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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 201
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Infinite mana! Jonathan's heart began to beat with excitement, for he too wanted to become someone with infinite mana.

‘When he was a child, he had read the fairytale where the Great Sage was capable of traveling at breakneck speed. It was a skill that he had always admired.

After he was all grown up and realized that there was no such thing as mana, he naturally dropped the idea.

However, now that Mabel claimed that achieving infinite mana was possible, Jonathan began to give it some thought.

“Door of Enlightenment, Door of Enlightenment,” he mumbled.

Mabel clarified, “It isn't easy opening the Door of Enlightenment, as the path of cultivation gets increasingly difficult down the road. Your current attempt at achieving Celestial Soul is already close to impossible, let alone crossing the gulf between Celestial Soul and the Door of

Enlightenment.” Jonathan, cognizant of the challenges that came with Celestial Soul, concurred with Mabel's explanation.

Mabel added, “Both Celestial Soul and Door of Enlightenment needs to be supported by a huge amount of elixir pills. In order to open the Door of Enlightenment, it's necessary to ensure one's cells and muscle composition have evolved to their peak condition. Only then will the additional nutrients flow into the brain and begin to develop it.” Jonathan inquired, “Since elixir pills are so important, why doesn't everyone go into alchemy? Is it because only Divine Realm is capable of making them?” Mabel explained, “Divine Realm isn't the only one who knows how to make them. There are plenty of other reclusive clans and foreign factions who have their own alchemy methods.” After a brief pause, she continued, “Alchemy is such a difficult field that it's impossible for an individual to do it alone. Firstly, you need a specialized

vessel with spells carved onto it by a master from The Destino. Some of the spells are used to control the intensity of the fire, while others are used to filter out unwanted ingredients. Using Divine Realm's Luminary Vessel as an example, it's considered a magical treasure from ancient times. It weighs three thousand six hundred pounds and has a hundred and thirty-six spells carved onto it. Every single one of them was done so in exquisite detail. That's the reason why the elixir pills produced by Divine Realm are of such high quality.” She added, “Furthermore, just having the vessel alone isn't enough. It's also essential to have an alchemist who is proficient in controlling the temperature and familiar with the timing for adding individual ingredients. And yet, these two factors are not even the most difficult part of the process. Do you know was it is?” Jonathan replied candidly, “No, | don't.” Mabel elaborated, “The ingredients, you fool! Do you think alchemy produces elixir pills out of thin air? What do you think the Divine Realm mission board is for? It's a list of

ingredients and ancient magical relics left all across the world, waiting to be collected. Other than just herbs, there are many other kinds of ingredients used in alchemy. Some elixir pills require the energy of the five elements which is hidden in certain magical treasures. These include energy hidden within the earth and energy derived from fire. So, how did Divine Realm become so powerful? Firstly, they have a large array of elixir pills and employ an army of alchemists to produce them. Secondly, their huge financial resources allow them to employ experts to obtain all the ingredients they need. Therefore, this virtuous cycle enables them to grow from strength to strength. Now tell me, how is an ordinary person capable of building such massive production machinery?” At that moment, Jonathan had an epiphany.

He suddenly understood that underneath the Divine Realm's glorious facade, all the elites were serving just one man—the Divine Emperor.

He needed the public's faith to increase his mana and their help to collect the necessary ingredients.

At his stage, low-grade elixir pills were not needed anymore. Thus, they were given out as payment for the services of others.

Once the men had completed their dangerous missions, the treasures that they retrieved could then be used to create high-grade Immortal Pills.

Despite Jonathan's knowledge of the fact, he realized he had no choice but to go along with the rules.

After all, even if he had obtained a rare and powerful ingredient, it was useless to him if he couldn't refine it into an elixir pill.

The biggest advantage Divine Realm had was its possession of an alchemy furnace.

In addition, it also had the manpower and facilities to produce elixir pills on an industrial scale.

Jonathan commented in resignation, “Just as expected, everything in the world works on the same principle. The Divine Realm functions just like a factory, while we are

essentially its workers. All this is just happening by another name, that's all.” After chatting about something else with Jonathan, Mabel inquired, “So, what are your plans now?” Jonathan answered, “Lucio isn't going to stop, while there's also the threat of Jeremy. The politics within Divine Realm is extremely complicated considering both of them belong to Oswald's faction. In fact, | don't even dare take on any missions now, for it would be troublesome if they were to get involved. Furthermore, | can't allow Simon and the others to join in. Once | have more men on my side, Lucio, too, would gather more men on his, which would be detrimental for us, as we're still no match for them.” As Jonathan had described the conflict between different factions earlier, Mabel had an idea of what was going on.

Thus, she commented, “Don't you have your own faction too?” Smiling wryly, Jonathan explained, “Our status within the faction is not even worth mentioning. Thus, how can we ‘even rely on them for help?”

Mabel remarked, “Actually, there's no need for you to overcomplicate matters, as the few different factions have not fallen out with one another. Besides, with Divine Emperor still in charge, Oswald's faction won't allow Lucio to escalate the situation.” Briefly stunned, Jonathan replied, “You do have a point. I'l try to think of a plan.” Mabel added, “Okay. Let me know if you need any help.” “Sure!” With that, both of them ended the call, causing silence to descend upon the room.

Subsequently, Jonathan was in no mood to continue training. After doing so for the entire day, he felt he had done enough.

Walking up to the full-length windows, he drew the curtains aside and proceeded to open the windows.

The moment he did, a mixture of wind and snow instantly blew into the room, which was previously kept exceedingly

warm by the heater.

Considering that he was on the thirtieth floor, Jonathan could see the entire Lostaria skyline.

The sight of countless skyscrapers in front of him reminded him of many blockbusters from Anglandur. In those movies, the unlucky residents of Lostaria would encounter all sorts of disasters including alien invasions, attacks by giant monsters, a mad scientist threatening to blow the planet up, or even an approaching hurricane.

Their lives would constantly be under threat.

With that thought in mind, Jonathan smiled in amusement.

Despite being embroiled in a crisis, he was still letting his imagination run wild.

Living in a group recently had caused him to suddenly miss the days he was single.

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Hence, he decided to go to Chanaentown to find a barbeque stall where he could have a beer and grilled skewers in the chilly weather. That was certainly something

that would cheer him up.

Holding that thought, he left his room to act upon his urge but didn't invite Simon to go with him.

Soon, when Jonathan left the hotel and stepped out into the snow, the shimmering lights of Lostaria's streets made for a beautiful and glorious sight.

This time, his car was not available, as Catherine had taken the Bentley.

Thus, hailing a taxi was his only choice.

After straightening his black coat, he walked up to the street.

It was then that he heard a cheerful voice. “Mister!” someone called out in Ustranasian.

Turning around to look, Jonathan realized it was the Smealander girl from the previous day.

She was dressed in a cheap leather jacket and looked a lot warmer than before.

Holding a small umbrella above her head, she was visibly

delighted to see him.

Jonathan, surprised by the encounter, knelt down before asking with a gentle smile. “Little girl, do you need more money?” No sooner had he spoken than he proceeded to take some out.

No matter what, she's still at the age where she deserves to be pampered by her parents. Unfortunately, the fact that she is roaming the streets indicates the dire circumstances she's in.

As money was just a number to Jonathan, he was more than happy to help.

Even back at home, he would frequently donate to the old beggars he encountered. After all, he pitied them for still having to beg despite the fact that their days were numbered.

Obviously, he had no sympathy for those who had gotten rich from begging or child beggars who were controlled by syndicates.

Giving them money was the equivalent of inflicting harm upon them. When beggar syndicates realized how lucrative their businesses were, they would prey on more children instead. Conversely, they would stop their practice once it was no longer profitable.

Sometimes, when Jonathan ran into a university band performing on the streets, he would be happy to give them a donation, too.

He felt that they were living the youth he wanted but never had the opportunity to experience.

All those matters aside, the young Smealander girl waved her hand and explained, “No, mister. | didn't come to ask you for money. The amount you gave yesterday is enough to feed us for half a year.” Jonathan was slightly taken aback.

The Smealander girl continued, “My name is Alicia, mister.

I've been waiting here for you the entire day.” Hearing her words, Jonathan gave her a curious look.

Alicia looked to be around five, and her jewel-like eyes were filled with innocence. Just like that, she stared intently at Jonathan, who broke into a slight smile and inquired, “Why were you waiting for me then?” Alicia explained, “Mister, my sick elder sister wants to meet you. Is that okay?” Hesitation briefly gripped Jonathan, for he didn't want to stick his nose into someone else's business. Nonetheless, when he saw the pleading look on Alicia's face and the anticipation in her eyes, he couldn't bring himself to turn her down.

Grinning, he replied, “Of course.” Even though he knew agreeing to meet might bring about a lot of trouble, his conscience didn't allow him to do otherwise.

Upon Jonathan's agreement, Alicia couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

She quickly suggested, “Mister, I'll take you there right

away.” However, Jonathan replied, “Wait.” Just as he spoke, he held Alicia's hand. “I need to purchase some things first.” Subsequently, he led her to the bakery opposite and bought bread and sweet rolls. After that, he found a place nearby to buy fruits before hailing a taxi.

Upon getting in, Alicia told the driver the address, and off they went.

She and her sister lived in the projects, which was a form of rent-free government housing for the poor. In addition, they would also receive monthly social welfare payments.

What a pitiful girl. Given how young she is, she has probably lost her parents, whereas her sister is sick in the hospital. if not for that, she wouldn't have to beg in the freezing weather.

The projects Alicia lived in were located in a remote area that was surrounded by old and cheap housing.

It was a two-story building that looked similar to an attic.

Alicia's home, located on the first floor, only had a hall and a single bedroom. The kitchen, located within the living room, caused the entire place to appear dark and messy.

With no lights on, Jonathan felt that the inside was colder than the outside the moment he entered. In fact, he even detected a musty smell in the air.

Alicia then led him to the bedroom where he was caught by surprise—Alicia’s sister was fair-skinned.

She looked around twenty-five and was gorgeous.

Nonetheless, it was clear that her condition was dire.

Lying in bed with her eyes shut, she was covered by layers of thick blankets. She subsequently opened her eyes upon hearing Alicia gently calling out to her.

Only then did Jonathan notice that her eyes were striking blue.

Alicia's sister tried to sit up, but it was clearly a laborious task for her.

Alicia, despite her best efforts, wasn't strong enough to help.

Jonathan quickly remarked, “That's okay. You don't have to situp.” Nevertheless, when Alicia's sister insisted, Jonathan proceeded to help her up.

Looking at him, she murmured weakly, “Mister, thank you for your generosity toward Alicia.” Jonathan replied with a smile, “It's no big deal. Besides, Alicia is really adorable.” The sister continued, “I'm Lucille. May | know how to address you?” “I'm Jonathan. Jonathan Lawson.” “Thank you for taking the trouble to come all the way here.” Smiling faintly, Jonathan replied, “It's no trouble at all.” After

a brief pause, he continued, “Ms. Lucille, your condition seems to be serious. Why don't | send you to the hospital?” After coughing slightly, Lucille waved her hand and mustered all her strength to reply, “It's fine, Mr. Lawson. | appreciate the kind thought. However, I've no illusions about my condition. It's a disease that runs in the family, where none of us can live past thirty.” Jonathan was surprised to hear that it was a hereditary disease.

Lucille continued, “We are part of the Dougal family and our elders have always said that our blood contains the bloodline of vampires. As humans, we're incapable of bearing the weight of the bloodline, hence none of us ever lived past thirty.” She paused and broke into a faint smile before continuing, “Having said that, it doesn't matter anymore for | am the last of our family. Once I'm gone, my family's line will end with me.” Jonathan couldn't help but ask, “What about Alicia?”

“l adopted her. She's not a member of the Dougals.” Upon a sudden realization, Jonathan remarked, “I understand what you want now. You're hoping that | can take Alicia in once you're gone, is that right?” Lucille nodded. “Considering how young she is, | can't bear to leave her alone.” A wry smile descended on Jonathan's face. “I'm afraid | won't be able to keep Alicia by my side, as | don't even have a permanent place of my own. However, | can place her with a friend of mine.” Lucille's eyes lit up in delight, but she quickly grew concerned. “Is your friend reliable?” “I wouldn't do so otherwise.” “In that case, thank you.” “Don't mention it. Considering how much you care for Alicia's future despite being on your deathbed, this is the least | can do to help.” “Mr. Lawson, | don't know how | can ever repay your

kindness.” “Just focus on taking care of yourself. Stop overthinking for the time being.” Nevertheless, the trembling Lucille pulled something that looked like an ancient black pendant out of her blanket. “Mr.

Lawson, this is a family heirloom of the Dougal family—the Lunar Pendant. Since it's a treasure that has been handed down for generations, there might be something special about it that I'm just not aware of. Hence, please take this as a token of my gratitude.” Jonathan didn't look at it, for he couldn't accept the Lunar Pendant regardless of precious it was. Instead, he replied, “Ms. Lucille, you should give it to Alicia. At the very least, she would have something to remember you by. Anyway, don't worry about her. I'll definitely make the appropriate arrangements to ensure she has a comfortable life.” However, Lucille shook her head repeatedly. “No, no, no!" She protested in a breathless voice. “Previously, there were many powerful warriors who tried to seize it from us. The Lunar Pendant is precisely the reason why our family has

fallen into such dire circumstances. | can tell that you're ‘someone with high levels of cultivation. Thus, it might be of use to you. No matter what, the pendant shouldn't be in Alicia's hands. If you really feel that it is a burden, you can choose to dispose of it.” Jolted slightly by her words, Jonathan extended his hand to accept the Lunar Pendant.

An elated glint subsequently flashed across Lucille's eyes.

The moment the Lunar Pendant touched his hand, Jonathan felt an icy sensation channel rapidly through his body before rushing to fill his brain.

The refreshing feeling brought a sense of peace into his mind.

What a treasure this is! Although Jonathan had no idea what it could be used for, he was certain he was holding onto something special. “All right then, I'll accept it,” he finally agreed.

Lucille let out a long sigh before flashing a sudden smile,

one that was beautiful yet desolate at the same time.

She remarked, “I can rest in peace now.” No sooner had she spoken than her head drooped to the side after she breathed her last.

She was still at the peak of her youth, but her life had already come to an end.

In that instant, the stunned Jonathan suddenly realized how fragile life was.

Alicia, in tears over Lucille's death, held the latter's hand and called out to her repeatedly.

That very night, Jonathan sent Lucille's corpse to one of Lostaria's funeral homes.

‘When Catherine called him upon returning, he told her that he was busy and they needn't be worried.

Catherine, who had faith in Jonathan, didn't feel the need to inquire any further as she ended the call.

Meanwhile, it wasn't a smooth process to get Lucille's body cremated. After all, Jonathan was a Chanaean, whereas

Lucille was still a young lady.

At five in the morning, a group of police officers arrived to question him as part of their investigations.

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Their intentions outraged Jonathan. Where were you when she was alive? Instead of providing any help back then, you now come here pretending to be on the side of justice? The police ignored Jonathan's indignance, for they just couldn't tolerate a Chanaean flaring his temper at them.

In the end, he had to reveal his identity as a member of Divine Realm.

To his surprise, the revelation served its purpose well, as the officers’ attitude improved significantly.

Given that nothing was suspicious about the case, especially after verifying Lucille's disease as hereditary, the police officer even expressed his gratitude to Jonathan for the latter's kind act.

It was then that Jonathan informed the officer regarding his promise to Lucille about caring for Alicia. After all, he had

hoped to bring Alicia back to Chanaea with him.

The officer's original intention was to send Alicia to the orphanage. Nevertheless, upon hearing that Jonathan was willing to take her in, he commented, “Mr. Lawson, raising a child is a huge undertaking. | hope that you have given it due consideration.” Jonathan answered, “I understand. I'll carry out my responsibility to the best of my abilities.” “Since this is Ms. Lucille's last wish, I'll help you get the paperwork done. However, the formalities of settling Alicia down in Chanaea might be a little complicated.” “I'll take care of it.” Initially, Jonathan could have given Alicia some money and sent her to a reputable orphanage.

Nonetheless, accepting the Lunar Pendant from Lucille made him feel guilty to choose that option.

The next afternoon, Lucille was finally buried.

That same evening, Jonathan took Alicia back to the hotel.

The little girl regarded Catherine warily when they first met.

Jonathan introduced them. “Alicia, this is Ms. Catherine.” Alicia greeted her in Ustranasian, “Ms. Catherine.” Catherine gave Alicia an emotionless glance before looking at Jonathan curiously.

The latter instructed Alicia, “Stay here for a moment, as Catherine and | need to speak in private.” After Alicia nodded, Jonathan went to the next room with Catherine in tow.

After hearing Jonathan relate everything, she asked, “What are you—" “I hope that you can take her back home and raise her. She can also keep Grandpa company there. Once she's older, I'll send her back here to Lostaria for her studies. So, what do you think?” “I'm okay with it!" “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” Her expression was just as cold as before. However, she wasn't being unfriendly on purpose.

That was just her inherent nature.

After that, Jonathan had to explain Catherine's character to Alicia. Even though he failed to reassure Alicia, that was the best he could do.

That night, Alicia slept on the couch. He didn't let her sleep with him and Catherine, for they essentially barely knew each other still.

Conversely, he didn't send her to sleep in a different room, as doing so would be too cruel for someone who had just lost her sister. In the end, the couch seemed to be the best ‘compromise.

Naturally, the couch within the presidential suite was luxurious. Hence, it was by no means a mistreatment of Alicia in any way.

The next morning, Jonathan brought Alicia along for breakfast. After getting her to acknowledge Simon and the others as her godfathers, he got Elijah to take her shopping

for clothes.

This was his way of showing his concern for her. Given that those men weren't ordinary folk, acknowledging them as her godfathers would do her a lot of good.

After breakfast, Jonathan sent Alicia back to the room before he unveiled the Lunar Pendant in front of everyone.

“Alicia's sister gave this to me. Simon, why don't you examine it?” Although he recognized how precious the Lunar Pendant was as a treasure, Jonathan would never hide anything from his friends.

Atter receiving the pendant and holding it in his hand, Simon's expression turned grim. A short while later, he handed it to Lesley who was sitting next to him.

“What's wrong, Simon?” Jonathan asked.

Simon replied, “I can't really tell what the pendant can do, but it's undeniably a rare treasure. After the good deed that you have done, obtaining this pendant is well-deserved.

Since fate has brought it to you, you had better take good care of it. Perhaps it will become useful one day.”

Lesley, too, found the Lunar Pendant to be strangely mysterious. Nodding in agreement, he passed it on to Elijah, who naturally couldn't provide more color on the object.

In the end, he returned it to Jonathan who hung it around his neck.

As for what their plan was going forward, they had yet to come to a decision. Since they weren't in a hurry, they continued to stay where they were.

Subsequently, when Jonathan ordered Elijah to take Alicia shopping for clothes, Lesley expressed his interest in joining them.

He said, “Don't forget that I'm Alicia's godfather too!”