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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 538
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Chapter 538

“Police? Those bottom–feeders are at it again?!”

Byron’s mind raced back to those humiliating days spent in the county jail, where he had to stomach the blandest food and endure the stench of confinement. The fear was so palpable to him that his soul seemed ready to take fiight. “Dad! Matthew! You- gotta block ‘em out for me!“–

With his expression darkened, Jeff paced back and forth in agitation.

“Byron, stay cool,” advised Matthew as he walked over and patted his trembling shoulders. “I’ve got eyes on those two girls, and they haven’t gone to the cops yet. That means they’re probably not planning to testify. As long as they don’t come forward, we can

sweep this whole mess under the rug. The fuzz has to make an appearance because of Nydia’s hot trending livestream from yesterday. They need to show they’re doing something, you know? Let’s just see what they want.”

The four Chambers men descended the staircase, and their faces grew somber at the sight of the visitors in their living room.

There, standing amidst his deputies, was Aaron, whose presence was like an unsheathed sword which exuded an intimidating chill that seemed to fill the room.

Jeff was particularly sour–faced, a twinge of envy shooting through him.

Emeric’s kids were all stunners with skills that put his own offspring to shame; even young Aaron, a mere detective, had remarkable air about him..

It is said that every parent thinks of their child as a gem, but Jeff, recalling the sordid affairs Bertha and Byron had gotten into, felt his blood boil. In front of Aaron, he felt like he wanted to tuck his face into his belt – the shame was unbearable.

The Chambers family needed its shining stars, and right now, only his youngest, Avery, seemed to fit the bill. He had the looks, the charisma, and the brains to compete with the Ashbourne clan.

But the cruel irony that Jeff seemed to forget was this-

Avery was once the child he loathed, the one he couldn’t stand the sight of.

When he had banished Avery and his mother to Helgen, he had proclaimed to the entire Chambers family, “Consider them dead!”

It was only after a young Avery had begged on his knees to him that Jeff had begrudgingly agreed to send a yearly allowance for their sustenance. Aside from that, they were cut off from the family’s wealth, power, and shares. The Chambers empire was to have nothing to do with them.

And all of this was.because Mrs. Chambers had “betrayed” Jeff by being caught in a tryst with a lowly b*dyguard!

The adulterous b*dyguard was severely punished and exiled, while the defenseless Mrs. Chambers suffered from inhumane treatment; her health deteriorated as both she and her son were cast out of the Chambers family.

Little did Jeff know that the so–called “affair” was nothing but a charade orchestrated by his eldest, Matthew.

And little did he expect that the son he was beginning to appreciate, the son he was starting to trust, was not returning to rekindle a cheap father–son bond. Instead, Avery had come to seek vengeance and to claim the Chambers empire for himself.

Avery stood behind them, his cold eyes fixed on Aaron, the corner of his mouth lifting in a sly smile.

Although he despised all of the Ashbournes except Evadne, he couldn’t wait to see what kind of “surprise” Aaron would bring to Byron.

“Aaron Ashbourne, my brother’s case is closed. What’s the deal with you showing up on our doorstep tonight? The police station coffee not as good as the Chambers‘ brew?” Matthew sneered with narrowed eyes.

Aaron Ashbourne?

The two deputies stared in disbelief at Aaron’s commanding figure!

Could it be that he was related to Emeric Ashbourne, the titan of Skyrim?

“Even if the coffee at the station tastes like sludge, it won’t kill me. I’d rather not risk my health on anything from the Chambers family. Who knows, it might rot guts or blacken heart,” Aaron retorted coolly to Matthew’s jeer.

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“Aaron! My son’s case is over, and you guys released him! What do you want, coming here to hassle us again?!” Jeff burst out, his eyes red with fury. “You can’t just take Byron without evidence, and I won’t let you succeed! The Chambers family isn’t just some plaything for the Ashbournes to manipulate! I’m only humoring you because of the long–standing relationship between our families, and because you’re Emeric’s son. Don’t push your luck!”

Emeric’s son? The Captain Ashbourne was the child of the wealthiest man in Skyrim? Evadne’s brother?!


Chapter 538

The revelation hit the deputies like a meteor, so much so that their jaws were almost hitting the fioor.

Captain Ashbourne had been a detective for many years, who was known for his discretion and hard work, but never once had he revealed details about his personal life or family background.

When he first became the head of the detective unit, his youth and rapid ascent had sparked criticism and rumors of nepotism. However, after cracking several major cases and earning numerous accolades in just three years, those whispers had faded away

They had suspected that Captain Ashbourne had powerful connections, but they never imagined his was this powerful!

Aaron knew full well that Jeff was pressuring him by dragging his old man into the conversation in front of his colleagues, but inside, he didn’t so much as fiinch. In fact, he was on the brink of laughter.

“The law doesn’t misjudge an innocent man, nor does it let any scoundrel off the hook.”

The faces of the Chambers darkened like the bottom of a skillet that had been used for decades!

“Aaron! Who are you calling a scoundrel?!” Byron pointed at Aaron’s strikingly handsome face, his voice shaking with rage.

“Mr. Byron, you are currently suspected of being involved in an attempted rape. Please come with us to assist with the investigation,” Aaron said, cutting to the chase with eyes cold as ice daggers, targeting at Byron’s pale face.

“Dad!” Byron’s features were a chaotic mess as he wore his desperation on his sleeve.

“Take him away.”

With a darkening gaze, Aaron signaled, and two officers swiftly approached Byron.

Before they could even reach him, Byron’s legs gave out in a pathetic display, and he crumpled to the ground!

Avery bit his lip to stifie a chuckle at the spectacle–this was the kind of drama he relished.

Jeff was mortified, wishing he could bury his cowardly son then and there, “Someone help Byron, quick!”

“Aaron! You think we don’t know the law? If you’re going to arrest someone, you need to show a warrant! Otherwise, it’s an abuse of power, and I’ll file a complaint!” Luckily, Matthew wasn’t intimidated by the scene and spoke out indignantly.

“When did I say I was arresting anyone?”

Aaron smirked, arching an eyebrow, “I said that Byron should come with us to help with the investigation and give a statement. You look the part, but you don’t seem to understand plain English, do you?”

Matthew was grinding his teeth with fury, “Aaron!”

“After all, everyone saw Nydia’s livestream yesterday. She personally identified Byron. Although he ultimately didn’t succeed due to certain issues, we can’t ignore a victim’s report.”

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“I won’t go!” Byron was shaking, his b*dy more rigid even than his prosthetic.

“Not even willing to help with the investigation? Are you implying that you have something to hide? That what Nydia said was


Aaron’s demeanor remained calm, but his words were soaked in loathing, “If you refuse to cooperate or try to fiee the country at this critical moment, those are signs of a guilty conscience. Then I’ll have a legitimate reason to get an arrest warrant for you, Mr. Byron. Oh, and I almost forgot. Before I came here, I had already applied for a travel ban on you. You can’t leave Elmsworth–not anywhere.”

Panicked, Byron could barely stand, even with support, his b*dy turning to mush.

Matthew glared at Aaron; when he was about to retort, Avery timely suggested, “brother, just go with Captain Ashbourne. If you’re innocent, it’s just a matter of cooperating with the investigation. Don’t panic; it’ll be over soon. We’ll come to get you afterward.”

Byron glared at Avery, his eyes simmering with rage!

That damn serpent always found opportunities to kick him when he’s down!

Whispering to Jeff, Avery added, “Dad, Aaron’s right. If Byron doesn’t cooperate now, it’ll look like he’s guilty, and Aaron will use even nastier methods. Then it’ll get messy.”

Jeff was persuaded and he changed his tune, “Byron, just go!”

“Dad!” Byron’s expression was a portrait of despair.

Filled with resentment, Jeff waved his hand dismissively, with nothing more to say.

In the end, the Chambers looked helplessly at the scene where the officers escorted Byron away.


As Aaron was about to leave, he gave Avery a piercing glance.

That intense scrutiny of the glance stung Avery, that investigative gaze stroke at his pride and caused an overwhelming discomfort.

“Aaron! Hold it right there!” Matthew stepped forward, his face red with the effort of holding back his anger.

His mind had shifted from trying to clear Byron to a burning desire to triumph over Aaron.

Aaron stopped, looking at him expressionlessly.

“Admit it, you’re not after us out of some sense of justice! You’re just looking for revenge, to vent for Evadne, for Nydia!” Matthew accused.

Aaron squinted, with his bright eyes tilted, and his lips formed the words without sound:


Even without a sound, those words infuriated the Chambers and pushed them to the brink. They wanted to pounce on him and give him a thrashing!

As soon as Aaron left, Jeff couldn’t stand it anymore. Propped up by his sons, he slumped onto the couch, and it took a cup of steaming tea to soothe him a bit.

“Matthew! Avery! What do we do now?!”

“Don’t panic, Dad.”

Matthew’s eyes were as sharp as a scorpion’s stinger, “Even if Aaron takes Byron in, he won’t get anything out of him. Nydia’s affair–that’s old news, and the evidence is long gone. Without evidence, Aaron will have to let him go. I’ll have our lawyer right away!”

“Your words are useless, brother. Attempted rape without concrete proof–what’s there to fear?”

Avery scoffed, subtly jabbing at Matthew’s competitive nature, “It’s the two girls that Byron messed with that are the real ticking bombs. If either of them spills the beans now, Byron might never walk free again.”

“Stop worrying about nothing. Those girls will never speak up!”

And if either of them dared, he’d ensure they wouldn’t live to see another day!

That night, after Evadne and Jason saw Nydia safely home to Silverlake Harbor, the household was abuzz with the news from the livestream. There was no reproach, and instead everyone praised Nydia for being a kind–hearted and brave girl with a strong sense of justice.

With a low threshold for tears, Nydia cried once more in her parents‘ embrace, overwhelmed by the support and love of her family.

Emeric did his best to console her, his heart brimming with a bittersweet mix of emotions. He felt guilty for all the times he hadn’t been there for his little girl. Myra had intended to give her daughter a piece of her mind, but the moment she saw her, all thoughts of reproach melted away, and she could only hold her and weep.

When Aviana saw someone badmouthing Nydia, she didn’t stand by; she even created a fake account and dove into the fray, taking on the “keyboard warriors” with a vengeance.

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Apart from that, she also reached out to Lionel Griffith, convincing him to have his guys from five different branches create fake accounts and fiood the live stream with messages of support. As the backlash was intense, it turned out virtually all hundred– odd brothers were silenced with bans.

No matter how stormy things got outside, once you were in Silverlake Harbor, all troubles seemed to vanish like smoke.

Evadne watched as her family came together, bonding and understanding each other, and her eyes moistened with unspoken


After her mother passed away, she couldn’t bring herself to call this place home. No matter how tough and tiring her nomadic life was, she constantly sought to escape.

But now, this place was beginning to feel like home again.

To her, there were only two havens

One was Silverlake Harbor.

The other was Thaddeus’s warm embrace.

After the live stream incident, Emeric and Myra seemed to have softened their stance towards Jason. Seeing the young couple’s

pitiful reluctance to part Emeric unexpectedly allowed lason to stay over–a groundbreaking movel


But there were rules separate bedrooms and absolutely no sneaking into his precious daughter’s room with any ill intentions!

For the young couple who had been through so much, this was nothing short of a miracle.

Nydia was as giddy as a bird in spring, and Jason was so moved that he nearly cried; he bowed deeply to Emeric, swearing to take the utmost care of Nydia and to devote his life to her happiness.

Even Jason, once on thin ice, was now warmly accepted back into Chairman Ashbourne’s good graces.

Standing to the side, Thaddeus watched the family’s joy but still felt like an outsider.

Evadne, caught up in her sister and Jason’s happy bubble, didn’t notice the man beside her struggling with a bitterness in his heart, as if he had eaten a bushel of sour green apples.

Finally, Thaddeus managed a resigned and bitter smile.

Despite the sadness in his heart, he accepted his place. Even if Chairman Ashbourne never approved of him, it didn’t matter–as long as he could stay by Evadne’s side, watching over her, he was content.

He didn’t deserve forgiveness.

Just being here was grace enough.

“It’s getting late, and Nydia must be exhausted. Let’s not get overexcited, everyone should head to bed,” Emeric said with a smile, ushering them towards the villa.

The group began to disperse inside, except for Thaddeus, who remained still. It seemed he was a striking figure of silence amidst the night.

Emeric turned to him, frowning slightly, “Thaddeus, it’s late. Aren’t you heading back to Elmsworth?”

Evadne, intending to escort her sister to her room before returning for Thaddeus, stopped in her tracks, her gaze filled with


“Sorry, Chairman Ashbourne, for keeping you all up,” Thaddeus’s voice was rough with emotion, “I’ll be on my way.”

“If you’ve got nothing on tomorrow, stay the night,” Emeric offered.