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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 271
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The moment the aircraft dropped to a specific altitude, Jonathan landed on the yacht's deck using a rope ladder.

The yacht was not big; its indoor area was only less than fifty square meters.

Since the deck was empty, Jonathan quickly scanned the area and sensed that Briana was inside.

Jonathan kept in touch with the pilot of the aircraft, informing the latter of his plan, which was to swiftly capture Briana and take her away with the aircraft.

Thanks to the navigation lights on the deck, the area was brightly lit. Jonathan also noticed the interior was brightly lit as he peered in from the corridor.

Just as he had quickly made his way to the corridor, something unexpected happened.

The pilot's voice traveled through Jonathan's headset.

“Mr. Lawson, there's something wrong with the helicopters fuel system. | have to turn back now.” The news shocked Jonathan. Before he could even utter a

single word, the aircraft had turned around.

F*ck! What bullsh*t is this? Jonathan was rendered speechless.

Immediately after that, another shocking event happened.

The aircraft abruptly exploded, forming sparks in the air like fireworks.

It exploded.

Jonathan froze, concerned about the pilot's well-being. He did not know if the latter had managed to flee the helicopter in time.

Jonathan felt conflicted at that moment.

He wanted to help the pilot that could have jumped off the helicopter. However, Jonathan knew that if he did that, his fate would be no different from the pilot's if the yacht drove off. Moreover, it would be harder for him to look for the pilot after jumping into the water.

Hence, Jonathan figured he had to first take control of the yacht in order to save the pilot. The yacht was the priority.

Without any hesitation, Jonathan ran to the cockpit, moving as light as a feather.

What puzzled him was that not a single crew—including Briana—came out to check on the situation when such a major explosion happened outside.

Regardless, he did not have time to ponder on it. Soon, he arrived outside the cockpit.

It was brightly lit, and the door was tightly shut.

With a bang, Jonathan forced the door open, giving the two ship pilots inside the shock of their lives with his sudden appearance.

Swiftly, Jonathan knocked out one person and said to the other, “Do as | say, or you'll suffer the consequences.” Scared out of his wits, the man nodded immediately.

Jonathan asked, “What's your name?” “T-Tate Simpson.” “Very well, Tate. Head toward the southeast. Hurry.”

Tate hurriedly responded and got busy.

After that, Jonathan rushed out of the cockpit and arrived at the deck with two lifebuoys in his hand, glancing around the water.

Nonetheless, it was useless, for the water was pitch black.

Noting that, Jonathan returned to the cockpit to get a flashlight.

Meanwhile, the yacht sped toward the location where the accident happened.

Not long after, it arrived at the area.

Wrecks of the helicopter and a layer of fuel floated on the water.

Jonathan yelled, “Dante! Dante!” The pilot's name was Dante Thunder.

It was only after Jonathan yelled a few more times that he finally heard a weak voice responding. Immediately, he scanned the water and spotted Dante.

Dante was severely injured, and he was doing his best to keep himself afloat.

Seeing that, Jonathan first threw a lifebuoy into the water.

Just as he was about to jump in, he had second thoughts about it. What if Tate drives off the moment | jump in? | can't possibly catch up to the yacht by swimming.

At that, Jonathan shouted, “Hold on for a bit, Dante!” Thanks to the lifebuoy, Dante could relax a little.

In the meantime, Jonathan ran to the cockpit, brought Tate to the deck, and placed the lifebuoy over him. Pointing at Dante, he yelled, “Please save my friend. Please!” With that, he pushed Tate into the water.

The sudden turn of events made Tate shriek in surprise.

However, he quickly came to his senses and went to rescue Dante.

Ten minutes later, Tate was finally pulling Dante out of the water.

Both of them were completely drenched.

After placing Dante on the deck, Jonathan began examining the former's wound.

It was no doubt a severe injury, for a piece of debris from the helicopter had pierced into Dante's thigh.

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‘With that, Jonathan said to Tate, “Get me a first aid kit now.” Tate knew what Jonathan was capable of. Not daring to disobey the latter, Tate gave a brief response before turning to leave.

It did not take long for him to return with a first aid kit. Upon receiving it, Jonathan took out the bandages, rubbing alcohol, scissors, and other equipment he needed to deal with Dante's wound.

‘When Jonathan was done gathering all of the items he needed, he professionally snipped off a section of the pants around Dante's wound. With clean and swift movements, he removed the debris from the flesh.

Following that, he pressed a piece of cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol onto the wound.

Within seconds, the cotton ball was already stained red with blood.

The bleeding did not stop until Jonathan changed the cotton ball several times.

It was such a tormenting process that Dante clenched his teeth to endure the pain.

Subsequently, Jonathan cleaned the area around the wound using rubbing alcohol before wrapping it up with cotton and bandages.

All right. It's done.

Jonathan had picked up first aid skills when he was battling abroad.

In fact, he had even pulled out poison darts and dealt with bullet wounds for himself.

Once Jonathan was done bandaging Dante's wound, he helped the latter up and said to Tate, “Drive the yacht toward Horington. That woman on your yacht is a criminal, and I'm going to take her back to be arrested. You can

make a police report if you want.” Tate was befuddled, but he did not dare to disobey Jonathan's orders. “Got it.” Meanwhile, Jonathan could not help but find the situation odd. How is Briana able to stay in there all this time? Regardless, Jonathan was not worried that Briana would run away.

There was nowhere for her to run, after all.

While holding Dante, Jonathan walked along the corridor and finally arrived outside a room.

The door was tightly shut, and the interior was exceedingly bright.

With a kick, Jonathan sent the door flying open, bringing the living room into view. Inside was a table with wine, steak, fresh flowers, and fruits on it.

As for Briana, she was sitting by the table in traditional wedding attire.

It was quite an eerie sight. Even a brave person like Jonathan was startled by what he saw.

Is she a ghost bride? For some reason, he recalled a scary story he had heard in the past.

Nonetheless, being the bold person he was, he still cussed out, albeit noticing something was amiss, “B*tch, why are you dressed like that? Are you trying to scare me?” Right then, Briana turned around to look at him, revealing her ghostly pale face and lips covered in red lipstick.

Flashing him an eerie smile, she said, “You're here.” Her tone sounded natural, as if she was greeting the husband she had been married to for decades.

Jonathan paid no attention to her. Instead, he quickly placed Dante on the bed in one of the rooms before saying, “Dry yourself here for a bit. I'l go out to deal with some matters.”

Dante was extremely grateful to Jonathan.

After all, Jonathan was extremely attentive to him, even in the face of danger.

Indeed, misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.

Dante forced a smile and nodded. “I'll be fine, Mr. Lawson.

Don't worry and go ahead with your matters.” “All right.” With that, Jonathan shut the door and went to the living room.

“Briana!” he called out as he sat opposite her. At first, he wanted to drink some of the wine, but he quickly changed his mind. Who knows? Maybe Briana did something to it.

It'll be humiliating if my blood that was changed by the Supreme Nascent Pill can't handle the consequences.

He decided it was better to be safe than sorry.

It was a principle he observed strictly.

Glancing at Briana, Jonathan said, “Briana, | don't know what your purpose is for dressing up like that here, nor do | want to use violence against you. Just give me the prismatic crystal now, and you can do whatever you want

after that.” Suddenly, Briana flashed him an idiotic smile. “You're already dead. Why do you still want the prismatic crystal for?” Jonathan instantly felt goosebumps all over his body, and he cursed, “F*ck!” Briana continued, “Didn't you find it odd that no one came out to look when the helicopter exploded just now?” Jonathan's heart sank. “What do you mean?” “See? You keep deceiving yourself, and you're still doing that even when you're dead. You just refuse to believe it.” Jonathan simply glared at Briana, who returned his glare.

All of a sudden, Jonathan laughed out loud, and a cold glint fleeted across his eyes. “Briana, you were still a kid when | started killing people in Smealand. Are you really trying to trick me with such childish moves? Tsk. You're being too naive.”

Briana merely picked up a glass of wine and took a sip from it without saying anything.

“I'm going to say this for the last time. Give me the prismatic crystal. | don't want to be violent with you. | might not be someone who hits women, but that doesn't mean | can keep being patient with you,” Jonathan warned.

“Do you believe Orcus exists?” Briana asked, sidestepping Jonathan's demands.

Jonathan froze for a moment as he recalled Otto's words before the latter died. The messenger from Eonetara. Otto was a messenger from Eonetara. Has the secret organization from Eonetara caught up to me? Are they controlling Briana as well? Jonathan's heart pounded. The truth was, he had been feeling something was wrong from the moment he stepped onto the yacht.

However, he could not pinpoint what it was.

All he felt was just an indescribable yet scary atmosphere spreading around him.

Eyeing Briana, he questioned, “What are you trying to say?” “You offended Orcus, so you have to be punished.” “What's the punishment?” Jonathan asked in a low voice.

He felt like he was losing his mind for asking those questions, but he could not help himself from asking.

A faint smile crept up Briana's lips as she said, “Your punishment is to continuously bring stones from the foot of the mountain and pile them on the mountaintop. Once you're done piling ten thousand stones on the mountain, you'll have to push them all down. Then, you have to descend the mountain to repeat the process. Most importantly, you have to watch as the stones roll down the mountain. This is Orcus' punishment for you.” Jonathan scoffed, “I'm not crazy. Why should | do a stupid thing like that? Since you said Orcus wants to punish me, why don't you tell him to come out and talk to me?” Pausing briefly, he cast her a suspicious glance. “Don't tell me

you're Orcus.” Briana merely smiled and uttered, “You'll understand as time goes by.” Jonathan argued, “I don't know about that, but | believe my patience will soon run out if you keep this nonsense up.” “I'm already dead, so why would | be afraid of you?” said Briana abruptly, gazing at him.

Jonathan couldn't help but feel there was something off about Briana. Huh... Briana had been an arrogant, spoiled, wilful brat for as long as | can remember. That's why | never took her seriously in the past. Right now, however, | actually perceive her as a threat! “What do you mean by that?” Jonathan asked.

Briana let out a giggle as she replied, “Oh, don't worry about it. You'll find out sooner or later.” “F*ck!” Jonathan yelled in frustration and slammed his palm onto the table, splitting it into four on the spot.

The wine spilled everywhere, and the steak and fruits went flying in different directions.

Jonathan then ran up to Briana with lightning speed and grabbed her by the throat.

Briana simply stared coldly at him in response.

That irritated Jonathan even further. “F*ck you! | hate it when people fool around like this! You said you're already dead, right? In that case, I'l make sure you're actually

dead!” He tightened his grip on her throat after saying that.

Briana's expression was instantly filled with pain and anguish as her face turned purple from the lack of oxygen.

“Where's the prismatic crystal? And don't give me any more of those riddles!” Jonathan asked sternly.

Briana tried to say something but couldn't speak due to the pressure from Jonathan's grip.

Jonathan loosened his grip just enough to let her speak, but he held on to her throat so he could choke her again if she tried anything funny.

Since he had completed his mission, he could just forget about the prismatic crystal and Immortal Pill.

Victor is the only one who will be affected if Briana doesn't do as | say. Judging by Briana's behavior, however, | doubt she even cares about him anymore.

Briana ignored Jonathan's threats and simply flashed him a creepy smile as she said, “Orcus is here.”

Infuriated, Jonathan sent Briana flying with a slap, knocking her unconscious on the spot.

He knew that Briana wasn't herself anymore.

While he wasn't entirely sure what was going on, he was starting to panic a little on the inside.

Orcus is here? What does that even mean? Jonathan soon understood what those words meant when ‘something unexpected happened.

Tate came running over from the cockpit and yelled, “B-Bad news! The sky is changing!” “What's going on?” Jonathan asked as he ran outside.

“Look!” Tate exclaimed while pointing at the sky north of them.

Jonathan glanced at the sky and saw that it was filled with thunderclouds. A strong wind was blowing across the ocean and stirring up huge waves in the water.

Those were all telltale signs that a thunderstorm was coming.

“Is this really Orcus' doing?” Jonathan exclaimed as fear began spreading through his body.

With no time left to lose, he told Tate, “I want you and your friend to put on life jackets and lifebuoys. We're not far from shore, so there's a high chance that we'll be rescued if this ship capsizes! I'll call for help right away!” Jonathan then whipped out his phone, only to frown in frustration when he realized there was no signal.

After helping Dante put on a life jacket and lifebuoy, Jonathan woke Briana up by calling out to her.

He didn't know what was wrong with her, but he couldn't just leave her to drown in the ocean.

Briana went back to smiling creepily at Jonathan after regaining consciousness, much to his discomfort.

Man, her smile is so creepy! She should definitely go star in a horror film or something! The thunderstorm came right when they were mostly done preparing for it.

In just a matter of seconds, they were facing a combination of deafening thunder, blinding flashes of lightning, and a torrential downpour.

The raindrops felt like bullets as they came hammering down on them, and the raging waves were hitting the ship repeatedly on all sides.

It wasn't long before the seawater began splashing onto the ship.

Jonathan and the others were all on the deck of the ship.

By then, Lyle Champion, the pilot Jonathan knocked unconscious earlier, was already awake.

As their lives were all on the line, nobody was in the mood to say anything.

Suddenly, they noticed an enormous tidal wave heading toward them from the north.

“Grab on to the ship! Don't get separated!” Jonathan yelled at the top of his lungs.

Tate and the others did as told and held on to the rail as

tightly as they could.

Boom! The entire ship felt like it was going to capsize when the enormous tidal wave came crashing down upon them.

Jonathan and the others were all drenched with seawater.

Fortunately for them, the climate in the area was rather warm, so the seawater wasn't unbearably cold.

The ship was starting to crack from the wave's impact.

Despite having achieved Immortal Level, there wasn't much Jonathan could do in a situation like this. All he could do was cling to the rail for dear life in the extreme weather.

His body felt like it was coming apart from being hit by the tidal waves.

After what seemed like forever, the thunderstorm finally came to an end, and the ocean returned to its usual calm state.

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As the thunderclouds in the sky began to clear up, the first rays of the morning sun shined down on them.

Whoa... What the heck is with this weather? Because Jonathan was wearing a life jacket and a lifebuoy when the tidal wave hit them, he remained afloat while clinging to the rail.

As he instinctively glanced about, he was surprised to see that Dante, Tate, and Lyle were all clinging tightly to the rail.

However, Briana was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone felt relieved when they saw that they had survived the tidal wave.

Since the ship was still afloat in the ocean, everyone climbed on board to get out of the water.

Although the ship was quite damaged, it was able to carry all four of them without any issues.

Jonathan stood up and made an attempt to determine where they were.

While he was able to identify the direction they were going in, he couldn't tell exactly where they were.

Jonathan then sat down and tried to keep himself calm.

Being the core member of the group, he had to remain calm to prevent others from panicking.

He couldn't even be bothered to feel worried about Briana going missing.

Maybe her going missing is part of her fate... | don't know who or what Orcus is, but | do know that I'm still alive right now. Maybe this thunderstorm is no different from any other. Briana was probably just making all that stuff up.

That's the only logical explanation | can come up with.

With that in mind, Jonathan turned toward Dante and asked, “How's your wound?” Since seawater contained high amounts of salt, he figured Dante's wound must've hurt a lot. Although Dante was indeed in pain, he was also a very tough man. “It's fine; | can take it,” he replied with a smile.

Jonathan simply returned the smile without asking any further questions.

He didn't have any means to treat Dante's wound, so focusing on the task at hand was all he could do.

“We shouldn't be too far from shore, so there will be ships passing through this area. All we have to do is wait for a ship to pass and signal for help,” Jonathan said.

Tate and Lyle nodded in agreement.

“In the event that we either don't come across any ships or aren't allowed on board, then we will have to prepare for the worst. | hate to say this, but swimming back will then be our only option. By using the sun as a reference point, we'll need to swim to the east to get back to shore,” Jonathan continued.

Lyle let out a wry chuckle. “Looks like we can only pray for a miracle, then. We're at least eighty miles away from shore. | don't know about you, but | definitely do not have that kind of stamina to swim all the way back!” What he said made perfect sense.

Anyone who had swum before would know just how tiring it can be.

Even Jonathan would struggle to swim eighty miles, let alone the others.

As such, all they could do was wait and pray to be rescued by a passing ship.

Having had a long night, being able to rest on the ship felt really relaxing.

The ocean was calm, the sky was a beautiful shade of blue, and the ocean breeze formed ripples on the surface of the water.

On top of that, the air was filled with a moist and salty scent.

The weather was so good that it seemed as though the terrifying thunderstorm had never even happened.

Suddenly, Tate pointed into the distance and exclaimed joyfully, “Look!” As everyone glanced in that direction, they saw a huge ship in the distance.

It was larger than most regular ocean liners and was

heading in their direction.

Although Jonathan found it a bit bizarre, he couldn't help but get excited as well.

As his survival instincts kicked in, he leapt to his feet and yelled at the top of his lungs, “Help!” Despite how suspicious everything seemed, Jonathan had no choice but to keep going forward.

By condensing his energy in his elixir field, he was able to maximize the volume of his voice.

They were able to see the ocean liner because of its massive size, but they were nothing but a tiny dot in the vast ocean.

They knew they had to make as much noise as possible, or the ocean liner could very well miss them.

Tate and Lyle stood up and yelled at the ocean liner as well.

Dante couldn't stand up due to his injury, but he did his part by velling as loudly as he could.

Tate and Lyle even went as far as waving their arms frantically in hopes of increasing their chances of being spotted.

Their efforts were not in vain, as the ocean liner changed its course and began heading their way a few minutes later.

Jonathan and the others were overwhelmed with joy and relief.

As the ocean liner got close, they moved their ship toward the stairs of the ocean liner on the side.

“You guys can go first,” Jonathan told Lyle and Tate.

The two nodded and hopped onto the ocean liner's stairs.

Jonathan then carried Dante on his back before boarding the ocean liner.

At long last, we can ditch that damaged ship of ours! With that in mind, the group made their way onto the deck.

The ocean liner looked extremely lavish and grand, especially when compared to their ship.