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Kekuatan Harvey York untuk Bangkit

Bab 3281
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Bab 3281

“Saya telah melihat cukup banyak orang sombong dalam hidup saya…”

“Tapi ini pertama kalinya aku melihat seseorang yang benar-benar berani menantangku!”

Brady Torres menunjukkan senyum sembrono saat dia memelototi Harvey York.

Dia bahkan memberi Harvey acungan jempol.

“Aku tidak tahu tuan muda siapa kamu…

“Aku tidak tahu kamu berasal dari keluarga mana…


“Tetapi saya dapat memberi tahu Anda bahwa saya memiliki otoritas penuh atas keseluruhan Flutwell!

“Kamu akan berlutut di depanku!

“Tidak peduli siapa kamu!

“Aku tidak punya waktu untuk bermain denganmu!

“Hancurkan setiap anggota tubuhmu!

“Tinggalkan para wanita bersamaku selama tiga hari penuh!

“Aku akan melepaskanmu setelah itu!

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Jika Anda tidak senang dengan pengaturan ini, saya akan memberi Anda waktu setengah jam untuk

menelepon siapa pun yang Anda suka!

“Jika kamu berhasil membuatku takut, aku akan berlutut dan mulai memanggilmu ‘Ayah’!

“But if not, then you‘ll have to break your limbs!

“Do you understand me?!”

Brady casually lit up a cigar while he talked in an arrogant


It was as if Flutwell was under him…

And he was the one true king of the city.

Paula Baker and the others were filled with glee after

hearing those words.

They really wanted Harvey to end up like that.

“Do you want me to break my own limbs?

“And you want the girls to stay with you for three whole days?

A cold gaze was showing in Harvey‘s eyes.

“Who even are you?”

Brady‘s expression turned icy cold.

“How dare you talk to me like that, you b*stard?!

“You won‘t even know how you‘ll die when I get angry!”

Reina could not stand the sight anymore. She glared at Harvey with a disdainful look on her face.

“How childish can you get, Harvey?!

“If you don‘t know who Young Master Torres is, just look him up on your damn phone already!

“You‘ll know he‘s not someone you can go against!”

Brady blew out another puff of smoke.

“What‘s the point of talking reason to people like that?!” he coldly exclaimed.

“Deal with him!”

A few bodyguards stepped forward with wretched smiles after hearing Brady‘s order. Brady‘s companio

ns also came to surround Harvey.

Harvey wasted no time dialing a number on his phone before he turned on the speakers.

Ansel Torres‘ voice could be heard from the other side of the phone.

“Is there anything else, Sir York?

“Is Captain Williams still bothering you?

“I can remove him from his position right now if that‘s the case!”

Jose Williams‘ face darkened in an instant.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Brady, who had been acting all high and mighty at that moment, was frozen stiff.

“That‘s already behind us, Ansel.

“I‘m dealing with another person right now.

“His name is Brady Torres.

“Aku akan menanyakan ini demi kamu. Apakah dia keluargamu?

“Kalau begitu, aku akan mematahkan salah satu tangan dan kakinya.

“Tapi jika tidak, aku akan mematahkan setiap anggota tubuhnya.”

Nada bicara Harvey tenang, seolah-olah dia hanya berbicara santai dengan salah satu bawahannya.

Ansel menghela napas.

“B*stard itu sepupuku…”

Harvey mengangguk sebelum Ansel menyelesaikan kalimatnya. Dia maju selangkah sebelum

menendang Brady ke tanah.

Bersamaan dengan suara retakan keras, Harvey menginjak tepat ke kaki Brady, mematahkannya

menjadi dua.

Kerumunan itu mati diam …

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