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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106

“What do you mean that a female werewolf talked with the village headman about the wolfsbane cultivation a

few months back?” Paul asked as he placed the file on the desk and pulled out a chair for himself to sit on it.

“You've heardalready, Paul,” Logan stated. “It seems a kind of plan tonow. Well, I've sent Clifton there,

so let's see what the sketch will cout to be,” he asserted. He picked up the file and asked Paul if he found

out anything related to Alaric and the woman, who tried to kill Hope.

“Nothing so far,” Paul replied. “I tried to find the location of Alaric, but he is quite clever, | would say,” he


“I think I'll meet him this time,” Logan said.

“Are you sure? The witches have a power to compel,” Paul asserted. “What if they harm you? Thanks to the

magical pendant, Hope was safe last time. But the swill not with you.” He suggested Logan to take the

decision carefully.

“Stay quiet,” Logan said as he noticed Hope had just walked into the office. Seeing the stack of files between her

forearms, he quickly made the way to her and helped her.

“Oh, | will do it. Sir doesn’t need to bother himself,” Hope said as she saw Logan had placed those files on the


Paul left his seat and told Hope let Logan be a caring hubby. “I take my leave here. Logan, you have no meetings

for the next two days,” he stated and reminded Logan to sign the file.

As he left the office, Hope told Logan that she saw Henry earlier. “He looked pis sed at his secretary and even

cursed at him many times. Seeing Henry | felt that he is not a good man,” she murmured. “I was a bit scared to

witness that,” Hope added.

“Where did you see Henry? | asked you not to go near him,” Logan stated and noticed the fear on Hope's face.

He cupped her face bewteen his palms, trying to make her feel better.

“I had to give him this file,” Hope said as she picked up the top file from the stack. “I told Mr. Davidson that |

would give to Henry, but then, | got scared upon hearing the way he treated his secretary,” she explained to

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15:17 Mon, 11 Mar

Chapter 106

“I will give it to him. Stay here.” Logan took the file from her hand and left to see Henry.



As he reached outside his office, he knocked on the door before entering in. Henry- was on his chair with his back

toward him.

“When will understand the company ethics? You scolded

ethics? You scolded your secretaryso


badly that Hope couldn't summon her courage to cinside,” said Logan and stopped in front of the desk.

Henry turned around on his chair and rose to his feet. “Hope was here?” He wondered what exactly Logan's wife

heard. Though he prayed that it would not be those things, which he didn’t wish anyone to hear.

“Yep. Try to be calm in this office,” Logan told him as he placed the file on the table. He turned to leave when a

familiar scent reached his nostrils, thus making him halt once more.

“What is the perfare you wearing?” Logan asked as he glanced at him.

Henry was bewildered by his question. “I wear my regular cologne. Why do you ask?” He furrowed his brows


Logan felt that the scent he just got was something only Olivia used to wear. ‘My mind is playing with me,” he

thought and left Henry's office without saying anything.

Henry sniffed himself by bringing his blazer’s collar close. “What was the scent he talked about?” he murmured.

Logan arrived at his office and saw Hope got busy in her work. He, too, sat on the chair when his phone buzzed.

“Grandpa,” he murmured and brought the phone to his ear.

“Logan, chwith Hope right away,” William said from the other side.

“Is everything alright, Grandpa?” Logan questioned, getting worried.

“No. There are speople, who wants to see Hope,” William said. “Just chright away,” he instructed

and disconnected the call.

Hope raised her head from the computer's screen to gaze at Logan. “What happened?”


15:17 Mon, 11 Mar)

Chapter 106

“Grandpa wants to see us. We need to leave immediately,” Logan answered and stood up.

“What? Why? Did something happen?” Hope got worried.



“I don’t know. Grandpa didn’t tell on the phone. We need to leave immediately,” he said.

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Hope hummed and closed her desktop. “I need to take these files with me,” she stated.

“I'll ask Paul later. Let's head to the hforst. Grandpa is waiting for us,” Logan said. Hope nodded in

agreement and carried her bag from the desk. She clutched her hair and then left with Logan.

It took them an hour to reach their destination. Hope exited the car first when Logan held her hand. “Let's go in.”

The two halted in the living room, where they spotted three people. Hope recognized one among them. “Alaric!”

she muttered and tightly held Logan’s hand.

Alaric promptly appeared in front of Alaric and grabbed him up by the collars. “Why the hack did you attack

Hope that day? How dare you chere knowing the fact that you'll be dead?” His grip on his neck tightened

when William asked Logan to calm down.

The two other men looked in their middle ages. “Lycan Prince, please calm down. We are here to apologize and

talk to you about Hope,” said Caspian in his humble


“Grandpa, he tried to kill Hope along with a woman. | cannot spare him,” Logan stated as his eyes shone bright


“Logan, they are here to apologize and tell the truth about Hope. Do you not wish to hear it? Let go of Alaric’s

neck,” said William with a stern tone this time.

“The truth about me?” Hope was confused to hear that.

“Yes, Hope. The truth about you. | am Caspian and this is Edmund. We are your elder uncles and Alaric is your

youngest uncle. | apologize on my brother's behalf to treat you in such a bad way,” Caspian apologized with

sincerity in his words while keeping a tiny smile on his lips.



