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Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 1982
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The news regarding the Elysian Master had spread throughout the country within the night.

As a result, every single person in every social circle of the country learned about the incredible Junie.

Everyone left the premises after the party was over, and they bid their goodbyes to Junie.

After leaving the place, the people, that had been keeping their thoughts to themselves for the entire

night, finally gave in to their curiosity. They stopped King Folo, Haibu, and the others, then asked the

question burning inside them.

“We don't understand, King Folo. Why would you appoint a woman like that to a position of power?

What gives? Who cares about the stupid Elysian Faction or her title as the Forest God? She is a

nobody, so why is she recognized in our country's martial arts world? Why should we bow down to her

when I can kill dozens like her with a single swing of my blade?”

Everyone was angry and protesting endlessly because they had been holding in their frustration and

their words the entire day.

They had to be respectful to King Folo earlier. That is the only reason they didn't spew their words right

in front of Junie and her friends.

Now that they had left the place, they no longer needed to worry about any politics.

Hence, the angry and confused mob interrogated King Folo and the others right away.

King Folo had a stoic expression on when he turned to the crowd and calmly addressed, “Do you guys

think that we were actually bowing down to that Junie girl?”

The crowd was taken aback. “I-Is that not the case? You made the announcement in person just now

and claim that she is the leader of the martial arts world in this country, didn't you?”

King Folo shook his head. “You've made a mistake. A grave mistake, at that. Naturally, I know all about

how Junie is just a powerless woman. I am also aware of how the entire faction is just a bunch of

useless pretty faces that I can kill with a flip of my hand.”

“If so, why did you lead the rest of us and bow down to them?” asked someone. The crowd became

even more confused.

Even Haibu and Bapei couldn't hold it together after hearing that.

All three of them turned around and looked at the building standing behind them.

The words “Elysian Hall” were carved on the plaque at the top of the door, and the power those words

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emanated was incredible.

King Folo and the others knew exactly who it was that carved those words.

“We weren't bowing to Junie earlier. Instead, we were bowing to the man standing behind her, Chu

Tianfan,” explained King Folo nonchalantly.

Everyone else was taken aback.

“Chu Tianfan? As in the guy who killed the King of India?”

“Huh... There is something familiar about that name...”

“Chu Tianfan? C-Could it be...?”

It seemed that someone in the crowd finally thought of something, and that prompted him to turn pale.

King Folo nodded and replied, “That's the guy. He is the same Chu Tianfan who is at the top of the Sky

Ranking and left every martial artist in awe a few years ago.”

It was as the old wives' tale claimed. The bigger the pebble, the more violent the ripples.

Everyone trembled after they heard what King Folo said.

“T-That's who he is? B-But isn't Chu Tianfan dead? He was surrounded, ambushed, and killed years

ago, right? How is he alive? And why is he in our country now?” No one could make heads or tails of

what was going on.

Fortunately, they calmed down quickly after the initial shock.

“Actually, there is nothing to worry about. If he was defeated back in the day, then he can be defeated

again today. That man is hated everywhere, so all we have to do is spread the news. Everyone will

come after him. Besides, the battle from all those years ago must've left him with some long-lasting

wounds. He might have survived, but there is no way he is as powerful as he used to be. There is a

good chance that we don't even need to get the rest of the world on our side. The combined forces of

our Grandmasters and our Supremes should be enough to kill him this time around.”

A wiser and older member of the crowd spoke up to share his thoughts and analysis.

“You are right!”

“My master, Hill, hasn't returned, but once he's here, he can join forces with the other Grandmasters.

Together, we will march to the Elysian Hall and annihilate that group. We will also kill Chu Tianfan.”

Everyone else agreed and cheered.

Haibu, however, sighed in response to that.

“Things are not as simple as you think. You guys have no idea how powerful Chu Tianfan really is. A

few days ago, powerful martial artists from all over the world had already ganged up on Chu Tianfan at

Fen Tian's wedding. Guess how that ended? Over a hundred skilled martial artists were murdered, and

the three of us were the only survivors even though we had over ten Grandmasters present that day.

Your masters, colleagues... basically anyone who was at the wedding won't be coming back, so don't

bother waiting for them. Also, just to be clear, the three of us almost died that day as well.”


Haibu's words were like a lightning strike.

The martial artists had undoubtedly had their minds blown.

Everyone bulged their eyes.

T-The martial artists from all around the world? Over a hundred of them, with more than ten of them

being Grandmasters... They're all dead? Even King Folo and the others were almost slaughtered as

well? F*ck! What the hell? Is that guy even human?

The people almost went insane after hearing the story. All they felt was a tingly sensation on their


“I'm guessing you now understand the situation. Gathering the martial artists of our country? Hah! We

can get all the martial artists in the entire world involved, then gang up on Chu Tianfan. Even then,

there is no guarantee we'd be able to destroy him. In short, that man is not someone our country can

afford to offend. His power is certainly not something a single country can deal with,” explained King

Folo calmly.

The men, who were arrogantly demanding to kill Ye Fan, had since changed their stance. Their

enthusiasm and anger were all but gone. All that was left was a hiss filled with fear.

Their recent discovery was simply too terrifying.

A monster like that truly is not something we can afford to mess with.

“If we can't defeat him, then the next best alternative is to join him.

“That Junie girl is Chu Tianfan's lover.

“We may have appointed her as our leader, but the truth is that we are putting Chu Tianfan in a position

to be our true leader.

“Sometimes, a single strategic move can turn the tide around completely.

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“Chu Tianfan and the War God Castle are not on good terms. Hence, it's possible for us to take

advantage of Chu Tianfan's relationship with Junie to get him to join us.

“Losing Fen Tian would mean nothing if we do that. Heck, we can lose a dozen, or even a hundred,

fighters like Fen Tian, and we will still get a bargain so long as we can get Chu Tianfan on our side.

“With his help, our country will not need to worry about China or Western Epea at all.

“In thirty years, we will grow to be so powerful that we won't even need to fear Chu Sect!”

King Folo finally shared his entire plan with the rest of the gang.

Ye Fan had forced him to appoint Junie as the leader that day, but the truth was that it was what King

Folo wanted as well.

All they needed to do was to get Junie on their side. That would, in effect, hold Ye Fan's heart hostage.

When the time comes and Junie bears him a son, we will make the boy the future of our country and

give the kid the best title there is.

That would encourage Chu Tianfan to join us. Heck, it would only be natural that he does that.

As far as King Folo was concerned, having Chu Tianfan on his side was equivalent to having power

over everyone else on Earth.

Chu Tianfan's strength can protect our country for a hundred years. We will thrive with his help.

The other martial artists were undoubtedly impressed after they heard the whole plan.

They no longer wish to oppose Chu Tianfan.

That day, they learned that a single person would dominate the martial arts world in their country, and

that person was Chu Tianfan.

Inside the Elysian Hall.

Junie gathered every member of the faction together after King Folo and the others had left.

She ordered everyone to kneel to Ye Fan and apologize to him.

“What gives? He is not an elder of our faction, so why should we kneel before him?”

“Exactly! If anything, he should kneel to you.”

“That's right. After all, you're the martial arts leader of this country now, and Folo Palace's top members

have bowed down to you.”

“Compared to that, Ye Fan is nothing. He has no right to sit beside you or be your equal.”

Many members of the Elysian Faction were dissatisfied, and their eyes glowed with fury and discontent

when they glared at Ye Fan.