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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chapter 392
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Chapter 392 The Puppet Master

In just one hour, SG’s official Instagram post had accumulated nearly twenty thousand scathing comments, and

their own fans were unable to control the situation. This war of words escalated even further due to SG’s misguided

defense, with comments surpassing one hundred thousand by midnight. The top comments were all about how to

request invoices for every single item. even down to a pair of socks.

Other brands considering contract terminations were now too afraid to broach the subject, having witnessed SG’s


Tristan, instead of receiving an apology from Abigail, ended up dragging SC down. He was becoming increasingly

restless, his mind troubled by Abigail’s words earlier in the day.

In the end, he would frequently whisk out his phone to check Instagram, afraid that more negative news would


Suddenly, Gabe silently posted on Instagram around 1.00AM.

‘Since things have come to this point… You can say what you like, but I’m only stating facts. I believe, as someone

who was personally kicked out of the show by Tristan himself, it’s necessary for me to speak up about the unfair

backstage dealings I witnessed on set. Tristan targeted Miss Alana from the very beginning. On the first day, he

verbally abused her, telling her to leave just because Alana wasn’t comfortable being in front of the camera. Later,

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when ordinary reprimands weren’t enough to discipline her, he began making last-minute script changes. During

high- intensity actions, I fell from the second floor to the first. When Alana insisted on taking me to the hospital,

Tristan used my injury as an excuse to kick me off the production crew. I also know for a fact that he even refused

to take me to the hospital, much less foot the medical bills… I left the production crew with nothing but immense

regret. I even paid 30 thousand just to join the crew. because he claimed I wouldn’t get a chance to join them

without forking over any money.”

She explained in great detail, even providing hospitalization records and transparently displaying the transactions

with the show.

Miranda also shared her experience following Gabe’s post.

“Tristan deliberately applied oil on the props Alana used, causing her to fall. He even intentionally poured cleaning

water on the prop she fell on to remove the oil, hoping it would flow into the pool and go unnoticed. However, when

Alana was taken to the hospital, the doctor examined her eyes and said they were injured by a chemical substance.

Thankfully, she had her eyes rinsed in time. It was all intentional on Tristan’s part. He despised Alana for not

listening to him, resorting to various means to torment her. I even suspect he has a personal grudge against her.

He seemed hell-bent on incapacitating Alana’s hand. The final punishment segment was clearly designed for Alana.

Tristan truly isn’t fit to be a director!”

Eric seized the opportunity and did everything in his power to make sure that these two posts. were known to the

masses. Soon, the two students’ Instagram posts quickly trended


The next morning at 10.00AM, more people who had previously been on the show came forward. to condemn


Simultaneously, the investors who supported Tristan from behind were exposed for engaging in organized gambling

and solicitation.


Abigail received a call from Gabe, her voice filled with satisfaction. “You’re brave, speaking up this. You did a lot by

taking the first step in the resistance against the unfair treatment others have faced in the past. They’ll be very

grateful to you.”

Gabe’s voice quivered with emotion. “Miss Alana, I spoke up for you. I never expected to trend so quickly. It seems

that justice prevails after all.”

Abigail thought to herself that this girl was truly pure-hearted. She was well aware that Gabe’s post trended so

quickly because of Eric’s influence.


Nevertheless, she was sincerely praising Gabe, knowing that Gabe, being the first amateur to come forward, was

the reason why so many people started rallying against Tristan. Only with her taking the lead would those victims

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who were still silently enduring find the courage to speak

As long as more people joined, Tristan’s ugly deeds would no longer be concealed.

At 1.00PM, Tristan arrived at the hospital.

He wasn’t as arrogant as before, and he entered with a subdued tone, asking Abigail, “What do want in order to

stop leaking information?”

Abigail looked at him coldly, devoid of expression. Tristan, there’s an audio clip I’d like you to listen to.”

Then, she took out her phone and played Damon’s audio for him.

It was a conversation between Tristan and a woman!


After it finished playing, Abigail spoke slowly. “After careful consideration, it seems to me that we didn’t really know

each other before this collaboration. Yet, you’ve been targeting me so persistently. It appears someone is pulling

your strings behind the scenes, am I right?”

Tristan clenched his teeth tightly, not uttering a word. Does Abigail have a new agenda waiting for


“If I tell you, will you let me go?” After a long silence, he stared right into Abigail’s eyes.

Abigail replied, “Even if you don’t tell me, I can find out on my own. I can’t control those online. incidents myself.

You brought this on yourself. Still, if you had just respected your collaborator even a smidge, things wouldn’t have

ended up this way for you. You’re in violation of the law. So many girls have posted videos online, saying your

organization drugged them at the party, subjecting them to indecent acts all night. Even if I spare you, they won’t.”