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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 169
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Despite being married without any relationship foundations, Catherine was still someone special to Jonathan. From the moment that they were married, he had subconsciously thought of her as his wife and someone that belonged to him. There was just an unexplainable feeling of affection that he had for her.

Thus, he was unwilling to hurt Catherine, which was why he would not do anything without her consent.

Both of them slept soundly that night.

The next morning, after having breakfast, Yareth said to Jonathan, “Come out with me later.” Jonathan was slightly taken aback. Still, he decided not to probe. “Yes, Grandpa.” This time, the person who drove them was Bruce, who drove a Hummer. Contents belong to Drama.Org Jonathan and Yareth sat in the back seat of the vehicle.

Soon, the car left the yard and drove toward the Harrington residence's private driveway.

The drizzle outside made the weather even colder than it was.

Since it was nearing December, the weather forecast had mentioned that it would soon snow in Yaleview.

However, the winter in northern places was always colder than usual.

Jonathan could not help but miss the weather in Horington.

If he were to live somewhere permanently one day, it would have to be Horington.

Unfortunately, he had no idea what his future would be like, and he was frankly terrified to think about it.

Would he live? How many hardships would he be facing? Would he spend the rest of his life with Catherine? Would they have children together? One thing for sure was that Jonathan was uncertain about his future.

The Hummer turned into a road that led to Horbah.

Jonathan could not help but wonder why they were heading to Horbah. However, he remained silent as Yareth was not saying anything about it.

After about an hour, the car made a turn and drove into a dirt path.

It then halted before a river.

The river's width was about thirty meters. Yet, the length of it was endless. It somehow looked a bit like Wyvern River, but it was clearly not the case.

‘Waves formed on the surface of the river as the wind blew, revealing the slightly murky water.

It was a place encompassed by dead silence. There was no one by the river; not even the sight of a single boat or house was within the perimeter.

This piqued Jonathan's curiosity. He wondered why Yareth had brought him there.

“Get out of the car,” Yareth said.

“Yes, Grandpa,” Jonathan replied. He then got out of the

car and opened the door for the elder.

After Yareth got out of the car, Bruce, too, followed suit.

The three of them then faced the river.

The north wind was howling, sending a biting chill down Bruce's spine despite wearing a military jacket.

On the other hand, Jonathan and Yareth found the cold bearable.

Right then, Yareth prompted, “You must be curious why I've brought you here, right?” Jonathan nodded and answered honestly, “Yes, | am.” “I want to teach you Requiem today,” Yareth revealed.

Jonathan felt his heart skip a beat. He was aware of how powerful Yareth was and that his cultivation technique was Requiem.

YYareth continued, “Requiem is a technique that transports vitality. It basically hides all vitality in a place called the blood aperture, which is in our bodies. This blood aperture is called the Bloodgate. The production of blood platelets

and even the process of hematopoiesis occur from the Bloodgate. As soon as one manages to open their Bloodgate, they will then have an extra space to store vitality. Hence, the person will be stronger than an ordinary person. You should never underestimate the blood aperture as it can store up to two-thirds of the body's vitality. On top of that, it grows along with your cultivation. At its highest level, the blood aperture will be able to store up to two times the amount of vitality that was originally in the person's body.

“Other than that, since vitality is stored in the blood aperture, no one will be able to find it. Hence, a regular person won't be able to tell how much strength you've got or the level of your cultivation.” Daspita baing marriad without any ralationship foundations, Catharina was still 'somaona spacial to Jonathan. From tha momant that thay wara marriad, ha had subconsciously thought of har as his wifa and somaona that balongad to him. Thara was just an unaxplainabla faaling of affaction that ha had for har.

Thus, ha was unwilling to hurt Catharina, which was why ha

would not do anything without har consant.

Both of tham slapt soundly that night.

Tha naxt morning, aftar having braakfast, Yarath said to Jonathan, “Coma out with ma latar.” Jonathan was slightly takan aback. Still, ha dacidad not to proba. “Yas, Grandpa.” This tima, tha parson who drova tham was Bruca, who drova a Hummar.

Jonathan and Yarath sat in tha back saat of tha vahicla.

Soon, tha car laft tha yard and drova toward tha Harrington rasidanca's privata drivaway.

Tha drizzla outsida mada tha waathar avan coldar than it was.

Sinca it was naaring Dacambar, tha waathar foracast had mantionad that it would soon snow in Yalaviaw.

Howavar, tha wintar in northarn placas was always coldar than usual.

Jonathan could not halp but miss tha waathar in Horington.

If ha wara to liva somawhara parmanantly ona day, it would hava to ba Horington.

Unfortunataly, ha had no idaa what his futura would ba lika, and ha was frankly tarrifiad to think about it.

Would ha liva? How many hardships would ha ba facing? Would ha spand tha rast of his lifa with Catharina? Would thay hava childran togathar? Ona thing for sura was that Jonathan was uncartain about his futura.

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Tha Hummar turnad into a road that lad to Horbah.

Jonathan could not halp but wondar why thay wara haading to Horbah. Howavar, ha ramainad silant as Yarath was not saying anything about it.

Aftar about an hour, tha car mada a turn and drova into a dirt path.

It than haltad bafora a rivar.

Tha rivar's width was about thirty matars. Yat, tha langth of

it was andlass. It somahow lookad a bit lika Wyvarn Rivar, but it was claarly not tha casa.

‘Wavas formad on tha surfaca of tha rivar as tha wind blaw, ravaaling tha slightly murky watar.

It was a placa ancompassad by daad silanca. Thara was no ona by tha rivar; not avan tha sight of a singla boat or housa was within tha parimatar.

This piquad Jonathan's curiosity. Ha wondarad why Yarath had brought him thara.

“Gat out of tha car,” Yarath said.

“Yas, Grandpa,” Jonathan rapliad. Ha than got out of tha car and opanad tha door for tha aldar.

Aftar Yarath got out of tha car, Bruca, too, followad suit.

Tha thraa of tham than facad tha rivar.

Tha north wind was howling, sanding a biting chill down Bruca's spina daspita waaring a military jackat.

On tha othar hand, Jonathan and Yarath found tha cold


Right than, Yarath promptad, “You must ba curious why I'va brought you hara, right?” Jonathan noddad and answarad honastly, “Yas, | am.” “I want to taach you Raquiam today,” Yarath ravaalad.

Jonathan falt his haart skip a baat. Ha was awara of how powarful Yarath was and that his cultivation tachniqua was Raquiam.

YYarath continuad, “Raquiam is a tachniqua that transports vitality. It basically hidas all vitality in a placa callad tha blood apartura, which is in our bodias. This blood apartura is callad tha Bloodgata. Tha production of blood platalats and avan tha procass of hamatopoiasis occur from tha Bloodgata. As soon as ona managas to opan thair Bloodgata, thay will than hava an axtra spaca to stora vitality. Hanca, tha parson will ba strongar than an ordinary parson. You should navar undarastimata tha blood apartura as it can stora up to two-thirds of tha body's vitality. On top of that, it grows along with your cultivation. At its highast laval. tha blood apartura will ba abla to stora up to two

timas tha amount of vitality that was originally in tha parson's body.

“Othar than that, sinca vitality is storad in tha blood apartura, no ona will ba abla to find it. Hanca, a ragular parson won't ba abla to tall how much strangth you'va got or tha laval of your cultivation.” Jonathan was in agreement about this as he truly did not know how strong Yareth was.

He paid full attention to Yareth's words as the latter went on, “You shouldn't get happy too early, though. Requiem isn't a technique that everyone can master easily. There's no hope if one is not able to open their Bloodgate. For example, up until now, Catherine has yet to open hers. Moreover, opening one's Bloodgate depends a lot on one's luck. | can teach you everything | know. However, it fully depends on yourself whether you'd be able to master it or not.” Jonathan inhaled deeply before replying, “I'l try my best, Grandpa.”

YYareth smiled slightly at that. “Don't give yourself too much pressure. Just let fate do its thing, okay?” “Mm,” Jonathan replied.

YYareth then continued explaining, “On the surface level, Requiem is a technique which returns the soul to its place.

But, this is only a metaphor. The true meaning of the technique is to hide all energy, spirit, and essence in one's body into the Bloodgate. This allows the energy, spirit, and essence to be nourished and grow while being stored in the Bloodgate. It's something similar to hibernation. Since the human body is bound to rot one day, Requiem is a way to prolong and preserve one's life and strength. If you manage to master the technique, you can even use it to paralyze your opponents in the future. As long as you feel like hiding your potential, not even the heavens will know how skilled or unskilled you are.” Excitement was evident in Jonathan's eyes after he heard that. He agreed inwardly that this technique was indeed a useful one.

“I'l teach you the mantra first.” With that, Yareth started chanting, “The manifestations of Infinity never cease manifesting. Infinity is the primal creator, the oneness of male and female. Infinity is the gate through which heaven and Earth manifest. It is invisible to the senses yet permeates all things. It is inexhaustible and eternally available for any purpose. The five colors blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavors dull the mouth.

Racing through the field and hunting make the mind wild. Searching for precious goods leads astray...” “Got it?” Yareth asked after he was done.

With a bewildered expression, Jonathan answered, “No.” “Which part did you not understand?” Yareth asked again.

Jonathan could not help but feel embarrassed. “Um, | didn't catch even the slightest bit of what you were chanting, Grandpa. It was too profound for my understanding. I'm confused. It's like when I'm listening to other scriptures—I| feel at peace listening to them, but | don't understand what they're about.”

“The fact that you felt at peace while listening to it means that your understanding of it is quite well. You don't have to fully comprehend the mantra. However, you have to memorize it, chant it syllables by syllables like what | did, and let it echo in your mind. When the various syllables become like Servik to you, whereby you feel as if you're in Thunderclap Monastery of Spirit Mountain, you should then be able to compile all the syllables. The syllables would be wandering in your body. If it manages to find the Bloodgate, it will help you open it. Once it is opened, all syllables will be attributed to it,” Yareth explained.

Jonathan was still slightly muddled. “Is there anything different about these syllables?” “These syllables are capable to shake all energy, spirit, and essence into them. After transporting the syllables to the blood aperture, you'd have mastered Requiem,” Yareth replied.

Somehow, Jonathan could understand it slightly after hearing that explanation.

The important thing was not the mantra itself but the syllables.

For example, some great seals such as the Six Seals of Barsm, the Heart Seal, and the Flower Pinch Seal were undecipherable to people, yet people were still intrigued and even find them mysterious.

Something worth mentioning was that each character from the six-character mantra of Barsm had different effects.

Some were calming, while some were capable of removing one's inner demons.

The Destino also had a nine-character mantra that emphasized the different pronunciations of the syllables.

“Have you memorized the syllables that | taught you?” Yareth asked.

Thanks to his better-than-average memory, Jonathan could easily recall the syllables. “Yes, Grandpa.” “Good. Jump into the river then,” the elder said.

Jonathan was bewildered by his words. Me? Jump into the

river? In this weather? Hesitantly, he asked, “Grandpa, this—" YYareth smiled lightly before replying, “It's not that easy to master Requiem. It might be easy for you to memorize the syllables while you're on land. However, you will never be able to enter that state of profundity. Since you won't be able to breathe underwater, your mind will be more cluttered as you're facing a life or death situation. Only in these sorts of bad situations would you be able to truly force yourself to be tranquil and perceive the profundity of the syllables. These syllables are somewhat like a breath of air, which can be twisted into one.” Realization dawned on Jonathan.

He took off his coat and jumped into the river without any hesitation.

He was entirely submerged in the water as he felt the bone- chilling cold down his spine, sinking lower and lower.

The facade of the river was turbid, but it was about thirty

meters deep.

Jonathan kept sinking and started to feel some resistance when he reached the ten-meter point. However, thanks to his condensed energy, he continued sinking downward effortlessly.

Finally, he reached the bottom of the river filled with sand and even saw some fish swimming around.

Nonetheless, he paid no mind to them as he proceeded to sit cross-legged.

Before jumping into the river, Jonathan had inhaled a deep breath, and this breath was now circulating in his chest.

He was already feeling a slight discomfort at that moment and wanted nothing more than to resurface and breathe.

Still, he tried his best to endure it. It was also at that moment that he realized his mind was truly cluttered.

He remembered the situation he was in and started recalling the syllables.

Yet, he realized that he had forgotten about the syllables

that Yareth had taught him earlier on.

Jonathan's mind was in a haze.

He paused for a moment. How could | let this happen? Am | really that incapable? Would such a small drawback actually halt me from advancing? What right do | have to be liked by Old Mr. Harrington if I'm merely mediocre? What right do | have to exceed the other Chosen Ones? Thoughts flashed through his mind one after another.

With that, he suppressed his urge to resurface and felt the pressure in his chest grow. The bigger the pressure felt, the more uncomfortable he was.

I'll just die at most! Leave! All the frustration, confusion, and fear—leave at this instant! He then shut his eyes and started chanting the Ultra Sun Moon Mantra.

Soon, he fell into a peaceful state and began ignoring everything.

Due to that, the syllables started appearing in Jonathan's


He started silently chanting those syllables. However, while he was halfway through, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

In shock, he immediately opened his eyes. The sharp pain was due to the lack of oxygen in his body.

The only outcome for him was death if he were to continue staying underwater like that.

On top of that, due to the cold weather, a painful chilling sensation had also washed through him.

Jonathan knew that it was time to resurface. If not, his body might not be able to handle it, and he would actually lose his life for real.

Without any delay, he swam to the surface.

After all, an ambitious task was bound to take a long time and should not be rushed. Hence, he needed to remain patient and take one step at a time.

The first thing Jonathan did after leaving the river was to take a deep breath, which instantly made him feel so much better—the feeling he had been waiting for.

YYareth and Bruce had been watching him by the shore. At that moment, Yareth smiled and asked, “How are you feeling?” He spoke in a very soft voice, yet Jonathan could hear it clearly. Contents belong to Drama.Org Jonathan replied, “I don't think | can feel the subtlety of syllables yet, but | think | sense its usage.” Nodding, Yareth praised, “Good, good.” “I'l continue my practice.” With that, Jonathan took in a deep breath and dove all the way to the very bottom.

He pushed aside all the pain he was experiencing, whether from the cold or the lack of oxygen.

Still, he could not spell out all the syllables and transform them into strength because his lung was not powerful enough.

He had to keep training in order to make his lungs powerful enough to spell everything out in the water.

Two hours later, he felt as if his head was getting dizzy.

After he resurfaced, Yareth said, “All right, that's enough for today, Jonathan. Come up.” “Yes, Grandpa,” Jonathan replied before getting on the shore.

The moment that he did, a gust of chill wind blew past him, almost freezing him on the spot.

Thankfully, he had learned how to close the pores on his body, so he could still endure it.

“Come on, let's go home,” Yareth stated before going into the car.

Jonathan followed behind him.

Bruce was the one driving them back to the Harrington mansion.

On the way back, Yareth did not ask Jonathan a thing about

his training.

hence, Jonathan remained silent and simply enjoyed the ride.

Half an hour later, Yareth thought of something and smiled.

“Don't you think this world is interesting, Jonathan?” Jonathan was taken aback as he did not know why the old man said that.

YYareth continued, “The world nourishes humans. Humans need air, so there's air. Humans need food, so there's food.

Humans need to work and run, they get hands and legs. All things, including animals, have their own way of life.

Everything is linked together until a complete ecosystem is formed. The circle of life. It's as though everything was beautifully designed. The fish can breathe in the water, and the birds can fly in the sky.” There was a pause before he continued, “But, in the end, humans are the king of this world. The favored beings of the heavens.” Jonathan listened silently.

“For example, the more a bug is exposed to a drug, the

more resistant it'll become to it. Put a polar bear in a warm climate. If it can't adapt, it'll die. The only way to survive is to change their body to suit the climate. What I'm saying is that we have an awesome biological system that helps us adapt to things. If that adaption is done well, we'll be able to breathe underwater or fly in the air. It isn't necessarily impossible. It all depends on how the environment forces a person to change.” “So you're saying evolution? Humans and animals do evolve.” Jonathan was starting to understand.

YYareth smiled. “That's right. So, when you're practicing in the water, your body will possibly evolve to adapt to living underwater. That evolution will first improve your lung and increase its strength. Your vitality will also be improved under these circumstances. The greater the pressure, the more it'll grow. Of course, if you fail to endure it, you'll die.” “I understand now, Grandpa!” “Continue your training well.” “Yes, Grandpa!” Jonathan said politely.

After returning to the Harrington mansion, the first thing he did was take a shower before changing into fresh clothing.

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Catherine, on the other side, probably went out shopping because the Ferrari was nowhere to be seen.

Of course, Jonathan did not need to worry about Catherine's safety or that she would cheat on him. He did not continue practicing Requiem because there were some things that needed to be thought about, and it was not about practice.

In the end, he got bored, so he wanted to find Amber and talk with her. However, he hesitated because he was a married man already. It would be pretty cruel if he kept visiting her and giving her false hope.

‘When he thought of that, he shook away his idea.

In the past, he was unmarried, so he could do whatever he wanted. Things had changed; he could not do that anymore.

It was a coincidence then that Amber called him.

He was still a little giddy about it, so he answered the call immediately.

Amber spoke. “They're heading back to Horington on the first flight today.” Jonathan was a little stunned. “Okay!” “Are you doing good?” “Quite good. How about you?” “Can | invite you and your wife to a meal?” A bitter smile appeared on his face. “I think she went out.” “You can call her.” He was a little confused. “Why do you keep insisting on inviting her to a meal, Amber?” “Why do you keep insisting on not bringing her?” “There are some things that can't be explained with just a few words.” There was bitterness in his tone.

“Then let's hang out for a meal and we can talk about it.” “All right.”

Both of them then agreed on a location.

Jonathan promptly went out.

There were a couple of expensive cars in the Harrington mansion, and he picked a Lexus to drive.

The location they agreed to meet at was a fancy-looking cafe.

Amber did not want to bother Jonathan or have intimate moments with him.

It was just that she loved him while simultaneously feeling bad for him.

She believed he was a sacrifice for the wedding. Every time she wanted to invite both him and Catherine out, Jonathan would say no.

It made her feel as though Catherine was not giving him any respect.

To Amber, Jonathan was a great hero. She really did not want to see him suffer like that.

The cafe was called Sunrise Cafe.

It was one in the afternoon, so the cafe only had a couple of people left.

Amber was wearing a crimson coat with sunglasses and lipsticks as she sat at the table next to the window.

Her hair was styled into wavy curls.

Just a look at her sexy and beautiful appearance would be enough for any man's heart to skip a beat.

When Jonathan entered the cafe, he immediately waved at her when he saw her.

He was wearing a black leather jacket today, which made him look more mature than usual.

In just a short amount of time, it felt as though he had completely changed.

He sat right in front of her.

Taking off her sunglasses, she smiled at him. “What do you think about my new look?”

“Pretty.” He smiled.

“What do you want to drink?” His gaze swept across the cafe. “Is there anything here | can eat? I'm hungry.” “There's cake.” She waved her hand and called for a server. Jonathan ordered a slice of tiramisu cake and a cup of coffee.

The food and drink arrived quickly as they chatted.

He spoke with a serious expression. “It's not what you think, Amber.” “Oh?” Amber said.

“Catherine's not going to get mad at me, and the Harrington family certainly won't. Technically, no one in this world can.” She believed him because that was how he always was.

Once he was angry, nothing could scare him, not even the heavens.

He continued, “Catherine always had issues since she was a child. She can't experience any emotion and doesn't care

about anyone else, not even her grandpa or me. When her grandpa said she could marry me, she agreed. | believe even if Grandpa tells her to marry an ugly person, she'll do itas well.” It was then she came to a realization and suddenly asked, “Have you done it with her?” Jonathan rolled his eyes. “Do you think I'm that kind of person?” Amber giggled. Her mood had been lifted as she joked, “I believe in your character, but I'm not so certain about your performance in bed.” He rubbed his nose silently.

Then a serious expression returned to her face. “What are you going to do now? What's your plan?” “Plan?” He turned serious as well. “If Grandpa hadn't saved me, | would've been dead by now. He asked me to take care of the Harrington family, and I've decided to take up the responsibility to do that. Besides, you know about the whole deal with the Chosen One. | can't escape it no matter

what | do, so | decided not to escape at all. I'l enter the Divine Realm and become more powerful. As for Catherine and |, it's not going to be something I'l think about for now.

| don't like marriage, but even though | am married now, she's not going to restrict what | can do. This is probably the best outcome | can hope for.” She nodded. “That doesn't sound too bad, | suppose.” They stayed in the cafe for two hours before leaving.

Though it was subtle, they could tell something had changed.

In the past, they could joke with each other. Now, they could not anymore.

‘When Amber left, she felt quite melancholic.

Both Jonathan and Amber felt they should not cross a line, even though Catherine would not have cared about it.

The next day, Jonathan went to the river alone to train again.

For the next ten days, he would leave early and return late

to train.

Both Yareth and Catherine did not ask anything about it.

He kept training for the past ten days to increase his lung capacity, and it continued to grow.

At that point, he could spell out half the syllables in the water.