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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 463
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Chapter 463

“What’s Emeric’s problem? What’s Cedric’s matter got to do with Jason?‘ set them straight

Evadne slammed her hand on the table, ready to storm off, but Myra grabbed her arm, “Don’t! Evadne, this isn’t your fight. You’d better not get into this, or you’ll just end up making your dad mad!”

“Jason is an important friend to me, and Nydia is my sister How can I just sit back and do nothing? I have to get involved!” Evadne had her own share of heartbreak in a love that her family opposed, and she didn’t want Nydia to walk the same thorny path.

and Nydia was timid and

Being the Ashbourne family’s beloved daughter didn’t make falling in love any easier. Jason was just a secretary, and Nydia was Wasn’t their love like a tiny boat in a tempest, vulnerable to the towering waves of family disapproval?

nd indecisive

“Evadne, don’t be stubborn” Suri joined in, trying to hold her back, “Your dad’s just starting to warm up to Thaddeus, and you two are finally getting some peace. Stirring up trouble now could backfire, and given your dad’s narrow mind, he might take it out on Thaddeus.”

“Exactly, and with Nydia being Myra’s daughter, it wouldn’t be appropriate for you to step in Avidna chimed in, trying to persuade her.

Evadne sighed heavily and returned to the table to gulp down a bowl of soup to calm her nerves.

When Myra went out to see her daughter Evadne followed.

In the living room, Jason and Nydia sat side by side on the couch, gazing into each other’s eyes affectionately their fingers interlocked. Evadne couldn’t help but bear with joy at the sight, looking at them with bubbles of pink happiness nearly escaping her l*ps.

“Jason, Nydia, it’s been too long.”

The couple stood up quickly, and Nydia, with a shy smile, asked softly, “Sis, how have you been? How’s your injury?”

“All better now, especially after seeing you two”

“Mrs. Myra Ashbourne, Ms. Ashbourne, Jason bowed respectfully the very picture of grace and manners. Even as he was imolved with the Ashbourne family’s daughter, he never forgot his place.

“Jason, how’s your recovery?” Evadne inquired with concer

Healed completely. Thank you for your concem, Ms. Ashbourne.”

His words were directed at Evadne, but his tender gaze never left Nydia’s blushing cheeks.

“Since you’re here, we might as well.”

Nydia, go upstairs. I need a word with Jason alone, Myra interrupted Evadne and spoke with calmness

With a worried glance at Jason, Nydia obediently climbed the stairs.


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Jason’s gaze lingered on his beloved as she left, then Myra’s tone cooled a bit, “Jason, I think you know by now Chairman Ashbourne’s stance on your relationship. He doesnt support it. And I’m sorry, but neither can!”

Evodne was taken aback! She never expected that Myra, usually so gentle, could be so assertive on matters of her children’s marriages!

Mrs. Myra Ashbourne, I truly love Nydia.”

Jason stood rigid, his clear eyes refiecting a heartbreaking shimmer, his usually steady voice trembling slightly, Please trust me, and give me a chance to prove my love for her.”

Myra frowned slightly and shook her head, “Jason, I’ve seen you grow up since you were a teenager at Silverlake Harbor. I know your character well. I’ve never doubted your affection for Nydia, But some things can’t be resolved with sincerity alone; they require consideration of many objective factors. You understand this, Jason”

Her softly spoken words were like boulders crashing into Jason’s heart, stirring waves of despair.

Without saying more, Myra turned and left. Evadne rushed after her, clutching at her hand, her eyes searching for answers, “Myra, why? You’ve praised Jason in front of me countless times. You’ve always liked him. Why the sudden change of heart?”

1 like Jason, but liking someone and wanting my daughter to marry him are two different things.” Myra said softly, yet her words pierced sharply. “Your dad has accepted Jason as part of family because he admires him as a person. But the recent actions of the Dempsey family have upset him greatly. Emeric isn’t a snob; he doesn’t care about social matches, but he won’t let Nydia marry into a family with questionable values. He and I are in agreement” Myra, Cedric is Cedric he can’t represent the whole Dempsey family!” Evadne pleaded desperately for Jason’s cause

“Emeric and I have made up our minds. Nydia is still young, and college isn’t even over for her. It’s too early to talk about manage. We’ll discuss this after.”

Evadne watched Myra’s retreating figure, her mind swirling with confusion.

It was one thing for Emeric, a man set in his ways, to be stubborn. But for Myra’s attitude to shift so abruptly was as if they’d formed some silent pact

‘Ms. Ashboume,”

Evadne turned to see Jason standing alone, his face pale, his voice cautious.

“Jason you heard everything?” She felt terrible.

Ms. Ashbourne, thank you for being concerned about me and Nydia”

Jason managed a wry smile, “We’ll take it slow. I believe that as long as Nydia and I love each other, stay true to each other, one day”

One day. How long would his beloved have to wait for that day? A lump formed in Jason’s throat, and he couldn’t continue.

Evadne felt a sharp pang of sorrow spread through her heart. She walked over, patted his shoulder firmly, and said, “Jason, the road ahead for you and Nydia is going to be tough, Nydia was timid and gullible, and Myra didn’t hold much sway at home. Your brother stepped on Emeric’s toes, and now the Dempsey family is in the crosshairs–it’s understandable.”

*Cedric hasn’t been my brother for a long time.”

Jason clenched his teeth in anger, “When he threw his lot in with Elspeth, blind to right or wrong, all for power and fame, he ceased being my brother. tell dad if he continues to tum a blind eye to Cedric’s actions, I officially sever ties with the Dempsey family. From then on, I’m no longer one of them!”

Evadne sighed deeply, her expression solemn, “Don’t be rash, Jason. These extreme measures won’t solve anything substantive. Thaddeus and I will handle Cedric’s mess. After all, he’s your elder brother, the firstborn who your parents had high hopes for Their health isn’t good, and if you deal them such a blow, your family will truly fall apart.”

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Jason was caught in an intense internal struggle, his eyes welling

“You, like me, value family dearly. I don’t want to see you alienated from them. Be it Nydia’s situation or Cedric’s issues, I’ll do my best to help:

Evadne’s gaze was piercing, I’d rather be the villain than see you take that role.”

Meanwhile, in the apartment of the Dempsey family

“My goodness! My boy! What happened to your nose?!

Cedric, who’d taken a heavy hit from Thaddeus and ended up on the ground, was diagnosed with a broken nose at the hospital, potentially losing his sense of smell, unable to tell the stench from the fragrance.

For someone who couldn’t discom right from wrong, not distinguishing scents might not be that big of a deal.

The real kicker was he had to graft a piece of his own rib to rebuild his nose! And face reconstructive surgery! It was downright humiliating!

When Dave Dempsey and his wife saw their son beaten to a pulp, they were both shocked and furious, Mrs. Dempsey nearly had a heart attack, “Dedric! Who did this to you?! You’re a respected lawyer, how could someone dare lay a hand on you?”“”“”

“Mom, don’t ask. In the end, it’s someone we can’t afford to provoke Cedric simmered with anger, the humiliation unbearable.

The other day, you said you took on Mrs. Abernathy’s drug case, and you’ve been all wrapped up with the Abernathy family lately

Dave pondered grimly, his expression darkening. “Elspeth and the Ashbourne family’s eldest daughter are like oil and water. By taking the Abernathy family’s

case, you’ve crossed Evadne. Could it be that she’s the one who had you beaten?”

are thick as

Cedric felt a surge of shame, his teeth grinding in pain. “Thaddeus threw the punches, but it was at Evadine’s behest! Hmph. Those two are thieves, it’s all the same who did it!

“The Ashbourne girls gone too far!”

Mrs. Dempsey clutched her chest, trembling with rage, “After all we’ve done for the Ashbours family! Your dad was the Minister of Justice before he -retired, and Jason served as personal secretary to their eldest son, bending over backwards to please. And for one case, for personal vendetta, she

colludes with Mr. Thaddeus–Abernathy to make your life difficult and leaves you beaten like this? Do they think now that your dad’s stepped down, the Dempsey family are useless, that they can bully us without consequence?!”

“Mom, don’t work yourself into a state; you have heart problems, Cedric quickly played the dutiful son, comforting his mother.

“The Ashbourne family, they’ve gone too far! Especially that Exache, spoiled rotten by Chairman Ashbourne!”

Dave was seething, “My kids, each one raised with care, and those Ashboumes treat my son like a lowly servant, now resorting to violence. This is ludicrous! And now Jason is talking about marrying the Ashbourne’s youngest daughter! Insists on no one but her!”

Cedric’s ears perked up at the words, “Jason wants to marry that girl bom to the Ashbourne mistress?”

“Your brother’s lost his mind, smitten by that Ashbourne girl. He even made a scene at home a few days ago,”

The words “mistress’s daughter” hit Mrs. Dempsey’s sore spot, making her feel her son was doing something unworthy, “Our Dempsey family aren’t the Ashbourne family’s dumping ground, cleaning up their messes isn’t enough, and now we’re supposed to many their least impressive daughter? It’s outrageous!”

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“You’re right. Our Jason is a top low graduate, a catch. Why should he settle for someone so beneath him?”

Cedric, holding his nose, sneered coldly. “That Myra, she’s in favor now because of Chairman Ashbourne. People respect her on that account. But the day Chairman Ashbourne tires of her and shows her and her daughter the door, which is not impossible. What then for Jason? Is he supposed to support them? The Dempsey family would become the laughingstock!”

Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey felt as if they were sitting on pins and needles, filled with dread.

Cedric appeared concerned on the surface but was laughing darkly inside.

He knew the truth was far from what he’d said. If Jason really did marry Nydia, then his brother would be marrying into a fortune, a dragon amongst men! The entire Dempsey family might have to rely on him for support!

How could that be allowed? He was the firstborn, the pride of the family! He wouldn’t permit his brother, whom he’d always looked down upon, to rise above

him. So he’d do anything to prevent this match, even if it meant playing the villain.

Moreover, whether it was Nydia or Jason, they were both incredibly important to Evadne. If this couple should find themselves in dire straits, it would surely distress Evadne. And as long as she was distressed, he found a measure of contentment.

That evening, Jeff had extended a private invitation for Emeric to dine at his exclusive club.

“Mr Lyle, please inform Myra and Nydia that I will be taking them both tonight,” Emeric stood before a full–length mirror, being fitted by his personal tailor A shadow of concern crossed his face, clearly preoccupied, “And, let’s keep Evadne and the others out of the loop.”

Mr. Lyla seemed to grasp the unspoken tension, murmuring a discreet, “Yes, Mc Ashbourne.”

Inside the opulent private room of the club.

Jeff hadn’t come alone this time; he was accompanied by Avery and a recuperating Byron Chambers, who hadn’t been seen in public since his injury. Avery remained cool throughout, while Byron glared at him with venom in his eyes, his hands nearly crushing the glass with barely contained rage! “Byron, why are you giving me the evil eye? Are you itching for a toast with me?” Avery leisurely picked up his wine glass and then, feigning a sudden recollection, blinked, “Ah, that’s right. I remember now. Your leg just got off the mend, and the doc told you to avoid anything that could cause infiammation, especially alcohol. I forgot, my apologies, Byron

Byron’s eyes narrowed with fury, an urge to leap across the table and wring his younger brother’s neck surging within him.

Thanks to Evadne’s help, he had barely managed to save his left leg, but whenever the weather cooled or it rained, the stitches in his bones would ache

unbearably. And his right pant leg hung empty but for the cold, lifeless prosthetic

All of this was caused by his younger brother!

“Enough, Avery. Cut it out, Jeff interjected, his tone notably less icy than before.

“Dad, I’m honestly just concerned about Byron, but it seems he’s misunderstood my intentions.” Avery spread his hands in a gesture of helplessness, “But I get it. If I were in his shoes, I’d probably be even more emotionally unstable, maybe never able to stand again. Byron is already doing better than most.” “Avery!” Byron’s patience snapped, and he slammed his hand on the table.

At that moment, the door to the room opened.

Emeric walked in, and Jeff immediately stood, followed by his sons. Byron, slow and clumsy with his crutches, looked rather pitiful, a far former proud and spirited sell, his demeanor steeped in a deep melancholy.


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Avery’s eyes were fixed on the entrance, eagerly anticipating the arrival of his beloved, but the next second, he star–bright eyes dimmed. Following Emeric were not his cherished Evadne but Myra and Nydia.