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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 444
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S31 187. Milky Way

Louis glanced at Emily with a meaningful look. After playing with their eyebrows, the two covered their mouths

and giggled.

“Emily and | have an L in our names,” Louis opened the explanation.

“Meanwhile, Mommy and Daddy have the letter R in their names,” Emily continued before nodding deeply.


“Our little baby must have an L and an R in his or her name!” The twins stood on tiptoe and spread their arms in


While Kara laughed heartily, Jeremy and Ava stared at each other. “L and R? | think it has something to do with

space too.”

“No, Auntie. We discussed it on the way here. We haven't seen such a beautiful sky.” Louis shook his head


“Then, is his nLarry? Rully? Raul? Lyra? Liar?”

Emily's lips immediately pursed. “No, Uncle. Don’t just guess. We've worked hard to think about it with Mommy

and Daddy.”

Jeremy chuckled lightly. “So what?”

“If it’s a girl, her nis Rylee!” Emily brought her hands to placed them next to her cheeks..

“And if it's a boy, his nis Russell. Isn't that a cool nput his hands on his hips and nodded proudly.

“Yeah, that’s a cool name. We also have to quickly think of a nour child, Jeremy,” Ava whispered at the end

before glancing at h


Jeremy nodded slightly and kissed her temple. “Yeah, let's find a cool ntoo.”



“Kids,” Frank's voice suddenly caught their attention, “Daddy has found Jupiter.”

“Really?” Louis ran over to the telescope. Emily followed behind him, giving in because she had already seen

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Frank slid the small ladder to the side of the telescope again. Then,

he offered his hand for Louis to hold.

“How is it, Louis? Is Jupiter really that big? Is it really striped like a cake?” Emily clenched a fist under her chin.

Louis took his eyes away from the telescope. He rubbed his cheeks. twice, hoping it would deflate a little so it

wouldn't stick up too much when he peeked.

“Yes, it's bigger than Saturn and has stripes. Unfortunately, the Great Red Spot can’t be seen here. I'm curious

about what this storm looks like. It has been going on for hundreds of years!”

“Are you disappointed, Buddy?” Frank stroked his son’s back. “Sorry, the image capture is not clear enough.”

Louis quickly looked at his father and shook his head. “No, Daddy very clear. Maybe the Red Spot is on the other

side. I'm glad Da managed to find Jupiter for me. Daddy and Jupiter are both co Louis gave thumbs up.

While Frank laughed proudly, Emily looked up with a pitiful face.” Louis, have you finished observing it? Can |

take a look too?”

“Yes, you can see it now.” Louis jumped down with his hand still holding onto his father. “But after that, | want to

look at it again. | want to confirm whether the small dots around it are Jupiter's moons

or not.”

“Satellite, you mean?” Jeremy raised an eyebrow.



Louis nodded. “If it really is Jupiter's satellite, one of them could be Ganimede. Did you know, Uncle? It's bigger

than Mercury!”

With a small smile, Jeremy ruffled Louis’ hair. “My nephew is very


“Emily and | read it in the school library yesterday. We were late for class because we were so excited to find out

about celestial bodies.”

“Was your teacher angry?” Ava inquired.

“No. We explained why we were late. Our teachers were supportive. They even allowed us to borrow same

books. The books are in the van. Would Uncle and Auntie want to read them? Maybe you could find a good name

from there.”

Jeremy and Ava’s eyes widened. After exchanging a glance, they nodded. “I'd like to, if you don’t mind.”

“We've read everything, Auntie. Now please wait here. Letget it.

Before Ava had tto answer, Louis had run. Jeremy sighed in disbelief at his speed.

“That child is very excited even though it’s almost midnight.”

“We've taken naps twice, Uncle,” Emily said, raising her head. “So we're not sleepy. We've prepared a lot of

things for tonight, inclu


A second later, Emily held her hair and looked down. Her overly cautious style amused Ava.

“She's afraid to touch the telescope, she sighed.

“Yes, | don’t want the telescope to move, Auntie. It could be difficult for Daddy to adjust it again.” Smiling

sweetly, Emily turned her head again. “Does Auntie want to see Jupiter? Little Baby will be happy. Mommy too,

look at it after Auntie.”


Kara stroked Emily's cheek. “Yes, Little Angel. Mommy will see it too after this. Now cdown carefully.”

While Emily went down the stairs holding Kara and Frank’s hands,

Louis cwith several books with a strange expression.

“Daddy!” His voice sounded panic.

Frank stared wide eyed. “What's wrong, Buddy?”

“They say there’s no pollution here, but why is there smoke there? The stars can’t be seen clearly!”

Everyone looked in the direction Louis was pointing. Their brows were furrowed in surprise. However, when they

saw long huge black clouds with a white tinge coming out from behind, they all were stunned.

“Wow, Louis. That's so beautiful!” Emily sighed, amazed.

“Yes, it's beautiful. But the smoke blocks out the stars behind it.”

Kara shook her head faintly. Her eyes were still attached to the

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beautiful painting of the Creator. “No, Louis. That's not smoke. That's the Milky Way.”

“Milky Way?” Louis’ eyes widened. He looked up again to the side When he realized, he opened his mouth wide.

“That's a collecclouds of gas and dust and billions of stars? Wow!”

“It does look like spilled milk, Louis. The book doesn’t lie!” Emily laughed sweetly and jumped a little.

“The writer wouldn't dare lie, Emily. He could be sued.” Louis

continued walking, occasionally looking up. “Mommy, can we take a clear picture of the Milky Way? Auntie

Barbara will be amazed to see it too.”

“I think we can. Let Mommy try.”


“And Jupiter too. It’s still in the telescope, right?”

Ava checked. “Yeah, still.”

After Jeremy finished looking at it too, Kara took out her phone. She peeked then took a picture of Jupiter.

“Your auntie will be happy to see this,” Kara muttered as she showed the results to Louis and Emily. The two

toddlers nodded with happy smiles.

“Yes, Auntie must be want to chere soon. She wants to see it in person.”

“Now let's take spictures of the Milky Way, Mommy. After that, let's look for Uranus together, then Neptune,

Venus, and the others. Do Uncle and Aunt have anything you want to observe?”

Jeremy and Ava shook their heads together.

“No. We'll just follow you guys.”

“We believe that your chosen celestial body is definitely cool.”

Emily and Louis smiled wider. They were happy to be given that authority. “Then let's observe everything!”

The twins didn’t realize that their eye bags had thickened. For them, the night was still long. Cheerfulness had

obscured their sleepiness.

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