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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

“But... | still don’t get it. Why does he have that delusion? Is that like, narcissism or something? Mom isn’t even

trying to get his attention, and yet he acts like she’s been following him around,” Evan mumbled.

Elliot replied, “It’s kind of narcissism but not exactly. Rich folks tend to overthink things way more than the

average joe.”

“Why's that?”

“The richer you are, the more danger surrounds you, and the more enemies you have, which makes you super


“How do you know all this?”

Elliot pursed his lips and said, “Because, | happen to be one of those rich people.”

Evan's lips twitched. “So, are you always paranoid, thinking someone’s out to get you?”

“Not really.”


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“Because | keep a low profile. Other than you and Emmett, no one knows I'm loaded, not even Mom

babe in the So, no one’s out to get me. To the rest of the


world, I'm just s

Evan paused. “...No wonder Mom always says to keep a low profile. There's wisdom in


Wealth under wraps is another way to stay low-key.

Elliot continued, “Mom may not be a genius, but she’s a good and honest person. Her advice is solid, and we

should listen to her.”

“Yeah, yeah, we should always listen to Mom. So, what's the gplan?”

Elliot let out a sigh and said, “First, we clear up Tarquin’s misunderstanding so he stops pestering Mom and

giving her grief. Then we dig into why he won't grant her a divorce. Once we figure that out, we can help Mom.”

Evan grumbled, “Can’t we just strong-arm him into divorcing Mom?”

That was still his go-to solution - brute force!

“We could, but it’s not the best move. Don’t forget, Mom hasn't mentioned the past to us, nor has she told us

her real reason for coming back. If we push Tarquin, we might rip


Mom's old wounds and throw her back into the media frenzy. It’s best to avoid that until we have all the facts.”


“Alright, so how do we clear up Tarquin’s misunderstanding?”

Elliot furrowed his brow, looking all grown-up, “Letthink on that.”

Meanwhile, next door.

Elysia was blissfully unaware that her sons were turning her world upside down,

She was handing Blossom her nightgown after her shower. It was a tad snug, showing off

Blossom’s curves.

Blossom complained, “You've had three kids, and I'm still chubbier than you. That's just not fair.”

Elysia chuckled, “You're not chubby; that’s just baby fat.”

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Blossom was the cuddly type- petite, cute, and absolutely adorable.

She snuggled under the covers and said, “I just can’t control my eating. | don’t want to, either. My motto is: Life

is short, so eating is crucial. Never deprive your mouth or legs. If you can eat two pieces of chocolate, never

settle for one. If you can lie down, don’t sit. Eat well, drink well, rest well- that’s the way to live.”

Blossom was a classic foodie who wasn’t into working out.

Elysia climbed into bed, smiling. “With your love for food, you better treat Emmett right. That boy can cook like a

dream, and sticking with him means feasting like a queen.”

The mention of the little guy perked Blossom right up, “I know, | know! He showedpictures on his phone

yesterday. Oh my gosh, just looking at them madehungry! And he even makes perfume. How can such a

young kid be so talented?”

“Fashion sense definitely doesn’t run in my genes,” Elysia admitted.

Then Blossom asked, “They say giving birth is like a woman's trial by fire. Was it really painful when you had


Elysia shrugged, “Honestly, | didn’t even have a chance to feel it. | don’t even know how it all went down. By the

t| woke up, it was all over, so | missed out on the pain of childbirth and didn’t get to snap those first precious
