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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 153
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Both Mabel and Jonathan stayed in the house. Mabel wished to report back to Yareth. However, Jonathan wanted to postpone the meeting with him instead for a few days.

Mabel had an idea why. This man is having a premarital phobia.

She then mentioned, “Go ahead and take all the time you need. Don't regret it when Old Mr. Harrington decides to change his mind.” “If that is the case, there is nothing else | can do about it. | have to accept my fate!” Jonathan said with a sneaky grin.

Mabel made no further comment as she heard Jonathan's reply. She understood that despite Jonathan agreeing to the terms, he still felt uncomfortable deep inside and sought an alternative way out.

Mabel decided to let Jonathan be as forcing him might result in a counterproductive outcome. Just then, Mabel received a phone call from Louie.

Louie quickly explained the severity of the matter to Mabel and notified her about Arthur's order.

Mabel's facial expression changed when she heard the news. She hung up the phone after acknowledging receipt of the news.

Initially, Jonathan was playing with his phone on the couch.

Upon noticing the intense situation, he immediately readjusted his sitting position and asked, “What is the matter?” Mabel rose to her feet, and she explained, “Amber is in trouble. | will tell you on the way to her place.” Jonathan's expression became gloomy upon hearing that.

He then followed Mabel downstairs to the military vehicle.

Mabel took the wheel while Jonathan sat in the co-driver seat. After she ignited the engine, they left immediately. In the car, Mabel started explaining to Jonathan, “Bianca is the mastermind. She poisoned Amber with the Apsara Parasite. It is a kind of poison that originated from Norham.

Not even a highly skilled can cure the poison. Moreover, Bianca said that if we don't cure Amber in three hours, she will have permanent brain damage.”

Jonathan had an awful expression on his face. He ordered, “Let us get to Bianca right now!” “There is nothing we can do about her. Previously, Old Mr.

Johnson captured her. However, the lunatic was fearless.

She even activated the Apsara Parasite to hurt Amber before being sentenced. Old Mr. Johnson had no choice but to let her go,” Mabel said.

Acold glint appeared in Jonathan's eyes. He uttered, “Death means nothing to me! If she refuses to save Amber, 1 will have my own way to torture her.” “Even if you make Bianca agree by force, she could still eliminate Amber while pretending to save her by activating the Apsara Parasite in Amber's head. It would be too late for regrets when Amber died,” Mabel uttered.

“I bet Bianca demanded my life in exchange for hers, right?” Jonathan said in a lowered voice.

“Yeah,” Mabel replied.

Jonathan then fell silent.

“To be frank, | don't think it is a good idea that both of us visit Old Mr. Johnson's residence. He adores Amber so much that he'll definitely sacrifice your life for Amber's. A secret security system lies within Vipod Residence. If we get attacked by one of the secret security members, neither of us is going to survive. | won't be able to fend them off.” “If that is the case, what is the point of telling me the situation?” Jonathan questioned.

Mabel said in a lowered voice, “Old Mr. Johnson is concerned about Amber's life, and | care about yours. In ‘comparison to Amber, you mean a lot more to me. That is it.

| know Amber is your good friend. It is not my place to decide for you. You have to make the decision.” Jonathan heaved a sigh. “Let us head to the Vipod residence.” His answer didn't surprise Mabel as she had expected that.

She knew Jonathan was someone faithful and would certainly care about Amber's safety. If Jonathan could bear to disregard Amber's safety, Mabel would not regard him highly as she currently did. Both Mabal and Jonathan

stayad in tha housa. Mabal wishad to raport back to Yarath.

Howavar, Jonathan wantad to postpona tha maating with him instaad for a faw days. Mabal had an idaa why. This man is having a pramarital phobia.

Sha than mantionad, “Go ahaad and taka all tha tima you naad. Don't ragrat it whan Old Mr. Harrington dacidas to changa his mind.” “If that is tha casa, thara is nothing alsa | can do about it. | hava to accapt my fata!” Jonathan said with a snaaky grin.

Mabal mada no furthar commant as sha haard Jonathan's raply. Sha undarstood that daspita Jonathan agraaing to tha tarms, ha still falt uncomfortabla daap insida and sought an altarnativa way out.

Mabal dacidad to lat Jonathan ba as forcing him might rasult in a countarproductiva outcoma. Just than, Mabal racaivad a phona call from Louia.

Louia quickly axplainad tha savarity of tha mattar to Mabal and notifiad har about Arthur's ordar.

Mabal's facial axprassion changad whan sha haard tha naws. Sha hung up tha phona aftar acknowladging racaipt of tha naws.

Initially, Jonathan was playing with his phona on tha couch.

Upon noticing tha intansa situation, ha immadiataly raadjustad his sitting position and askad, “What is tha mattar?” Mabal rosa to har faat, and sha axplainad, “Ambar is in troubla. | will tall you on tha way to har placa.” Jonathan's axprassion bacama gloomy upon haaring that.

Ha than followad Mabal downstairs to tha military vahicla.

Mabal took tha whaal whila Jonathan sat in tha co-drivar saat. Aftar sha ignitad tha angina, thay laft immadiataly. In tha car, Mabal startad axplaining to Jonathan, “Bianca is tha mastarmind. Sha poisonad Ambar with tha Apsara Parasita. It is a kind of poison that originatad from Norham.

Not avan a highly skillad can cura tha poison. Moraovar, Bianca said that if wa don't cura Ambar in thraa hours, sha will hava parmanant brain damaga.”

Jonathan had an awful axprassion on his faca. Ha ordarad, “Lat us gat to Bianca right now!” “Thara is nothing wa can do about har. Praviously, Old Mr.

Johnson capturad har. Howavar, tha lunatic was faarlass.

Sha avan activatad tha Apsara Parasita to hurt Ambar bafora baing santancad. Old Mr. Johnson had no choica but to lat har go,” Mabal said.

A cold glint appaarad in Jonathan's ayas. Ha uttarad, “Daath maans nothing to ma! If sha rafusas to sava Ambar, 1 will hava my own way to tortura har.” “Evan if you maka Bianca agraa by forca, sha could still aliminata Ambar whila pratanding to sava har by activating tha Apsara Parasita in Ambar's haad. It would ba too lata for ragrats whan Ambar diad,” Mabal uttarad.

“I bat Bianca damandad my lifa in axchanga for hars, right?” Jonathan said in a lowarad voica.

“Yaah,” Mabal rapliad.

Jonathan than fall silant.

“To ba frank, | don't think it is a good idaa that both of us

visit Old Mr. Johnson's rasidanca. Ha adoras Ambar so much that ha'll dafinitaly sacrifica your lifa for Ambar's. A sacrat sacurity systam lias within Vipod Rasidanca. If wa gat attackad by ona of tha sacrat sacurity mambars, naithar of us is going to surviva. | won't ba abla to fand tham off.” “If that is tha casa, what is tha point of talling ma tha situation?” Jonathan quastionad.

Mabal said in a lowarad voica, “Old Mr. Johnson is concarnad about Ambar's lifa, and | cara about yours. In ‘comparison to Ambar, you maan a lot mora to ma. That is it.

I know Ambar is your good friand. It is not my placa to dacida for you. You hava to maka tha dacision.” Jonathan haavad a sigh. “Lat us haad to tha Vipod rasidanca.” His answar didn't surprisa Mabal as sha had axpactad that.

Sha knaw Jonathan was somaona faithful and would cartainly cara about Ambar's safaty. If Jonathan could baar to disragard Ambar's safaty, Mabal would not ragard him

highly as sha currantly did.

Without saying much, Mabel lightly sighed. “All right. Got it.” Twenty minutes later, Mabel parked the car outside of Vipod Residence. Swiftly, both of them entered the residence.

It was half-past two in the afternoon, and the sun shone brightly in the sky.

Jonathan went into the yard hastily, and the first person he ‘saw was Amber. Amber and the rest were sunbathing in the yard under the blue sky.

Amber was wearing a red blouse. The sunlight reflected off her face and made her skin look bright and clean. Her fair complexion appeared to be flawless.

The girls were sitting together. Winnie carried a stool and sat beside Jennifer.

Arthur, on the other hand, was reading the newspaper beside them.

Everything seemed peaceful. It was as though nothing had


“Amber!” Jonathan trotted toward Amber the moment he headed into the residence.

Upon noticing Jonathan's presence, joyfulness appeared on Amber's face. Initially, she was mad at Jonathan.

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However, in life-and-death circumstances, it changed her mind completely.

“Jonathan!” Amber stood up as she saw him. Although she was tough, Jonathan's presence made her vulnerable, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

Jonathan came forward and wrapped his arms around her while he said, “I am sorry for putting you in this situation.” Amber was caught off guard by Jonathan's cuddle in front of everyone else. Her mind went blank, and she even forgot to struggle. However, she did not want to leave Jonathan's arms. If my death is inevitable, | rather die in his arms.

At that instant, Jessica and Jennifer were not jealous of Amber but felt sorry for her instead.

On the other hand, Mabel approached Arthur and respectfully greeted, “Commander Johnson!” Arthur, however, looked at Mabel with a cold glint. He held grudges for her at the moment. Later, he stood up and shouted, “Jonathan!” Jonathan let loose of Amber as he looked at Arthur. He greeted, “Greetings, Old Mr. Johnson.” “I supposed you are informed about the incident,” Arthur mentioned.

Jonathan replied with a nod.

Arthur then continued, “You are the one Bianca is after. If you don't surrender yourself, Amber will soon be dead. She doesn't have much time left. Forty minutes have passed.

There is no more time to be wasted. Do you have a plan?” Amber grabbed Jonathan by his hands. With a smile, she said, “You protected me when we were in the haunted house. You said you just wanted to make sure | am safe. As for now, there is no reason for you to do so. Jonathan, | will embrace my death if it is inevitable. However, if you

surrender yourself to Bianca, trust me, | won't survive on my own.” Amber appeared to be calm when she accepted her death.

She possessed the courage that even most men lack.

Surprised, Mabel cast her gaze in Amber's direction. She used to look down on her.

Meanwhile, Arthur remained silent as he stood aside.

Jonathan beamed. He looked at Amber seriously while he said, “Trust me. | promise to keep both of us safe, and | will look for a remedy to cure your condition!” He paused for a moment and looked at Arthur. “Old Mr. Johnson, we still have two hours and twenty minutes left. If | can't make it back within the period, | will atone with my life.” As he finished his words, he looked at Mabel and said, “Let's go!” Jonathan was rushing as the time was limited.

Mabel then greeted, “Old Mr. Johnson, we will leave at once.”

Arthur nodded while throwing a complex gaze at them.

After the duo departed from Vipod Residence, Mabel asked, “What do you plan to do now?” Jonathan replied, “Let us get on the road first.” Mabel had nothing much to say as she didn't want to argue with him. Hence, she ignited the car engine.

A moment later, Jonathan explained, “Bianca is not afraid of death. Her determination is impeccable. But the same can't be said about Logan. We can seize him first.” His idea made Mabel's eyes flicker. “That is a great idea!” Immediately, Mabel ordered her subordinates in the sixth division to search for Logan's location.

Previously, Logan came after Jonathan, and the sixth division listed Logan as a threat.

Moreover, the headquarters of the sixth division was there in Yaleview. No one could go unnoticed if they entered the city, not to mention an identified threat like Logan.

They managed to locate Logan in a split second.

“Chief Sandler, Logan is currently in room 608 of Heisenberg Hotel,” a subordinate reported.

“What about Bianca's location?” Mabel asked.

“Bianca is currently in the Young residence,” the subordinate replied.

“Keep tabs on Logan and keep me updated,” Mabel ordered.

“Roger that!” the subordinate responded.

Mabel then hung up the phone and headed straight to Heisenberg Hotel.

Half an hour later, she and Jonathan arrived at Heisenberg Hotel.

Mabel parked the car a distance away as the military vehicle would expose their purpose.

They headed to room 608 immediately.

In the elevator, Mabel received a phone call from the sixth division.

“Chief Sandler, there is a change in the situation. The room across Logan's suddenly opened. A man came out, and he entered Logan's room. If we are not mistaken, the man's identity is Jeremy's first disciple, Ezekiel Regan. The man's cultivation is extremely high!” the subordinate reported.

“All right. Got it.” Mabel hung up the phone.

“What is it?” Jonathan was curious.

In a grave voice, Mabel responded, “It seems like there is a fight waiting for us. Jeremy's first disciple is here. The name is Ezekiel Regan, a man with high cultivation. We have to face him and Logan simultaneously.” “Leave Logan to me,” Jonathan said with gritted teeth.

“You sure you can handle him on your own?” Mabel asked.

“That's right,” Jonathan said.

“I will leave him to you then,” Mabel replied.

Soon, both of them reached the sixth floor. They swiftly approached room 608.

Before they opened the door, they could hear a man

speaking to them. “We have guests from far away. | am glad to have you here. Welcome, Chief Sandler! Please come in!” This is not Logan's voice. It must be Ezekiel's.

Without hesitation, Mabel broke the door with her Latent Force, and she went in alongside Jonathan.

Upon entering, they noticed a man sitting on the couch while Logan stood aside respectfully.

The man on the couch was Ezekiel. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of canvas shoes with his head shaved. At first sight, his appearance resembled that of a monk.

He was a man in his thirties. On the couch, he exuded a feeling as though he was the center of the universe, and everything else revolved around him.

Moreover, he had a string of green prayer beads in his hand. It made him look compassionate.

Upon meeting Ezekiel, a thought came into Jonathan's

mind. Is this man Ezekiel? He's so pretentious. D*rn it. He's not even a member of Strikezone Martial Arts.

Logan glanced at Mabel and smirked. “Chief Sandler, this is a hotel room, and it is also my private space. Are you here because you need my companionship?”

Mabel, too, cast her gaze at Logan, iciness brimming in her eyes. She said, “How dauntless. You're the first that dares to speak blatantly to me over all these years. | suppose the man standing next to you, Ezekiel, gives you the audacity.” Logan's heart skipped a beat. He could sense the menacing aura pouring out from Mabel. Nonetheless, he was unwilling to back down at that moment. Guffawing, he sneered, “Chief Sandler, | don't think speaking my mind is against the law. Don't tell me that you're going to execute me because of my rudeness? You have to remember that you're a public officer, so you have to abide by the law all the time.” It was then that Ezekiel spoke too. He lifted his head to look at Mabel, saying, “Chief Sandler, I've heard that there are ‘some misunderstandings between you and my junior-" Mabel interrupted directly, “Let's stop blabbering nonsense.

We're both fighters, and we don't play with words. We'll settle this with our fists.” As soon as she finished speaking, she directed her gaze at Logan before continuing, “You'll have to repent for your impudence with your life.” Right

after that, she lunged forward.

In the blink of an eye, Mabel released her force field.

It was such tremendous power that it could subdue anything in its way - Infinite Force Field.

Waves of the terrorizing force field surged forward and saturated the room.

Ezekiel's face blanched vaguely. Letting out a roar, he, too, released his force field. His was akin to a razor-sharp blade, penetrating Mabel's Infinite Force Field and thrusting viciously toward Mabel.

In fact, everyone had made a move at this moment in time.

Logan had unleashed his force field, which was of bloodthirsty nature, allowing it to spread across the battlefield. Unfortunately, his force field was entirely overpowered by the Infinite Force Field.

Jonathan, however, was watching serenely on the side, standing rigid.

‘While Mabel launched herself at Ezekiel, Logan struck at


He wanted to eliminate Jonathan at lightning speed and then join Ezekiel in fighting Mabel.

In the battle, Jonathan was nothing but a novice. Hence, Logan reckoned that he was an easy opponent.

He charged violently at Jonathan like a bolt of thunder.

Under the shadows cast by Logan's big claws, Jonathan felt as if trampled by a demon. It was suffocating.

A cold glint flashed across Jonathan's eyes as he stood still there, showing no intention to dodge the attack. When Logan's large claw was about to slash him, Jonathan whipped out his revolver and shot at Logan's chest.

Caught off guard, Logan was startled.

Jonathan's attack was unforeseen, and he had mastered both his speed and precision.

Logan could feel his heart clenching abruptly, as he was now in a grave situation. Having no choice, he

turned to his side swiftly and evaded Jonathan's mercury bullet.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Still standing at the spot, Jonathan pulled the trigger four more times.

In such a narrow space, Logan panickily dodged all the four bullets until he backed to the corner of the room and froze out of the blue.

The reason being he dared not move a muscle anymore.

In fact, he had nowhere to hide anymore. If Jonathan were to pull the trigger there and then, he would be dead meat.

Truth be told, he would have already been a goner if Jonathan did not intend to seize him alive.

A cold sweat broke out on Logan's forehead during the life- and-death situation.

Jonathan was the Ace Shooter, and he was merely a little behind Logan in cultivation in the first place. If Jonathan was still a Neutralizing Force, he could never stand a

chance against Logan. Fortunately, he was now a Nascent Soul, and he had the upper hand in the small room. Thus, Logan was bound to lose from the beginning.

Needless to say, Jonathan's mercury bullets played a huge part in cornering Logan. Had he used any other bullets, they would not be as much of a threat.

A ruthless grin cracked on Jonathan's face as he warned, “Don't move. Although | want to arrest you alive, | don't mind Killing you if | fail to put you under control.” Mabal, too, cast har gaza at Logan, icinass brimming in har ayas. Sha said, “How dauntlass. You'ra tha first that daras to spaak blatantly to ma ovar all thasa yaars.

| supposa tha man standing naxt to you, Ezakial, givas you tha audacity.” Logan's haart skippad a baat. Ha could sansa tha manacing aura pouring out from Mabal. Nonathalass, ha was unwilling to back down at that momant. Guffawing, ha snaarad, “Chiaf Sandlar, | don't think spaaking my mind is against tha law. Don't tall ma that you'ra going to axacuta

ma bacausa of my rudanass? You hava to ramambar that you'ra a public officar, so you hava to abida by tha law all tha tima.” It was than that Ezakial spoka too. Ha liftad his haad to look at Mabal, saying, “Chiaf Sandlar, I'va haard that thara ara ‘soma misundarstandings batwaan you and my junior-" Mabal intarruptad diractly, “Lat's stop blabbaring nonsansa.

Wa'ra both fightars, and wa don't play with words. Wa'll sattla this with our fists.” As soon as sha finishad spaaking, sha diractad har gaza at Logan bafora continuing, “You'll hava to rapant for your impudanca with your lifa.” Right aftar that, sha lungad forward.

In tha blink of an aya, Mabal ralaasad har forca fiald.

It was such tramandous powar that it could subdua anything in its way - Infinita Forca Fiald.

Wavas of tha tarrorizing forca fiald surgad forward and saturatad tha room.

Ezakial's faca blanchad vagualy. Latting out a roar, ha, too, ralaasad his forca fiald. His was akin to a

razor-sharp blada, panatrating Mabal's Infinita Forca Fiald and thrusting viciously toward Mabal.

In fact, avaryona had mada a mova at this momant in tima.

Logan had unlaashad his forca fiald, which was of bloodthirsty natura, allowing it to spraad across tha battlafiald. Unfortunataly, his forca fiald was antiraly ovarpowarad by tha Infinita Forca Fiald.

Jonathan, howavar, was watching saranaly on tha sida, standing rigid.

Whila Mabal launchad harsalf at Ezakial, Logan struck at Jonathan.

Ha wantad to aliminata Jonathan at lightning spaad and than join Ezakial in fighting Mabal.

In tha battla, Jonathan was nothing but a novica. Hanca, Logan rackonad that ha was an aasy opponant.

Ha chargad violantly at Jonathan lika a bolt of thundar.

Undar tha shadows cast by Logan's big claws, Jonathan falt as if tramplad by a damon. It was suffocating.

A cold glint flashad across Jonathan's ayas as ha stood still thara, showing no intantion to dodga tha attack. Whan Logan's larga claw was about to slash him, Jonathan whippad out his ravolvar and shot at Logan's chast.

Caught off guard, Logan was startlad.

Jonathan's attack was unforasaan, and ha had mastarad both his spaad and pracision.

Logan could faal his haart clanching abruptly, as ha was now in a grava situation. Having no choica, ha turnad to his sida swiftly and avadad Jonathan's marcury bullat.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Still standing at tha spot, Jonathan pullad tha triggar four mora timas.

In such a narrow spaca, Logan panickily dodgad all tha four bullats until ha backad to tha cornar of tha room and froza out of tha blua.

Tha raason baing ha darad not mova a muscla anymora.

In fact, ha had nowhara to hida anymora. If Jonathan wara

to pull tha triggar thara and than, ha would ba daad maat.

Truth ba told, ha would hava alraady baan a gonar if Jonathan did not intand to saiza him aliva.

A cold swaat broka out on Logan's forahaad during tha lifa- and-daath situation.

Jonathan was tha Aca Shootar, and ha was maraly a littla bahind Logan in cultivation in tha first placa. If Jonathan was still a Nautralizing Forca, ha could navar stand a chanca against Logan. Fortunataly, ha was now a Nascant Soul, and ha had tha uppar hand in tha small room. Thus, Logan was bound to losa from tha baginning.

Naadlass to say, Jonathan's marcury bullats playad a huga part in cornaring Logan. Had ha usad any othar bullats, thay would not ba as much of a thraat.

Aruthlass grin crackad on Jonathan's faca as ha warnad, “Don't mova. Although | want to arrast you aliva, | don't mind killing you if | fail to put you undar control.” Knowing well that Jonathan was serious, Logan dared not

move an inch. He observed Jonathan vigilantly as his life was at stake. Although Logan knew that Jonathan had only one bullet left, he also knew that the latter would never give him a chance to turn the tables.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel and Mabel's fight escalated to a white- hot situation.

Nonetheless, Mabel had always had the upper hand throughout their battle. Ezekiel's fierce, brutal punches were like sharp blades trying to completely destroy Mabel's Infinite Force Field.

To his dismay, Mabel was a cut above. Every punch she delivered nullified Ezekiel's attempt. Vanishing and reappearing out of thin air, Mabel had her contour blurred out from time to time.

Her hand was her weapon. It could be a deadly blow or lethal jab at any time.

Realizing that Mabel would eventually break through his last defense, Ezekiel roared furiously and leaped toward Jonathan. It seemed like he was clever enough to grasp the situation. Logan was now in peril, as Jonathan had driven

him into the corner. With that, Ezekiel reckoned that he could bolt forward and distract Jonathon, allowing Logan to slip out of there and turn the tide.

Despite Mabel's hindrance, Ezekiel successfully protected Logan.

Thus, Logan was able to get out of the situation.

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At that sight, Mabel and Jonathan made their move.

Ezekiel suddenly dashed toward Jonathan, but the latter merely stood there.

Just then, Mabel landed a palm strike on Ezekiel's back.

However, the latter turned his body and shoved off Mabel's palm.

It was then that Jonathan fired his revolver.

He was calm and composed even at such a crucial moment. Just like a top-notch hunter, he had been observing and waiting patiently for the best moment to pull the trigger.


The mercury bullet injured Ezekiel's arm.

Ezekiel's entire arm exploded into pieces after the loud bang, blood oozing out from the wound.

His fresh, white bone was exposed, making an appalling sight.

Ezekiel howled in excruciating pain. Right when he came close to Jonathan, the latter roared and released his Great Sage Force Field, so powerful that it blasted to the sky.

Bam! With only a slam, Jonathan eliminated Ezekiel on the spot.

Surprisingly, Logan was fearless enough to attack Mabel.

Turning her body, Mabel dodged Logan's attack. She then took a few steps forward using Floating Steps to arrive before Logan, facing him unwaveringly.

Jonathan, too, cast his gaze at Logan.

Unfortunately for Logan, he had not even the slimmest chance of winning at the moment. His countenance was

overflowing with terror.

Looking at Ezekiel's corpse, he knew very well that the ‘same could happen to him, a hint of fear flickering in his eyes.

Mabel stated coldly, “Logan, kneel before me. If you do, I'll forgive you for your insolence. Otherwise, I'll dig out your eyes here and now. My words are final, and I'm not joking around with you.” Albeit her tone was calm, one could still feel an unnerving coldness coming from her.

Nevertheless, Logan was a proud man, and he would never deign to get on his knees before a woman.

“I'l count to three. One, two...” warned Mabel, for she had no intention to drag the fight any longer.

Instantly, Logan felt a chill run down his spine as an illusion engulfed him. He could feel his eyes having been dug out under Mabel's minacious aura.

With a thump, the proud Logan fell to his knees.

He had encountered a lot over the years, so he understood very well how things worked.

Eyes were equivalent to the lives of fighters, and his proud, unyielding act would only bring regret upon himself.

Thus, he caved in.

That highlighted the difference between Jonathan and Logan. The former still had dignity and anger inside him, stopping him from kneeling down under any circumstances.

The latter, however, was flexible. He would strive to survive by all means.

Just like what Yareth had said, one had to keep living to see other possibilities.

Maybe one day, Jonathan would learn to lower his head and kneel when needed, and that would be when he had truly matured.

Jonathan gazed at Mabel as an ineffable emotion crept into his heart. He had always been close to her. However, he could feel the imposing aura radiating from Mabel. As the

chief of the sixth division, Mabel was never an easy opponent.

With a solemn voice, Mabel said, “Very good, Logan. You know what's the best thing to do. However, you should know that you'll never get to enjoy freedom anymore after falling into my hands. I'll give you two options. First, you'll ‘submit to me and obey my commands from now on.

Second, you can refuse to come under me, but in return, you'll have to die.” Logan looked at Mabel and contemplated for a moment.

Finally, he made his choice. “I'l pledge my loyalty to you.” Mabel replied, “Good.” After that, she suddenly reached out her hands to seal some of Logan's acupressure points.

She had blocked the flow of his power.

Although he could still walk, Logan could not avail of his vitality. If he tried to, his blood vessel would burst immediately.

After subjugating him, Mabel said, “Bianca has poisoned

Amber with Apsara Parasite. Do you know the cure to it?” Jonathan stared at Logan in unmitigated nervousness as Amber had not much time left. He was afraid that Logan had no knowledge regarding the cure.

As luck would have it, Logan nodded. “I know. In fact, | rear Apsara Parasite.” Hearing that, Mabel sighed in relief.

After half an hour, Jonathan and Mabel brought Logan to Vipod Residence, only to find Arthur and the rest waiting in the courtyard.

Amber's condition was not getting any better. She was still feeling very uncomfortable.

Jonathan brought Logan to Amber. Without further ado, Logan started chanting, followed by a yell.

A white light appeared out of thin air and traveled into his palm.

The crowd watched attentively and saw a small, white bug.

It did not seem at all exotic.

Amber's agonized expression immediately eased up, and Jonathan cast a tender gaze at her, asking, “How do you feel?” Shaking her head, Amber answered, “Much better.” Logan walked toward Mabel and asked respectfully, “Chief Sandler, what would you like to do with this Apsara Parasite?” Mabel said, “The Apsara Parasite might be surprisingly useful at times. You can keep it.” “Yes, Chief Sandler!” replied Logan.

At that moment in time, everyone heaved a sigh of relief simultaneously.

“Old Mr. Johnson, what should we do with Aaron's family?” Mabel asked.

Arthur responded somberly, “Amber's fine now. If we were to make a scene, some will make fun of us, saying that we're making a big fuss out of nothing to defame them.

Leave Aaron be, but you have to seize Bianca.”

“All right, Old Mr. Johnson.” Mabel regained her vigor instantly. Having gained Arthur's approval, she could do as she pleased.

If she could bring Bianca under control, Mabel would be facing much fewer adversities in the future.

At the end of the day, one could never surmise what a madwoman could pull off.

Looking at Jonathan, Mabel said, “You should stay here while | go deal with Bianca.” Nodding, Jonathan replied, “Okay!” Right then, Mabel left with Logan.

Truth be told, Jonathan sincerely hoped that they could capture Bianca. However, he had a feeling that it would not be resolved so easily.

Pushing everything to the back of his mind, he was glad that Amber had recovered and escaped from death. That itself was naturally something he should be happy about.

Inevitably, Jonathan started to feel awkward while staying

there. Having said that, he dared not wander mindlessly outside. As the tension with Jeremy had yet to subside, it would be dangerous for him to leave Vipod Residence without Mabel at his side.

Meanwhile, Arthur saw Jonathan in a new light after what happened. Hence, he took the initiative and invited, “Jonathan, stay for dinner. You can keep me company and drink with me.” Jonathan dared not reject the invitation, thus acceding, “All right, Old Mr. Johnson.”