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Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56

Hannah took out her phone, “Cornelia, can I add you on WhatsApp? I like you and want to be friends

with you”

Cornelia already liked Hannah, so how could she say no when Hannah asked to be friends?

They exchanged contact information, and Hannah immediately added Cornelia to a group chat with

Skyler and Rosie.

Hannah said, “From now on, this is our secret base for the four of us. We can’t let those annoying quys

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know about it.”

Rosie said, “Got!”

Skyler chigned in, “Got it!”

Cornelia stayed quiet.”

Meanwhile, Steven was chatting with Marcus, “Marc, we’re such good friends. Just tell me the truth. Do

you have any other thoughts about Cornelia?”

Marcus lit a cigarette and puffed, “She’s already married”

Steven patted his shoulder and laughed, “So what if she’s married? As long as you want her, anything’s


His thoughts were shockingly similar to Leonardo’s

Marcus didn’t say anything more, just sat there silently smoking and thinking about Steven’s words, “As

long as you want her, what’s marriage got to do with it?”

On the way back to the city, Cornelia didn’t speak. Marcus tried to say something a few times but didn’t

know what to say, and they remained silent until they reached downtown

Cornelia mentioned a random spot and asked Marcus to drop her off. As soon as she unbuckled her

seatbelt, she heard Marcus say, “Cornelia, I’m sorry!”

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Cornelia smiled at him, “President Hartley, it’s fine. But can you please not take me to these parties full

of wives next time?”

“Okay,” he said, his eyes slightly lowered.

“See you tomorrow!” After saying goodbye, Cornelia turned and left without lingering Marcus watched

her disappear from his sight before driving away.

At breakfast, Abigail leaned over to her and sniffed, “Tell me the truth, does your boss Marcus have a

crush on you?”

Cornelia glared at her, “Are you overvaluing me or undervaluing Marcus? With his experience, he has

seen all kinds of women. Why would he be interested in me?”

Abigail and Zack were very defensive, “Our Nelly is amazing, and many guys would dream of even

pursuing you. Why couldn’t Marcus fall for you?”