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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love

Chapter 231
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Chapter 231 ***N 73% 06:20 “What's wrong?” Ben asked when he saw Susan looking perplexed upon his return.

Susan shook her head. “Nothing much, just met a weird guy.” “A weird guy?” Ben instantly becalert, “Male or female? What did he do to you?” Susan looked at him amusingly. “A man. But he didn’t do anything, just asked a few questions.” “A man! Asking questions?” Ben beceven more vigilant. “Where is he?" Ben seemed ready to confront the man.

“Don't worry. He just asked a few questions.” Susan reassured him with a smile.

“What questions?” Ben inquired.

A hint of confusion flashed in Susan's eyes, “Nothing special, just about my health and strength.” Ben was puzzled.

*Probably he was just surprised to see a girl enjoying such intense rides, Susan said nonchalantly. After finishing her explanation, she smiled and suggested. I'm a bit tired. Let's find a place to sit, okay?" Ben, still feeling weak in the knees from the ride, quickly agreed.

At the nearest dessert shop.

As soon as Susan ordered, her phone started buzzing incessantly with messages.

She opened it and took a look.

It was all from Theresa.

[Susan, you really leftin the lurch. How could you just abandonlike that? [Do you have any idea how annoying Thomas is! [He said he was too lazy to walk and insisted on going on the Ferris wheel with me. Once would have been fine, but now it's our fifth time! | said | wanted to leave, but he threatened to call our parents! [Is he insane or what?! [Ah, it's the sixth ton the Ferris wheel. I'm losing my mind.] Susan chuckled at the message and then calmly set her phone aside.

dd MMA Chapter 231 TO 73% 06:20 “Ben, lettell you about...” Susan began to share the latest gossip with Ben when suddenly she noticed someone waving and smiling at her from behind Ben.

Susan's smile twitched.

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“The beautiful foreign lady, we meet again,” Allen approached them warmly, taking a seat uninvited at their table.

Ben looked at Allen expressionlessly, “What, do you want to be thrown out again?” Remembering the experience of being thrown out last time, Allen’s scalp tingled.

But he composed himself quickly.

“Hmph, last tit was in the Storm Group, you could kickout, but now we're at an amusement park. You're not the boss here, what right do you have to kickout?” “Is that so?" Ben glanced at Allen, then made a phone call.

“Yes, buy shares in this amusement park, as many as possible. It's okay to buy it outright. | give you half an hour,” Ben spoke calmly and hung up.

Allen felt a chill run down his spine. He stammered. “You... you can't fool me. Buying an amusement park can't be that fast.” Ben raised an eyebrow, saying indifferently. “Then just wait here.” Allen's smile froze on his face.

He sat there stubbornly, “Fine, I'll wait.” And then...

Before even half an hour had passed, the amusement park's security approached Ben.

“Boss.” they greeted respectfully Ben looked at Allen with a smirk. “Now, it seems | can throw you out again.” Allen's face paled instantly. “You can't do this..." Ben raised an eyebrow and said indifferently, “Throw him out.” A shriek like a pig being slaughtered filled the air as Allen was dragged away, yelling, “Beautiful foreign lady, | will be back. For you, | will never give up.” Susan remarked, “Is he really a prince?” og&MM Chapter 231 Ben quipped, “Probably got hit by a meteorite on the head at birth.” Susan shook her head, not giving much thought to this little interlude.

73% 06:21 “You will pay for treating a prince like this.” Allen, disheveled, was thrown outside the gate, issuing his final threat.

“A prince?” However, the security guards only sneered and walked away without looking back.

Allen becanxious.

Was it their expression of disbelief in his royal identity? Did they think he couldn't possibly be a prince? “Wait, | have ID, | can prove who | am...

But the guards didn’t stop for a second, leaving without turning back, as Allen thought about chasing after them.

Suddenly, Allen’s hand was abruptly grabbed.

“Who dares to grab me?” he snapped, turning around in frustration, only to find himself face—to—face with Eason’s emotionless expression.

“Eason, it's you!” Allen exclaimed as if seeing a savior, gripping him eagerly. “Quick, helptell those security guards that | really am a prince.” Eason pried Allen’s hand off, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, “What have you done?” “It's all because of that Ben!” Allen fumed. “When you suddenly disappeared, | wandered around and guess what? | was incredibly lucky to bump into Ms. Miller at a dessert shop.” His eyes brightened as he spoke. “Ms. Miller is still so beautiful, just like the girl of my di Eason’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Then what happened?” “I just went over to say hi. But that Ben, so detestable, insisted on separating a pair of lovers. He actually threwout.” Allen recounted with a mix of indignation and self-pity.

Eason seemed to reach his limit, grinding his teeth. “Flirting with someone’s wife right in front of them, and you just got thrown out, not beaten up or maimed. You're actually quite lucky.” “Eason!” Allen looked at him in disbelief. “You're siding with an outsider! You're no longer my best friend. I'm going to remove you from my friend list.” “The feeling is mutual,” Eason said, turning to leave.

dd MM Chapter 231 “Hey, wait for me...” Allen jogged after him. “Eason, do you think Ms. Miller could actually be your sister?” 73% 06:21 At the mention of Susan, a brief smile flickered across Eason’s face, but then his expression turned grave again.

“What's wrong?” Allen asked curiously.

Eason pursed his lips. “After arriving in Coraland, | looked into Susan's background. Her father is Carl, her mother is Jane, and she has a fraternal twin sister, Yana. Her family background is quite clear.” “So, she’s not your sister?” Eason hesitated. “I thought so too, but after seeing her today, | had this inexplicable feeling.” “You saw her too?” Allen was surprised. “A special feeling? You're not thinking of pursuing her, are you?” Eason’s eyebrows twitched in irritation, and he couldn't help but kick Allen lightly. “Nonsense! You know | love thrilling rides. | cto this amusement park specifically for the ‘Eternal Love' ride, known for its intense spins. While queuing, | discovered Susan was right in front of me.” “And then?” Allen urged.

“Almost everyone gets off that ride looking pale as death, but not Susan. She coff looking radiant and energetic, as if she hadn't had enough fun yet.” Eason recalled, his gaze softening as he thought of Susan's sparkling eyes.

Allen was taken aback. “Apart from your family, there are such brave souls in the world?” Eason chuckled. “I was surprised too.”

The Nicholas family has a unique gene, endowing each member, regardless of gender , with a robust physique and natural strength far beyond ordinary people. Furthermore, every generation, both men and women, have a natural aptitude for intense activities. By this logic, Susan seemed like a natural-born Nicholas family member.

“There's another thing, Susan has a rare blood type,” Eason continued, “So did my mother. But then, Yana, also has a rare blood type. I'm not sure where Susan's blood type comes from. “So, what are you implying?” Allen prodded.

“I plan to stay a few more days. Ideally, I'd like to get a sample of Susan's blood. One way or another, | want an answer.” Eason declared.

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Allen excitedly slapped Eason’s shoulder. “Staying is the right choice. You can helpstrategize. | won't leave until | win over my goddess.” Eason disgustingly shrugged off Allen's hand. “Get lost.” JJ JMM Chapter 231 ATO HEX 73% 06:21

Allen becfrantic. “Eason, you can't be like this. Think about it, if Susan really is your sister, and she marries me, we'll be family. You know may character, I'll endure any scolding or hitting without fighting back after marriage! As for Ben, with his high position, Susan might suffer injustices!” Eason was speechless.

Though the logic was twisted, it strangely made ssense.

Swayed for a moment, Eason narrowed his eyes but quickly regained composure.

“Shut up. | warn you for the last time, if you keep bothering Susan and Ben, I'll call the Queen and report how you're tarnishing the reputation of the Ethopian royal family abroad.” Allen looked at Eason with a woeful expression. “Are you even my friend anymore?” Seeing Allen's miserable face, Eason suddenly felt quite pleased.

‘Susan, could you be my sister?” He thought.

Eason decided he needed to meet Susan again, ideally to have a longer conversation to confirm sdetails.

If he could obtain a sample of her blood or hair, that would be even better.

Of course, opportunities like this were rare, so he planned to patiently wait while expanding sbusiness.

ventures in Coraland.

Eason thought he would have to wait a long tfor such an opportunity, but it csooner than expected.

A movie directed by Mr. Witt titled “Love in Bi start shooting after months of preparation.

in Bitter which Susan had single-handedly financed, was about to Additionally, the movie's lead actress, Rose, was a close friend of Susan's.

Eason learned that Susan would be attending the movie's opening ceremony.

If he could also attend, it would be the perfect chance to interact with her privately.