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Kekuatan Harvey York untuk Bangkit

Bab 3288
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Bab 3288

Harun tidak marah. Dia bahkan meraih cek di wajahnya dengan senyum tipis.

“Betapa dominan!”

“Aku paling mengagumi orang-orang sepertimu!”

“Kami akan bermain jika itu yang kamu inginkan.”

“Tiga ratus juta dolar itu!”

Aaron memberi isyarat, dan seseorang meletakkan cek di atas meja.

“Jika Anda menang, Anda mendapatkan setiap dolar termasuk bunga.”

“Tetapi jika Anda kalah dan tidak mampu menyerahkan uang sebanyak ini, saya akan mematahkan

setiap anggota tubuh Anda dan menyita semua properti Anda. tolong

“Apakah itu baik-baik saja denganmu?”

Harvey memasang ekspresi garang di wajahnya, seolah-olah dia benar-benar gelisah. “Kamu pikir aku

tidak punya uang sebanyak itu? Sungguh lelucon!”

“Ayo! Anda adalah dealernya sekarang! ”

“Kocok dadu!”

Harvey membanting tangannya ke meja.

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“Aku akan menjadi besar!”

Aaron memberi Harvey senyum kecil saat dia mengguncang cangkir dadu dan meletakkannya di atas


“Apakah Anda yakin akan menjadi besar, Sir York? Kamu masih bisa berubah pikiran sekarang. ”

“Kenapa harus saya?”

Harvey terkekeh dingin sebelum membanting tangannya ke meja lagi.

“Tapi jika kamu selingkuh, aku ingin dia membukanya!”

Harvey menunjuk gadis panggung India di sampingnya.

Aaron mengangkat bahu, masih tersenyum.

“Tentu! Buka.”

The Indian showgirl looked disdainfully at Harvey.

‘Doesn’t this idiot know that Young Master Garcia is the disciple of the Island Nation’s Gambling Saint?‘

‘He can roll whatever number he wants!‘

‘What’s the point of having another person open the cup?

The Indian showgirl slowly opened the cup, though she was extremely irritated.

“Four, five, six! Fifteen! That‘ll be big!”

Harvey burst out laughing. He grabbed the two checks on the table.

“Pretty good!”

“I told you! As long as I have the money, I‘ll win sooner or later!”

“Idiots! Every single one of you!”

“I‘m just better at gambling!”

Harvey laughed his heart out, the sound terribly arrogant.

Upon seeing the dice, the confident look on Aaron‘s face dissipated in an instant. He knew that he rolle

d three ones—the lowest number there was.

And yet, how did the dice turn out like this?

Rachel looked at Aaron as if he was a clown.


‘He‘s trying to play mind games against Sir York? He must have a death wish!‘

‘Sir York‘s plan is pretty interesting as well…‘

‘He didn‘t smash up the entire place. Instead, he did all this just to cause them trouble.‘

‘He‘s torturing their hearts at this point!‘

Rachel smiled faintly. She got slapped in the

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face by Harvey, but she was still quite satisfied with her Hollywood–level acting.

“You won‘t yap at me about this anymore, right? I won three hundred million dollars in a single go, after a

Harvey put the checks in Rachel‘s hand before turning around.

“We’re leaving.”

“This place is boring.”

Rachel chuckled, and then followed Harvey under the crowd‘s sluggish gazes.

“Hold it!”

Aaron had a horrible expression when he saw that Harvey and the others were about to walk out.

“Tidak ada yang pergi!” serunya dingin.

“Kamu b * bintang!”

“Beraninya kau curang di kasino sialanku!”

“Apakah kamu memiliki keinginan kematian ?!”



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