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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 622
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Jonathan and the others from the —— ‘Walbeer family were dumbfounded.

Tews not ust them. also ncluded.

Darius and hundreds of miners from the Ninth Mining Zone. They al stood there, staring dumbfoundedly a Thorin Kneeling on the ground.

What on earth was happening? ‘The head of the Walbeer family, shoving such reverence to Mister Kane. No It Should be fear, dread, even going so far as tomake the entire Walbeer amily kneel.

‘The old man was using the most extreme way to beg for Mister Kane's forgiveness.

“G—Grandfather.." Jonathan stood nearby, trembling with fear, his entire body numb, barely able to speak coherently. "Y—You, you're not scaring me. 1s just the New Chere

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Group; they're at best the local big shots 001 Mare. We're the masters of the Northwest! Why should we bow to someone named Kane? 1 ‘Thorn exupted like thunder, flipping over from the ground and standing up abruptly, delivering another resounding.

slap that sent Jonathan sprawling on the ground, disoriented. "You lite beast, are You deaf?! Do I need o repeat myself?" Then, glaring at Horace and the others.

from the Walbeer family, he roared, "Are all of you planning to rebel? old you to ancel and bow to Miser Kane with me 16 Mister Kane doesn't say stop, then Keep doingso until your heads are smashed in! Now, doit!" ‘This time, no one dared o hesitate: anymore. Following Thorin's example, they knelt before Alexander, banging.

their foreheads hard against the ground, nantly splitting the skin and flesh. The.

sound echoed loudly. i

"Buel." | Jonathan's knees went weak, tll vefusing o nel, but his face had ted levi reo.

Talkabout subverting expectations.

Sincechildhood, he had ben rh. As the only male descendant of te Walbees family, he was detined tobe hehe to he Walbeer family's future Horace doted oni very posse vay while “horn treated this grandson sis feline, never tering harsh word © him Nolonger No only did hey repetedly slap im, but they also made him kneel and bow to Alexander along with the others rom the Walbeer family.

Why was this happening? "Grandpa, even if die let me dle with understanding.”

He struggled to get up from the ground, hands covering his swollen cheeks, shaking violently all over. "Didn't yousay ityourself, Grandpa? The North fs the oot of our Walbeer family. Sooner or later, we will return tothe North. Now, 5 long as we obiain the graphite mine, your ‘wish vill be fled! "Everything 've done for ou family. | want out family to prosper and expand, to breakcout of the northwest!” Breakout of the northwest? You fool, why offend Mister Kane of ll people? Don'tyou know Mister Kane's true identity? This is pushing the Walbeer family into an abyss!" Of course, Thorin dared not reveal Alexander's true entity. He grabbed Jonathan's neck, viclously slammed him tothe ground, and forcibly made him bowto Alexander, repeatedly begging, asister Kane, this unflal grandson is Ignorant and disobedient, all due to my

indulgence! “ll the faults are mine. Please punish me, Mister Kane!" — Thorin's attude was quite submissive, Alexander lowered his eyelids, quietly watching the Walbeer family members, his gaze slowly falling on Jonathan's face.

He softly spoke, “Mister Walbeer Srior asked you to kneel, and you'd rather die than submit, That's abi of backbone." After sayin that, his voice lowered ‘considerably, sounding quietly in Thorns ear, "Has Frank old Jonathan my identity? “Jonathan is your biological grandson, 0 there's no harm in telling him this information, Since the Walbeer family is already dependent on the Redwine family and has some tes with me, considering.

this goodwill, can make an exception and give you another chance."

Another chance? a ihe had been granted reprieve unable tocontain th shivers coursing.

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through his body.

Twas sid that Miser Kan seldom resorted o extreme measures, often leaving glimmer of hope fone led to selze the opportunity, they would neuitably face dire consequences nxt.

Jonathan, tht lite rascal must have Squandered his chances long ago. The opportunity Mister Kane unexpectedly ranted was the Walbeer family oly ope “Literascall” Thorin dared ot delay any further, sing Jonathan's ar tightly. His voice dropped toa barely audible level, nly ‘Sudible tothe woof them, "vas ying {0save you by having you kneel and bow! You're usualy so clever, why the

foolishness today?! “Daou even know who Mister Kane 5? Mister Redwine spoke with absolote Sincerity. This Mister Kane before us, ostensibly the son-in-law of he Chesire family of 1" Mare, is nfct the young.

ei of the Kane family Inthe north. He's the legendary Lord of the Temple of War whos invincible n bactel" What?! Jonathan's whole body stiffened, mouth slowly agape, pupils dilating He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, even the ear being gripped by Thorn did not seem tohurt anymore.

‘The Lord of the Temple of War? Alexander, the head of security ofthe New Chesire Group, Amber's husband.

Beneath these surface identities, he was.

that supreme legendary figure? What could be more shocking than this?

‘What could be more regrettable? Inthis vast world, wih nearly ten bilon ‘people he managed to offend theone person he absoluely should not have! “Alexander.. No, Mister Kane!" Jonathan frantically bowed to Alexander, tears streaming down his face. "Mister Kane, admit my mistakel truly know was wrong this time! "Everything was my oven dof, with io relation to the Walbeer family! I'm willing to beat the consequences lone, regardless of your punishment!"