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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 281
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Jonathan was bewildered and still fearful after the crisis at Void Domain. He nearly died without even figuring out what was going on.

Nevertheless, Jonathan was the kind to take things as they came. Since he could not decipher what had happened, he decided to put the matter aside for now.

Meanwhile, Monroe Linneman was on his way to Victory Enterprise's building.

Jonathan called Victor, and the call was soon picked up.

“Who is it?” came Victor's voice.

Jonathan uttered, “Mr. Yarbrough, it's me.” Victor gasped, and he quickly asked, “Mr. Lawson, where have you been for the past two weeks? Also, why did my daughter disappear when you went missing? Don't forget that | hired you because of my daughter. If anything happens to her, you're not getting the prismatic crystal.” Jonathan was thrilled to hear that, for that meant the prismatic crystal was still with Victor.

Instantly, Jonathan said, “Victor, there are two things we need to clarify. First of all, I have no obligation to protect your daughter according to the mission details. Therefore, you can keep dreaming if you're trying to hold me accountable for this. Second of all, | know where your daughter is, but | have to get the prismatic crystal first.” Furious, Victor snarled, “You kidnapped my daughter, didn't you?” Jonathan was speechless at that. “Have you lost your marbles? Why would | kidnap her?” Victor froze for a second before realizing how foolish his guess was.

Jonathan would be able to get the prismatic crystal after completing his mission. There was no reason for him to kidnap his daughter.

“I have to see my daughter before | can give you the prismatic crystal,” Victor insisted.

“Victor, please open your eyes to the situation. I'm not bargaining with you. You can choose to give it to me or not,

but if you don't, Divine Realm will be coming after you.” Victor stiffened before bitterness became visible in his eyes. After a long while, he asked, “How is my daughter right now?” “I only know where she previously was, and | don't know whether or not she has been moved. The more time you waste, the more danger your daughter will be in. | hope you know well what you're doing.” Victor gritted his teeth and replied, “Fine. I'll give you the prismatic crystal.” “Good. I'll come to Victory Enterprise to look for you right away. Wait for me downstairs.” “Okay.” Jonathan then ended the call.

Monroe, who was driving, was stupefied by the exchange.

“Mr. Lawson, the Victor you were mentioning in the call isn't...” Jonathan smiled. “We're on our way to Victory Enterprise

right now. Who do you think Victor is?” All colors drained from Monroe's face, and he squeezed out, “You couldn't have kidnapped his daughter, right?” At that very moment, the one hundred and fifty thousand that Monroe had taken seemed a little too heavy for his wallet.

Jonathan rolled his eyes at him. “No.” Not wanting to waste any time explaining to Monroe, Jonathan continued, “If you don't believe me, | can get out of the car right now.

However, you have to return all the money.” Monroe inhaled sharply and blurted out, “I believe you! | do!” Asly glint flashed past Jonathan's eyes.

Frankly, Jonathan could have told Victor where Briana was at.

However, he had been too kind previously, and all his kind acts ended up backfiring.

Hence, Jonathan decided to harden his heart and get what

he wanted first.

Whether or not you can find Briana is none of my business.

All Jonathan was afraid of was how Victor might go mad if Briana was taken away. | should get the prismatic crystal first. He can do whatever he likes afterward.

One had to have a kind heart, but one could not be merciful.

Akind heart was not the same as being merciful, after all.

Not long after, Monroe brought Jonathan to Victory Enterprise.

Victor was anxiously waiting by the entrance of the building.

By then, it was four in the afternoon.

The sun in the afternoon was bright, but it was not hot for a March afternoon in a northern city.

In fact, Willowbank once had a snowstorm in May.

Once the cab stopped, Jonathan walked over to Victor.

The moment he saw Victor, his heart ached.

It was because Victor looked as if he had aged ten years in the blink of an eye.

Even though he was in his fifties, he had always given the impression of a strong, witty man to others.

However, with his back slightly hunched over, he just looked like a father who could not find his daughter.

When Jonathan walked over, Victor's eyes lit up. He hurried to the younger man and uttered, “Mr. Lawson, where is my daughter?” At that, Jonathan felt a little embarrassed to mention the prismatic crystal. Nevertheless, before he said anything, Victor fished out a brocade box from his pocket.

“This is what you wanted, Mr. Lawson,” Victor said.

Jonathan took it. He had to open it to make sure he was getting the real deal.

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Otherwise, if anything went wrong, he would not be able to hold Victor accountable.

Monroe quietly waited at the side.

A millionaire like Victor was someone Monroe could not imagine interacting with, after all.

‘When Jonathan opened the box, he saw a pebble inside.

There were five layers of colors in the pebble.

Jonathan picked up the pebble and mumbled under his breath, “Is this the prismatic crystal that Divine Realm is looking for? What use is it?” Unable to figure out anything by looking at it, he began carefully rubbing it.

Instantly, a warm wave traveled into Jonathan's body.

He could sense a pure positive energy within the prismatic crystal.

It looks like this really is the prismatic crystal.

According to the legend, the prismatic crystal was one of the materials used to fix the sky during the creation of the world, so Jonathan was certain that the prismatic crystal was going to be used in relation to alchemy.

After keeping the prismatic crystal, Jonathan said to Victor, “Briana and | were captured by the people from the organization behind Otto, but I've dealt with those people.

Briana had fallen unconscious at that time, and | was weak.

That was why | couldn't do anything to help her. Right now, she's at...” Jonathan proceeded to tell Victor Briana's general location.

Victor's expression changed instantly, and he said, “That warehouse is one of the warehouses under my name. | never thought you'd be locked up there. No wonder the police couldn't find anything despite the long search.” Right then, Victor's phone rang, and he quickly picked it up.

“What? My daughter has been found? This is wonderful news!” Victor exclaimed.

He then quickly added, “I'll be right there!” Hearing that, Jonathan found himself relaxing as his uneasiness lessened.

After ending the call, Victor said to Jonathan, “Mr. Lawson, my daughter has called the cops. Indeed, she was in the

warehouse the entire time. Now, she has been sent to the hospital. The cops said that she's mostly fine, just that she hasn't eaten for a while now.” Jonathan smiled and said, “I'm glad to hear that. Hurry and go to her then.” Victor nodded and hastily got into his car to speed to the hospital.

Having wrapped up that matter, Jonathan returned to Monroe's car.

“Mr. Lawson, where are we going now?” Monroe asked in an even more respectful tone than before.

“To your house. | want to rest for the night.” “Of course.” Jonathan was still unsure what in the world was Eonetara.

Therefore, he was going to wait and see first.

An hour later, the cab stopped in front of an old building.

Monroe lived on the eight floor.

When they were on their way up, Jonathan asked Monroe, “How many people are in your house?” Monroe replied, “I'm the only one here.” Jonathan faltered in his steps for a moment before asking, “What about your family?” Monroe let a bitter smile creep onto his face. “I had a divorce three years ago, and my daughter went to live with her mother.” Jonathan hummed in understanding before dropping the topic.

Monroe's house had four rooms, and the place was messy and old.

Dirty laundry had piled up, and dirty plates were scattered across the table.

It seemed like the life of a single man was a miserable one.

Nevertheless, Jonathan did not judge the messy state of Monroe's house, for he was equally messy too.

However, Monroe was flustered as he said, “Mr. Lawson,

let me clean up the place a little.” “It's fine. Please just get me a mattress.” “Of course!” Monroe responded after a moment of shock.

He promptly cleaned up a room for Jonathan. After that, he asked, “Mr. Lawson, what would you like to eat? I'l go downstairs to buy it for you.” “No need for such trouble. Just make me a plate of mac and cheese.” Jonathan was an easy person to satisfy.

Monroe swiftly answered, “Sure!” Jonathan waited for Monroe to leave before taking out his phone to call Victor.

The latter sounded exhilarated as he said, “I've found my daughter, and she's fine! Thank you for your concern, Mr.

Lawson.” “I'm glad to hear that.” Jonathan then ended the call.

After a moment of rumination, he called Mabel.

The call went through in no time.

Although Jonathan heard Mabel's voice coming out of the speakers, he remained silent.

A strange feeling hit him. He had been missing for half a month, but Mabel never once tried to look for him.

Jonathan did not know what happened during that time.

Despite Jonathan's silence, Mabel asked with a hint of excitement in her voice, “Is it you, Jonathan?” “Itis,” he answered.

Mabel immediately asked, “Where have you gone to for the past weeks?” In a low voice, Jonathan said, “I've gone knocking on the grim reaper's door.” “What happened?” Instead of answering her, he asked in slight resentment, “Did you not look for me while | was missing?”

Mabel was quiet for a while before replying, “I've been busy with some things lately, so | didn't think about you. | never thought that something would happen to you.” Jonathan was upset to hear that. Mabel knew that he had crossed Eonetara.

He had abruptly gone missing from Willowbank for half a month, but Mabel never showed any concern for him, stating that she was busy.

If he had been in Mabel's position—hearing that Mabel was in danger—he would have paused everything he was working on to rescue her.

“I'm tired. I'll talk to you about this later,” was all Jonathan said before hanging up.

In fact, Jonathan was not a narrow-minded person. He usually didn't hold grudges. He really saw Mabel as his friend and confidante. Thus, he felt genuine disappointment this time.

Anyhow, Jonathan decided to keep his feelings to himself.

He always believed that one should help others out of sincerity and not out of obligation.

It seemed a bit melodramatic if he talked to Mabel about this matter.

Jonathan stood there in a trance while holding the phone before he thought of Jennifer.

He knew he should feel sorry for Jennifer.

Thus, he decided to call her.

The call went through quickly.

Jonathan said, “Jennifer, it's me.” Jennifer tried her best to suppress the joy. “Jonathan, are you all right?”

Jonathan replied, “I'm fine.” Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that. Then, for a brief moment, she didn't know what to say next.

“How are things with you?” Jennifer tried to fill the silence.

Jonathan took in a deep breath and said, “Thank you, Jennifer.” Jennifer smiled. “It's your dividend, anyway. There's no need to thank me for that.” Jonathan said, “I will visit you and Winnie at Horington after | finish my matter here.” “Really?” Jennifer was overjoyed.

Jonathan chuckled. “For real. I'm starting to miss Winnie too.” Jennifer said, “I'll take your word for it then.” Jonathan responded, “It's a deal!” They chatted for a little longer before ending the call.

Just then, Jonathan's phone rang again.

He looked at the caller ID and realized the caller was Mabel.

Jonathan wasn't too keen on picking it up, so he let the phone ring for another minute.

However, it seemed that Mabel was persistent and kept calling.

In the end, Jonathan relented and answered the phone. As soon as the call was connected, he said, “Sorry, | was in the shower.” Mabel let out a bitter laugh. “Stop lying. | know what you're thinking.” A wry smile played across Jonathan's lips.

Mabel said, “Let's meet up. I'll find you in Willowbank.” Jonathan responded, “All right.” He was thinking of having a face-to-face talk with Mabel too.

With that, both of them agreed to a meet-up location. Mabel said, “Wait for me.” Then, she hung up the phone.

Jonathan found his mind to be slightly more at ease now.

Just then, the door was pushed open, and the smell of freshly-cooked pasta wafted through the air.

Jonathan turned around and saw Monroe holding a bowl of mac and cheese.

“Mr. Lawson, here you go.” Monroe smiled ostentatiously and added, “I also made you two sunny eggs.” “Thank you,” Jonathan responded.

Then, he took the bowl and delved into the food.

The dish was delicious, and Jonathan had a hearty appetite.

After eating, Jonathan sat cross-legged.

Then, he started practicing Ultra Sun Moon Mantra to cleanse the impurities within his body and cultivate his strength.

He continued the training for the next three hours or so.

It was already seven in the evening when he finished cultivating.

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The night arrived, and the lights lit up throughout Willowbank.

Jonathan got up and left the room. Meanwhile, Monroe was watching TV in the living room.

Oh my, he's watching Bold and the Beautiful! “Mr. Lawson, are you going out?” Monroe asked when he saw Jonathan.

The latter let out a faint smile and said, “I'm leaving. Take care of yourself.” “I'l see you out,” Monroe hurriedly said.

“It's all right,” Jonathan replied with a smile.

With that, he left Monroe's house.

Monroe was dumbfounded. Everything that happened that day was like a dream to him.

A dream that seemed somehow surreal and legendary.

Naturally, Jonathan did not bother what Monroe had been thinking. After he left the building, he went straight away to

Starlet Hotel.

Mabel was waiting for him there.

Half an hour later, both of them met on the top floor of Starlet Hotel.

It was very quiet on the top floor.

A private jet was parked at the other side of the floor.

Usually, that area functioned as a rooftop bar. The place would be filled with guests for a drink on a summer night.

However, since the night was freezing cold in this season, there weren't many customers.

Mabel was wearing a thick black coat and a pair of sunglasses. She had taken her seat, and there was a bottle of champagne on the table.

Jonathan arrived and sat opposite to Mabel.

She proceeded to fill the glasses with champagne.

Jonathan took one of the glasses and smiled. “It's a great honor to have alcohol personally served by Chief Sandler.”

His casual tease sounded like it was insinuating something.

Mabel also picked up the wine glass and took a sip of champagne. Then, she smiled and said, “I'm sure you don't find this matter the slightest bit unusual at all.” Jonathan said, “Actually, | don't hold many thoughts about this. Never once did | think that you owe me any favor. | regard you as my best confidant and friend. If we were to really settle the scores, | know very well that | actually owe you my life. If it weren't for you, | would be long dead.” Mabel took a sip of the champagne again.

One did not need to voice out one's thoughts word by word for the other to understand. She composed herself before saying, “I can say what | want to say on the phone. But | flew here for three hours today because | also regard you as my best confidant and friend. | have little friends, and you count as one.” Jonathan finished his glass of champagne in one gulp and said, “Go ahead.”

Mabel stated, “I didn't know you were missing. I've been investigating a rather peculiar incident that happened in YYaleview recently. | didn't know that you had an accident until you called me.” “What's so peculiar about it?” Jonathan felt relieved for a moment. He believed Mabel's words. But now, he was more curious about what had happened in Yaleview.

Mabel explained, “There are about two hundred and fifty babies born in Yaleview every day. The survival rate is over 99%! This is because there are outstanding medical resources in Yaleview.” Jonathan nodded and listened attentively.

Mabel continued, “However, there have been multiple accidents in ten hospitals. In each case, we lost both the pregnant mothers and babies together. As of today, more than eight hundred pregnant women and babies have died within half a month. In the beginning, we thought that it was due to medical malpractice. But now it seems that this is not the case at all.”

Jonathan was taken aback. “Could those be murders?” Mabel responded, “We managed to acquire the hospitals surveillance videos and found nothing abnormal. The only abnormality is that in every place where there were cases of dead pregnant women reported, there were also reports that a child could be heard singing at night. According to people who heard it, the voice was full of resentment and would send chills down one's spine.” Jonathan suggested, “Could it be wrathful spirits?” Mabel said, “We also suspect that there are some supernatural elements involved. However, ordinary wrathful spirits or vengeful spirits wouldn't have the ability to cause this. As you know, if an unborn baby were killed, the resentment they generate would be quite intense. An ordinary vengeful spirit would never dare to get close to such a baby.” Jonathan asked, “Could it be that Eonetara is involved in all these?” Mabel looked at Jonathan and questioned, “By the way, you

haven't told me what happened to you?” Jonathan was no longer on edge. He replied, “This is what happened...” Immediately, he told Mabel about the weird experiences he had gone through in the past half month.

“What | don't understand the most is what the hell did Eonetara use to dope me so that | fell into their hands unknowingly.” Jonathan was still bothered about this unsolved mystery. There is no trust between people nowadays. D*mn! | might even get killed during my sleep. | certainly don't feel safe. F*ck.

Jonathan felt like he might suffer from bedtime phobia in the future.

Mabel remarked, “It's not surprising. As you said before, that old man in black is a Divine Master. He has converted his spiritual power into mana. He must have sneaked into your brain using his mana and guided you into Void Domain. It is a simple trick, actually.” Jonathan let out a hum as realization dawned upon him. He

commented, “Why are Divine Masters so common nowadays? It's like | can easily bump into one on the streets. If | didn't have Mr. Cadman's Golden Badge Power, I would have died this time.” Mabel's heart almost leaped out at the thrills of Jonathan's story. She felt apologetic and said, “I'm sorry, Jonathan, for not being there when you needed me the most.” Jonathan waved his hand graciously and replied, “You didn't know it would happen. It's okay.” Seeing that Jonathan wasn't mad anymore, Mabel heaved a sigh of relief.

She also found the whole matter amusing afterward and said, “I used to not care much about other people's thoughts and opinions. | didn't expect that | would be afraid that you might get angry. That's why | came here from YYaleview right away. | just want to explain the whole situation clearly to you face to face.” Jonathan felt a little touched. He said, “There are many kinds of love in the world. Romantic love is not the only

one." Mabel agreed, “You're right.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “Let's get down to business. Do you think Eonetara is involved in the case of wrathful spirits in Yaleview?” Jonathan responded, “It's just a guess, and there is no basis for it. In fact, there is still one thing | don't understand.” “What is it?” Mabel asked.

Jonathan analyzed, “Is Eonetara an organization, or do they really come from the actual hell?” Mabel pondered and replied, “I can't give you an answer. | have never had contact with this group of people. | can assure you that there is more to them than meets the eye.

They were able to send three Divine Masters at one time.

No other forces except for Divine Realm is able to do that.” Jonathan continued, “I have been trying to find out their origins. However, these people are very vigilant and keep their mouths shut. However, when | activated Mr. Cadman's

Golden Badge Power, the old man in black made a slip.” “What did he say?” Mabel was intrigued.

Jonathan explained, “The old man in black knows Mr.

Cadman. | can tell that he is very afraid of the latter. His subordinates asked him if he knew Mr. Cadman, and he said that Mr. Cadman once..." “What was it?” Mabel couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Jonathan stated, “That's it. He stopped talking immediately after he said that. If we can find Mr. Cadman and ask him about this, perhaps we can get more clues.” Mabel was rendered speechless. Then, she stated, “Mr.

Cadman is now in Void Domain. We are not even sure which realm he is in now.”