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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 441
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S31 184. Jeremy and Ava’s Honeymoon

“Hi Philip and Barbara,

I'm sorry we left without saying goodbye. | feel like | won't be able to convey these words directly.

Sorry if I've disturbed your honeymoon all this time. | did all this

because | was jealous of Barbara. She found love which | thought | had never felt before.

Thank you for makingrealize that apparently, | also have received that kind of love-sincere love. Not from my

husband or lover, but from my own best friend.

Together with Poppy, | will continue my journey and have fun with our own way. You guys have fun too. | hope

you don’t meet a crazy girl likeyesterday.

Love, Shania.”

After reading Shania’s letter, Barbara's eyes filled with tears. Philip bent over, thinking he had seen wrong.

“Babe, are you crying?” He examined Barbara's eyes more closely.

Barbara blinked. Rubbing her eyes, she shook her head. “No. Who's crying? I'm just a little moved.”

Smiling, Philip put one arm around her shoulder. “You don’t need to bet sad, Babe. Even though they're gone,

you still have friends.”

Philip patted himself. “I can also be your friend. No, | can be anyone you need.”

Smiling faintly, Barbara raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”


“Yes. | can be your driver, your bodyguard, your teacher, your shopping friend, your masseuse. I've done all of

that. | think the results are good, right? If you wantto be your chef, your fashion stylist, your hair stylist, |

can do that too. But | can’t guarantee the results.”

Barbara laughed a little. Feeling amused, she kissed his lips.

“Mmm, Babe,” Philip suddenly pulled back his head, “have you forgotten that we are at the foot of the

mountain? The mountain spirits can still see us from up there. You're impolite.”

Barbara laughed amusedly. When she was about to comment, her phone rang.

“There's signal here?”

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While Philip nodded, Barbara answered the call and turned on loud speaker mode. “Hello?”

“Auntie! Where have you been? Why couldn’t your phone be

contacted? Louis and | have been very worried since this afternoon.”

Barbara giggled at the sweet scolding. “Sorry, Emily. We just finished camping at Kvalvika Beach. The beach is

surrounded by high. mountains and the ocean. There's no signal there.”

“But you two are fine, right? Is there any problem?” Louis cont just as worried.

Barbara nodded with a faint smile. “Yes. Thank you for worrying about us. By the way, why aren’t you guys

sleeping yet? Isn't it alread

late there?”

“We stayed up late tonight, Auntie. We're at Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Ava’s honeymoon.”


Barbara's eyes widened. “You're going with them on their honeymoon?


“No, we secretly tailed them. We used a different campervan. Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Ava are far ahead,” Louis

stretched his voice.

“We deliberately kept our distance and parked behind a large rock. They won't know if we follow them. Plus, it’s

very dark in here,” Emily added, half whispering.

Barbara let out another laugh. “Why are you following them? Don’t you guys have anything to do?”

“It’s the weekend, Auntie. Tto have fun! And coincidentally, we were curious about what it would be like to

see stars in this place. So, Daddy and Mommy took us camping too!”

Barbara could imagine Emily stretching her arms out on tiptoe. Her smile must have been very sweet.

“Is it very beautiful there?”

“Yes!” the twins exclaimed in unison!

“Because there is no air pollution, all the stars seems clear. From one end to the other, the sky was sparkling.”

“Light pollution, Louis, not air pollution,” Emily corrected.

“Yes, that’s what | meant. But air pollution also plays a role, E there's a lot of smoke, we can’t see the stars


Barbara giggled for a moment. The twins’ arguments never faile

amuse her.

“Then where are your parents? Why can | only hear the voices of the two of you?”

“Daddy borrowed a large telescope from the research institute. He just finished assembling it about a few

minutes ago. Now Daddy and Mommy are looking for the plSaturn for us. It turns out it’s a bit difficult to

find because Daddy and Mommy don’t understand



“Astronomy, Louis. You must be sleepy. You've been saying it wrong ever since.”

“Yes, that’s what | meant. But I'm not sleepy. We took naps twice, Emily. This is because my tongue is still stiff. |

ate more ice cream earlier.”

Barbara and Philip exchanged glances. They both smiled. Not only because of the cuteness of the twins, but also

because they could imagine how Frank and Kara would argue while looking for Saturn.

“Did Jeremy and Ava bring a telescope too?” Philip asked later.

“I don’t know. Did you see the telescope when Uncle Jeremy was loading the van, Emily?”

Emily muttered at length. “I think they brought it, but a small one. There's a wooden box about this size.”

“Oh, that must be a telescope. It’s not small either, Emily. They'll have

fun too.”

“Kids,” Frank's voice suddenly cthrough, “the beautiful plhas

been found.”

“Really? Is that obvious, Daddy?”

After a moment of silence, Emily squealed happily. “Auntie, Uncle Philip, let's talk again later. Now | want to see

the ringed planet!”

“Okay, Emily. Don’t forget to capture the plwith a camera. We'll see it later.”

“Emily isn’t here anymore, Auntie. She is running while jumping towards the telescope. Hopefully she'll give me

a chance to see Saturn too before its position shifts out of view of the telescope.”

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Philip and Barbara sighed in amusement. “Relax, Louis. Emily will


definitely give you a turn. Just stand nearby. Get in line.”

“Okay, Uncle, Auntie. | want to catch up with Emily. Daddy is still waiting for me. Don’t forget to send us photos.

If you go diving and meet fish, say hello to them from me.”

Barbara giggled. “Okay.” She didn’t know how she would convey the greeting later.

After hanging up the phone, Barbara and Philip looked at each other. ” So, shall we go straight to Ballstad?”

“How about we go around here first? We can spend the night at any location you like. After that, we'll dive in.”

Barbara nodded in agreement. “Okay. That would be fun.”

While the new couple got into their campervan, in another continent, Louis took Frank's outstretched hand.

“Daddy, after Emily is satisfied with seeing Saturn, can you look for Jupiter for me?” Louis asked, excitedly.

“Do you like Jupiter?”

Louis nodded quickly. His eyes radiated enthusiasm even in the dark.” Yes. It's the largest plin our solar

system. He is the toughest coolest. Do you know, Daddy? He actually also has a ring, but it’s thin for us to see.

And Jupiter has many moons. One of them is bigger than Mercury. Isn’t Jupiter great?”

Frank ruffled Louis’ hair. “Okay, let's look for Jupiter after this.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

Suddenly, Emily waved while giggling. “Louis, chere! You have to see this. Saturn is indeed beautiful. Even

though it has a ring, it looks dashing. You'll like it too.”

“Really?” Louis’ eyes widened. A second later, he pulled Frank to run


with him. “Con, Daddy! We must not waste time. There are still many celestial bodies that we have to


“What else do you want to see after Jupiter?”

“Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Uranus, Neptune.”

“We're stepping on Earth, Louis. We don’t need binoculars to observe it.” Frank laughed heartily.

While the little family was having fun with their telescope, Jeremy and Ava were lying on a mat on the side of

their campervan. Their eyes looked straight up. Their smiles were faint, but full of peace.