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In the Lap of Luxury by Unsweetened Chestnuts

Chapter 689
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It seemed like Joshua's and Celia's— appearance was just concidence. They J ——y race thanked Angus, bt she seed dssatisted Angus reassured er, saying, Ms. Lewis, thegins ar notin any if. thresteing.

danger, andthe person who drugged hem has been foun. Without evidencs, wecan'tcontinue th investigation” Grace nodded undessandingl. “Can scethe suspect?” “ofcourse, follow me.” As Angus led thevay a gure emerged from around the corner and passed by.

them. Grace recogrized him immediately.

"Shawn, what are you doing here?" ‘he figure, who wasn't wearing a mask.

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and had a straght back, was none oer

than Shawn.

He glanced up nd madecye contact with three of them. Instncively, hei he document he was holding bind His back.

Ms Lewis, Mi Fulon.

ander remained calm and extended his han. "Why ace you hee, i, Grin?" Shawn glanced at Angus and pled, “Th teshouse vas robbed. {mere to rporcie” “Robbed Grace was shocked, "What wasstolen? Wha wold steal someting.

froma teshouse?” “Jus some precious ealaves The culprihas been found” Shawn glanced a Angus again The latter caught on belatedly and Rodded. "Yes, yes, i's ben aken care of twas Justa minor ssue”

"Managing the teahouse must be tough, ll the res nd thefts 1's rt easy Nondercmpathzed call, IE's no a5 ough as what you gs Dandie cay” Shawn glanced a Grace, Sh oaks thinner than before, with teaces of ingen angeron her ace. He wondered what had happened to her: He didn't say any longer and bid farewell.

before leaving.

Grace dic pay much tention o him andwent to vit he suspest Homeve, Xander ake ol hr. He tured a comer and walked out of the police Angus followed Shaw out and asked ina Tow vice, "Why do Lalvays fel ike you's atingstcange whenever you see Ms. Lewis?” “Let me sign the papers, Office Boone.”

‘Shawn handed over some documents instead ot deal nswering Angus elt rss. “Sou cond Jus ered Havin Group's documents yourself you needed them, instead of going through his vcless process” mot in th foe ov. can't bypass theprocedures? Sham handed him to cigarettes.

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“Wat's Gace doinghere?" He did't sme himself but abvays catid them or social occasions.

“Nothing much. Her employes were drugged” as he suspect been found?” “Yes ound and Inerrogate. turns out she was seeking revengeon sclty” Shawn was scared. “Be thorough wih theinterrogation. Don't miss anything."

Angus nodded at the reminder and ured bac When Shan looked up, he made yecontactth Xander, “Luckily, youre thee to assst when Grace sprains her and 4 lke express my geackude to you He escendsa the seps, being comply [——" Shaws stud fora moment He frowned involuntarily, “She tld sou?” He had instructed he not 10 sy anyehing is reaction made Xander smile *Should't gelfend be honest wich her boytrend? You seem uit surprised, Mi. Grin." “No it was ust small ar. You dor.

need to thank me, Mr. Fulton.

“A small favor? Driving, buying medicine and dealing wih injuries re not that imple. I's nota small avo."

Xander's smile remained on his face.

is words seed innocent enough but wee actually robin, exerting pressure akin to that of a sesoned dective The video of: Lewis rom while ago made myteshouse popula. As oken of tide, t's nly ight for me to help with this small matter “Nowa think bout I, i might have.

been inappropriate. 1 should haveleta female employee andi" Shaw explained casually with anormal expression, showing no ulterior motives.