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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 517
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Chapter 517

When Leanna woke up, she could barely see anything through her blurry vision. But she was aware enough to

realize that she was in unfamiliar territory. She tried to sit up only to learn that she could not muster any strength in

her body. That was not all. She couldn't even make a sound, either.

At this moment, the sound of movement came from outside the door. She quickly closed her eyes and feigned


The door opened, and several people walked into the room. The first thing she heard was Gordon's voice. "When

will she wake?"

Sienna answered lightly, "The drug dosage given to her was low, so she should wake up soon."

Gordon snorted. "I never imagined the day would come where I had to use such a convoluted method just to bring

her back."

"Isn't that all thanks to your son?"

He immediately became displeased. "Why are you mentioning this topic again?"

"Did I say anything wrong?"

"You really... Forget it. I don't want to argue with you. You never cease to bring up the past."

She glanced at Leanna, who was sleeping soundly on the bed. Then, she curled her lips into a malicious smile. "I'm

looking forward to seeing what price Aidan will be willing to pay for her sake."

Gordon answered gloomily, "Just act according to the plan. Don't you dare cause any extra trouble. It will not be

good for us if you push him into a corner."

She folded her arms in front of her chest. "What you want is the Pearson Group. So, naturally, I have something I

want too."

"In any case, we can only take things one step at a time." There was a brief pause before he added, "Freddie is

downstairs. I have to leave, lest he starts getting suspicious."

Then, he left with the help of his walking cane.

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After Gordon departed, Sienna spoke up again. "It looks like it will take a while for her to regain consciousness. Let's


Leanna's eyelashes fluttered slightly. Who else is there?

There was no response. Only Sienna's voice continued to echo in the room. "You don't need to feel guilty. They owe

you a debt, after all. I am simply taking back everything that should have belonged to you in the first place. As long

as Aidan cooperates well, it won't be long before she safely walks out of this place."

A long while passed before a man's sad voice sounded, "Did you really need to take things this far?"

Sienna snapped, "Wasn't the recent situation clear enough for you? Do you think Aidan plans to forgive the Pearson

Family or us, for that matter? Although he claims that you are his elder brother, does he actually hold any respect

for you? Justin, I know the Pearson Group holds no importance to you. However, there are certain things in the

world that you need to possess before you even have the right to speak."

Justin remained silent, not saying a word.

Several seconds passed before she continued, "I only wish you would never need to rely on anybody's charity and

pity to live after I die. I want them to come begging at your feet instead. Do you understand, Justin?"

He said, "You don't need to say such words. What's the point of having such things when you're gone?"

"Why do you think Aidan has been using such forceful means to suppress the Pearson Family over the past month?

Even your father has been backed to the point where he no longer has anybody at his beck and call. That is

because he plans to take my life."

"Aidan won't do that."

"Won't?" She gave a mocking laugh and shot a sideways glance at Leanna, who was lying on the bed. "I wanted

both mother and son to die together to prevent any future trouble. She turned out to be unexpectedly lucky and

survived. I know Aidan better than you. Do you think he will let you survive after I die? Why would he do that? So

that you can wait for an opportunity to exact revenge? Even if you've never had that thought before, he will get rid

of you for his safety's sake."

She continued, "Between the Pearson Family and him, only one can live."

After she said that, she turned around and left without another word.

There was the sound of footsteps; then, the room fell silent again. Another long stretch of silence passed. Then,

Leanna heard an almost imperceptible sigh before Justin maneuvered his wheelchair out of the room.

Leanna opened her eyes again when she heard the sound of the door closing. Her strength was slowly returning as

time passed. Although she could not push herself up, she could at least move her fingers now.

Had she not heard the conversation earlier, she would never have believed that Justin was involved in this incident.

He clearly doesn't care for the Pearson Group, so why is he helping them? She could not understand his thought


Nevertheless, that was not the most important issue right now. She heard Gordon mention earlier that Freddie was

waiting downstairs. So, they were definitely searching for her.

So, she inhaled deeply as she forced her eyes to open. She focused all her attention on her fingers, willing them to

move little by little. An unknown amount of time passed before she could finally sit up. However, her throat burned

painfully. It was difficult for her to even articulate a single word.

She ignored the pain as she gritted her teeth and stood up against the wall. Then, she randomly grabbed one of the

glass ornaments in the room. Her movements were sluggish, but she still managed to inch her way toward the

window. She wearily leaned against the window and threw the glass ornament out the window.

At this point, she didn't even have the strength to smash the glass herself. She had to use gravity to do her work.

At the same time, Freddie sat on a couch downstairs. He looked around him and occasionally made a comment,

"Mr. Pearson, you have good taste. Unlike you, my father doesn't have a good eye. He is always bringing home

worthless stuff."

Gordon held his cane and watched Freddie expressionlessly. "If you've taken a fancy to something, I can just give it

to you."

"That... isn't right."

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"There's nothing inappropriate about it. I'll arrange for somebody to send the stuff home for you and drive you back

as well."

All the guests were gone by now, except for Freddie.

Freddie used his tactless attitude to his most significant advantage. "There's no need to rush. Speaking of which, it's

been a long time since I came to visit you, Mr. Pearson. Now that all the outsiders are gone, we can finally catch up

on the old days."

Gordon's expression darkened upon hearing Freddie's remarks. Alas, he could neither ask Freddie to leave nor

chase the latter away. It was apparent that Freddie had no intention of leaving.

Gordon stood up with the help of his walking cane. "Do as you please. If you want to look around, then go ahead

and look around. I'm going to bed."

Before Gordon could leave, a slight sound came from outside the house.

Freddie reacted quickly and immediately rushed outside. Gordon's expression turned grim, and he signaled his

subordinate to follow. The latter immediately understood and hurried after Freddie.

Freddie arrived at the source of the sound. Unfortunately, he did not see anybody. There were only shattered

pieces of glass on the ground. When he saw the subordinate who had followed him here, he quickly went back


Just as Freddie was about to go upstairs, Gordon slung his walking cane horizontally across Freddie's chest with a

frown. "Remember your place!!"

Freddie gave a sheepish laugh. "Didn't you permit me to look around the house as I pleased earlier, Mr. Pearson?

I've gotten a look around downstairs, so I've decided to take a brief tour upstairs."

"Don't push your luck! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You believe I've hidden Leanna somewhere.

Since you insist on going upstairs to have a look, then let me ask you this. How are you going to make it up to me if

you don't find her anywhere?"

Freddie slowly pushed the walking cane away from him. "Don't get so agitated, Mr. Pearson. It's not like I don't trust

you, but I have to look around for myself. Let me go upstairs and have a look so that I have an explanation for

Aidan if he questions me about this incident later. Unless you're interested in watching him skin me alive?