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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 189
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Jonathan chuckled and said, “We'll go to your place then.

I'll get some snacks and beer. Let's have a chat while we drink.” “Okay!” answered Mabel.

An hour later, Jonathan arrived at Appleton Residences, where Mabel lived. He parked his car and went into the elevator.

Mabel was already home when Jonathan knocked on the door. Her voice could be heard coming from the other side of the door. “Don't you have the keys?” Hearing that, Jonathan was displeased with her. Geez, is it that hard to walk a few steps to open the door for me? What a sluggard! Although he had those thoughts in mind, Jonathan dared not say them out loud. He immediately pulled out his own set of keys to unlock the door.

As soon as he pushed open the door, Jonathan saw Mabel clad in comfortable pajamas, lounging on the couch with her hair down as she watched an animated show on the television.

He was taken aback when he realized what animation she was watching.

“Yo, Mabel. You're watching ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears?” asked Jonathan in surprise as he entered the house with beer and food in his hands.

Since his hands were full, he pushed the door shut using his foot.

“What's wrong with that? There's no law saying | can't watch it.” Mabel took a brief glance at him and said lazily.

Jonathan did not dwell on the topic and began to set the table with the food he had bought - stir-fried butter eescargot, spicy chicken wings, and peanuts. Later, he handed Mabel a can of beer and asked, “Didn't you say you were a busy woman? Why do you look like you have been lazing around all day?” Rolling her eyes, she replied, “My duty today is to rest the entire day. You should be honored that | took time off to

meet with you.” “All right, whatever you say.” Just like that, Jonathan was defeated by her words.

After taking a sip of beer, Mabel broached the subject. “So, tell me. Why did you want to meet?” “I would like to join the Department of National Security,” answered Jonathan with a solemn expression on his face.

Mabel was slightly taken aback upon hearing his interest in joining the Department of National Security. She could not help but ask, “You were hell-bent on not joining the department back then. What made you change your mind?” “I didn't want to get involved in the past. Now that I'm in too deep, | might as well join the department,” he answered.

“Well, thank you for your interest, but | don't think you need to join the Department of National Security for the time being.” “Why?” Jonathan was curious.

“Although you'll get convenience, the department itself is

also restrictive. As long as you listen to my commands and assist me in resolving some matters, you are not required to join. That way, you'll have much more freedom. What do you think?” explained Mabel.

Jonathan smiled wryly and said, “I wanted to make you happy, but now that you've said it, I'll take your advice. It has been decided then.” Mabel returned his smile and said, “I have already informed the executives about you. If something were to happen to me one day, you will be in charge of the entire Department of National Security.” Jonathan was startled upon hearing her words. “What are you saying? Take it back!” “You shouldn't treat this as a taboo topic. Both you and | are cultivators. Now that the Great Tribulation is approaching, you and | are both in this together. The difference is that you are the Chosen One, whilst | am not.

Even if | die in the tragedy, it would be normal and nothing to be shocked over,” stated Mabel.

“As long as I'm still alive, | won't let anyone hurt you,” Jonathan declared in a low voice.

Upon hearing that, Mabel was stunned, but her gaze softened ever so slightly. “With those skills of yours? You should focus on protecting yourself first,” she teased before letting out a chuckle.

Then, she questioned, “I heard you've upgraded your cultivation again. That was fast!” “That's right. It's middle-stage Nascent Soul now,” responded Jonathan.

Mabel nodded in awe. “You've reached the middle-stage Nascent Soul in the span of less than two months. I've got to admit, the rate of your improvement is impressive.” “This is all thanks to Divine Realm's test. In critical moments, there is always an opportunity. Although the test was cruel, it helped in people's development,” said Jonathan.

“You'll be able to upgrade your cultivation even faster upon joining the Divine Realm. The organization is famous

among fighters because it had undergone continuous development thanks to the effort and hard work of generations of Divine Realm members. If you tell people you are from the Divine Realm, you will be highly regarded, no matter where you are. Even the phrase ‘Divine Realm’ brings dignity,” explained Mabel.

Jonathan felt an inexplicable feeling of awe in his heart, and he could not help but say, “If that's the case, | simply cannot fathom what the Demon Emperor, Asura Emperor, Emperor of Chanaea, and Divine Emperor are like. I'm sure they've had a lot of interesting adventures throughout their lives. If | can reach their level, | will have no regrets in life.” “I believe in you,” said Mabel, smiling.

Seeing how Mabel praised him, Jonathan scratched his head in embarrassment.

At least for now, he was still far from those top figures.

“Oh, right. I have another thing to say,” said Jonathan.

Mabel looked at him and asked curiously, “What is it?"

“I have something to teach you. It's called 'Requiem."™ Taken aback, Mabel immediately asked, “That's the secret technique of the Harrington family. How are you going to teach me?” “Don't worry. I've asked Grandpa for permission. He said I'm the heir of the Harrington family, and he doesn't mind where and how | use the technique,” explained Jonathan.

Hearing that, Mabel was relieved, and excitement flitted across her eyes. After all, she was also a spiritual fighter. It was natural for her to yearn to learn these techniques. In fact, her passion and interest in cultivation techniques were far greater than her love for wealth.

Jonathan immediately began explaining the mantra to Mabel, detailing even the most minute tips and tricks to mastering it.

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With Mabel's level of cultivation, she was able to understand the principle of the technique rather quickly.

Since she was already capable enough, she need not undergo underwater training in order to master the technique.

Mable's eyelids fluttered shut, and she began gathering Syllable Power in her mind. It did not take long for her to complete this step.

However, she quickly encountered a problem in the succeeding step, which was to locate the Haemocore.

No matter how hard she tried and followed Jonathan's instructions, she could not find it.

“Nope. | can't find the Haemocore at all,” said Mabel. A bitter smile hung on her lips after she opened her eyes.

“Of course, you just started. You'll definitely be able to find the Haemocore after giving it a few more tries,” Jonathan comforted.

However, Mabel disagreed with his words. Shaking her head, she uttered, “Even with my current cultivation level, if | fail once, it doesn't matter how many times | attempt it. It still won't work.” From the looks of it, mastering the mantra mostly depends on fate. If I'm not fated to find the Haemocore, there's

nothing | can do about it.

As Jonathan pondered over the situation, Catherine popped into his mind. He then said, “Catherine also never cultivated the Haemocore.” “In that case, what | said wasn't wrong.” A slight smile appeared across Mabel's face as she continued, “Thank you anyway, Jonathan.” “You don't have to thank me.” Embarrassed, Jonathan raised a hand and scratched his head shyly.

“By the way, | have a couple of things to tell you,” added Mabel.

“What is it?” “Once you join the Divine Realm, there will be a leaderboard. The leaderboard ranks the top ten external disciples of the organization, and Edward Weiss is on the top of the list.” “What about Jeremy?” asked Jonathan.

“He's not on the leaderboard at all,” Mabel replied.

Jonathan found it hard to believe and exclaimed in surprise, “Jeremy's cultivation level is Celestial Soul, and he's not even on the leaderboard?” “It's not easy to get onto the leaderboard. It will be updated every three years, which means it will be updated again next year. | hope to see you up there in a year's time.” “I will try my best,” said Jonathan, his tone filled with determination.

“I believe in you, so please work harder from now on. Also, members of the Divine Realm do not solely rely on working hard to improve their cultivation. There are some excellent alchemists in the inner circle of the Divine Realm. The countless number of elixir pills they have will help boost your cultivation,” Mabel continued to explain.

“Are those elixir pills given to the disciples of the organization regularly?” asked Jonathan.

“In your dreams. Do you think money falls from the sky?” Mabel sneered and rolled her eyes at the man's question.

“Well...” After a brief pause, she then continued, “There is also a mission board in Divine Realm. Every disciple can access Divine Realm's official website and obtain missions. After completing a mission, one will be rewarded with elixir pills. Therefore, I'll need your assistance once you've joined the Divine Realm.” “Official website?” Jonathan was perplexed. Divine Realm is such a mysterious group. Why would they have something so advanced? However, he did not think much about it. “What do you need me to do?” he asked.

“I'm almost done cultivating, but | need the Fortune Pill from Divine Realm. Could you please try to get one for me?” “Okay. I'll do it as soon as | join the organization.” Jonathan readily agreed to her request.

“No, don't be greedy. You must select missions based on their difficulty. Fortune Pill is a type of Immortal Pill. If you

want it, you'll have to bear bigger risks,” explained Mabel hurriedly.

“Elixir pills have levels too?” Jonathan was confused.

“Of course. Elixir pills are extremely important to us, especially in late-stage cultivation. At your current level, Nascent Soul, you don't need to rely on them. However, once you've reached Celestial Soul, it'll be hard for you to upgrade your cultivation without the help of elixir pills. The pills can be categorized into five grades, namely Spirit Pill, Precious Pill, Immortal Pill, Heaven Pill, and Divine Pill,” Mabel elaborated.

Meanwhile, Jonathan listened attentively to her words. He had heard about elixir pills from Gabriel, but he learned so much more after Mabel's explanation.

“I heard that the Divine Realm only possesses three Heaven Pills. Needless to say, Divine Pill remains a legend.

| don't think anyone has ever seen it. According to the records, a Divine Pill has its own mind and soul, and nobody knows where it is.”

“This is starting to sound like a fictional . How could the real world have something like that?” Jonathan could not seem to wrap his mind around this information.

Mabel said, “The s are unrealistic, but the alchemy of Divine Realm is based on science. That is the significant difference between the two.” “How is it based on science?” queried Jonathan.

“Alchemy is strenuous work. There are not many real alchemists in the world, thus the pills are rare. A good elixir pill requires many herbs, but the herbs contain different poisons and may reject one another. An excellent alchemist can extract the essence from the herbs and refine them as an elixir pill. Do you ever wonder why they are pills?” Jonathan was lost. “What do you mean?” “I mean, why is the essence being refined as a round pill rather than other shapes?” asked Mabel.

Realization struck Jonathan. He felt curious and repeated, “Yeah! Why are the pills round?” Mabel explained to him, “The final process of refining the pill requires the alchemist to seal all the essence of the herbs in a circular shape. You won't smell an elixir pill

because the essence is locked inside.” Just then, Jonathan instantly recalled the Supreme Nascent Pill that he ate. He remembered the pill was odorless before swallowing it, and he could not help wondering what the grade of the pill he consumed was. “Could it be a Spirit Pill, a Precious Pill, or an Immortal Pill?" Jonathan pondered.

As he recalled that, Jonathan told Mabel about the incident in Crimson Onyx Town and the Supreme Nascent Pill that he took then. “What grade do you think Supreme Nascent Pill is?" asked Jonathan.

After giving it some thought, Mabel replied, “According to your story, it is possible for it to be a Precious Pill. You were seriously injured at that time and needed nutrition to recover. Otherwise, you can't endure all the essence of the pill under normal conditions.” Jonathan nodded in response. “That's right, but is it true that a Precious Pill can make a person immune to poisons?”

“A Spirit Pill can bring back the dead and prolong one's life.

Hence, a Precious Pill that would make you immune to all poisons is not a surprise at all,” commented Mabel.

Jonathan understood her words and surmised, “I can now understand why kings in ancient times were so interested in obtaining the pills. They were seeking to prolong their life through consuming the pills. However, most of the alchemists were liars and gave fake pills. Even if a true alchemist provided the pills, those people would not be able to endure the full effect of the pills as their bodies would be too weak to absorb the huge amount of nutrition, resulting in an early death instead.” “That's correct,” responded Mabel.

They started to enjoy their food after finishing the discussion.

It was snowing outside as the callous winter stifled the world with its icy breath, yet Jonathan and Mabel felt cozy as they snacked on spicy escargots while taking sips of cold beer in between.

Jonathan could not help feeling uneasy about joining Divine Realm. He asked, “Are there any restrictions for external disciples when | become one?” Mabel clarified, “Normally, there are no restrictions.

However, they are strict in dividing the ranks. The lower ones have to be respectful when they meet the upper ranks. The highest ranking external disciple like Edward would not hesitate to end your life if you dare disrespect him.” Hearing that, Jonathan felt anxious and questioned, “What if Edward causes me trouble?” “You should avoid a conflict with him as your cultivation is lower than his. After you're promoted to Silver, he cannot do as he wishes anymore,” suggested Mabel.

“Silver?” Jonathan was confused.

“The external disciples are categorized into three ranks, namely Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Edward is a Gold disciple while you'll be a Bronze disciple upon joining the organization,” said Mabel.

“What? They have a ranking system for that?” Jonathan exclaimed in shock.

Mabel continued, “It's a title to differentiate the disciples.

‘You don't have to ask me because someone will explain the details to you after you've joined Divine Realm.” “Wait, what about Jeremy? He-" Before he could finish his sentence, Mabel interrupted him with a wave of her hand. “He's a Silver and doesn't have the exception to murder people. Don't worry about him,” reassured Mabel.

Jonathan felt relieved after hearing that.

As if he thought of something, Jonathan said, “By the way, I've noticed something strange.” Mabel glanced at Jonathan before asking, “What is it?” “Before this, we always thought Catherine had no ‘emotions, but I've noticed she has grown to be quite dependent on me and isn't so repulsed by my presence anymore,” said Jonathan.

“That's good news!” exclaimed Mabel.

“It sure is good news, but that's the strange part. Catherine was ruthless and solitary before. She lived with the Harrington family for over twenty years, but she changed after knowing me for only more than one month. Why the sudden changes?” Jonathan was puzzled.

“Even cold-blooded animals have emotions. As for Catherine, she might be slower to display her emotions and feelings compared to the others, but that doesn't mean she will remain emotionless. In fact, Catherine's quite the opposite as it means she will be more affectionate when she opens up.” Jonathan curiously asked, “Well, why didn't she show any ‘emotions when she was in the Harrington residence?” At that, Mabel shrugged her shoulders and gave her two cents on the matter. “There's nothing weird about that.

Although Yareth is Catherine's grandfather, she might feel distant from him as the generation gap between the two is wide. He can't act like her parents, after all. As for the other

members of the Harrington family, they won't get close to her. Even her parents spent their time traveling abroad instead of taking care of Catherine. Hence, it's natural for her to grow more distant from people.” “I see. You're making some sense.” Jonathan realized something as he nodded.

“Of course | am!” fumed Mabel.

The sky was completely dark in Yaleview by the time it was six in the evening, but the polar-white snow that blanketed anything it touched formed a stark contrast with the sky.

It was snowing heavily, and it was a good sign for the farmers.

Although the agriculture was stable and did not need the snow to guarantee the harvest, the snow indeed freshened up the polluted air of Yaleview.

‘When Jonathan was driving home, Mabel's words constantly replayed in his mind. She said Catherine was slow in expressing herself, and Jonathan agreed with her.

He suddenly felt sorry for Catherine. She was treated coldly by her family because she acted indifferently. No one truly cared for her, and Yareth's love was too subtle.

Jonathan felt the need to take good care of his wife.

As soon as he decided, he drove to a flower shop and bought a bouquet mixed with roses and lilies. Then, he bought some supper and iced beers.

He liked iced beers and expected everyone enjoyed the beers, too.

It was half-past seven when Jonathan was back at the Harrington mansion.

YYareth was already in bed by that time. Jonathan grabbed the things before stepping out of his car.

‘When the maids saw him, they politely addressed him, “Mr.

Lawson!” Jonathan humbly smiled in return to their greetings.

Soon, he arrived at the bedroom.

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Catherine was sleeping when Jonathan walked in.

He switched on the lights, and the warm lighting brightened the room.

After Jonathan had put down the food, he brought the flowers to the bed.

“Catherine,” Jonathan called her name softly as he stood beside the bed.

Catherine opened her eyes when she heard his voice. She looked pretty and calm after she woke up.

“This is for you.” Jonathan held out the flowers to her.

Catherine propped herself up and sat on the bed. Her hair was slightly messy, but it made her more attractive.

“For me?” Catherine was taken aback.

Jonathan smiled. “Of course! You're my wife! It's natural to give you flowers.” Catherine took the bouquet from Jonathan.

“Do you like it?” Jonathan was excited to see her response.

“I like it,” Catherine said calmly. At that instant, Jonathan

was upset as he did not sense any emotions from her words.

However, he quickly figured out Catherine was being her usual self. He had to tolerate and get used to it.

“Let me put it aside for you,” said Jonathan.

As Catherine nodded, he placed the flowers on the vanity table.

Then, Jonathan placed the food and beers on the coffee table. “Catherine, go brush your teeth and eat with me.” “Okay,” she obediently replied, and the sense of hostility disappeared from her.

It was because she slowly felt the man's sincerity after spending some time with him.

After brushing her teeth, she came to Jonathan's side while the latter brought her to the couch.

“Catherine, don't you think | deserve a reward after getting you the flowers?” Jonathan joked as he slid his arm around her waist.

On the other hand, Catherine earnestly looked at him and asked, “What kind of reward do you want?” “lI want a kiss,” replied Jonathan.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Catherine immediately planted a kiss on his cheek.

Jonathan smiled in satisfaction and said, “Come here and try the escargots. It tastes good with the iced beer. This combination is the best!” He picked up an escargot and brought it to Catherine's mouth as he spoke.

After eating the escargot, Catherine's cheeks grew red because of the spice.

Upon seeing her reaction, Jonathan laughed and gave her an iced beer.

Catherine quickly drank it and recovered from the spiciness. A glint of emotion flashed through her eyes because she liked the taste.

“I want more.” She looked at Jonathan.

At that, he fed Catherine more escargots.

Both of them felt comfortable as they enjoyed the food.

Then, Jonathan fed her the ravioli.

Catherine did not comment about it, but her expression relaxed when she was eating.

She seemed to be enjoying the food.

“Catherine, remember to go for a walk outside. It will make you depressed if you always stay indoors,” advised Jonathan.

“Okay!” Catherine nodded as she looked at her husband.

Pleased by her obedience, Jonathan brushed her cheek with his thumb and said, “Good girl.” After finishing the food, Jonathan cleaned up the area while Catherine washed up and went back to sleep.

Later, Jonathan went to bed after taking a shower. He noticed Catherine had already fallen into a deep slumber.

Jonathan's eyes looked tender and gentle when he saw

Catherine's sleeping face. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead before falling asleep next to her.