back laughter.

“Ava, wait. Hahaha....” He tried to dodge it.

“Jeremy, you said you've given up. Don't fight.”

However, Jeremy tickled her waist In an instant, laughter erupted. The two people were lost in the fun, not

knowing that someone was

hearing from outside.


“I'm not lying, Philip. Uncle Jeremy did hold Ava’s hand. Like this!” Louis took his younger sister's hand, showing

it. “If you don’t believe me, just ask Emily.”

The little girl nodded. “Yes, | saw it too. Uncle Jeremy seems to really love Ava.”

Philip leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin. His head tilted.” This is too unbelievable. Jeremy has no

experience with women, and he’s stiff. He can act like that?”

Barbara's eyes narrowed at Philip. “Does it mean you've been close to other women before me?”

Philip's eyebrows rose. He found jealousy in his future wife's eyes-a sign of danger. “Don’t you know? I'm the idol

of the girls at school, but I'm not interested in them. You can’t be angry because your future husband is popular,


Barbara blinked with pursed lips. While tucking her hair behind h ear, she said, “It that’s the story, no. I'm

actually proud. But you're right about Jeremy, Baby. Jeremy being romantic? That's hard to imagine.”

Frank and Kara pursed their lips together. Seeing that his parents were hesitant too, Louis brought the sandwich

away from his mouth. He needed to provide more convincing information.

“That happened twice, Mommy, Daddy. In front of his house, Uncle Jeremy held Ava’s hand again.”

“But it wasn’t romantic, Louis. They seemed to be fighting.”

“Toit’s still romantic. They fight, but they still love each other.”


“What's the problem?” Kara reached out her hand, rubbing

mayonnaise on Louis’ cheek which had been bothering her.

“I don’t know, Mommy. Emily and | watched from afar. When we got off, Ava had already cin.” Louis


“I think Jeremy asked Ava to marry him,” Emily continued with pursed lips. “But Ava refused because Uncle

Jeremy didn’t give her a romantic proposal.”

All the adults in the room were wide-eyed. They forget about the rest of the food on their plates in an instant.

“Really? Jeremy proposed to Ava?” Philip and Barbara asked at the stime.

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The twins nodded firmly. The adults were even more amazed.

“Wow, Jeremy is full of surprises.” Philip nodded slowly.

“But, he was rejected. He shouldn't be hasty. Approaching a woman must be done with the right rhythm. Right,


While Kara smiled faintly, Frank raised an eyebrow, enthusiastic. Then what happened, Kids?”

“Mrs. Bell and we advised him. We said he should be more open with Ava. | told Uncle not to be shy about

expressing his feelings. So now, maybe Uncle is planning something romantic for Ava,” Emily nodded proudly.

“What can Jeremy prepare?” Barbara's laughter sounded amused.

“Don’t underestimate Jeremy, Barbara. Don't forget, a man can change to get the attention of the woman he

loves. Philip is the example. He's changed a lot since he met you. | think Frank has too.”

Noticing Kara's glance, Frank smiled and took her hand. “Kara was right. There was another side ofthat

opened up when she tapped

into me.”

“Didn’t you guys say that Jeremy prepared a surprise for Ava’s birthday yesterday?” Philip straightened his back

from his chair.

“Yes! That was Uncle Jeremy's plan. We were just following his orders, “Emily admitted with sparkling eyes

“That means he has changed.” Philip snapped his fingers. “Good. Ava has activated another side of Jeremy.”

“I'm curious about Jeremy's tactics to melt her heart. Will he prepare a thousand roses?” Barbara tapped her

chin with her index finger.

“Maybe more than that. Ava is similar with Jeremy. Looks like it took extra effort to win her heart.”

“Yes, she’s a tough woman. It's hard to guess what's in that woman's heart.”

While eating their lunch, the twins listened to Philip and Barbara's conversation. They were secretly happy

because Kara didn’t stop them from getting involved, even though in reality, they were still too young to

understand love in depth.

Romance in their minds was much simpler than it actually was. A pleasant surprise was romantic. Deep attention

was romantic. Th closeness was reassuring and romantic. Even when a couple held hand and exchanged smiles,

the moment was very romantic to them, like the prince and princess in a fairy tale.

In the middle of the conversation, Emily’s attention was suddenly diverted. “Oh? Uncle Jeremy? Why is he here?”