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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 311_312
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Chapter 311 Five minutes later, the cacodemon baby had grown into the size of an eight-year-old child. A layer of white, densely- packed scales had grown all over its body, and it looked a little terrifying. However, its eyes were still as blue as before. When it stopped feeding, it happily called out to Jonathan, “Mommy!” Jonathan almost fainted when he heard that.

What a stupid child! Can't it just call me “Daddy?” The cacodemon baby buried its head in Jonathan's embrace.

Jonathan smacked its head gently and whispered, “Hurry up! Get out of here!” The cacodemon baby tilted its head and looked at Jonathan in bewilderment.

“You brat! I'm coming for you!” With that, Jeff launched his attack.

Jonathan couldn't care less anymore and immediately tossed the cacodemon baby away.

With a snort, Jeff pointed his finger at the cacodemon baby, unleashing his streak of energy.

Atiny spark of light entered the cacodemon baby's body, and it let out an agonizing cry.

Afterward, the cacodemon baby landed on the ground and scurried away at lightning speed.

Pinelake Mountain Forest was a forested area. Once the ccacodemon baby escaped into the forest, it would be impossible to find it. Jeff glanced at Jonathan coldly and said, “Jonathan, | can't believe you are such a merciful person. Now that the cacodemon baby has escaped, there's a high possibility that it will pose a threat to us. It's growing at a tremendous speed. If it gathers all of Infant King's subordinates and devours them, even | would be no match for him. Mabel will certainly not survive its attack.” Jonathan felt ashamed of his actions, but in that split second, the consequences of his actions did not cross his mind. He was just following his heart.

Naturally, both Mabel and Beatrix would not blame Jonathan. They trusted and liked him mostly because of his kindness.

Jeff did not pursue the matter anymore. “Let's go.” With that, he made a move.

The rest of them followed suit.

Dew and humidity lingered in the air of the dark forest.

Mabel got curious and asked, “Chief Yount, Pinelake Mountain Forest isn't a virgin forest, and there are also people living nearby. Why haven't we heard of any supernatural incidents in this area?” To that, Jeff replied, “The subordinates of Infant King hide here to feed on the dew. They never harm humans.” The others were enlightened.

“So, these spirits aren't aggressive?” asked Mabel.

“Not necessary. If the need arises, they will still hurt ‘somebody. Since we are out to capture them, we

can't be sure how they may react.” ‘When Jonathan and the two ladies heard that, they became more alert and cautious.

Late into the night, the amount of dew increased in the forest.

Everybody's clothes were soaked.

Mabel, Jonathan, and Beatrix had already applied Cow's Tears on their eyes.

As they walked further into the forest, Jonathan noticed that there was something strange with a pine tree ahead of them.

With his excellent eyesight, he could see three baby ghosts playing happily on the branches of that pine tree.

They resembled carefree baby monkeys.

Jonathan immediately stopped walking and gestured for the others to look in the direction of that particular pine tree.

The rest of them also spotted the three baby ghosts on the


The baby ghosts were wearing red diapers and looked around two to three years of age.

“It's them!” uttered Jeff in a hushed voice. He then continued, “I will capture them alive.” After that, he pointed his gilt bronze bowl at that tree.

In an instant, soft, golden rays emitted from the gilt bronze bowl.

Before the three baby ghosts could react, they were being sucked into the bowl.

Jonathan and the others were astonished to see that.

“Holy crap! Is this golden instrument what you use to capture spirits?” Jonathan could not help asking in amazement.

Jeff turned the gilt bronze bowl the other way around, and the three baby ghosts could be seen panicking inside.

He then explained, “I've set a formation in this gilt bronze

bowl, and | control it using my vitality. So, it's a piece of cake for me to subdue these small spirits.” He then passed the gilt bronze bowl to Mabel. “Quick! Ingest these baby ghosts.” Mabel nodded before finding a suitable place to sit down.

Afterward, she began activating a technique before opening her mouth.

One of the baby ghosts in the gilt bronze bowl instantly turned into green smoke and was consumed by Mabel.

Once the baby ghost entered Mabel's throat, it transformed into dark energy and spread throughout her body.

After that, that dark energy would circulate in her body before settling in her mind.

The mana in Mabel's brain was purely positive energy.

As for the dark energy, it was purely negative.

It was as if Mabel's brain was filled with blue water, and the dark energy was red water. When that one drop of red water entered her brain that was filled with blue water, it would disappear right away.

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That was why Mabel still needed to consume more baby ghosts.

Mabel soon devoured the other two baby ghosts as well.

After ingesting them, her body began to react. Her body temperature swung from one extreme to another, and her head hurt very badly.

Jeff was not worried. “This is a normal reaction when the two opposing energies come into contact with one another.

Once Mabel has consumed sufficient dark energy, and it becomes the main energy in her, her headache and other symptoms will then disappear.” “Since that's the case, let's continue searching. We have no time to lose,” said Jonathan.

While he was talking, he reached out to support Mabel.

Jeff and Beatrix were walking in front with Jonathan and Mabel following behind.

As they ventured deep into the forest, it did not take long before Jeff caught another ten baby ghosts for Mabel's


Once she consumed them, her headache became even worse, and her body turned weaker.

‘When Jeff saw her condition, he quickened his pace and searched high and low for more baby ghosts.

Strangely enough, it was getting harder and harder to find any baby ghosts after that.

They would see some baby ghosts from a distance away, but before they could do anything, the baby ghosts would immediately jump off the trees and disappear into the forest.

It seemed that those baby ghosts had become more alert.

‘When Jeff noticed that something was amiss, he said, “Someone is commanding these baby ghosts. All of them ‘seem to be heading toward a certain part of the forest.” Jonathan and the others were shocked.

“Can it be the cacodemon baby?” asked Jonathan.

If the cacodemon baby was really the one commanding the baby ghosts, Jonathan would regret his decision earlier on.

In truth, Jonathan was aware that releasing the cacodemon baby would result in dire consequences. However, it was impossible for one to avoid making mistakes in life.

Rationality and logic would once in a while get defeated by emotions.

Jeff replied, “I'm not sure yet, but | don't think the ccacodemon baby can react so quickly. My worry is that there is someone else behind this. Besides, this person won't be easy to deal with. He has been controlling these baby ghosts all the while. Chances are he is also consuming them. When he senses that we are capturing the baby ghosts, he immediately gathers them so as not to give us the opportunity.” Jonathan glanced at Mabel and saw her forehead covered in sweat. He quickly said, “Let's go over then. Mabel isn't looking too good.” Jeff nodded.

The group began to venture forward.

In the deepest part of Pinelake Mountain Forest, the dense trees were more than twenty meters in height.

Even during the day, there was hardly any sunlight in that part of the forest because of the trees.

At that moment, countless baby ghosts were sitting around quietly amidst the trees.

They were wearing red diapers and possessed no hostility or demonic energy. That was because they had already become bodies of pure dark energy and real supplements.

Those baby ghosts were seated around a creature that was twenty meters in height and ten meters in width.

It was covered with black scales and had sharp claws. Its eyes were literally the size of a washbasin.

The body of the creature blended with the surrounding, so if one was not paying close attention, one would not be able to detect its presence. Whenever the creature opened its eyes, one would mistake its huge orbs for two full moons.

Moreover, it had a huge tail and long, sharp teeth.

As it sat in the middle of all the baby ghosts, it resembled a tiny hill.

Just then, Jonathan and company arrived.

Initially, Jonathan did not spot the creature. However, once he got nearer, he noticed its presence.

“Holy sh*t!” he exclaimed in surprise as soon as he saw it.

It was his first time encountering such a huge monster.

Beatrix, Jeff, and Mabel also got a shock.

That creature opened its eyes and stared at them coldly.

Judging from the look in its eyes, they could tell that the creature possessed intelligence.

“Chief Yount, what is this thing?” asked Jonathan with a trembling voice.

Even though they were highly skilled in martial arts, they knew they were no match for that monster.

Beatrix asked, “Is this creature the one that gathered the baby ghosts?” Suppressing the discomfort within her, Mabel asked curiously, “Chief Yount, what is a creature like this doing here? This isn't an old forest, and we are still within the city range. Why is there such a creature here?” Usually, monsters like that would only appear in ancient forests or murky, deep ponds.

Jeff studied the creature before responding grimly, “If I'm not wrong, this monster is known as the Lone Demon Beast!” “What is that?” asked Jonathan.

The lot of them were on full alert as they stood there motionlessly with bated breath. They dared not approach the Lone Demon Beast.

Jeff explained, “The Lone Demon Beast's original form is a common beetle that inhabits the forest. It appears around us, too. It's just that nobody notices it because it's nothing special. The Lone Demon Beast is a beetle due to a lack of

nutrients. Dark energy is what the Lone Demon Beast feeds on. Since it's very difficult to find sources of dark energy, full-grown Lone Demon Beasts are rare. However, the Infant King has produced so many baby ghosts here for the Lone Demon Beast to feed on. That's how this one grows to be this size today.” Jonathan asked again, “How intelligent is it? Is it planning to kill us?” To that, Jeff replied, “You can tell it's very intelligent just by looking at it. It grew up alone in the forest without any companion to communicate with, so there will be some flaws in its personality.” “What should we do now?” asked Jonathan.

Jeff stared at the Lone Demon Beast and said to Jonathan, “You should be asking the Lone Demon Beast what it wants.” Jonathan turned to look at the Lone Demon Beast.

He wanted very much to ask the monster that question.

It was as if the Lone Demon Beast could hear his thoughts, for it took action by extending its huge claw.

Chapter 312 The Lone Demon Beast grabbed about fifty baby ghosts with its huge claws and shoved them into its mouth. Just like that, the baby ghosts were turned into dark energy, which was a food source for the Lone Demon Beast, before they even knew what was going on.

What the... It ate a lot of baby ghosts in one go! “We should snatch some for ourselves!” Jonathan yelled at Jeff.

Of course, Jeff and Beatrix were already on it without needing Jonathan to remind them. They each channeled their mana and began absorbing the baby ghosts. Jeff stored ten in his gilt bronze bowl while capturing another ten with his hand. That was all he could manage to capture with his current capabilities.

Jonathan tried to do the same and reached out to grab two of the baby ghosts, but they turned into smoke and disappeared in his hands, much to his confusion.

Jeff rolled his eyes at him. “You fool! These baby ghosts are dark energy, and your body is filled with positive

energy. They'll dissipate if you touch them!” “What should | do, then?” Jonathan asked.

“Capture them using your mana!” Jeff replied.

“I-I don't know how to use mana!” Jonathan protested.

Jeff and Beatrix were too busy to entertain Jonathan at the time. “Here, hurry up and start consuming them!” Jeff said while handing Mabel the gilt bronze bowl.

Unfortunately, Mabel could only consume one at a time, so her speed was nothing in comparison to the Lone Demon Beast which consumed dozens in one go.

The baby ghosts were so terrified that they just lay perfectly still on the ground.

After consuming a few hundred baby ghosts, the Lone Demon Beast's eyes lit up as its body started undergoing a transformation.

Instead of growing bigger, however, it started shrinking in size.

In just a few minutes, it had reduced its size to that of three elephants.

Of course, that was still considered incredibly huge for humans. After all, it still weighed over twenty thousand kilograms.

“Oh, no! It's going to attack us!” Jeff shouted when he saw the look in the Lone Demon Beast's eyes. Realizing that they were in imminent danger, he stopped trying to capture the baby ghosts and whipped out Mutating Fly-Whisk.

In just one second, three thousand silver threads shot out of the Mutating Fly-Whisk and went straight for the Lone Demon Beast's head.

The Lone Demon Beast opened its mouth and let out a furious roar in response. The roar was so loud that everyone in the vicinity felt as though their eardrums would pop and start bleeding. This... This is External Force, and a very powerful one, at that! The ground felt as though it was shaking from the soundwaves alone.

The Lone Demon Beast then swiftly bit down on the three thousand silver threads.

Snap! Snap! Snap! With a few forceful bites, the Lone Demon Beast snapped the threads into bits and swallowed them all.

To their horror, the Lone Demon Beast got even more powerful after consuming the three thousand silver threads.

Jeff was devastated when he saw that. The three thousand silver threads was a magical item that he had obtained through cultivation.

He had slain countless demons and monsters with the three thousand silver threads. Each of those silver threads was sharper than swords and tougher than steel, so they were powerful even on their own. One could only imagine the terrifying power the three thousand silver threads contained when intertwined.

However, to his dismay, the Lone Demon Beast actually gobbled it all up as though it were pasta.

That was when Jeff realized how powerful the Lone Demon Beast truly was.

Jonathan's eyes brimmed with horror as he saw that the Lone Demon Beast had consumed most of the baby ghosts present at the scene. To make matters worse, Mabel's body was still incredibly weak as she had reached the crucial stage.

Oh, no... The Lone Demon Beast has practically cut off Mabel's only chance of survival! “F*ck!” Jonathan exclaimed in frustration as he jumped into the air and charged at the Lone Demon Beast.

“Jonathan!” Jeff shouted at the top of his lungs to try and stop him, but it was too late.

Beatrix, on the other hand, didn't even bother yelling and simply followed suit.

The Lone Demon Beast was quick to notice Jonathan and Beatrix charging toward itself. Refusing to back down, it lunged at them in an all-out attack as well.

Although furious, Jonathan was rational enough to realize that the Lone Demon Beast's attack was far too ferocious for him to handle. It could be described as a train that had lost control and was speeding toward them.

There was no skill or technique behind the Lone Demon Beast's attack. It was simply an unstoppable force of pure destruction with its black scales and a horn on its ridiculously hard head.

The horn was so sharp that it gleamed in the dark. That horn is sure to pierce right through us and shatter anything it hits! ‘With that in mind, Jonathan had no choice but to move out of the way. Even so, he made sure to kick the Lone Demon Beast in the nose in the process.

He had intended to break the Lone Demon Beast's nose with his kick, but the impact was so forceful that it launched him thirty meters away.

The Lone Demon Beast packed so much power that its charge was almost unstoppable.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Jonathan crashed right through three tall trees before crashing onto the ground.

Blood flowed out of his orifices as an intense pain tore through his internal organs.

Had it not been for his high level of durability, he probably would've died several times over.

Even so, the Lone Demon Beast's attack still left Jonathan severely wounded. As for Beatrix, she fared a lot better than Jonathan. Her Demon Slayer blade was aimed at the Lone Demon Beast's eyes, but it moved so quickly that she had to launch herself off its body the same way Jonathan did.

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As the Lone Demon Beast's charge was far too powerful, she was sent flying as well.

However, Beatrix's cultivation level was far stronger than Jonathan's, enabling her to think of a way to get herself out of this predicament while she was in mid-air. She managed to cut down the trees in her way using her Demon Slayer

blade to reduce her momentum significantly.

While passing the final tree, she grabbed it and used it to land on the ground unscathed.

While she was doing all of that, the Lone Demon Beast had gobbled up the remaining baby ghosts. It then charged at Mabel and attempted to eat her up as well.

Jeff's face went pale when he realized what the Lone Demon Beast was attempting.

Mabel is too weak to even move out of the way, let alone defend herself! With that in mind, Jeff shouted at the top of his lungs, “Stop, you monster!” His eyes lit up like the sun as he channeled his mana and fired a powerful mana beam at the Lone Demon Beast.

Jeff knew the Lone Demon Beast had a ridiculously tough physical form, so he wouldn't stand a chance if he used physical attacks against it. As such, the only way he could ‘save Mabel was by controlling the Lone Demon Beast's mind directly.

Sure enough, the Lone Demon Beast was frozen in place almost instantly.

Jonathan coughed up a mouthful of blood as he struggled to get to his feet in the distance.

The mouthful of blood he coughed up contained a blood clot, which, when ejected from his body, made him feel much better. His dislocated organs were regenerating, too, and within a short while, Jonathan was able to heal most of his injuries.

That was the power of someone who had achieved Celestial Soul. As long as Jonathan did not suffer severe internal injuries, he would be able to regenerate fairly quickly. His healing ability was so powerful that he could even regrow a severed arm.

Seeing as the Lone Demon Beast had been immobilized, Jonathan ran up to Mabel and carried her on his back.

At present, Mabel's face was pale as the contradicting positive and negative energy surged through her brain. She looked as though she would die at any second.

Jonathan's heart was plunged into despair as he could feel Mabel's life ebbing away little by little, but there was nothing he could do to save her.

‘We went through so much just to keep Mabel alive. If she ends up dying like this, then all of our efforts and sacrifices would've been in vain! “Get Mabel out of here! | can't control this monster any longer!” Jeff shouted with a solemn expression.

As Jonathan and Beatrix shifted their gazes toward the Lone Demon Beast, they saw that it was struggling to break free of Jeff's control.

The two gasped in shock when they realized it was so powerful that even Jeff couldn't keep it subdued.

‘With no time to waste, Jonathan ran into the forest while carrying Mabel on his back.

Beatrix quickly followed suit, only to hear a deafening roar behind her a few seconds later.

The Lone Demon Beast had broken free from Jeff's control

and charged straight at him.

With one swift motion, Jeff jumped ten meters back to dodge the incoming attack.

As Jeff's cultivation level was the highest in the group, he stayed behind to distract the Lone Demon Beast and buy the group some time to escape.

“Come at me, you monster!” Jeff yelled at the top of his lungs.

To his surprise, however, the Lone Demon Beast let out a roar and ran off in Jonathan's direction.

What the... Just how smart is this thing? Jeff gasped in shock when he realized how intelligent the Lone Demon Beast was.

Sure enough, Jonathan soon felt the ground shaking behind him.

He didn't even need to turn around to know that it was the Lone Demon Beast chasing after them.

Whoa! This Lone Demon Beast is terrifyingly clever! It even

knows to target the weakest members of the group! As fast as Jonathan was, there was simply no way he could outrun that Lone Demon Beast.

Just like that, he had found himself in a really dangerous situation that neither Jeff nor Beatrix could save him from.

With no other option in sight, Jonathan placed Mabel down on the side and charged straight at the Lone Demon Beast.

He knew that carrying Mabel on his back while fighting the Lone Demon Beast would only result in them both being crushed to death.

Although Mabel was in a lot of pain, she was still conscious and aware of her surroundings, so she knew what Jonathan did.

At that very moment, she felt so touched by his actions that death no longer seemed that terrifying.

After all, she knew she wasn't alone in this.

A few seconds later, Jonathan was standing toe-to-toe with the Lone Demon Beast.

The Lone Demon Beast paused in its tracks and stared Jonathan down, much to his confusion.

Jeff and Beatrix had caught up to them, but the Lone Demon Beast did not budge from its spot.

Jonathan felt as though he was a prey within its predator's grasp as he stared back at the Lone Demon Beast. He knew that the slightest movement could lead to his death.

“Hey, Jeffl What is it trying to do?” Jonathan asked.

“I'm not sure. Maybe it realized that you're the Chosen One and that killing you would spell disaster,” Jeff replied cautiously.

“What? Are you sure it's a beast?” Jonathan exclaimed.

“The Lone Demon Beast is a mystical creature, so its intelligence is either on par with or higher than that of humans. The one standing before you has absorbed lots of dark energy, so it is a lot smarter than animals and typical humans,” Jeff explained solemnly.