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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 197
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Jonathan recalled something suddenly. He asked, “Which factions are Edward and Jose from?” Lailah replied in a low voice, “Edward is from Oswald's faction while Jose is from Richard's faction.” Jonathan was rather dispirited after hearing her answer.

“Do we have any experts here in Gideon's faction?” “Draco, who is ranked number five, is from our faction.

However, you don't need to worry about such things.

Moreover, you will have more opportunities here since there aren't many experts here. There are many masters in the inner circle. They all have their own factions. The relationships between them are very complicated. It's difficult to explain.” Jonathan couldn't help but sigh. He could tell that it was complicated indeed. No matter where one went, there would be disputes between factions. Gideon's faction seemed to be the weakest faction amongst them. They might get wiped out if they side with the wrong faction.

However, Jonathan agreed with something that Lailah had

said. With lesser experts around, | will have more chances to showcase my ability. | don't need to rely on anyone else.

Lailah continued, “Master Gideon has prepared some Spirit Gathering Pills as a gift to you all. There are twenty-four pills in total. Each of you gets four.” She then took a bottle out from her pocket and put it on the coffee table. “From on now, you will be rewarded for your work under Master Gideon. You will receive a larger reward when you reach the level of Celestial Soul.” Jonathan and the others were overjoyed when they heard this.

They knew what benefits the elixir pill could bring.

“Thank you, Master Gideon!” they said in unison.

Lailah smiled faintly. “When you reach the level of Celestial Soul, Master Gideon will greet you personally. You will then get a chance to get in touch with our faction.” Jonathan and the others understood what she meant.

Although she said that the faction valued them as assets, she was still observing and testing them. If they didn't do well, the faction would not be bothered with them.

There was another thing that Jonathan had realized.

They treated the Spirit Gathering Pills as valuable items.

However, it was probably very common in Divine Realm.

“We will do our best to cultivate so as to not disappoint Master Gideon,” Simon said politely.

“I trust that you will. You will not have a day of peace unless you reach Silver level. Therefore, there are two things you must do quickly. First, you have to cultivate. Second, you have to finish three missions and rise to Silver,” Lailah stated.

The prerequisite for rising up to Silver was to complete three missions.

One could also be promoted to Silver automatically if one reached the level of Celestial Soul.

Another way to be promoted to Silver was to complete a mission that was above one's level.

“Yes, Ms. Hall,” they chorused in unison.

Lailah stood up. “It's not safe in the headquarters. However, outside of the headquarters, people from Divine Realm cannot kill each other. This is an order from Divine Emperor. No one dares to go against it. Therefore, it's safer outside. Pack your things and get ready. I'll send you all outside.” “Yes, Ms. Hall.” They went back to their rooms.

After a moment, they came back out with their belongings.

Lailah led them out of the condominium.

Their journey was smooth and they soon left the headquarters of Divine Realm.

The whole Mount Frallein was covered in a layer of thick snow.

Lailah asked a service staff to drive a Bentley to where they were at.

‘When the car arrived, she said, “Go and find a hotel to

settle in. | will report everything to Master Gideon. Don't take up any missions for the time being because Lucio might be tailing you. No one can help you if he takes the ‘same mission as you all.” Simon responded in a low voice, “If Lucio and the five of us take the same mission together, we won't be held guilty even if we Kill him. Is that right?” Lailah's eyes lit up. She looked at him and stated, “That is correct. However, | do not think that Lucio would be foolish enough to let you team up and Kill him.” Simon nodded in response. “We'll see how it goes. He won't keep having things his way.” Lailah smiled. “You're all young and have a bright future ahead of you. Lucio is seventy years old and has yet to open the Door of Enlightenment. | don't think he has much of a future anymore.” “Door of Enlightenment? What does that mean?” Jonathan asked immediately.

“The Door of Enlightenment exists in one's mind. You can

obtain great power once you open it. Old Mr. Harrington has already achieved Level Three. However, he cannot go any further without the help of elixir pills.” “What about you, Ms. Hall?” Jonathan asked curiously. He was surprised about how strong Yareth was and wondered if Lailah could compare.

She looked at him coldly and answered, “I have yet to open the Door of Enlightenment.” Everyone was surprised by her answer.

After all, she was an inner disciple. They thought that inner disciples were all very powerful.

Yet, she had not opened the Door of Enlightenment.

“There's no need to be shocked. I'm not truly an inner disciple. Only people like Master Gideon, Oswald, Richard, Emperor of Chanaea, Demon Emperor, and Asura Emperor are the true inner disciples of Divine Emperor. As for me, | am considered an inner disciple because | am a direct disciple of Master Gideon. Presently,

there are around twenty true inner disciples, and seventeen disciples like me who are disciples of those inner disciples.

In the future, if you do well, Master Gideon will take you in.

When that day comes, you will become inner disciples that outrank Gold-tier disciples.” Realization dawned on Jonathan when he heard that. He asked, “Why were Edward and Jose not accepted into the inner circle?” Lailah replied, “They were tasked to manage the external disciples. Hence, they are not in the inner circle. However, their status is in no way lower than inner disciples like me. You should respect them.” She paused for a while mid-speech. Then, she concluded, “All right, that's enough. You should be on your way.” ‘With that, she turned around and returned to Divine Realm headquarters.

Jonathan and the others got onto the Bentley.

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Elijah was the youngest of them all. Hence, he offered to drive.

It was freezing, and snowflakes danced around in the air.

Everyone felt much warmer after getting into the car.

The Bentley provided a very comfortable ride. It cruised through the roads smoothly and steadily.

Moreover, it was very spacious in the car.

They did not feel squished together at all once they got on.

Once they were on their way, Jonathan took a deep breath.

He said in a formal manner, “Thank you, Simon, Lesley, and Elijah. If it hadn't been for you three, Catherine and | wouldn't have been able to hang in there until Lailah arrived. Thank you for saving both of us.” “Don't worry about it, Jonathan. We're all friends here,” Lesley answered rather awkwardly.

Simon merely stared at Jonathan with a cold expression.

The latter felt rather uncomfortable.

Simon said coldly, “If you say such things again, | will throw you out of the car.” Jonathan was stunned for a second. Then, he had a fuzzy feeling in his chest.

Simon continued, “Although we didn't fight Lucio today, we had already stopped worrying about our own lives the moment we came to save you. We are friends. Friends don't need to thank each other. We help each other naturally without asking for gratitude or repayment.” Jonathan was touched. He laughed aloud and said, “Sure. | won't say such things anymore.” Elijah, who was driving, chuckled as well. “Simon, we thought you were scary before. However, we saw how cool you were against Lucio today. Everyone, | have a suggestion. Would you like to hear it?” “Say it!” Simon stated brashly.

Everyone was used to his temper. They did not feel uneasy because of it. Instead, they found it endearing.

“I suggest that we become sworn siblings. What do you all think?” “What do you all think?” Simon repeated, glancing at everyone.

“I think it is a good idea,” replied Lesley.

Jonathan was excited about the idea as well. “I'm an orphan without any siblings. | will feel blessed to have you all as sworn siblings.” Naturally, Catherine agreed with him.

“Great! Let's do the ritual once we reach the hotel,” Simon concluded.

An hour later, they settled into the presidential suite at Griffin Hotel in Lostaria.

All of them held a glass of wine in front of them.

The ritual was done in a simplified manner without completely adhering to tradition.

Nonetheless, their hearts were sincere.

Simon announced, “I swear to become siblings with everyone else present here today. In the future, we will stay united through thick and thin. May | be ripped to shreds and never rest in peace if | ever do anything to betray my sworn siblings!”

Lesley repeated after him.

Then, everyone else followed suit.

After taking the oath, they downed the wine.

After completing the ritual to become sworn siblings, they started telling each other their ages.

At the age of thirty-one, Simon was the eldest among them.

He was also the most decisive one; hence, he was truly like the leader of the pack.

The second eldest was Lesley who was twenty-eight years old.

Jonathan was twenty-four years old while Elijah was twenty-three years old.

The youngest was Catherine.

They became sworn siblings impulsively, without realizing how impactful this pact of theirs would become in the future, during the Great Tribulation.

Simon, Lesley, and Jonathan would go on to become

legends - Celestial King, Simon; Wrathful King, Lesley; and Protector King, Jonathan.

But of course, that was a story for another time.

Elijah suggested that they went out to celebrate becoming sworn siblings.

However, it was hard to find a nice bar in Lostaria. “There's a Chanaentown nearby. Let's head there,” suggested Lesley.

That night, they went to Chanaentown for a drink. They could all hold their liquor very well and drank to their hearts" content, except for Catherine because she was the designated driver. Contents belong to Drama.Org It seemed like men loved to gourmandize and quaff whenever they hung out.

That night, everybody was happy and grateful. They felt lucky to have each other as sworn siblings.

When it was one o'clock in the morning, they began to feel tipsy.

Catherine sat aside quietly and patiently as she observed them enjoying their booze.

Upon seeing that, Simon said to Jonathan teasingly, “Catherine is shy, but she is a good lady. Jonathan, you must cherish her.” Jonathan revealed a faint smile. “No worries, Simon. | certainly will.” Catherine, who had not been talking much, suddenly raised

her glass and said to Simon, “Simon, here is a toast from me to you.” Simon froze for a second before bursting out laughing in response.

Awhile later, everyone decided to call it a day as they hopped in the Bentley. Catherine drove them back to the hotel.

The night view in Lostaria was glorious and splendid.

On the way back to the hotel, snow was drifting.

Jonathan sat in the passenger seat. He was feeling good, albeit a little dizzy. Overall, he was untroubled.

The most enjoyable thing for drinkers like him was the intoxication. When that happened, they could say whatever they wanted with little concern about what others might think of them.

As Catherine drove on, snowflakes sprinkled on the windshield under the gleam of the streetlights.

Jonathan turned to the backseat and saw that three men

had already passed out. They were sitting in amusing positions.

He could not help but smile before turning to Catherine.

Catherine felt his gaze and turned to look at him, only to find herself staring into a pair of tranquil and limpid eyes.

Shortly after that, Catherine shifted her focus back onto the road.

Jonathan curled his lips again. A gratified feeling aroused inside him.

Although Lucio, Jeremy, and Edward are threatening to me, I'm not afraid of them anymore because | know I'm not alone.

Jonathan admired the drifting snow through the window. He also noticed many Christmas embellishments on the windows of shops along the streets.

In Lostaria, Christmas was an important day. Its significance could be considered to be at par with New Year's Day in Chanaea.

Christmas had already been over about ten days ago, but the atmosphere on the streets remained be festive and lively.

Bang! All of a sudden, there was an accident.

Catherine slammed on the brakes when a man came out of nowhere and crashed with the car.

She saw the man tumble to the ground as though the car had just hit him.

The men in the back jolted awake. The sudden stop had thrown them out of their seats. When they got back to their senses, they asked in unison, “What happened?” “I didn't hit him. He just ran into the car,” said Catherine to Jonathan. Her countenance remained unperturbed.

Initially, Jonathan thought Catherine had been careless.

However, it was rather odd to hear her say that.

“I'l go take a look.” Without further ado, Jonathan pushed the door open and got out of the car. He saw a man in his

thirties sitting on the ground, moaning in pain.

The man, a Smealander, was wearing a leather jacket. He had a crew cut. There was a hint of imperceptible guile in his eyes.

“Are you all right?” Jonathan asked in fluent Ustranasian.

The Smealander looked up at Jonathan and complained in Ustranasian with a Lostaria accent, “What do you think? | think my tailbone is shattered.” He paused a moment before continuing, “Damn you, Chanaean. You should be careful when you drive.” Jonathan was a clever man. He realized the Smealander was a fraudster who had staged the accident.

No matter where | go, there'll always be hooligans and crooks. Now, | have finally bumped into a crash- for-cash scammer.

Jonathan smiled and said, “Well, buddy. It's pretty cold in the middle of the night, so I'll give you one hundred for your good play. Quit messing with me.”

With that said, Jonathan took out a few banknotes from his wallet and gave them to the Smealander.

The Smealander hurriedly took the money from Jonathan before putting the cash into his pocket. Greed flashed in his eyes. Then, he caught a whiff of alcohol. He thought Jonathan had compromised without hesitation because the latter was guilty. The fraudster said to Jonathan, “I see. You just drove under the influence and hit me. Corrupted Chanaeans are born rotten. Our land of Lostaria has been befouled by Chanaeans like you. You'll be detained for one hundred days if | call the police now.” Upon hearing that, Jonathan frowned in annoyance. After a moment of silence, he laughed. “Do you really think so highly of yourself? Do you think you can mock us like that? You've just scammed us, yet you're the one calling us Chanaeans corrupted? Who's the corrupted one, exactly?” Jonathan stopped being polite because refused to tolerate ridicule.

The Smealander's face darkened when he heard what

Jonathan had said. Boiling with anger, he stood up and shot a glare at Jonathan. “Chanaean bastard, what did you just say?” Jonathan laughed again and replied, “What? Can't | speak for my people now? Do you think your kind is superior to us?” The Smealander said, “Of course we are. Otherwise, why are Chanaeans so desperate to migrate or send their kids to Anglandur with their money? Because of that, Lostaria is already polluted by those Chanaean bastards like you. You should never come to Anglandur if you think your country is better than ours.” When Jonathan was about to fight back, Elijah suddenly darted forward and snarled, “F*ck! | can't take this anymore! Jonathan, there's no need to reason with him. He is not worthy! Let me teach him a lesson!” Elijah's proficiency in Ustranian was quite good because of his family background.

With that said, Elijah walked to the man and asked coldly,

“What did you call us just now?” The Smealander showed no sign of fear. He sneered, “Oh, what do we have here? What are you going to do to a victim? So what if | just called you a Chanaean bastard?” Elijah threw a fit and spat a mouthful of spittle squarely on the Smealander's face before giving him a slap.

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Instantly, the Smealander's left cheek became swollen instantly. Blood trickled down his lips. The powerful slap even knocked out one of his teeth.

Elijah said, “Look! This is how a victim looks like. Get it? You asked for it.” Infuriated, the Smealander was about to strike back.

However, Elijah kicked him to the ground before the fraudster could make a move.

Next, Elijah stepped on the Smealander's head and asked, “Surrender?” The Smealander was unable to think properly after receiving the second blow. When Elijah stepped harder, the

excruciating pain brought the fraudster back to his senses and made him beg for mercy. “Surrender! | surrender now!” “Tell me. Who is the bastard now?" Elijah asked.

“I-l am!” the Smealander replied.

Elijah said again, “I can't hear you.” “I'm the bastard!” the Smealander cried out.

Elijah smiled contentedly before giving the man a kick.

“Scram!” The Smealander hurriedly stood up and fled the scene.

Elijah turned to Jonathan and said, “See, Jonathan. To treat ‘someone like him, you got to show them your true color.” Jonathan rubbed his nose helplessly and patted Elijah on the shoulder. He said, “Sometimes, the pen is mightier than the sword.” Elijah rubbed his head. “What do you mean?” At last, the farce was over.

As for that Smealander, he would have had a pleasant

night if it had not for his greed and uncouth behavior.

Afterward, Jonathan and Elijah got into the car. Catherine drove on.

However, one bad thing seemed to lead to another.

‘When Jonathan thought everything was over, several police cars with blaring sirens appeared head-on twenty minutes later, forcing Catherine to pull the Bentley over.

A dozen police officers quickly got out of the car. They pulled out their guns and besieged the Bentley as if they were arresting some kind of international criminal.

“Everyone, get out of the car now! Hands above your head, and get down!” a chubby officer barked. At the same time, the Smealander who had received a beating from Elijah showed up and said, “They were drunk driving, officer. They even beat me.” Jonathan and the others got out of the car, but they did not raise their hands as the police officer had demanded.

At that point, Simon was already completely sober. He

instructed Elijah and Lesley, “Take all their guns away.

Then, we talk.” Elijah and Lesley nodded before making their move at lightning speed.

In a blink of the eye, they snatched the guns away before the police officers could even respond.

They managed to collect ten guns.

When the police officers realized what had happened, their faces were drained of color.

Simon walked towards the chubby officer. The move sent a shiver down the latter's spine.

Meanwhile, the Smealander hurriedly hid in the back upon realizing that he had messed with the wrong people.

With a cold gaze, Simon said to the chubby officer, “Can you tell us what we have done wrong?” The chubby officer took a deep breath and composed himself. “Someone reported you for drunk driving.” Simon said, “We did drink, but driver didn't. Is there any law

in Losteria that forbids a drunken person from riding in a car?” “N-No!" the chubby officer answered, his voice shaking.

Simon said, “Nevertheless, we shall prove our innocence.

Ask your men to check the driver. She hasn't made a single move.” The chubby officer heeded Simon. He ordered his subordinates to carry out a test on Catherine.

The breathalyzer showed that Catherine's blood alcohol concentration was indeed low.

“Can we go now?” asked Simon sternly.

“Yes! Of course!” the chubby officer hurriedly replied.

It only then did Simon ask Lesley to return the guns to the police officers.

After the chubby officer got back his gun, he turned to the Smealander. “Arrest him now!” The police squad left soon after that. Simon turned around

and got into the car.

The way he solved the matter was simple and crude yet effective.

Elijah would have done the same.

On the other hand, Jonathan was a rather forbearing person. He would tried to reason first. Then, when the other party managed to tick him off, he would go for a brutal approach, just like the time when he beat up Bethany, and another time when he assigned Kieran to taunt Leonardo.

Jonathan was the last to get into the car.

Catherine started the Bentley and sped off to Griffin Hotel.

Once they arrived at the hotel, Catherine passed the car key to a guard before she walked toward the lobby with the others.

It was then that they noticed something strange.